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Bound by Vengeance (SKALS)

Page 12

by Adriana Noir

  “It can wait a few days. If you’re done eating, come clear your plate.”

  Taylor shivered at the forced civility in his voice. It made his husky rasp even more pronounced, and not in a good way. The sudden tension made her nervous and her hands trembled slightly as she carried her plate into the kitchen. Sebastian leaned against the counter, his hands braced against the black granite ledge on either side of him as he watched her. Swallowing against the knot in her throat, she dumped her plate and rinsed it. After adding the skillets to the dishwasher and wiping the kitchen down, she took a deep breath and walked over to where he still stood waiting. Lifting her eyes to his, she ran her palms over his chest. Sebastian cocked his head in question, but his body relaxed, some of the tension ebbing from his frame at her touch. Pressing closer, she rested her cheek against his shoulder and gently massaged his nape.

  “I’m sorry if I upset you,” she murmured. “I love you. Please smile. You have no idea how much I’ve missed seeing those gorgeous dimples.”

  Sebastian gave a dry chuckle. His hands cradled her hips as he peered down at her. “Did you, now?” he asked, lifting a brow.


  His shoulders shook with amusement. His hand moved to her throat, kicking up a fearful drumroll in her chest until he tipped her chin up and kissed her.

  “Mm, I don’t know, darling. If you want my dimples, you’re going to have to work for them,” he murmured, keeping his lips pressed to hers with a taunting smirk.

  “That’s okay. I’ll always have your curls,” she whispered, reaching up to plow her fingers through the thick tumbles. Joy flooded her when he made no move to stop her.

  He settled his forehead against hers. “You’re such a cheeky little minx. I should punish you for your sass.”

  She batted her eyes and offered her most adorable smile. “But I’m cute and you love me.”

  This time his laughter was deep and true. He winced briefly, but his eyes sparkled as he tugged her closer and ground her hips against his in a suggestive roll. “That you are, and that I do, but that won’t save you, sweetheart. I’d start bartering if I were you.”

  “I thought you weren’t one to barter, Special Agent Baas,” she teased, fixing him with a mock pointed look. “Your words, not mine.”

  His eyebrows shot up in a brief bid of surprise, and for a moment, Taylor feared she might have crossed the line with her play. His head tilted in thought and Sebastian responded with a slow nod. She shivered slightly as he stared down at her, his expression unreadable.

  “So you remembered. What an astounding memory you must have,” he mused in a slow, soft tone. “Just this once, I might be willing to make an exception in your case. That’s going to depend on you. The clock is ticking, Miss McAvay. Make your move.”

  She tamped down a tremble and swallowed, no longer certain of where they stood. Sebastian’s piercing stare and stoic features lent no clue either way. Taylor bit her lip and pondered the effect her lover must have on the people he interrogated. They didn’t have the comfort or reassurance of his love to hide behind or help get them through. She did, and there were still times Sebastian managed to scare her senseless. A chill ran through her, and she realized just being in their shoes and seeing him glare would be enough to make her break. Maybe the better question would be how the hell anyone managed to hold out long enough to die from anything other than fright. Especially with Josh or someone like Marx teamed at his side. She shuddered.

  Forcing her thoughts back to the present, she pulled his hand off her hip and tugged him toward the living room. The look he gave her told her he still wasn’t convinced. His chin jutted with stubborn pride, and his lips puckered into a skeptical purse. Leading him to the front of the couch, she lifted the hem of his black tee and popped the clasp on his khaki cargos. He lifted a brow as she urged his low-slung hip briefs down with his pants. Planting a hand against his delicious abs, she coaxed him to sit. The crisp leather creaked, dispelling a soft hiss of air beneath his weight as Sebastian eased onto the cushions. His head fell back and he stared at her in silent expectation.

  “Comfy?” she asked, kneeling between his thighs. She ran her palms over the lean, hard muscles. The man didn’t have an ounce of softness anywhere.

  “I’m getting there,” Sebastian stated quietly. “Yet I’m also growing very uncomfortable.”

  “Let me fix that,” she whispered.

  He stiffened as she released her breath against his skin and worked her way up his thighs in a slow crawl. His hand locked in her hair, and he hauled her closer with a gasping inhale. She chanced a peek at his face. Impatience and need stamped his rugged features. His eyes locked with hers in warning, and Taylor offered a smile before lowering her gaze with a demure sweep of her dark lashes. The gesture wrung a ragged groan from Sebastian and his shaft jumped.

  Wrapping her hand around the thick base, she plunged her mouth down around him. Sebastian hissed a sharp breath through his teeth, his hips jerking off the couch. She moaned around him, loving the way the vibrations travelled through the entire length of warm, soft steel sheathed in her mouth. His grip tightened in her hair with urgent pleading. Taylor hummed with pleasure, drawing him deeper. Hollowing her cheeks, she sucked the velvety rod, swirling her tongue and twisting her hand around the rigid base.

  Sebastian’s hold on her hair set the tempo. His raspy moans bounced unchecked and provided the song to which she danced. He tasted of sweetness and salt. Danger and decadence rolled through her senses, heightening her desire. Her fingers sank into the corded muscles of his thighs as he picked up the pace. Her head swam and a drunken dizziness threatened to carry her away. His breath came harder and faster until his hips rose up to meet her and he pushed into her throat with a hoarse cry.

  His chest rose and fell in tandem with her rapid heaves as she swallowed his offering and lavished his skin with breathless kisses. Sebastian stroked her head, his strong fingers massaging the roots he’d yanked only seconds before. Licking her lips, she glanced up at him and almost melted onto the floor. He was staring at her through half-hooded lids and a wide, dimpled smile lit his entire face. She grinned back. He’d never looked more boyish or handsome, and his bliss made her heart soar.

  “So…do I win this negotiation?” she asked, kissing his leg. The light smattering of coarse hair covering them tickled her chin and she rubbed her cheeks against them with a contented purr.

  “That you do, darling,” he murmured. “Now get up here.”

  “What if I say no?”

  His voice was low and sinister as he cocked a tawny brow. “Do you really want to find out, Taylor?”

  “No,” she whispered, leaning up to kiss the hard swell of his abs. “But I wanted this to be about you and your enjoyment, not me.”

  His smile deepened as he studied her and shook his head. “After all this time together, you still don’t understand do you, darling? Giving you pleasure brings a vast amount of enjoyment to me. You are my enjoyment.” He threaded his fingers through her hair and gave it a gentle tug. “Now lose the pants and get up here. Don’t make me ask you again.”

  “Yes, Sebastian.”

  His chest rumbled in approval. Sitting up, he slung his arms across the back of the couch. His eyes were studious and intent, watching her every move as she peeled out of her clothes and joined him. Turning to the side, he patted the top of the cushions. Her cheeks burned when she realized his intentions. Lowering her head to hide behind the dark curtain of her hair, Taylor perched on top of the couch, her blush deepening as he urged one leg over his shoulder. The initial touch of his tongue was shattering. Hot and moist, it sent a jolt of pleasure through her starved body so raw and powerful it almost sent her toppling over the edge of the couch. Sebastian’s strong hands snared her thighs, saving her, and the house rang with his laughter.

  Clearing his throat, he regained his composure. Amusement shimmered in his eyes. “Do us both a favor here, sweetheart, and hold on to something.”r />
  “If someone didn’t turn my world upside down, I wouldn’t have to.”


  His voice carried a hint of warning, and she batted her eyes. “Yes, Sebby?”

  His gaze locked with hers. Though he tried, he couldn’t hold his smirk at bay. “Nice try, baby, but that innocent act of yours doesn’t fool me,” he murmured, trailing a finger up the inside of her thigh. “Not for one second.”

  The slow deliberation in his last words sent a stab of heat straight through her core. Her fingers clamped around the ledge of the couch as his hot breath fell against her. The textured spear of his tongue parted her lips and she whimpered as it darted swift and true against her. Pleasure electrified her nerves. Colors danced behind her closed lids. Within seconds, her breathing hitched and her body tensed. Wave after wave of ecstasy battered her without mercy. Cool leather caved beneath her fierce grip, and she surrendered herself fully with a ragged cry.

  Sebastian stared up at her face as he bit the soft swell of his bottom lip. A low growl rumbled through him. She cried out as he hauled her off the edge of the couch into an awkward straddle. Her breath left her in a wavering gasp as his hips surged up and he filled her without warning. The feeling of him buried deep inside her had never felt more glorious. A lazy, contented grin played on Sebastian’s face as she gripped the back of the couch and posted in a slow, steady rhythm. She relished the strong grasp of his hands and the smooth press of his palms as they guided her. Already sated, neither one of them was in any hurry to finish. Late morning stretched into early afternoon before they finally gave in and catapulted over the edge together.

  Taylor murmured incoherently as Sebastian eased her down and stretched out behind her. His arms circled her body, wrapping her in warmth and safety as he drew her closer. She shivered as his lips brushed across her nape in a tender caress, his breath scalding against her cooling skin.

  “Sleep, baby,” he whispered. “You’ve earned it.”

  It took quite a bit of maneuvering, but he managed to ease out from behind Taylor without waking her. Wincing at the pain still branching through his side, Sebastian rubbed the bleary fog of slumber from his eyes and reached for his pants. After tugging them up, he started to pad toward the half bath off the hall and froze. His gaze darted to the windows lining the rear wall of the house and a hushed curse left his lips. He’d forgotten about the security patrolling the premises. His eyes narrowed and annoyance tightened his chest as he watched the dark figures roam the grounds, their black fatigues standing out like targets in his mind’s eye. Anger rocked his system. He couldn’t even enjoy a midmorning romp in his own home without having to worry about his privacy being invaded. The anguish and shame of the past few days came crashing back in full force and he snarled beneath his breath. Fucking Laychee. Everything boiled down to him. Every last bit of it.

  Frowning, he draped a blanket over Taylor to help keep her warm and shield her from prying eyes. The thought of someone looking at her and watching them as they made love forced him to clench his teeth so hard they ached. Rubbing at the pain behind his temple, he made his way into the bathroom. After draining his bladder, he washed up, splashed his face with cold water, and downed a handful of aspirin. He studied his reflection, not liking the tired lines or hollows. He’d slept enough over the past week. What he needed now was to build his strength back up—and a haircut. Taylor might love his curls, but the damn things were getting too long and out of control.

  He made his way back into the kitchen and glanced toward the window bay with a shake of his head. Things like privacy had never been an issue before. He’d lived alone, and his gated property was isolated at the top of a winding mountain road, but things were different now. He had Taylor to think about, as well as his own wants and needs. Truthfully, he missed seeing her stroll through the house in a sexy scrap of lingerie or, even better, nothing at all. Maybe it was time to start looking into motorized blinds—something to cover the back wall. Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose. The pressures and worries just kept adding up.

  He dragged a hand through his hair, scrubbed his scalp as he yanked open the refrigerator door, and surveyed the contents. They were going to have to make a trip to the grocery store soon. It was a miracle Taylor had managed to stretch things this far. He glanced back toward the couch and his heart swelled. She tried so hard to make him happy, and despite the occasional screw-ups, she was everything he’d dreamed she would be. As ridiculous as it sounded, he’d known that day in the woods that Taylor was the one. The submission was written in her eyes. He could feel it rolling off her. Sebastian’s mouth curved with the memory. His mythical little unicorn. She’d come to him innocent and untouched with an overwhelming desire to please. He bristled as he thought of Marx, his smile vanishing with a scowl. He’d be damned if anything was ever going to take her away.

  Forcing his attention back to the barren shelves, he pulled out a package of multicolored peppers and found them okay. Snaring an onion from the bin, he laid the vegetables on the counter and prayed there was at least one package of hamburger or ground sausage remaining in the freezer. He was in luck. Latching on to the mindless repetition and working as quietly as he could, Sebastian started browning the meat and dicing the rest of the ingredients. Within minutes, a blend of spicy aromas filled the house and the turmoil in his mind had dulled.

  He was scraping the last of the chili contents into the crockpot when Taylor finally stirred. Wrapped in the soft folds of the blanket, she leaned against the island and regarded him with a bemused expression. He wiped his hands on the dishtowel draped over his shoulder and glanced toward the counter.

  “Dinner is taken care of. It just needs a few hours to marinate. Did you sleep well?”

  She colored and nodded, her eyes darting to the counter. “You didn’t have to do that. I’m supposed to be taking care of you, not the other way around.”

  Sebastian crossed the room and pulled her in his arms. Pressing his forehead against hers, he pinned her with a look of gentle reproach. “Let’s get something straight here, darling. It is always my job to take care of you. We look out for each other. That’s what we do. Love isn’t a one-way street. Not with me.”

  “I know, but you need your rest.”

  He kissed the pouty swell of her lips and stroked the pad of his thumb across her cheek.

  “And you don’t?” he asked softly. Seeing her lost expression, he shook his head. “I slept for an entire week, baby. How much more rest do you think I need? Trust me, Taylor, I’m fine. What I want now is to get back my strength, go to work, and nail Laychee so we can put this mess behind us and get on with our lives.”

  She winced at the steely determination in his voice, but leaned up to steal another kiss. “I believe in you. You’ll get him soon, Sebastian.”

  Adoration shone on her face, making the round, delicate features glow. She was so damn gorgeous it took his breath away. Running his hands through her gleaming sable hair, he pressed the tip of his nose against hers and gave it an affectionate rub. “You got that right, baby, and when I do, he’s going to pay for everything he’s put us though. I promise.”

  Chapter 8 ~

  Sebastian prowled the width of the conference room with his hands clasped behind his back. His hard expression and silence commanded the attention of the men seated at the long wooden table. Chairs creaked as several members of his team shifted in discomfort, waiting for him to speak. His cheeks tightened with disapproval as he fixated Vince with a cold stare. The blond quickly looked away. Several bruises and cuts still mottled the technician’s face. It was the least the man deserved, though Sebastian knew for a fact their conservative uniforms concealed much more than met the eye. Not bothering to hide his pleasure, he donned a callous smirk. Setting his shoulders, he turned on his heels and focused his attention on the rest of the room.

  “By now I’m sure most of you have heard about Pellagreeni’s unfortunate decision. I want to make one thing cl
ear, gentlemen. The next time one of you compromises a mission or makes a piss poor judgment call that almost costs one of your teammates their life, I will end yours, and you had damn well better pray that man wasn’t me. I don’t take kindly to having to spend my time correcting other people’s mistakes let alone paying for them. Is that clear?” he asked, dropping his voice to a menacing rasp.

  A resounding chorus of “yes, sirs” greeted his ears. Clenching his jaw, he nodded. “See that it is. This is the one and only warning you are going to get. Marx brought me up to spee--”

  “The man had to take a piss, Baas. What do you suggest we do?”

  He cocked his head, his eyes narrowing into hooded slits. His chin jutted with a brief bid of fury as he stared at Dominic. “Did you just interrupt me?”

  “Not intentionally, but I’m requesting permission to speak freely, sir. Seriously, what do you expect us to do?”

  “What do I expect you to do?” he repeated. Strolling across the room, he braced his hands against the table and leaned over the man, forcing him to flatten against the back of his chair. “I expect you all to think and function at the capacity that you’ve been trained. Giving the rest of your teammates a heads up if you need to step away is not too much to ask. There’s no room for stupidity or incompetence at this table. If you still need someone to tell you how to do your job, then I suggest you stop wasting everybody’s time and get the fuck out of this room.”

  The man’s eyes flared, as much at the dismissal as his curse. The blood drained from Dominic’s face leaving behind a ghostly pallor. Glaring at him, Sebastian straightened with a disgusted shake of his head.

  “I am done taking it easy on you, gentlemen. The leniency I’ve demonstrated toward this team has given me nothing but headaches and a near trip to the morgue in return. You can stay in line on your own or SKALS will force you back there with the swiftest, most severe punishment possible. The choice is yours. Do not disrespect or disappoint me again.”


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