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Short Stop to Love

Page 3

by A. M. Williams

  Keri nodded and watched as Jeremy moved closer to her. Her eyes fluttered closed as he pressed his lips lightly against hers. She sighed at the feeling and tried to memorize everything about this moment from the way his lips felt on hers to the way he felt holding her. All too soon, Jeremy pulled back and gazed at her with a dazed look on his face. Keri was certain she looked the same.

  “So, I’ll text you about that date,” Jeremy said after a few beats of silence.

  “Sure. Wait, what?”

  “The date you just agreed to.” Jeremy grinned at her and Keri couldn’t help be return with her own.

  “I didn’t agree to a date.”

  “Yes, you did. I just heard you say yes.”

  “You tricked me!”

  Jeremy shrugged. “Got what I wanted, didn’t I?”

  Keri huffed. “Fine, yes, I’ll go out with you again.”


  With a wave, he walked backwards a few steps, smiling at her before he disappeared into the stairwell.

  Keri stepped into her apartment with a smile on her face.

  “I take it the kiss was good?” Joann asked, startling Keri.

  Keri blushed crimson. “Joann! What were you doing watching through the peephole?”

  Joann shrugged. “What? It’s a valid question. I’m assuming he did kiss you, right?”

  Keri nodded. Joann continued, “Good, you deserve it. Someone needs to show you what it means to be with a man!”

  “Really, that’s what you hope comes from this?”

  “I mean, yeah, I hope it develops into a meaningful relationship. One with lots of sex. It’s the sex that’s important.” She grinned cheekily.

  Keri rolled her eyes. “I don’t know why I’m shocked at your comments still.”

  “Neither do I. You’ve known me long enough to know that men are like tissues. I use them once and move on.”

  “One day… one day you’ll feel different.”

  With that, Keri walked into her room and shut the door, leaving a gaping Joann in her wake. Keri went through her nighttime routine quickly and snuggled under the blankets on her bed. Fighting sleep, Keri grabbed her phone and smiled when she saw a text from Jeremy.

  Jeremy: So, it’s later. Date?

  Keri: It is later.

  Jeremy: You didn’t answer my question. Date?

  Keri: You already know I’ll go out with you.

  Jeremy: But I don’t know when.

  Keri: Patience is a virtue.

  Jeremy: Except when you’re pursuing a pretty awesome woman.

  Keri: Who is she? You need to tell her you went out with me today.

  Jeremy: She already knows.

  Keri: *gasp* and you still went out with me?

  Jeremy: I think we both know that you know that you’re the woman.

  Keri: It isn’t polite to assume.

  Jeremy: You can assume all you want right now.

  Keri: I’ll keep that in mind.

  Jeremy: You still haven’t given me anything to go on for a second date.

  Keri: It’ll happen when it happens.

  Jeremy: I can live with that. See you next weekend?

  Keri: Yep.

  Jeremy: Good night beautiful. I can’t wait to see you again. :)

  Joann: I can hear your phone vibrating all the way from my room. Or is that your vibrator?

  Keri: Joann!

  Joann: What? It was so constant I wasn’t sure which it was. Or, maybe your phone is your vibrator?

  Keri: Good night, Joann.



  Troy: Dude, where are you?

  Troy: Why don’t you respond? I need to tell you about this hottie I saw earlier.

  Jeremy: I was out.

  Troy: Well, that explains everything.

  Jeremy: Good.

  Troy: Sarcasm. That was sarcasm.

  Jeremy: If you have to explain it, is it really?

  Troy: You need to get laid.

  Jeremy: I’m fine on my own.

  Troy: Right…five-fingered Sally helping you out?

  Jeremy: Dick.

  Troy: Yes, I have one.

  Jeremy: What do you want?

  Troy: I met a smoking hottie earlier.

  Jeremy: You meet one every week.

  Troy: This one is different.

  Jeremy: How? She didn’t fall to her knees immediately?

  Troy: She ignored me actually.

  Jeremy: So, you’re pissed she didn’t give you the time of day?

  Troy: No. I’m proud she didn’t. I have to have her.

  Jeremy: Have her?

  Troy: Yeah. Gotta get her out of my system, you know?

  Jeremy: Classy.

  Troy: Not all of us can be as in-touch with our emotional side as you.

  Jeremy: Fuck you.

  Troy: Sorry, you’re not my type.

  Jeremy sighed as he returned to the high-rise apartment complex he lived in, tossing his keys onto the table in his foyer. He glanced around the empty great room before making his way into his home office.

  “Hey dude,” Troy said, startling Jeremy as he walked in and flicked the light on.

  “What the—” Jeremy started. “What are you doing here?”

  “I knew you wouldn’t tell me anything over text, so I beat you here.”

  “And decided to wait in my office in the dark?”

  Troy shrugged. “Yeah.”

  Jeremy cocked an eyebrow at him as he sat in his desk chair and leaned back.

  “Well, you’re here for a reason. Out with it.”

  “You’re so…serious. Loosen up. Get laid.”

  “I don’t need to loosen up,” he told him as he cracked his neck.

  “You didn’t say you didn’t need to get laid though.”

  Jeremy pinched the bridge of his nose, digging deep for patience. “Troy, what do you want?”

  “Can’t I come see my favorite brother?”

  Jeremy rolled his eyes. “I’m your only brother.”

  “Doesn’t mean you’re not my favorite. Seriously, though. What’s up with this girl you took out?”

  “Nothing much,” Jeremy said, aiming for nonchalant. He looked away from Troy and fidgeted with a pen on his desk.

  “‘Nothing much’ my ass. You haven’t taken a girl out in years.”


  “So? This is big! You haven’t dated since—”

  “Don’t say her name,” Jeremy interjected.

  “You haven’t dated since college,” Troy said, speaking louder to drown Jeremy out. “Don’t you think it’s time you, ya know, let baseball take a backseat?”

  Jeremy was silent and thought over Troy’s words. He wasn’t wrong. Baseball was Jeremy’s priority and had been for years now. Jeremy snapped to attention as Troy continued.

  “I mean, come on man, you’ve got all these jerseys framed in here.”

  Jeremy’s eyes moved to his wall which held jerseys from high school, college, and minor league play.

  “Don’t you want someone to share this with?”

  Jeremy sighed. “Yeah, it’s just not that easy.”

  “I know you’re worried about some chick wanting you for your fame, but sometimes you have to go through a few duds.”

  Tired of being the center of attention, Jeremy asked, “What about your hottie?”

  A slow smile spread across Troy’s face. “She was smoking. Blonde hair, firm ass, legs that went on for days. God, she’s beautiful.”

  And she sounded just like Troy’s type. Troy went for the fair-haired and skinned women, claiming they balanced out his dark hair and eyes.

  “And she ignored you.”

  “I know, right? I have to say I’m impressed she was able to resist.”

  “Well, you are kinda ugly. I’m not.”

  Troy threw a paperclip at him. “Fuck off!”

  Jeremy laughed as he batted it from the air. “What’s your plan? If she ignored you, I don�
�t know that you can convince her to give you the time of day.”

  “I overheard her telling someone she’d be back tomorrow. So, I’ll work my magic then.”

  “What magic is this?”

  “Can’t give my secrets away, man. Mystery is a good thing.”

  Troy stayed for a few more minutes before leaving. Alone again, Jeremy opened his browser. He stared at the blank page as he tried to think of a fun date idea for mid-winter in Seattle. He drew a blank.

  Not able to think of anything, he texted Keri.

  Jeremy: So, it’s later. Date?

  At the end of their text exchange, Jeremy knew a display of wealth wouldn’t impress her. He ran a search for date ideas and stumbled upon a local events calendar. One event in particular caught his eye. A slow smile spread across his face. Plan in place, he called it a night.

  When he woke the next morning, he pulled his phone to him to review his schedule for the day. He smiled when he saw he had a text from Keri. He eagerly opened it and smiled wider when he read her text.

  Keri: Good morning. Sorry I didn’t reply last night.

  Jeremy: Good morning. Are you free Saturday before our shift at the shelter?

  Keri: That switched gears quickly.

  Jeremy: Sorry, I’m just excited about the thought of our second date. So, Saturday?

  Keri: I’m free Saturday before our shift. Why?

  Jeremy: I saw something I thought you might enjoy. Would you like to join me before we go volunteer?

  Keri: I’d love to join you. What is it and what time should I meet you?

  Jeremy: It’s a surprise. I’ll pick you up at 11 Saturday morning.

  Keri: Fine…keep your secrets. I’ll see you then.

  He got ready and went into the kitchen, finding Ms. Burnam pouring him a cup of coffee.

  “Good morning, Mr. Glass.”

  “Good morning, Ms. Burnam. How are you this morning?”

  “I’m well, sir. What would you like for breakfast?”

  He told her what he wanted for breakfast as he settled at the breakfast bar to read the paper. Jeremy smiled as he read the paper, his mind on this morning’s conversation with Keri. Saturday couldn’t come quick enough.


  The week passed in a slow blur. Even though his time was filled with workouts and meetings about the upcoming spring training, he found his thoughts constantly returning to Keri. He wondered what she was doing, what she was eating, and who she was seeing.

  Jeremy sat outside Keri’s apartment building ten minutes before eleven. He was excited to see her, but didn’t want to surprise her by showing up too early. He stepped outside, shivering in the cold. It wasn’t raining, but it was overcast and chilly. He pressed the buzzer and waited to see if she would buzz him in or meet him downstairs. He heard the lock disengage, and he stepped through the door, walking up the stairs to Keri’s apartment.

  He knocked and waited, rocking back and forth on his heels. After a few moments, Keri opened the door, smiling at him.

  “You’re early,” she scolded as she stepped back to let him in.

  Jeremy shrugged. “What can I say? I couldn’t wait to see you again.”

  “Such the charmer.”

  He watched as she walked through the apartment and into what he assumed was her room. He craned his neck to try and see inside, but all he caught was part of the bed. He allowed his eyes to wander over the living room and what he could see of the kitchen. Books littered the apartment, scattered over the bookshelves in the living room and randomly placed throughout the apartment. Keri also had knickknacks throughout in the form of framed pictures and other decorative items that helped to make the place homey.

  Until he entered a home this welcoming, Jeremy never thought about the fact that besides his office, his apartment was rather sterile. He didn’t like clutter and he didn’t have a lot of personal things around his apartment. Besides his office which paid homage to his career, the library to his love of reading, and some things in his bedroom, the rest of his apartment only housed the necessities of daily living. Seeing Keri’s place made him wish for a more welcoming home.

  He shook himself as Keri walked back out, pushing thoughts of home from his mind. Keri was standing before him wearing skinny jeans tucked into suede boots that made her legs go on forever. She paired it with a long-sleeved blouse and a black leather jacket. She was absolutely stunning.

  “You look nice.”

  Keri blushed. “Thanks. You look pretty good yourself.”

  Normally he didn’t care what he looked like. He dressed how he wanted. Today was different though. He wanted to look good for Keri, so he took extra care picking his clothes out today. He was wearing one of his favorite pairs of jeans that were soft to the touch and molded to his legs. He was wearing a long-sleeved tee paired with his own brown leather jacket.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  Keri nodded and grabbed a small purse from the counter. He waited while she locked up and led her downstairs, helping her into the car when they reached it. He noticed her look at Jacob and quirked a brow.

  “This is Jacob,” Jeremy told her, “he’s my personal security.”

  Keri’s eyes flicked between the two of them before asking, “Personal security?”


  “I’ve never seen him before.”

  “He doesn’t always travel with me when I volunteer.”

  “And he doubles as your driver?”

  Jeremy’s face heated. It felt like Keri was passing judgement. “It’s easier that way.”

  Keri made a noise in her throat, but didn’t say anything. Jacob pulled into traffic and Jeremy glanced back over to Keri. He cleared his throat, drawing her attention to him.

  “How was your week?”

  “No different from normal, though it did seem to drag.”

  “Drag?” Jeremy asked, wondering if she had the same problem throughout the week he did.

  “Yes, drag. For some reason, I found myself excited for today.”

  Jeremy cocked a brow at her. “I found myself happy for the same thing.”

  Keri smiled. “So I wasn’t alone?”

  “No, you weren’t alone. I wished it was already Saturday all week long.”

  Before Keri could reply, Jacob pulled the car to a stop at the convention center. Keri furrowed her brow as she stepped out of the car.

  “What are we doing here?” she asked as Jeremy guided her to the door.

  Instead of answering, he opened the door and let her walk in. “A food festival?”

  “Yep. I saw it on the events calendar for the city and I thought this was something we might enjoy.”

  Keri looked at him and grinned. “Yes! This sounds amazing! Some girls at work were talking about this I think, but I didn’t realize it was this weekend.”

  “Well, you’re in luck. I found it and thought it sounded perfect. Shall we?”

  He held the front door open for her and they stepped into the slightly warmer building. The room was cavernous and rolling doors were open along the walls. Even though the heat was going full blast, it didn’t do much to dispel the chill that hung in the air.

  “This is so cool! Thank you for bringing me here.”

  Jeremy’s ears warmed, a sure sign he was blushing. He pulled the beanie on his head further down. “You’re welcome. Where do you want to start?”

  “Why don’t we walk and get whatever sounds good as we go?”

  Jeremy nodded his agreement. He and Keri slowly walked from booth to booth to check everything out.

  “They have tacos!” Keri said, pointing to a small booth by the door.

  “Want some?”

  Keri nodded and they bought a few. They munched on them as they looked at other offerings.

  “Have you ever had dim sum?” Jeremy asked when he spotted a booth that sold it.

  She shook her head no as she finished the last of her taco. “No, I ha
ven’t. What is it?”

  “They’re steamed dumplings filled with meat and sometimes veggies.”

  “Hmmm…sounds good. Can we try them?”

  A few minutes later, they were eating the dim sum, and Keri raved about how good they were.

  “I can’t believe I’ve never had this before!”

  “They usually take a while to make, so a lot of restaurants won’t offer them.”

  “They should. I might like those more than egg rolls.”

  Jeremy chuckled as he tossed their trash. “What’s next?”

  Keri giggled and glanced at him with a grin. “What about that one?”

  He looked to where she was pointing and his eyes widened. This particular booth boasted fried alligator.


  “Yeah.,why not?”

  “Because it’s alligator?”

  “Live a little!”

  After some back and forth, she convinced him to try it. With trepidation, he bit into the fried meat. He was pleasantly surprised.

  “This is really good!”

  “Really?” she asked skeptically.

  Jeremy looked at her and chuckled at her wrinkled nose. “You’re the one that told me to try it. I think you should try it too.”

  “I’ll pass.”

  “How is that fair? I ate the dim sum with you.”

  “But you like dim sum.”

  “Who’s to say you won’t like alligator?

  With a huff, Keri took the carton from him and took a small bite. He watched her carefully as she chewed. She swallowed and smiled.

  “That is pretty good!”

  “I told you.”

  For the next few hours, they walked from booth to booth, buying anything they wanted to try and enjoyed the music being played. Each band got a thirty-minute slot, and it surprised him to find he enjoyed most of the music. They were all good, and he decided he should attend more events like this to find more local bands to support.

  As they checked each food booth out, glances were sent in their direction. They were never approached, but Jeremy worried about someone coming up and asking for an autograph or a photo. This was where he should come clean about his day job. It would make him less nervous about going places with Keri, but something held him back. The desire for normalcy was too much for him and he couldn’t say the words he knew he needed to.


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