Book Read Free


Page 31

by Micalea Smeltzer

  “I- I-” I stuttered. My voice thickened as tears threatened to consume me. “That’s so sweet, Jared. I can’t thank you enough.” I handed the necklace to him and turned around, pulling my hair up to bare my neck. “Put it on me?”

  He didn’t answer; I just felt the cool chain touch my skin. He clasped it and then kissed my neck.

  I let my hair drop back down, and swiveled back to face him. “I love it,” I fingered the chain. “It’s perfect. You are perfect.”

  “No,” he shook his head and played with a piece of my hair. “I’m not. No one’s perfect. But I try.”

  “Thank you, Jared. I love it,” I leaned over and kissed him.

  “Good,” he let out a sigh of relief, “I was worried you wouldn’t like it.”

  “I would love anything you gave me, because I would know how much thought and care you put into it. You’re a special man, Jared,” I kissed the cleft in his chin.

  “You’re the special one,” he breathed, cupping my cheek and pulling me towards him so that we were forehead to forehead.

  “Hey!” Rollo called and tossed a rolled up napkin at our heads. “Stop looking at each other like lovesick puppies and cut that cake! I need cake!”

  I laughed and looked into Jared’s warm brown eyes. “I think Rollo wants cake.”

  “We have to sing happy birthday, first,” Jared swung his head in Rollo’s direction.

  “Then get those candles in there and sing!” Rollo cried.

  I busted out laughing. I don’t know what I would do without Rollo to keep me sane and make me laugh.

  Jared stuck twenty candles in the cake and pulled a lighter out of his pocket.

  As soon as they were all lit, they began to sing.

  I blushed at the loud, off-key, way they sang the song. But despite my embarrassment, it was perfect.

  I blew out the candles and didn’t bother making a wish.

  Everything I hadn’t known to wish for was with me in this room. I didn’t need anything else.


  “Don’t you just looooove moving day!” Rollo cried, clapping his hands together and jumping up and down, enthusiastically.

  “I’m sure, if you don’t have to lift any furniture, it’s wonderful,” Holden grumbled as he and Jared carried in a couch.

  “You have bigger muscles than I do. I can’t strain myself,” Rollo laughed.

  Holden rolled his eyes.

  Jared and Holden twisted the couch at an angle to fit it through the door.

  “I can’t believe you got your parents to agree to let you move on in,” I said, picking up a box and carrying it into the apartment.

  Rollo followed me with empty arms. Figures.

  “I think they were sick of me complaining about the dorm and figured this was the only way to shut me up,” he chuckled. “Lads!” he called to Jared and Holden.

  Lads? I shook my head. Only Rollo would say something like that.

  “What?” Jared looked up.

  “I don’t want the couch there. I want it here,” Rollo pointed to a different spot.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Holden cried, picking up an end of the couch again.

  “Don’t be such a pussy, Sharky,” Karlie said, breezing into the apartment with a bag of plates and utensils Rollo had bought at Target.

  Holden muttered something under his breath, low enough that we couldn’t hear.

  Louder, Holden said, “I don’t know why you didn’t get the furniture store to deliver this shit. Don’t they do it?”

  “Of course they deliver,” Rollo scoffed. “But why would I want to do that, when I can have you two studs do it for free.”

  “Of course. Why didn’t I realize that,” Holden rolled his eyes again and I thought they might just roll out of his head.

  They put the couch down and before Rollo could appraise the new location, they were out the door.

  Karlie began to take the packaging off the plates and put them in the dishwasher.

  I headed out and down to the parking lot to get more of Rollo’s boxes. He mostly had clothes to move from the dorm, everything else had to be bought.

  Holden and Jared were maneuvering a large dresser off the back of Holden’s truck.

  “You owe me, big time,” I heard Holden tell Jared.

  “Whatever dude,” Jared snorted.

  I picked up a box, and since it was light, grabbed a shopping bag full of stuff too.

  I scooted around the guys, so that I didn’t get stuck behind them on the stairs.

  When I got back to the apartment, Rollo was appraising the space.

  “Rollo,” I said, exasperated, “you need to help. This is your stuff.”

  He waved his hand at me like he was swatting away an annoying fly.

  I put down the stuff I had carried in and stuck my hands on my hips.

  “Rolland Kenneth York. You’re getting on my last nerve and you’re driving Holden nuts. Help us.” I tapped my foot impatiently.

  “Fine,” he said, striding out the door. “And don’t call me Rolland!” he called over his shoulder.

  Karlie laughed. “You two act like siblings.”

  “We practically are,” I shrugged. “We grew up together.”

  “It’s sweet,” she tossed the empty shopping bag in the trashcan. “I wish I had a best friend like that.”

  Through the open door, we could see Jared and Holden struggling with the heavy dresser.

  They got it through the door and set it down, chests heaving and the muscles in their arms straining.

  “That thing is fucking heavy,” Holden said.

  “Don’t be such a baby,” Karlie crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Why don’t you try to carry it up two flights of steps with a demented gay Goldendoodle barking at you?” Holden raised a brow, waiting for her response.

  I snorted at the description, finding it too funny to even try to come to Rollo’s defense.

  Jared and Karlie were laughing too, as Rollo walked in.

  We all immediately ceased our laughter.

  “Why do I feel like I’m missing out on something?” Rollo looked between the four of us.

  “You’re not missing out on anything,” Holden said, shaking his head rapidly back and forth.

  “Oh, yes I am. You’re lying. What did you say? I’m guessing you’re the culprit of whatever was so hilarious,” Rollo dropped the box he was carrying onto the kitchen counter. “Don’t worry, I put my big boy training pants on today. I can handle it.”

  Holden whispered under his breath.

  “Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. Speak up,” Rollo leaned an elbow on the counter, resting his cheek on his fist. “I’m waiting,” he looked at his watch.

  Holden looked at us to help him out, when he saw that no one was going to bail him out, he said, “I told them that you were barking at us like a demented gay Goldendoodle.”

  Rollo threw his head back and laughed. “That’s hilarious!” He wiped a tear from the corner of his eyes. “Oh, Katy. First, I have a dog name, and now, I look like one. This is funny.”

  “You’re not mad?” Holden asked.

  “Maybe a little,” Rollo ceased his laughed.

  Holden swallowed, his blue eyes panicky.

  “I’m just messing with you,” Rollo said. “Or am I?”

  Holden’s eyes shifted from Jared, to me, and then to Karlie.

  “You’re on your own, Sharky,” Karlie smiled.

  “Ugh,” Holden groaned, “let’s just get this dresser into the bedroom.”

  Jared and Holden moved the dresser and then left to pick up the last of Rollo’s furniture from the store.

  Rollo’s bed had already been brought in, so I helped him get the mattress on and then made the bed.

  While the guys were still gone, we unpacked his boxes and finished carrying in the smaller items.

  When the guys got back, it didn’t take them long to get the rest of the furniture inside. We spent the rest
of the time, cleaning and organizing.

  The sun was setting when we finally finished.

  Rollo and I were sitting side by side on the small sectional couch. I leaned my head on his shoulder and said, “Looks nice, Rollo.”

  “It does, doesn’t it?” he smiled, looking around the space.

  “Can we eat?” Holden asked, lying on the floor. “I’m starving.”

  “In case you hadn’t noticed, I kind of just moved in, so I don’t have any food,” Rollo said.

  “I’ll go pick up something then, smart ass,” Holden sat up. “There’s a Mexican restaurant down the block and I’m in the mood for tacos.”

  “Why don’t we all go and just eat there,” Jared said, running his fingers through his short brown hair.

  Nobody said anything; we all just got up and headed for the door.

  Since the restaurant was so close to Rollo’s apartment we opted to walk, instead of everyone going in separate cars.

  The restaurant was already full, mostly of college students.

  We eventually got a table large enough to accommodate all of us.

  We’d already been waiting so long that we went ahead and ordered as soon as we sat down.

  Jared and Holden both got a beer. Holden drank his like it was a lifeline, whereas Jared just sipped along at his.

  “Dude, slow down,” Jared warned.

  Holden’s empty beer bottle smacked against the table. “I’ve been lifting furniture all day. Excuse me, if I want to get drunk.”

  “Since when is lifting furniture a reason to get drunk?” Jared raised a dark brow. “That’s the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard.”

  “I just want a damn drink, leave me alone,” Holden motioned to the waiter for another.

  “You’re ridiculous,” Jared crossed his arms over his chest.

  Jared wouldn’t speak to Holden for the rest of the meal. By the time we left, Holden’s eyes were glassy.

  “Jare,” I said as we were walking back. “You need to drive him home. He shouldn’t be driving like this. It’s not safe.”

  “I will,” Jared groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose with his free hand, his other firmly grasped mine. “I don’t know what’s up with him. Something’s bothering him and he won’t talk to me about it. We’ve been friends so long that we tell each other everything, but he’s not talking. I’m worried he’s headed for a self-destructive path.”

  “I’m sure he’ll get straightened out,” I squeezed his hand reassuringly.

  “Yeah… I hope so,” he said as we set foot in the parking lot of the apartment building.

  I hugged Rollo goodbye while Jared argued with Holden about driving him home.

  “Give me the keys, Holden,” Jared growled, already having said the same thing five times.

  “No,” Holden snapped. “I’m fine, I can drive myself.”

  Jared’s temper snapped.

  He grabbed Holden by the collar of the shirt and shoved him into the side of his truck. “Give me the fucking keys you idiot. You’re not driving.”

  Holden looked at Jared, shock written clearly in his eyes. He dropped the keys to the ground. I doubted Jared had ever spoken to Holden that way.

  “Get your ass in the truck, Holden,” Jared snarled, getting in the driver’s seat.

  I looked at Karlie and her eyes were wide with shock.

  “I’ll take you home,” I told her.

  She nodded, getting in my car, but her eyes were glued to the retreating truck.


  Since I met Jared, time seemed to pass by faster and faster.

  Memorial Day weekend was here. We had Friday and Monday off and I was thankful for the much-needed break.

  We dropped Karlie off at Patsy and Dan’s. They’d even agreed to watch Mable for me.

  “Karlie, be on your best behavior,” Jared lectured his younger sister.

  “When am I not?” she laughed. “You have nothing to worry about, Jare.”

  “Okay. I’m going to miss you,” he pulled her against him. “Love you, kiddo.”

  “Love you too,” she said.

  Patsy smiled as she watched the siblings.

  “Thank you for doing this,” I said as I handed her Mable’s cat crate.

  “It’s not a problem, dear, I love cats,” she smiled, taking the crate from me.

  “Bye Mable,” I said, sadly. I would miss my sweet little cat. “Bye Karlie,” I said, reaching up to hug the tall girl. When you were as short as me, everyone seemed overly tall.

  “Alright, we’ve got to get on the road,” Jared clapped his hands together, and then motioned for me to get in the car.

  “Thank you, again,” I hugged Patsy.

  “Have fun, dear,” she patted my cheek.

  Jared helped me into his massive SUV and I waved to Patsy and Karlie as we drove away.

  “Ready to have some fun?” Jared grinned, entwining our fingers together and lifting my hand to his lips.

  “You have no idea,” I leaned back into the seat, preparing for the two-hour drive to the beach. There were so many beaches dotting the coast of North Carolina that I didn’t even bother asking which one we were going to. I knew it would be beautiful.

  We didn’t talk much, because we didn’t need to.

  I watched the scenery change, completely engrossed in looking out the window.

  Jared was playing music through his iPhone. A song came on and I smiled, listening to the lyrics and bobbing my head to the beat.

  I pushed the button for the window to go down, and leaned out the window.

  My hair whipped around my face, and I let out a whoop of joy.

  I didn’t care if I looked crazy. I needed this.

  “What are you doing, Katy? Get back in the car!” Jared cried. “Are you crazy?”

  I knew his question was rhetorical but I answered anyway. “No, I’m free.”

  “Please get back in the car, Katy,” he begged, pulling on the belt loop of my shorts.

  “Let me have my fun,” I pouted.

  I felt him let go of shorts and sigh. “Just don’t get yourself killed.”

  Pretty soon, the wind got to me and I slid back into the car, but I kept my window down.

  Jared reached up and turned off the AC, putting his window down.

  My hair swirled around my shoulders and I pulled it back, into a messy bun, tying it with a ponytail holder I had on my wrist.

  “You’re beautiful,” Jared said, suddenly.

  I blushed at his words. “Thank you,” I mumbled.

  He chuckled. “You are, inside and out, kitten. You shine like the brightest star in the sky.”

  I laughed at his words. “That’s so cheesy, Jared.”

  His eyes remained steady on the road. “Yeah, it did come out pretty cheesy. It sounded more romantic in my head.”

  I leaned over and kissed his stubbled cheek. “It may have been cheesy, but it was sweet, too.”

  “Thanks, my wounded ego feels so much better now,” he flicked his brown eyed gaze to me, a grin spreading across his face.

  “Who’s going to be at the beach with us?” I asked.

  I knew Holden, Piper, and Rollo were coming. We were all staying at the same hotel together, but I also knew, friends of Jared’s I had never met before would be there too.

  Apparently, there was a big bonfire party on the beach Memorial Day. Jared, Holden, and their friends went every year.

  “Jason, a guy I went to high school with, will be there with his fiancé, Eva. Jayden, he goes by Jay, will be there. He used to fight MMA with Holden and me. I don’t know if anyone else is coming or not.” He scratched his head. “Kane and his girlfriend Lacey might come, but I doubt it. She’s about to have a baby.”

  “So, not many?” I asked, nibbling on my lip. I was just starting to come out of my shell, thanks to Jared, but I was in no way ready to be introduced to a big bunch of his friends. Three or four, I could handle, more than that… and I might just chew my lip off in ne

  “No, not at all. The beach is usually crowded with other kids, but our group won’t be that big,” he gave me a reassuring smile.

  I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

  I could do this.

  I could spend the holiday weekend with Jared’s friends and act like a normal human being.

  “You’ll be fine, Katy,” Jared said, reassuringly.

  I swear, that man could read my mind sometimes.

  “Stop worrying,” he continued. “I know you think they won’t like you, or something silly like that, but that’s not true. They’ll love you.”

  “I’ll be fine. I can do this,” I nodded my head.

  He chuckled. “I never had any doubts, kitten.”


  We checked into the hotel and went up to our room. It was surprisingly nice; the walls were a pale blue-green with white furniture and bed coverings. It wasn’t over-done, the sole focus being the solid wall of windows overlooking the beach below.

  A volleyball game was being set up and many people sunbathed. It was so peaceful that I instantly found myself relaxing.

  Jared came up behind me, rubbing my shoulder blades.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” he kissed the back of my neck.

  “Incredible,” I said. “I can’t wait to dig my toes into the sand.”

  “What are we waiting for then?” Jared asked, lightly pinching my side.

  I changed into my bikini in the bathroom, while Jared changed in the bedroom.

  Before my rape, I had worn bikinis to the pool and beach, but since then, I’d avoided both of those places like the plague.

  Piper had helped me pick it out. It was pretty, but sexier than something I would pick out.

  The top covered the necessities, dipping into a V at the front, and tying at my neck. The bottoms didn’t cover up much either, the front and back connected by two wide strings. Both the top and bottoms had pale orange, gray, and white stripes. I looked at myself in the mirror, startled by the amount of skin, and was thankful I had talked Piper into letting me buy the sheer white cover-up; it would at least make me feel a little better.

  I let my hair down from the messy bun, brushing through it, before pulling it back again.


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