Dreaming of California (Daniels Family Book 4)

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Dreaming of California (Daniels Family Book 4) Page 3

by KL Donn

  “What?” Cali gasps, looking back at the man fucking her from behind.

  Grasping her by the hair, I pull her up so her back is plastered to Silas’s chest, and I can sit up. “You heard him right.” Sliding to my knees in front of her, I rub the head of my cock against her sensitive folds. “A fucking baby should settle your ass down.”

  Silas reaches between us, around the front of her, and fists my cock in his hand, guiding me to her opening. Fucking a woman’s pussy together is something we’ve spent many days fantasizing about but knew it would only ever happen with the right woman.

  Cali is that fucking woman.


  Oh my god.

  I can’t breathe.

  I’m breathing too much.

  My entire body is an inferno of carnal desire, and they’re both going to fuck me at once with the intent of knocking me up. I was shocked at first. The more they said it, the more I realize I can’t imagine not having a baby with them.

  Far from a virgin, I wasn’t prepared for how big Silas is. Filling every available inch of space inside of me and giving me the most pleasure I’ve ever known. Now Roman is slowly sliding inside of me too.

  Both at once.

  My heart is ready to pound out of my chest as they move in tandem. Unhurried. With more care than I ever imagined they were capable of. I shouldn’t be surprised, though, because if there was one thing they would treat with such thoughtfulness, it would be me. Both have shown me, every time we were together, how much they treasure and love me.

  I was the stubborn one who made us suffer for months.

  “Please don’t stop,” I mewl when my womb contracts, ready for pleasure.

  “Never,” Roman groans, gritting his teeth and dropping his head to my shoulder.

  “Oh shit,” I hiss, feeling my men finally hit the rhythm they want. My body stretching to accommodate them, and finally, they’re there. Both of them inside of me at once, and it’s utter euphoria. “I’m not going to last,” I say with the first stroke.

  “Us neither.” Silas bites my shoulder, and I know I’ll have a bruise there later. One I want far more of from them.

  Their hands dig into my body as they slowly thrust together, causing the most delicious friction I’ve ever felt. Hitting that particular spot inside of me every single time and stealing my breath.

  My ears begin to ring, and my limbs grow loose before tensing, and soon, I’m skyrocketing into one of the most intense orgasms of my life. I can’t move or breathe, and I don’t hear their words of praise or feel every touch of their fingers. The heated breath they take feels like a million tiny missiles hitting my body at once.

  I twitch and shudder under their touch until I feel, first, Roman’s cry of pleasure and the heat of his semen splashing inside of me. Silas is quick to follow. Their essence mixing inside my body warms my soul.

  Exhausted and satisfied, I can’t hold my body up, so I drop in their arms. Catching me, Silas’s warm chuckle from behind vibrates through my back.

  “Can’t wait to do that again,” he whispers into my ear, kissing along the column of my throat. I nod my head because words escape me right now.

  “Up you go.” Roman lifts my body and carries me around the bed and places me in the middle. Tucking me under the covers, I can feel the mix of their seed seeping out of my core and clench my thighs together. I don’t want any of it to disappear.

  Laying in a cloud of satiety and contentment with Roman on one side of me, and Silas on the other, our limbs entwined, I feel my restless soul beginning to settle. I don’t have the desire to leave or move on from this moment.

  I’m happy…which is a feeling I now realize I’ve faked far more than felt in my life.

  Closing my eyes, I cuddle closer into Silas’s chest and listen to the soothing sounds of his heartbeat as I fall into a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 4


  I don’t know how the fuck she convinced us to do this. That her being out in the public eye was a good idea because it’s a terrible one. Especially in the damn top she’s wearing.

  “Seriously, put this on,” Rome demands of her again, trying to push his t-shirt on her as we stride along the boardwalk on Venice Beach.

  “Stop being ridiculous. I’ve worn far less in public before.” I growl at her response. Rome nearly combusts as he meets my eyes.

  Her woven halter top doesn’t leave a lot to the imagination, and neither do the cutoff jean shorts. As much as I don’t want anyone else looking at her, she’s fucking hot. Cali knows just how to flatter her figure, and the confidence she exudes in being unafraid to flaunt herself is more attractive than I would have imagined. Rome and I are on either side of her, keeping any man away who thinks he can get too close as she explores the vendors on the beach.

  “That doesn’t mean we’re going to fucking like this,” Rome hisses.

  Ignoring him, she talks about what she’s looking for. “Noah and Ember are expecting soon, and I have to get them the perfect baby gift. I was thinking a little beanie with some waves on it and a jacket that’s all decked out.” Swiveling her head between us, she asks, “What do you guys think?”

  “Is a baby going to care about that?” I ask as we stop to look at bikinis. Spotting a hot pink one I’d like to see her in, I grab it and hand it to her.

  “Pink, really?” I shrug. “And no, the baby won’t care, but I want it to be something different than anyone else will get.” Cali swaps the suit out for her size and grabs a crisp white floppy sunhat to go with it. Paying for the items, I clasp my hand with hers as Rome brushes the hair back from her face.

  “Put me out of my misery here, gypsy girl.” Her smile widens as she leans up on her tiptoes and kisses Rome. Deeply, seductively. Standing behind her, I have to adjust my shorts because of the heat coming off the two of them.

  Rome’s hands mess up her hair as they dive into her locks, and she moans when he pulls her closer. “You two going to fuck here too?” I quip, not entirely kidding.

  Drawing back, Cali turns in my arms, leans up, and murmurs against my lips, “That depends on which of us you’ll be taking this time.” She’s out to kill me. I fucking swear she’s trying to incinerate me where I stand.

  Sizing up Roman to get his reaction, I can tell from the inferno in his eyes that he’s up for it. I can feel Cali staring between the two of us, waiting for my cue. I can also feel the onlookers staring at us, wondering about our relationship's dynamics, and decide to really give them a show.

  Stepping forward, with Cali between us, I grip the back of Rome’s neck and drag his mouth to mine. Licking across the seam of his lips, I immediately take control. Sweeping my tongue into his mouth as Cali squirms in the middle, her hands running up and down my chest as she sighs.

  Rome’s hesitant movements as I dive into his mouth, swallowing every breath like it’ll be my last, makes me wonder if he’s ready for this or not. “Is that what you want, Rome?” I question, pulling back slightly. “You want me to fuck you the same way we did Cali last night?”

  “And if I do?” I can hear the uncertainty in his tone, and I understand now.

  Blocking the crowd out, I kiss him gently. “Then I will. I will take everything you want to give to me, and I’ll give you everything you want from me.”

  “I want everything, Si.” I nod and grin.

  “Everything, I can damn well do.” A throat clears between us. “You in for everything, gypsy girl?”

  “So much, yes.” A dreamy look alights her face.

  “Perhaps we should head home then.” Brushing my lips across hers, she mewls out her desire and shivers.

  The ride home was intense and quiet. Filled with more tension than I’ve ever experienced, but the anticipation crawls down my throat, ready to strangle me as we enter the house.

  As soon as the door shuts, Cali sheds her clothes and drops down over the arm of the sofa, eyes hooded and crazed with lust as she watches Rome drop to his knees in fr
ont of me. Pulling my shirt over my head as Rome drags my shorts down my legs, my dick springs to life, weeping at the head for any kind of attention.

  Rome doesn’t waste time as he licks up the shaft, dragging me to my tiptoes until he sinks his mouth around my dick. The heat nearly makes me lose control.

  Running my hand through his hair, I pull the strands with a sharp tug, angling his head back so I can look him in the eyes as he gives me pleasure. His hand comes up to fondle my balls, and my head rolls back as I moan.

  Nerves never had a chance at stopping this from happening because Rome knows exactly what to do, and despite my worry that I wouldn’t enjoy it, I’m obsessing over his masterful touch. The way he bites the tip of my dick with each pass as his head bobs up and down. The eroticism of this forbidden act is forcing my desire to the surface, and I know if he doesn’t stop, I’m going to come far sooner than I want to.

  “Roman,” I growl out a warning, and he moans. His eyes grow darker in color. Half hooded and filled with the desire to make me lose control.

  I’m trying not to come…

  Not yet.

  It’s too soon, and I’m enjoying it far too much.

  But it lets loose, and I can’t stop the rush of pleasure from exploding into the heat of his mouth and down his throat.

  “Fuckkkk,” I hiss, my grip in his hair tightening and pulling him closer, shoving more of my cock down his throat.

  “That,” Cali pants as my knees grow weak, “was the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life.” Opening my closed lids, I notice her fingers between her legs, lightly rubbing at her swollen nub. I can see her juices from here, and all I want to do is lick her up and down.


  My breath catches at the way Silas stares at me. He’s the hunter, and I’m his prey. His gaze is glued to my fingers that are languidly massaging my clit, and every so often, I insert a finger into my tight hole. The way his chest rises and falls with each stroke is stimulating. I can almost feel his muscles twitching with his need to take me.

  “Does he taste good, Roman?” I moan as my desire grows to desperate proportions.

  “Like pineapple. Bitter and sweet.” Roman’s description is how I imagined it, precisely.

  Stepping away from the lover on his knees before him, Si holds a hand out for me. Taking it, he helps me to my feet. “On your knees.” Rome drops two pillows for me.

  Doing as ordered, I wait for further instruction. They don’t leave me waiting for long as Rome stands in front of me, his aching cock dripping with his own fluids, begging for release.

  “Suck his dick until he begs for mercy,” Silas growls in my ear just before he licks up the length of Rome’s shaft, catching a pearly drop on his tongue.

  After devouring my mouth, he guides my head to the prize in front of me before raising to his full height and kissing Rome roughly. Biting his lip and sucking on him until they break apart for breath.

  Closing my eyes so I can further enjoy the taste of Rome between my lips, I cradle his balls with one hand and keep hold of his cock with the other. Pumping the silky-smooth flesh with each stroke of my mouth.

  Movement between my legs alerts me to Silas’s intentions. He’s not going to watch, he wants to participate, and my aching pussy is his target. From the first touch of his tongue, I jump and throb all at once. I can barely concentrate on Roman’s pleasure and his cock in my mouth. Silas shows no mercy as he sucks my entire clit into his mouth and his fingers dive deep into my core, rubbing on the sensitive spot that makes me weak to breathe.

  Roman’s hands in my hair, jerking at the strands to refocus my attention, I inhale deeply before flicking the tip of his cock with my tongue. His body trembles as he struggles to hold onto his control. Tracing the head of his stiffness, I slowly suck him to the back of my throat and swallow as Silas continues his sensuous attack between my legs.

  “Fuck, gypsy girl, goddamn.” I’ll never tell them, but I secretly love their nickname for me. Gazing up at Rome, I meet his heated glance as I pull back until just the head of his cock is resting on my tongue and begin to stroke him with a delicate hand. I can see his breathing pick up pace, and I recognize he’s close.

  A sharp tug of desire pulls at my belly as Si nibbles along my lips, his fingers moving restlessly inside of me. I’m overloaded with so many sensations, but I don’t want to lose the feeling yet.

  “Please,” I beg. “Please make love to me.”

  They don’t even hesitate to change positions. Rome picks me up and places me on Silas’s lap as he lays on the floor. Easily I slide his large erection through my folds and far inside of my aching channel. “Mmmm,” I moan. “This feels nice.”

  Quirking up a brow, Silas grins. “Nice? Guess I’ll have to show you.”

  I can feel Rome’s body heat as he kneels behind me. “You got me nice and wet to take this ass, gypsy girl.” The strength in his hands as he cups my ass cheeks, tugging them apart and exposing me to his view, has my hips shimmying back towards him of their own accord.

  Rubbing his cock against my untried hole, I bury my head in Silas’s chest. I want him to take me, need both of them to take me in every way possible. That doesn’t mean I won’t be nervous about it, though.

  Leaning over my back, Rome continues to pump his shaft between my cheeks, stimulating the erotic muscles straining to be stretched by his impressive girth. Kissing along my neck and shoulders, I startle when I feel his mouth open and bite down on the corded muscle on my throat.

  His fingers begin probing where he was just massaging, and soon, I feel the stretch and burn of his invasion. My hips keep moving further back into him, and my core pulses around Silas’s cock inside me. I can feel him growing impatient underneath me.

  The feel of Rome’s other hand slipping down to my pussy and bringing our combined juices to my puckered hole, I try to turn my head to watch, but he’s still biting my neck. Sucking the pale flesh, I know he’s going to leave a sizable hickey for everyone to see.

  Holding my breath when I feel the head of his cock pushing through the tight ring of muscles, I cry out at the feel of both of them filling me to the max. With each tentative thrust, I can feel him going farther, deeper until finally, his pelvis is flush with my ass cheeks.

  “Heaven. This is fucking heaven,” Rome groans into my ear.

  Reaching back, I grip the crux of his neck, holding him tight to me. “Wait until Silas does this to you. Until his cock is sliding through your tight ring of muscles.” I can feel them both shudder, their cocks jump and pulse. “Wait until he’s fucking you so hard you can’t help but scream out your release.” I don’t know where I get the bravery from to put that image out there, but suddenly that’s all I crave. “Make me come, Si, so you can fuck Rome,” I groan as tears of desire prick the corner of my eyes. “While he fucks me.”

  Without another word, they both begin to move. Silas pumps in as Roman pulls out, and they get into a rhythm that leaves one hole constantly filled until I can feel my orgasm racing to the surface, squeezing Si until he can no longer move.

  “Fuck her harder, Rome. Make her cry for more,” he barks out, sounding angry when I know he only wants to come but also wants to fuck Rome.

  Jolts of electricity zap through me as stars dance in my eyes. My body is so taut with my release that I can’t move. When Si slips out of me, I want to cry until I watch with bleary eyes as he gets up and strides around to stand behind Rome.

  Turning my head to watch, he winks at me as Roman’s head presses into the middle of my back and his hands tighten on my hips. Gripping with a fierceness that I know will leave bruises.

  “That girl and her golden pussy means this is going to be hard and fast, Rome; you ready for that?” Rome’s entire body flinches.

  “Fuck yes.”

  I watch Si as he spits in his hand, lubes up his flesh, and gently pushes his cock through Rome’s tightness, pure bliss on his face as his head drops back on his shoulders. When his hips begin to
thrust, I know we’re in for one hell of a ride.


  Cali knew what she was doing when she painted this picture in our minds. Rome in her ass, me in his, and I’ve never wanted anything more. I wasn’t sure how I would feel when it came time for Rome and me to be intimate, but now I know I lust for it every bit as much as Cali.

  With Rome, though, I know I can fuck him harder. I can be punishing and not worry about hurting him because I know exactly how much pain he can take after half a lifetime of friendship. Reaching forward, I clutch a handful of Rome’s hair and pull him back, so his back is firmly pressed to my chest.

  “Look at her, so eager to have you fuck her tight little ass. Tell me how she feels, Rome.” I lick along the column of his throat and see his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallows.

  “Other than fucking tight?” He chuckles, and Cali sighs as she flattens her upper body to the floor. “Every time she inhales, it gets a little tighter. She trembles, and my cock is ready to explode.”

  “So fuck her, Rome. Show her who her man is.” My friend accepts the challenge and pulls out of her, driving me deeper into him before slamming back into her. Cali is so lost in orgasmic euphoria that she moans and gyrates with each thrust of his hips.

  “I’m going to fucking come,” he groans out. Rome’s hands fasten onto her cheeks, and I slide my hand around his front and up his chest. Gripping his neck, I squeeze lightly. “Fucking tighter.” He laboredly inhales, and I do as he pleases, feeling him swallow and gasp for breath as he explodes inside Cali’s tightness.

  When he’s replete and sluggish, I let him go. His body cascades over Cali as her eyes close. “Hold on tight,” I warn as I place one hand on Rome’s back and the other on his hip, holding him in place. Thrusting in and out of his ass, I slam into him in short jabs, already knowing I’m not going to last long.


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