Nicholas: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 10)

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Nicholas: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 10) Page 25

by Katie Dowe

  “Yes,” she said faintly, the blood pumping through her veins.

  “I am inside you now, can you feel me? My teeth are latching onto those delicious nipples of yours and I am stroking inside you with my penis. Can you feel me?”

  Kimberly sat on the bed, her body weak. How can he do that to her from such a distance, she thought, feeling her nipples tightened painfully. “Come home, Peter,” she said huskily. “Please.”

  “Soon, baby. I am coming inside you now and you are coming with me.” He was breathing fast in her ear and she closed her eyes as she felt his touch on her skin. With a cry, she felt the release flooding through her body!


  He barely had time to bring himself under control when he heard the stirring in the outer office. It was a little after seven and he was just finishing up to go home when he heard the footsteps. He knew he was alone in the building except for the guard downstairs and called out to him. “I am just finishing up here, Smith, give me a few more minutes.”

  “Your time is up,” a soft voice told him just inside the doorway. Peter’s blood froze as he witnessed the disheveled man standing there with a gun pointed on him. It was a Reeves he had not seen before. He looked like he had not slept in days and his clothes hung off him and made him appear thinner than he actually was. His usually immaculate hair stood on end as if he had been combing his fingers through it constantly.

  “What are you doing, Reeves?” he asked him in a calm enough voice. He was standing around his desk and although his phone was on the desk, he knew if he made any sudden movement he would be shot. His only chance was to try and reason with him.

  “You ruined my life!” he shouted, spittle flying from his mouth and Peter had no doubt that he had been drinking before he came. “People are looking for me to kill me and it’s all your fault.”

  “You did it all on your own, Reeves.” Peter’s voice remained calm. “You have a gambling problem and you need help. We can get you the help you need.”

  “Oh, now you want to help me?” he sneered, coming further inside the room. “It’s too late for that, buddy. You think you are so high and mighty because your daddy left you a company and loads of money? You think you are any better off than me? You ruined me! You and my parents, cutting me off like I am some child you can control. But I showed them and I am going to show you.”

  “What did you do, Reeves?” Peter felt the alarm going through him.

  “That’s for you to find out or maybe not.” With that he raised the gun and fired off a shot!

  Peter felt the bullet pierce his skin and found himself falling as if in slow motion. The pain was excruciating! He barely saw the man flee from the office and the only thought inside his mind was that he was dying and leaving his wife and his unborn child. “Kimberly,” he whispered before blessed oblivion took over.


  Kimberly showered and put on her nightgown. She had persuaded Gerard to prepare something for her and he had made her spicy chicken with a small bowl of rice which she had eaten off entirely. “You are the best!” she had told him with a smile as she went off to her suite.

  It was approaching eight-thirty when she started getting worried. She dialed his number and it went to voice mail. “Peter Kamato, where the hell are you?”

  She waited a next half hour and was about to dial his number again when her phone rang and his name came up. “You are in so much trouble!”

  “Is this Mrs. Kamato?” a strange voice asked her.

  “Yes, this is she.” Kimberly felt her blood freeze. He was all right, he probably just lost his phone; she told herself in panic.

  “I am afraid there has been an accident and your husband is on his way to the hospital,” the person said quietly.

  “What kind of an accident?” her voice sounded strangled.

  The person hesitated briefly. “Could you meet us at the hospital?”

  “What’s wrong with my husband?” she demanded.

  “He has been shot,” the male voice told her softly.

  “No.” She shook her head, her hand gripping the phone. “My husband is at the office, there has been a mistake.”

  “Is there someone you can call to take you?”

  “I…my mother,” she said in anguish.

  “We will meet you there.”


  She called her mother and his and they met her at the hospital. There were policemen milling around the waiting room and approached her as soon as she came in. “My husband?” She was shaking so badly that she could hardly stand.

  “Take it easy, Mrs. Kamato,” a big burly police officer told her kindly, leading her towards a vacant chair. Her mother and Mitsui and Charles were right behind. “The doctors are with him now.”

  “What happened?” It was Charles who asked the question. The police officer looked up at him and then back at her. “He is family,” she said briefly.

  He told them what happened and how they had found Reeves Blagrove downstairs with gunshot wound to his temple. “He was a member of the board of your husband’s company. Did you know him?”

  She shook her head numbly.

  “I know him and his parents,” Mitsui spoke up.”We had dinner together a few times when my husband was alive. Why would he want to hurt my son?”

  “We are still investigating, ma’am, but as far as I can tell it seems to be a grudge he had against your son. I spoke to his parents and they said that he had called and had been asking them for money,” the detective told her.

  “I need to see him,” Kimberly said abruptly jumping up. What did it matter why he did it?

  Just then the doctor came out pulling off the cap he had on, his face bathed in sweat.

  “Mrs. Kamato?”

  “Yes?” Both Kimberly and Mitsui answered automatically. “She is his wife.” Mitsui pointed to Kimberly.

  The doctor nodded. “Your husband is a very lucky man and is also a fighter. The bullet went straight through without touching any major arteries. He lost a lot of blood but he is going to be okay.”

  Kimberly reached out and gripped his arms. “May I see him?”

  “He is resting now but you may go in,” he said with a gentle smile, patting her hand briefly.


  He looked so still and pale against the white pillows and her heart turned over as she saw the large white bandage just above his heart. He was not dead and that was what she had to hold on to, no matter how much her body trembled when she thought of how he could have died! He could have died leaving her and his child to go on without him and that had been one of her greatest fears! Could she have done that? Was it on her that she had transported her fear on him? She had heard somewhere that thoughts were very powerful and could be put into actions. She pulled up a chair beside the bed and took his hand in hers. She lifted his hand to her cheek and rested her head against it wearily. “You promised you would not leave me and you almost did,” she murmured. “If you had died, Peter Kamato, I would never have forgiven you. How would you expect me to bring up a child all by myself?”

  “I am still here,” his voice sounded weak and tired as he teased her.

  She turned her head and met his intense dark eyes. “Peter,” she tried to say something but the tears clogged her throat.

  “Hush, baby,” he said quietly, his hand gripping hers slightly. “I am sorry.”

  “You ought to be,” she told him, her voice trembling. “How do you expect me to go on without you?”

  “I called out your name when he shot me,” he told her quietly. “I kept seeing your face as I went in and out of consciousness.” He winced a little as he moved.

  “Stay still,” she told him huskily. “I love you, Peter Kamato, and if you ever put me through that again I am going to strangle you with my bare hands.”

  “Yes ma’am.” He smiled at her tenderly.

  Chapter 13

  He was released from the hospital a week later. Kimberly did not leave his side while
he was in the hospital recuperating. She slept on a cot in his room. “Baby, you are pregnant and we have a giant king-sized bed at home, as a matter of fact several beds, please go home, I am fine,” he pleaded with her.

  “Not a chance buster,” she told him firmly, adjusting the pillows behind his head. She had shaved him this morning and sponged him down, refusing to let the nurses do it. “You are my husband and I will be the one doing the touching.”

  He woke up one night to see her curled on her side and fast asleep on the cot. He knew she had been scared and thought she had lost him that was why she refused to leave. She had been into her store for a few hours each day and had left his mother to baby sit, telling her not to leave until she got there. He had gotten the news of Reeves’ suicide and had spoken to his parents who had tearfully told him how sorry they were.

  He had thought he was a goner and he had been given a second chance and from now on he was going to be spending a lot of time with his wife and their baby when he or she came.

  His mother wanted to put off her wedding due to what happened but he had insisted that they went along with it. “Too much has happened mother,” he had told her quietly. “It made me realize how short life is and we need to live it and be happy while we can.”


  She made sure he was comfortable in the bed, instructing one of the maid’s to get some fruits from the kitchen and glasses of water. His mother and hers had been by for a visit and also Deidre as well.

  “Sit.” He patted the bed beside him. The large bandage had come off, leaving a smaller one, and his color had returned. A lock of his hair had fallen down on his forehead and she realized that he needed a haircut. “How are you?”

  “I am fine,” she told him, sitting down carefully afraid that she was going to hurt him. “I just need to get you something to eat.”

  “We have people to do that. I need you to talk to me.” He looked at her quizzically. He had noticed that she did everything to avoid being near him. She had slept on the couch and told him that she was getting up all the time to go to the bathroom and did not want to disturb him. She was avoiding him. “Talk to me, please.”

  “We will talk when you get better,” she said with a bright smile getting ready to get off the bed. “We have your mother’s wedding next Saturday and you need to be well enough to walk her up the aisle.”

  “Stop.” His voice was abrupt and he saw her wince. “Talk to me, Kimberly.” No matter what, he never shortened her name like the others did and she suspected he wanted to be different.

  “What do you want me to say?” She turned to him and he noticed that there were tears in her beautiful dark brown eyes. She was still not showing and she had done something to her hair. It was braided very small and caught up in a pony tail away from her face. He knew she twisted it every night before going to bed and coiled it around her head and wondered how she managed the heavy tresses. “You almost died and I don’t know how to be around you anymore. I did not want to get pregnant because I thought that what if he died and leave us alone, how was I going to bring up a child by myself? And it happened, you got shot and I almost lost you! Do you know how that makes me feel? I love you dammit! And I almost lost you!” Her voice had risen and then fell into a strangled sob.

  He reached for her and she resisted at first, unconsciously thinking of his wound but then she dissolved into his arms, the sobs shaking her body. He held her and let her soak his t-shirt with her tears, his hands stroking her back, remorse and helpless anger roiling inside him. She moved away from him a little bit and looked up at him. “You did not want to get pregnant?” he asked her softly.

  She looked at him guiltily. “No,” she answered honestly. “I wanted to spend some time getting to know you better before a child came along.”

  “You should have told me,” he accused her gently.

  “You were so excited and I did not want to be the one to tell you that I did not want a child then,” she whispered.

  “Then?” His thick brows rose sharply. “Does that mean that you feel differently now?”

  She took his hand and pressed it against her stomach. “I want this baby so much now that I have started eating lots of fruits and vegetables. I have even started drinking milk and you know how much I hate milk,” she said with a grimace.

  He laughed softly at the expression on her face and felt the emotion run through his body. “I appreciate the sacrifice,” he told her teasingly.

  “You had better,” she told him in a threatening voice.

  “I need my wife,” he told her huskily.

  “I am here.”

  “I need your body,” he clarified.

  “You are not strong enough,” she protested.

  He took her hand and guided her toward his crotch. He was as hard as a rock! “I have been without you for a week and two days, and I am not going another day without tasting you,” he told her huskily.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” she moaned, her hand closing around him.

  “You will only hurt me if you don’t let me have you.” His breathing was ragged as he rubbed her hand over his erection.

  “I can’t afford to hurt you that way,” she told him softly. “But I will be doing most of the work, that’s the condition.”

  “Deal,” he murmured, his eyes narrowing as he watched her slip the soft cotton dress she had on. It was late afternoon and she had been to the store in the morning and came back home to be with him. She had not been wearing a bra and only had on black silk underwear that molded over her pubic area.

  She released his erection and bending over him she took him inside her mouth, her tongue going over the tip of him before going as far down as his length would allow. He almost convulsed as her teeth grazed him slightly and he had to clench his fists inside the sheets as she continued to bathe him with her saliva. He moved his hips against her, his eyes closed and his body on fire with desire for her! She stopped suddenly and kneeled on the bed getting rid of her underwear before climbing on top of him. He guided his penis inside her and already wet with her saliva it glided in easily and her tightness closed around him causing him to take a sharp intake of breath. She sat still and he did not move either. She bent her head and took his lips with hers, their tongues meeting and delving. He held her hips and they started moving together, their mouths fused together, their bodies a combustible flame! He dragged his mouth from hers and eased her back a little bit, taking a stiff nipple inside his mouth. Kimberly felt the dart go straight through her and the combination of him inside her plus his mouth on her nipple had her almost bursting with intense need. She had almost lost him and to feel him inside her and now that he had been spared was so powerful an aphrodisiac that it almost destroyed her control. She buried her fingers into his thick dark hair and gave in to her desire, her body shivering against his. He shot his load deep inside her with a low feral cry, his body shuddering against hers helplessly. He had wanted to wait for her but his body decided otherwise. She followed behind him, her sobs echoing in the room, as she clung to him, calling his name over and over again!


  “I think Angela Katsumi Kamato and for a boy Peter John Kamato.” She rested her head on his bare chest. They were both naked and he was running his hand lazily down her back, tingling her senses.

  “Katsumi means victorious beauty,” he murmured. “Are you sure about John?”

  “Your father was who he was, Peter, but he was your father nonetheless,” she told him seriously. “I want our son to have a part of his name.”

  “You are more generous than I am,” he told her huskily, his hands tightening around her waist. “I love you, baby.”


  Charles and Mitsui’s wedding happened on a clear and sunny August afternoon at the same chapel that Peter and Kimberly had exchanged their vows. It was a small private ceremony and Mitsui looked gently beautiful in a peach organza dress that floated around her petite frame softly. Her wave of dark hair swung a
gainst her cheek each time she moved. Charles kept looking at his bride and beaming in his pearl grey suit.

  “They looked so happy together,” Karen said with a sniff as she turned to look at Debbie. Both Peter and Kimberly were their attendants and she was wearing a simple powder-blue dress that clung to her figure and outlined her generous breasts. Her husband could not take his eyes off her.

  The reception was held at the house and the food was prepared by Gerard and was served underneath the gazebo near the poolside.

  Peter stood up to make a toast. “Mother, I am happy for you and happy that you have found someone to spend the rest of your life with, someone who makes you laugh and who you can cry with.” His gaze swung to his wife and he smiled at her tenderly, his gaze telling. “I have found that myself and would never exchange it for all the money in the world.” He looked back at his mother and her husband and continued. “To both of you and many years of happiness.” There was a cheer from the rest of the guests as they raised their glasses in a toast.

  “How are you?” he murmured as he danced with her around the dance floor that had been erected. She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed.

  “I am happy and in love with my husband. How about you?”

  “Happy and in love with my beautiful wife,” he murmured.


  “What do you think?” he asked her anxiously, holding her around her bulging waist. She was six months pregnant and two days ago the ultrasound had told them that they were having a son which had put him over the moon. He had taken two weeks from the office and had taken her to Tuscany where they had spent a week with Simone and her husband and he had used the private jet to take her to dinner in Paris and they had gone to the Bahamas for one weekend in December. He had decorated a huge Christmas tree with her and piled the gifts underneath the tree with most of it for her. Their house was almost finished and she gazed up at the towering stone and glass structure. He had not wanted her to see it until it was near completion. They were due to move in the second week of January. He had sold the house they were living in and the occupants were moving in soon.


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