Dreaming of California (Daniels Family Book 4)

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Dreaming of California (Daniels Family Book 4) Page 4

by KL Donn

  Fisting my hands with his flesh, I close my eyes and savor the sensations rushing through me as I continue to pump relentlessly. Never in the same speed or ferocity twice. I keep him guessing.

  “Do you like it, Rome?” I hear Cali’s lyrical voice as she whispers to the lover between us. “Is Silas making you hard again?”

  We both groan as she talks. I never knew our girl was such a fucking siren.

  “You trying to kill me, California?” Rome groans as I slam into him again with bruising force. Opening my eyes, I see she’s rolled over to her back now and leans up to kiss him.

  “Only in the same way you guys do it to me,” she murmurs against his lips before getting to her knees and pushing his back into my chest again. “Right, Silas? You both kiss and touch and tease until I can’t see straight. Then you push me until my body is on fire, and I’m an orgasmic mess lying on the floor watching one man I love driving his own desire into the other man I love.”

  Reaching forward, I grasp the strands of her hair and pull her forward until our lips are inches apart over Rome’s shoulder. “You telling me you don’t like it, gypsy girl?”

  “Oh, I love it,” she purrs. “What I’d love more is if you fucked him just a little harder and made him scream as well as you both make me.”

  Standing up, she looks down at us before turning her back and sauntering away towards the stairs. “I’ll be in the shower when you’re ready.” We watch as she disappears, the only sound, our heavy breathing. As much as I enjoy being intimate with Rome and him with me, we both know that she is the center of our universe.

  “That ass, man,” Rome moans when I start moving again, leisurely pumping in and out until I feel my impending release.

  “I’m going to fucking come.” Without any more warning than that, I lose complete control and unload into Roman. He reaches back, holding my hips and pulling me closer as I throb inside of him.

  Slowly withdrawing, Rome turns to face me, a satisfied smile across his lips. “I’ve been dreaming of that for fucking years,” he confesses, and I narrow my eyes.

  “How many years?” My skepticism is clear as I grip the back of his neck and pull him closer, so our heads are touching.

  “You remember Seoul?”

  I have to count back the years in my head. “Five years?” I groan, imagining how painful it must have been for him. “Too fucking long, Rome.”

  He shrugs and stands. “Doesn’t matter now. We have everything, starting with the magical creature upstairs.” He’s right.

  Not much point in living in the past or with regret. Rushing up the stairs, we can hear the water running and don’t hesitate to join Cali in the shower. For the first time in my life, I feel a spark of hope for the future as we bathe the woman we love between us.

  Chapter 5


  Over the last few days, the three of us have grown into a routine. In the mornings, we drop Cali off at the diner she works at, then we come to Deviant Studios, where we’ve been monitoring security and offering suggestions for upgrades. Nine times out of ten, Cali ends up catching a ride home on her own because we spend close to ten to twelve hours a day at work.

  They’re a newer company and acknowledge that they have lax security and are working hard to get it upgraded after having four box office hits last year and nearly six more this year. With success comes threats.

  Which brings me to my current problem.

  April Anne.

  One of the two female leads in this new girl power comedy shitshow they’ve got going on. My job is to secure the trailers on set for the cast with new locks, alarmed windows, and ensure they’re secure. Ms. Anne thinks she can hip-sway her way into my pants. No matter how many times I’ve told her I’m happily taken, she isn’t getting the hint. I know Si would be blunt and rude about getting her off his back, but that’s not really my style.

  Or it didn’t use to be.

  “Knock, knock.” I pound on her trailer door instead of knocking and opening it. I learned early on that she is sprawled out naked on the couch when she says come in.

  “Come in!” she calls, and I’m not falling for it twice. Hearing a laugh behind me, I turn to see Si watching. He knows all about this morning’s debacle and can’t wait to tell Cali; if he hasn’t already. I’d rather he didn’t.

  “Sorry, Ms. Anne. You need to come out first.” Hearing stomping footsteps, I step back, knowing the door is about to fly open.

  “Oh, come on, Rome, baby, you know you want to come in. Especially when we’re both in here.” A second giggle alerts me to Kayla Keefer’s presence as they stride out of the trailer in their loosely tied robes. Kayla is April’s co-star, and they are thick as thieves. As devious too.

  Wrapping their arms around each of mine, I step back and wiggle free of their holds, beyond annoyed by their lack of respect for my wishes. “Look,” the word comes out harshly. “I have a girlfriend. In fact, I have a boyfriend too. Both of whom satisfy me more than either of you could together or alone. Touch me again, and I’ll have you removed from the area when I’m around. Got it?”

  Kayla scrunches her nose in disgust.

  April huffs and crosses her arms. “A girlfriend and a boyfriend? You cheat. I don’t want you now.” Flipping her hair, they’re about to walk off when I feel Si’s hand on my shoulder.

  “Actually, we share the girlfriend, and she shares us. Ain’t no secrets between us.” The girls share a look before sauntering off.

  “You know they’re about to spread that shit around, right?” I warn him.

  Si rolls his eyes, “I don’t fucking care. The more who know, the better. Then they’ll leave us the fuck alone, and Cali won’t have to come and kill some starlet. Because you know she will.” We share a laugh. He’s not wrong. Cali has a wicked streak a mile wide and wouldn’t hesitate to give one of these girls a piece of her mind and take a pound of flesh.

  “You just have these two trailers left?” Si points to April’s personal one and her hair one.

  “Yeah, then we can get out of here and write up the report.” Changing locks and windows on the small mobile structures is easy enough. However, when it comes to the external security, it’s a bit more technical, and they need a detailed report of our recommendations.

  Over the past few months, the studio has received threats to their leading ladies and wants things done ASAP. I already have the new security system ordered from a guy we know in DC that does high-tech defense for politicians, technology companies, and hotel chains. Jordan Maxwell is one of the best in the business.

  April and Kayla are so cocky, though, that they don’t listen to anyone’s advice regarding the threats on them and other stars. They party, they cuddle up to complete strangers. They make it their mission to ditch the protection details given to them. But after the people Si hired get here tomorrow, these two won’t be able to get away. As Marines, they’re trained for just such situations.

  “Done.” I slam the door shut behind me, and we head to our office to grab our bags and get the hell out of here. We’re hoping to pick Cali up tonight because she grabbed a late shift with her friend Calla.

  As we’re walking out, our steps slow when we notice a man in a hooded shirt enter the stage door and walk along the far wall. Trying to remain in the shadows.

  “You seeing this?” I ask Si as he’s discretely pulling the gun from his waistband. Following suit, we circle around the intruder from the back, but we’re too late.

  “You killed my wife and baby!” the man screams as he pulls out an automatic pistol, firing at April and Kayla as they’re standing near the buffet table.

  Si and I unload at the same time he does. It doesn’t matter; though, it’s all over. Blood has been shed. Bodies lie lifeless.


  Humming as I wash the dishes I just used for dinner, I’m startled when I hear, “Cali!” screamed, and I drop a plate, shattering it. “Cali, hurry up!” Calla’s voice is panicked.

u made me break a…” My mouth drops open when I see the small TV above the counter. The reporter is in front of Deviant Studios with flashing lights. “Turn it up,” I croak when I see “three dead” flash across the bottom of the screen.

  “If you’re just tuning in, I’m at Deviant Studios, where there’s been a shooting. We can confirm at least three are dead. No idea who the victims are or if there are more injured. We can confirm that the scene is contained as officers have been coming and going for the last hour. The coroner is now exiting with the bodies…”

  Vomit climbs up my throat at the reporter’s words, and when I see the stretchers coming out of the building, I collapse onto a stool. Horror washes through me, and I can hear people talking. The reporter, Calla, our boss. But none of it computes.

  Roman and Silas were there tonight. I was texting with them earlier in the day. Si was laughing about one of the stars having a crush on Rome.

  The reporter continues, “We’re receiving information from inside that the shooter was there for revenge. Two of the cast members were in an accident three years ago that killed the man’s pregnant wife. Drunk driving was the result. Fines were handed out, but no true justice was served. We don’t know yet if one of the victims is the gunman.”

  “I have to…I have to go. I have to go there. Rome and Si…” I can barely string two words together, and I don’t know how I’m going to get there.

  “I’ve got this. You guys take her, Calla.” Our boss waves as I see Jace come through the front door.

  “Everything’s going to be fine.” He smiles at me with worry in his eyes as he and Calla help me out to his truck. I want to believe it, but I don’t think I can.

  This is every fear I’ve ever had brought to life, living and breathing inside of me. This is why I hated their previous jobs. I knew that if either of them were injured or killed in the line of duty, it’d take forever for someone to tell me.

  Now, here we are, anyways, but they’re an hour away, and I don’t feel like I take a full breath the entire way.

  Jace keeps the radio off, so we don’t hear anything, I presume, but my imagination kicks into overdrive, and I’m thinking worst-case scenario.

  My eyes remain glued to the lines of the road. It’s distracting, and when I look up at the flashing lights, panic bubbles to the surface, and I begin hyperventilating. Feeling the breeze as the door is opened, I jump out and bend over the side of the truck, leaning my head on the cool aluminum and close my eyes. Counting my breaths, the dizziness begins to fade, and I slowly stand erect again.

  “I can do this,” I mutter as I turn around. Calla and Jace are on either side of me for support. “I can do this.”

  “We’re right here, Cali. I’m sure your guys are fine.” Calla’s reassuring words have a slight tremble, giving away her doubt.

  Everyone’s faces blend together in a sea of loss and desperation as we make our way through the crowds. At the police line, Jace talks to the officer, explaining about Rome and Silas. He flashes me a look of pity and sympathy, and I think I feel my heart crack wide open.

  “Noooo!” I scream and drop to the ground, unable to hold myself up any longer as grief and regret fracture my soul. I held them off; I pushed them away for so long. We barely had any time together, and now they’re gone. Never to be mine again.

  “Cali?!” I hear my name but don’t comprehend the voice. “Cali, where are you?” Looking up, I can’t see through the blanket of tears pouring down my face like a waterfall.

  “Come on, gypsy girl, tell us where you are.” It can’t be.

  “Silas? Roman?” I call their names, and suddenly, they’re there. In front of me. Ripping apart the police tape in their way and gathering me up from the ground and into their arms.

  “What are you doing here?” Si reprimands. “We’ve been calling you, over and over. Texting. We’re fine, California.” I shake my head as he lays kisses along my cheeks and lips.

  “I thought I’d lost you. Both of you.” My head swivels back and forth. “I felt like I’d died.” I still feel like someone has shredded my heart.

  “No way, Cali. We’re not going anywhere for a long-ass time,” Rome murmurs into my ear, kissing along my neck. “We love you too much to leave you.”

  “He’s right. There isn’t a damn force on earth that could make us leave you,” Si agrees.

  “I’m so sorry.” I hiccup.

  “For what?” They ask at the same time.

  “For pushing you away for so many months. For being stubborn. For making you chase me across the country.” I have so many regrets.

  “We enjoyed the chase,” Rome teases.

  “You were worth it.” Si pulls us both closer. “But put us out of our fucking misery and say you’ll marry us.” It’s not a question.

  “Yes,” I reply because it’s everything I’ve ever wanted.



  One Year Later.

  The sun is setting over the cliffs in Santorini, Greece, as I walk down the aisle. My cousin Noah is holding me upright because even though I’m ready—I’m dying to give these men, my men, my heart, body, and soul—I’ve never been more nervous.

  After that night a year ago, the shooting that changed Deviant Studios, we realized that our trio was exactly what the three of us wanted. I told Si and Rome that I was planning this wedding. That even though it wasn’t the event that I cared about, it was the action and the people we shared our day with that would make it special, and I was only doing it once.

  They both took it in stride and began talking about some of the places they’d traveled. As soon as they described Santorini to me, I knew this was it. I also knew that we would have to wait until Noah and Ember could travel with baby Emilia because they’re my only relatives. As it turns out, they’re also the only family Si and Rome have apart from old special forces buddies.

  We’re not perfect, far from it. But the three of us will create a family so large and wonderful that they’ll never experience any of the loneliness that we have.

  As Noah hands me off to my men, I stare out across the horizon at the crystalline blue sea, the vibrant colors of the setting sun, and I know that even though this day is coming to an end, our lives are only beginning together.

  The End!

  Thank you for reading Dreaming of California. If you enjoyed the Daniels Family series, I recommend the Uncontrolled Heroes next. You can find a complete list of my books, along with series lists and reading orders on my website.

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  About the Author

  Hey, I'm Krystal. I write as USA Today Bestselling Author KL Donn. I'm stoked you've grabbed one of my books and I really hope you enjoyed the story!

  A little about me:

  Perpetual romantic.

  Coffee addict.

  I speak sarcasm more often than not.

  Gimme an action flick over a romance. But a romance book over action. I'm weird like that.

  Did I mention coffee addict?

  Closet shopaholic.

  Beach lover.

  Coffee addict, it bears repeating. Again.

  Husband obsessed. Mine that is, you can keep yours.

  Mom of 6, well 7 if you count the husband. Oh and 2 of those are a cat & dog.

  I love to connect with my readers so feel free to find me on any and all social media platforms you use! I can’t promise to be sane, or not swear a lot, but I’ll be extra happy to hear from you!

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  Also by KL Donn

  Mafia Made

  His Kingdom | Her Empire | His Jailbird

  Task Force 779

  Missing in Action | Explosive Encounter | Nowhere To Run

  Neighbor Novels<
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  Possessive Neighbor

  Power of Vashchenko

  Taking Emmaline

  Uncontrolled Heroes

  A Girl Worth Fighting For | The Girl Who was Meant to be Mine | Loving the Girl in the Tutu

  Daniels Family

  Until Arsen | With Kol | Embers Falling | Before Noah | Dreaming of California

  Those Malcolm Boys

  Obsessive Addiction | Accidental Obsession | Arrogantly Obsessed

  Adair Empire

  King | Luther | Castiel | Atticus | Carver | Grasping For Air

  Timeless Love

  Once Upon A Time | Happily Ever After

  In His Arms Series

  Safe, In His Arms | Bullied, In His Arms | Coached, In His Arms

  Naughty Tales

  Dirty | Treat Me | Snowed In | Cuffed

  The Protectors Series

  Keeley’s Fight | Emily’s Protectors | Kennedy’s Redemption

  The Possessed Series

  Owned | Consumed | Unrestrained | Grinched

  The Hogan Brother’s

  One Chance | One Choice | Unchained

  Love Letters

  Dear Killian | Dear Gage | Dear Maverick | Dear Desmond | Dear Lena | Dear Steele

  Stand Alone Books

  Holding Out For A Hero | Love Comes After | Saving Their Princess | London’s Calling | Cowboy Bodyguard | Holly’s Knight




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