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Harlequin Presents--July 2021--Box Set 1 of 2

Page 29

by Natalie Anderson

  She looked up to find his gaze conducting an equally frank appraisal of his own. Suddenly, Alexis was super conscious of the thinness of her sundress, of the short hem brushing her thighs. Of her bare legs and the soft breeze that whispered through the cypress trees and washed over her sensitive skin.

  ‘Get in, Alexis,’ he ordered with a low, deep voice that echoed in her belly.

  They headed north, towards the denser part of the island. There he pointed out the olive groves that had once supplied olive oil to the villa but now formed part of the stables for the Andalusian horses Costas kept.

  Next, they headed for the craggier part where the cliffs met the sea.

  ‘At sunset, the configuration of the cliffs and the beach gives the impression of a dragon breathing fire. Hence the name.’

  ‘You spent time here as a boy, didn’t you?’

  A wry smile curved his lips. ‘It’s not hard to get lost in the draw of a place like this.’

  She tried to imagine the picture he evoked. While it wasn’t easy to picture the imposing, dynamic man beside her as a child, perhaps even a lonely one, it was easy to conjure up a boy who’d retreated to his imagination for his own entertainment. She’d done the same on countless nights in her single bed in the children’s home. Dreamed of the safety and security of an imaginary family and not the loneliness that plagued her day and night.

  ‘Did your grandfather share it with you?’

  He didn’t answer immediately, his eyes on the sea for several moments before he shook his head. ‘Not always. He was preoccupied with my grandmother. But he insisted that I knew how to swim before he set me loose on the island, so he taught me how to swim in the pool.’

  Last night’s conversation and the look in his eyes this morning almost stopped her from uttering the words. But although she risked spoiling the magic of their trip, the words tumbled out anyway. ‘Where were your parents?’

  His face tightened, bleakness shadowing his eyes. ‘They were busy starring in the melodrama of their acrimonious divorce.’

  That tight, pain-wrapped response brought stunning clarity. ‘They’re the reason you became a divorce lawyer, aren’t they?’

  He turned towards her, and even though her breath stalled at the icy contempt in his eyes, she knew it wasn’t aimed at her but at his parents. ‘Yes. Agios and Nadia Drakakis separated when I was five years old. I lived with my mother for a while. Then mostly with Agios. They dragged out their divorce for ten years. And when they weren’t busy going for each other’s throats, they used me as a pawn in their little games.’


  He gave a stiff shrug. ‘My father would inform me I was changing schools halfway through a school year simply because he knew it would upset my mother. And me. My mother would suddenly take me out of my new school to go on a month-long holiday to get back at him. Then he would retaliate in another way. I once made the mistake of telling my father I was keeping my hair long because my mother liked it. He took his hair clippers out within the hour.’ He paused, his lips thinning in recollection. ‘They did this repeatedly, without a care as to what I wanted. Coming here to Drakonisos was my only reprieve, the one thing I looked forward to as a child.’

  Sympathy filled her chest. Reaching out, she brushed her fingers over the back of his hand. ‘I’m sorry.’

  For a moment he looked startled, then he nodded and turned away to stare at the horizon once more. Silence reigned for a few minutes before she summoned the courage to ask what she hoped would be a less fraught question. ‘Where was your grandmother?’

  A flash of pain crossed his face. ‘Here on Drakonisos, but she never got the chance to truly appreciate the island. Costas bought it for her after she was diagnosed with a terminal illness.’

  ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to evoke painful memories for you.’

  He shrugged. ‘It’s good that you know something about my past. It’ll cause less gossip.’

  Right. Their fake marriage. The reason she was here in the first place. Alexis wasn’t sure why the reminder hurt.

  Silence stretched between them again, longer, tauter this time. A muscle throbbed at his temple as he slowly exhaled. Alexis faced the horizon, trying to block the curious pain blooming in her chest. At least now she knew why he wanted to claim this island so badly.

  Abruptly, he reached out for her hand, his gaze telling her this part of their conversation was over. ‘Come. I have something else to show you.’

  Before she could think about it, she placed her hand in his.

  The flare of pleasure in his eyes was gone as quickly as it arrived, but she’d seen it. And deep inside felt a peculiar thrill that she’d pleased him. But even as they boarded the buggy, a niggle remained. One she suspected would grow into a chafe.

  Because despite being a part of his professional life for so long, despite being his pretend wife right now, he was shutting her out. Lumping her in with everyone else he held at arm’s length.

  Why should you be singled out? You think you’re special?

  She was the one who’d always been left behind. The one discarded by her mother and lied to by her first and only lover. And as much as the reminder bruised her heart, she needed it to keep herself in check. To tell herself that this was simply a moment in time. One soon to be in her rear-view mirror.

  They travelled north, and this time when they stopped, she stepped out and accompanied Christos to the edge of a steep cliff with a stunning beach below.

  ‘Wow. That’s breathtaking. Is there a way to get down there?’

  He nodded, a rare softness stealing over his features. ‘I dug steps into the cliff when I was fourteen.’ He indicated the rock formation and the frantic waves dashing against them. ‘Before that I used to climb down over the rocks.’

  She blanched, staring at the jagged peaks. ‘That looks incredibly dangerous.’

  He shrugged. ‘Danger isn’t an issue when you believe you’re invincible. But, yes, the steps spared my grandmother a grey hair or two.’

  The fondness in his voice attracted her gaze. ‘Do you miss her?’

  Expecting another shrug, she was surprised when he nodded. ‘Very much,’ he said, then slid her a sideways glance. ‘Now you know another interest of mine, in case it comes up.’

  She frowned. ‘I’d prefer to get to know you organically, rather than have you list interests like I’m compiling a dossier.’

  His gaze turned piercingly keen. ‘You believe I’m not invested in this? Is that your way of saying you require a more intimate knowledge of me?’

  Her mouth dried, her heart see-sawing wildly in her chest. ‘That’s not what I said!’

  Patrician nostrils flared, his hand rising to drag through his wind-ruffled hair. ‘But perhaps you’re right. Perhaps we should examine this from a different perspective.’

  ‘What do you mean by that?’ For a moment she was terrified he was about to call the whole thing off. Even more terrified that the feeling didn’t stem from knowing Hope House would suffer. It was purely selfish, born of the need to not be done with this...whatever it was.

  But he was speaking. And her breath caught at the words that spilled from his lips.

  ‘Perhaps it needs full and complete authenticity. It needs for you to be my wife, in more than name only.’


  IT WAS DIRECTLY because of that wild, unfettered leap in her heart that Alexis pivoted and started to walk away. Deep in her bones she knew that she would’ve screamed yes otherwise.

  She stumbled to a halt when he wrapped his fingers around her arm. ‘You need time to think about it—’


  He waited a beat. Two. Then his eyes narrowed. ‘No?’

  ‘I don’t need to think about it. The answer is no.’ Her words were firm enough, but she betrayed herself by trembling a moment after they

  ‘You’re afraid,’ he observed shrewdly. ‘Why?’

  ‘Because it’s absurd?’

  ‘Or because you imagine you can protest this chemistry away?’

  She wanted to hate him for hitting the nail on the head. But he’d already seen what she’d tried to hide—that she was attracted to him. Perhaps dangerously so. But the fact that he wanted to act on it didn’t mean she had to give in.

  Did it?


  ‘Today, tomorrow or a month from now, my answer will still be the same,’ she said, glad for the firmness of her voice. Not so much for the dismay and disappointment echoing in her chest. ‘I’m not interested.’

  His gaze remained pinned, mildly disbelieving and faintly mocking, on her face. ‘Prove it,’ he taunted after a stretch of time that jangled her every nerve.

  Welcome irritation stiffened her spine. ‘I don’t need to prove anything.’

  ‘Not even to yourself?’

  ‘What are you talking about?’

  ‘If you’re so confident this is no big deal to you, that you’re not afraid of the power of it, then where’s the harm? Haven’t you wanted to put me in my place a time or two? Perhaps even a little payback for mankind in general?’

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ she snapped, even though a part of her wished she did. Even though a part of her wanted someone to pay for her hurt. ‘I don’t hate all men just because of the crimes of one.’

  She knew she’d fallen into his trap the moment the words left her lips.

  ‘I’m glad to hear it,’ he said, smiling as if he knew every single chaotic dance unravelling inside her. ‘Here’s your chance, Alexis. Are you going to take it or run away?’

  It was the smile that made her see red. That triggered a throw-caution-to-the-wind switch she feared she’d regret later. But in that moment, nothing could’ve stopped her from taking that step. From wrapping one arm around his waist and the other over his nape to urge his head down to hers. Nothing could’ve stemmed the wild need that drove her onto her toes, bringing his tantalising lips within kissing distance.

  At the searing contact, she moaned, her senses already clamouring for more.

  With that deep grunt she was growing shockingly addicted to, Christos tugged her closer until they were plastered together from chest to thigh.

  Their exploration wasn’t tentative. It was a culmination of the dance that had begun in his penthouse and matured in the time in between. Rabid for his taste, she boldly stroked his tongue, then ran hers over his bottom lip, while her nails dug into his warm skin. Pleasure and feminine power exploded through her as she felt his erection swell. And when his hand cupped one breast, teasing her nipple, Alexis cried out.

  He swallowed the sound, deepening the kiss for another minute before, forced apart by the need for oxygen, his lips trailed to her jaw and neck, tonguing her pulse before trailing hot kisses onto her collarbone.

  She hazily grew aware of her spaghetti strap being lowered, of the cool breeze washing over her chest. Then his mouth was covering one nipple, drawing the needy peak into his mouth.


  ‘Hmm,’ he growled against her flesh after an age of tormenting her. ‘You respond so beautifully,’ he said, right before he delivered the same exquisite torture to its twin.

  Alexis buried her fingers in his hair, every sense tuned into the magic he was weaving, to the cavernous need demanding satiation. Dear God, this was madness. But not one she wanted to stop. Not in that moment.

  ‘Please,’ she found herself whimpering, against every shred of common sense she possessed. Straining for more even as the weight of her need terrified her.

  ‘Yes,’ he groaned, laving her expertly for another minute before lifting his head.

  For the longest minute, they stared at one another, their breathing choppy. Alexis blushed when he slowly drew up her straps, the sensual glide of his tongue across his lower lip almost making her moan out loud. ‘Now tell me this is a bad idea,’ he rasped, the wash of colour across his sharp cheekbones making him even more alluring. His eyes blazed with an arousal he did nothing to hide and even the steady rise and fall of his chest was mesmerising.

  ‘In my experience, mixing business with pleasure only has one unfortunate outcome.’

  From languorous arousal, his face instantly hardened into an austere mask. ‘Don’t judge me by another man’s standards. Have I ever lied to you?’

  ‘No,’ she answered truthfully. ‘But—’

  He placed a finger on her lips. ‘He was worthless and attempted to tarnish you with the same brush. I know your worth, Alexis.’

  Deep, solemn words that shook the very root of her soul. Alexis was stunned by how much she wanted to cling to them. But...wasn’t this very urge to cling what had left her devastated in the end? And once this little sexual experiment had ended, then what?

  ‘Our agreement is for three years, Alexis, and there’s still two of them left. You might grow bored of me long before then,’ he said, although the light in his eyes said the contrary.

  She wasn’t about to stroke his ego by denying it. Maybe he assumed that because he believed she wasn’t the clingy type. Or even the falling-in-love type.

  Someone else might have appreciated the unspoken compliment. But his perception was a vice around her chest, a reminder that it was the same reason most families had passed her over as a child. The reason her own mother had abandoned her on a forgettable doorstep. She was unlovable. Good, it seemed, for only a brief fling and nothing more.

  ‘I’m human, Christos. I may develop needs that go beyond just sex.’

  For a nanosecond his face shuttered. Then he was back in counterargument mode. The mode he thrived in best. ‘And do you intend to deny them all as a whole or will you let me take care of one, in particular? You can rest assured I won’t leave you wanting in any way when it comes to sharing my bed,’ he said, his voice low and throbbing with the kind of dangerous sexiness that should trigger a definite flight response from her.

  Instead, the brazen and unexpected response made her roll her eyes. ‘You’re certainly not lacking in the sexual ego department, are you?’

  His smile was pure arrogance. ‘Our chemistry is remarkable. You’d be a fool to let it go to waste when we’re tied to each other for the foreseeable future.’

  She opened her mouth to dismiss his claim with the contempt it deserved. But slowly, her lips pressed together, that loud drumbeat in her ears warning her that this could be her only chance to experience something this spectacular.

  He took the opportunity to step closer, to run his fingers down her cheek, an action he seemed particularly enamoured of. ‘Take the afternoon. Think of this,’ he murmured, lowering his head to brush his lips lightly over hers. ‘And this.’ The hand on her cheek trailed down her neck, over her shoulders, to lightly graze over her nipple, causing her to shiver wildly. Against her lips, she felt his conceited smile as his hand strayed even lower, over her belly, aiming for that hot place between her legs. She had ample time to stop him, but every last objection drained away, her senses alive with the need pounding through her, with the hunger to experience what he was offering. ‘Then think of my lips here, pleasuring you for hours. Making you come over and over.’

  Alexis barely stopped her knees from giving way at the thick promise. His free hand gripped her shoulder, even as the hand between her thighs splayed possessively over her hungry, feminine core. Over her clothes, his fingers boldly caressed her, unerringly finding her most responsive spot and stroking her to a frenzied arousal. Her nails dug into his skin as a delicious haze blinded her.

  ‘Christos...’ She wasn’t aware she’d thrown her head back until his lips found her pulse, caressing it with lazy strokes that matched the bold ones between her thighs.

  ‘Yes, that is exactly how you will pant my name
when I’m inside you. My name, matia mou. No one else’s.’

  With that hard-edged edict, he caressed her one last time, then stepped back.

  Alexis inhaled desperately as he took her hand and led her back to the buggy.

  In the hours after that, he didn’t by word or deed reference that insane moment on the cliff edge, morphing into the perfect host as they explored the rustic dwellings that had once formed part of a vineyard but was now turned into a stunning staff quarters for the caretakers of Drakonisos. Alexis was gratified to see that they lacked for nothing, that the same demanding but generous ethic she’d noted in Christos was practised by his grandfather.

  She was hot and thirsty by the time Christos stopped the buggy almost three hours later under a clutch of cypress trees at a midway point between north and south.

  An elaborate picnic was laid out on a checked blanket, complete with champagne, oysters and an array of mouth-watering Greek food.


  ‘I’m starving.’

  His gaze dropped to her mouth, setting it tingling. ‘Come, then. Let me feed you.’

  He alighted, came around to help her off the buggy. And as she dropped down to the blanket and feigned an avid interest in the spread, Alexis was terrified to note she was several degrees hotter and more bothered. And that it had nothing to do with their trek.

  * * *

  The possibility of everything backfiring was strong enough to allow brief moments of misgivings as Christos expertly uncorked the champagne and filled their glasses. But they were nowhere near as strong as the need that simmered beneath his skin, threatening to turn into a blaze at the smallest opportunity.

  Sleeping next to Alexis last night had been a special form of hell. He’d made an excellent job of feigning sleep until she’d stopped fretting long enough to fall asleep. Then it had been his turn to wonder what the hell he was playing at. Why he was torturing himself like this...

  For Drakonisos.


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