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SANGRE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 6)

Page 13

by Chiah Wilder

  “Are you sure? I can do it.”

  “My husband’s on his way,” Faith said before Isla could reply.

  “So you don’t need me?”

  Smiling, Isla shook her head. “Colt’s going to take care of it. Thanks for the offer.” She watched the guard amble back to the car then looked at Faith. “What are you and the girls up to today?”

  “We’re going to the store to buy some embellishments for the lemonade stand. Colt finished it up yesterday, and the girls are so excited to get started with their summer business. Where are you headed off to?”

  “We’re rehearsing today. I was hoping to get to the gym for an hour before heading over to the venue, but I guess that’s not gonna happen.”

  “It shouldn’t take too long to change a tire. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there have been different cars parked in front of your house like all night. I called the sheriff’s department about it, and they sent out a deputy, but they never followed through in telling me what was up. I still notice cars in front of your house. I don’t want to freak you out or anything, but have you noticed it too?”

  Isla smiled. “I guess I should’ve said something to you. It never occurred to me that neighbors would be paying any attention, but I hired a security company to watch over me.”

  Faith’s eyes widened. “Really? It never dawned on me that they would be bodyguards. I guess that makes sense when you’re a public figure. Did you have them in LA?”

  “No. As bizarre as this sounds, I never felt like I needed to have any in LA. And even though Alina is a small town, I’m feeling very vulnerable here. I’ve been getting some wacko fan mail, so I just feel safer having somebody watch over me. Goes with the territory, I suppose. It seems that the more people who know about us, the more exposed I feel. I guess in time I’ll get used to it though.”

  Letty tugged at the hem of her mother’s shirt. “Mommy, when are we gonna go?”

  Faith laughed and grasped her daughter’s hands. “I guess we better get a move on it before she breaks a blood vessel.”

  Isla nodded. “I can’t wait to see what you and Carly do to your lemonade stand. I bet you get a ton of cool stuff today with your mom.” Shifting her eyes back to Faith’s, she smiled. “Have fun shopping. I’ll be by in the morning with the lemonade.”

  Carly ran up to her mom and pulled on her hand. “Come on, Mom. We gotta go.”

  Colt came up to Faith and wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her cheek. He looked over at Isla. “Heard you have a flat tire.”

  Pointing at the front driver’s side, Isla rolled her eyes. “Yeah. That’s what greeted me this morning.”

  “You got a spare?” he asked.

  “I do.”

  “We’re gonna head out,” Faith said.

  Colt reached in his pocket. “Do you need my credit card?”

  “I have our joint card. See you later.” She walked over and gave her husband a quick peck on the lips, waved at Isla, and walked over to their SUV in the driveway. Letty and Carly hugged their dad quickly, yelled their goodbyes to Isla, and ran up to the car.

  “I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you’re doing this for me,” Isla said.

  “No problem.” Colt rolled the spare tire over to the front of the car and went down on his knees. “You didn’t pick up a nail. Someone slashed your tire.”

  A cold chill wrapped around her as shivers ran up her spine. “You mean this was done on purpose?”

  “Yeah. Looks like it was slashed by maybe a razor blade or a penknife. I wonder if any of the other neighbors had their tires slashed. Didn’t have your car in your garage like me?”

  “No, I was moving some of my belongings around and cleaning things out, so my garage is full of stuff that needs to go to charity. The truck’s supposed to come by tomorrow morning to pick it up.”

  “That’s bad luck. I should have it fixed in no time.”

  As he put on the spare tire, her thoughts were spinning a thousand miles a minute. Whoever did this has been watching me. They knew Sangre was in the house with me last night.

  “When’s your next show? Faith and I want to see you perform.”

  “Next Saturday. I’ll let you know.”

  “Don’t let this upset you. Got a couple of kids in the neighborhood who are a pain in the butt,” he said, standing up. “Your tire is ruined. I can take it and throw it in the dumpster at my work. You should get a new one. You can’t drive too much on a spare.”

  “Thanks a lot for all your help. I’ll deal with getting a new tire tomorrow. I have a full day of rehearsal and recording, so I better get going. What’s your favorite type of cookie?”

  “I don’t really eat cookies.”

  “Are you a beer drinker?”

  Nodding, he smiled. “I like my Coors, but you don’t have to get me anything. I’m just happy I could help you out.”

  “I’ll give you two tickets to our next show and buy you both a round of drinks. Deal?”

  “Sounds good. Faith will be excited because we don’t get out very much. It’s hard with the two kids.”

  “If you ever need a babysitter, just give me a call. If it works, I’d be more than happy to stay with Letty and Carly. They’re great kids.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let Faith know about your offer of babysitting. We may take you up on it sooner than you think. I better get going. See you.”

  Isla slid into the driver’s seat and pulled away from the curb. After a quick glance in the rearview mirror, she saw Keith driving behind her and relaxed. It probably was those two boys down the street who did this. She made a mental note to ask a few of her neighbors who left their cars parked on the street or the driveway if their tires had been slashed.

  Despite her tire incident, Isla still felt that since she’d employed Sangre’s security services everything seemed to have stopped. She smiled like a schoolgirl when she thought of Sangre. There was some intense, crazy ass connection going on between us last night. A flush of heat spread through her when she remembered how he’d looked at her after she’d changed into her nightshirt. She had no idea that he’d be in her bedroom, otherwise she would’ve put on a robe before she came out. His eyes almost popped out of his head … and he definitely had a hard-on. She giggled and turned on the radio, raising the volume when her favorite White Snake song, “Here We Go Again,” came on.

  Singing at the top of her lungs, she swung into the parking lot of the Fitness Gallery and stayed in the car until the song was over. Keith pulled in behind her, and she went up to his car.

  “It’s totally cool if you don’t come inside because I know most of the people who work here. I should be about forty minutes or so if you wanna grab yourself a cup of coffee and come back.”

  He picked up a thermos. “I’m good. I gotta check with Sangre about not going in.”

  “Really, it’s fine.”

  Keith shook his head. “Even so, I still gotta run this by the boss.”

  “Well, I’ll give him a quick call then.” Isla pulled out her phone.

  “How are you?” she asked.

  “Good. You?”

  “Great. I’m at the gym for about forty minutes and then heading over to The Rear End for rehearsal. I just told Keith that he doesn’t need to come inside the gym with me because I know a ton of people in there and feel totally comfortable and safe. Can you tell him to chill until I come out?”

  “Let me speak to Keith.” Isla passed the phone to him and then leaned against the car, straining her ears to hear their conversation. Keith had rolled the window practically all the way up, and since he was a low talker anyway, she couldn’t really hear what he was saying. She did catch a few phrases, and they all related to her flat tire. Keith rolled the window down and handed her the phone.


  “Keith said you had a flat tire?”

  “Yeah. It turns out that some brats in the neighborhood slashed the tire. There’re a couple of boys who live down the
street from me, and they can be a pain in the ass.”

  “I didn’t hear anything last night. Dammit.”

  “Relax. It’s not your fault. My neighbor fixed it, and all’s good. I’m going in tomorrow to get a new one.”

  “Was your neighbor’s tire slashed?”

  “No. Their cars were in the garage.”

  “Did you talk to any neighbors who parked on the street?”

  Looking at the time, she tapped her foot on the asphalt. “Not yet. I was going to when I got home. I really have to go. I’m meeting the guys in an hour, and I want to work out before then.”

  “So, you don’t really know if anyone else had their tires slashed, you’re just assuming. I don’t like it. Keith needs to go inside with you.”

  She groaned. “I need privacy, okay? I feel completely safe in there. I’m just going to work on the machines for twenty minutes and jump on the treadmill. No one followed us here. I’m sure you already asked Keith that.”

  “I did.”

  “Then …? It’s all good. Tell him to be right in front in forty minutes. You can call him on his phone. I have to go, okay? I’ll see you later tonight.”

  “I have club business tonight, so Jeff’s on the schedule.”

  Disappointment weighed her down. “Oh. When will I see you?” Don’t sound desperate.

  “I’m not sure, but I’ll call you. I’m calling Keith now.”

  As she put her phone into her tote, she heard Keith’s ringing, and she walked away.

  “Hey,” Scott said as she entered.

  “How’s it going?” she answered, stopping at the front desk to swipe her card.

  “Not too shabby. Going for a swim today?”

  “I don’t have the time. Just a quick workout,” Isla replied as she walked into the machine area. Usually she incorporated a swim into her routine, loving the calming effects of the water. If her workout was too strenuous, she’d just float on her back and let the water soothe and cradle her. If it hadn’t been for those damn kids, I’d be able to get a swim in. And what’s with Sangre? I thought for sure he’d be over tonight. In fact, she’d been looking forward to it. Probably has a date with that blonde. Who cares? I don’t. But she did, and that made her mad at herself and at him.

  She went over to one of the elliptical machines and opened her duffel bag, taking out a towel, water bottle, and MP3 player loaded with metal and hard rock songs. After putting in the ear buds, she stepped onto the machine, turned it on, and started off at a slow pace to warm up. Lost in Anthrax’s “Welcome to the Madhouse,” a hand gripping her bicep startled her, making her stumble and lunge forward. She slowed the machine down and turned her head sideways. A man around her age, with killer abs and muscular legs and arms, gave her a wide, toothy grin. Her belly tightened as she pulled her arm away then wiped her face with her towel.

  “What the hell? You know better than to do that when someone’s on a machine,” she said, her voice laced with irritation. The last person she wanted to run into at the gym was Devin, and here he was, as always, grinning at her like a damn Cheshire cat.

  “I’m sorry. I just wanted to talk to you before you rushed out of here. I’m starting my workout, and after you finish yours, you’re history.” He laughed.

  “I don’t have much time to talk. I’ve already had to cut mine short this morning. What do you want?” She wished he’d go away. He seemed to be at the gym every time she was—no matter if it was morning, afternoon, or night. Does he live at this damn place? Doesn’t he have a damn job?

  “I have an extra ticket for a play this Thursday night. I was wondering if you wanted to go. We could have dinner before.”

  “I can’t. I told you I have a boyfriend, and he wouldn’t be too happy about me going out without him.” Why the hell can’t he catch on that I’m not interested in him?

  Devin stared at her. “Is it that one guy with the long brown hair who’s picked you up a few times?”

  “You’ve asked me that before, and the answer is the same. Yes, it’s him.” Inserting one of her ear buds, she turned away. “I need to finish my workout.”

  “I thought you told me you like theater.”

  “I do, but it just isn’t going to happen. I don’t mean to be rude, but I only have limited time here.” She put the other earphone in and cranked up the music. In her peripheral vision, she saw him still standing there scowling with his arms crossed. Unease filled her as she turned up the speed. After several minutes he stalked away, and she breathed a sigh of relief. The guy just didn’t catch on. Ever since she’d joined Fitness Gallery, he’d been trying to get her to go out with him. There were a lot of nice, available women who exercised at the gym, and she’d even pointed out several to him, but he seemed hell bent on going out only with her. It had become annoying, and she’d decided if he didn’t stop, she’d have to talk with the manager about it. Grabbing her arm while she was on a moving machine was stupid as hell, and she could’ve been seriously injured.

  A half hour later, she was guzzling down water as she waited for her body to cool down. Ignoring Devin, she rushed off to the locker room, took a quick shower, changed, and was in the car hurrying to The Rear End to meet the band. Before getting out, she pulled down the visor, swiped a pink gloss over her lips, and smiled. “Thank God for waterproof makeup,” she muttered as she opened the door and got out.

  When she walked in the building, she noticed Benz leaning against the stage, cigarette hanging from his lips, and talking to a woman. Arsen gave her a high five, Jac jerked his head, and Gage jumped off the stage and came over to her.

  “Jim said we can practice until three o’clock,” Gage said.

  Looking over his shoulder, she quirked her lips. “Who’s Benz talking to?”

  He looked behind him then shrugged. “Some chick that was here when we arrived. How’s the new song coming?”

  “Almost done. I think you’re going to love it.” She turned toward the bar and asked the bartender for a ginger ale with lots of ice.

  “Hey, babe.” Benz’s deep voice washed over Isla, surrounding her with the scent of cigarettes, whiskey, and pine.

  “Hi.” She picked up her glass and put the straw in her mouth.

  “You still pissed at me?” he asked, nuzzling her neck.

  She put her drink on the counter. “As I remember it, you were the one mad at me and stormed out of the house.”

  Benz pushed her hair away from her neck with his nose. “That’s ’cause you didn’t want to fuck. It’s been too long, baby. I’ve got needs and you do too. Why the hell are you putting us in the deep freeze?”

  “I’ve been dealing with a lot of things, okay?” She inched away from him. “I just told Gage that I’ve finished the new song. I think it’s amazing, and I’m sure you’ll think so, too.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Great news. Wow, I can see why that kept you busy. Tell me one thing, songbird. How in the fuck do you have time to hang with your asshole friend and write the goddamn song, but you have no time for your boyfriend? How the fuck does that work, Isla? I really want to know.” He kicked over one of the chairs.

  “Chill, dude,” Gage said.

  “Stay the fuck outta this!” Benz pointed his finger at the rhythm guitarist.

  “Is there a problem?” the owner asked, coming around the bar.

  Benz swatted the air with his hand. “Ask Ms. Fucking Songwriter!”

  Jim bent over and picked up the chair. “Don’t break shit in my place, or your asses are outta here.”

  “Sorry,” Isla said.

  Jim fixed his gaze on Benz. “Why’re you apologizing? I wasn’t talking to you.”

  Benz jerked his head back and met the owner’s stare. Isla cleared her throat. “We better get rehearsing.” She tugged on his sleeve. “Come on. All’s good.” Benz reluctantly let her pull him away, but he kept looking back at Jim, who maintained his stance.

  “Don’t fuckin’ blow this, dude. We need to get the feel of the acousti
cs for our upcoming show,” Arsen said.

  Benz yanked his arm out of Isla’s grasp. “Talk to her about all this. You never give her shit, and it’s her fuckin’ fault most of the time.”

  His words were like kerosene to an already burning fire in her. Benz never took responsibility for anything he ever did, even when he cheated on her. He had told her he was sorry when she’d caught him, but somehow, he’d managed to twist it around, making it her fault that she’d been so busy and hadn’t given him the attention he needed as a man.

  “That’s not true,” Gage said.

  Benz brushed past him and jumped up on stage. “I don’t listen to a fucking thing you say. I swear you’ve got the hots for my girl. You always take her side.”

  The muscle in Gage’s jaw twitched. “I don’t take anyone’s side. You’re usually out of line and way out there. If someone has to take responsibility for something, we can count on it not being you.”

  Benz threw his drumsticks at Gage and rushed over to the edge of the stage. “You want your ass thrown out of the band, dipshit? Iris Blue is my band. Believe me, I can find a rhythm guitarist just like that.” He snapped his fingers.

  “Benz, stop it,” Isla said, holding her anger at bay. If they were alone, she’d let him have it good, but she didn’t want things to escalate beyond repair with the band.

  Pointing his finger at her, he glowered. “You shut the fuck up!”

  Jac strummed his bass. “Forget the damn drama and let’s get going. I have somewhere to be at three.”

  Benz shook his head. “What the fuck do you have to do in this stupid cow-town?”

  “Raise it up a bit,” Jac said to the sound man. He played the intro to “Let There Be Rock” by AC/DC and gave the thumbs up to the engineer. “You’re up.” He pointed to Arsen then looked at Benz, who stood staring at him, the microphone dangling from his hand. “By the way, it’s none of your damn business what I do after rehearsal. Let’s just get outta high school and get shit done.”

  Isla bit her inner cheek to keep from laughing. Jac didn’t say much, but when he did, he nailed it. She jumped up on stage and took the mike from Benz then walked over to the stand. While she was adjusting it, waiting for her turn for sound check, she saw the woman who was talking with Benz when she came in approach the stage.


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