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An Earl to Enchant: The Rogues' Dynasty

Page 16

by Amelia Grey

  “Throw it down!”

  Humor glinted in his eyes, and he continued to advance on her. “I thought you wanted to come down to the beach so you could walk on the shore and look at what the sea has brought in.”

  “Yes, I want to look but not touch!”

  “So you are afraid of crabs, are you?” He stepped closer, still holding the excited crab toward her.

  “Yes,” she shrieked again, started laughing, and bolted away from him.

  Her feet kicked water up on her legs and on the tail of her nightshift, but she kept running and laughing. She heard Morgan splashing in the water behind her saying, “Where’s your courage? It’s only a little crab.”

  Morgan caught up to her a few steps later and spun her around. Forced to face him, Arianna laughed and squealed again.

  She closed her eyes tightly and said, “Don’t put him on me! Throw him down.”

  “You are safe,” Morgan said, laughing. “I’ve already let him go.”

  Arianna opened one eye and looked at him, not knowing if she should believe him. He held out his empty hands, palms up, for her to see.

  Arianna opened the other eye. She liked the way his eyes glistened with pleasure. She loved it that he felt comfortable enough to tease her with the crab.

  “Thank goodness.” She shivered. “Why do crabs look so frightening?”

  And then, without prompting from Morgan, and not knowing why, she stepped up to him and circled his waist with her arms, laid her head on his chest, and melted against his warm body. His arms immediately went around her and hugged her close. He laid his nose on the side of her head. She heard him breathe in deeply and then let out a contented sigh.

  “I don’t know why crabs are scary-looking,” he whispered. “I didn’t really frighten you, did I?”

  She shook her head and then raised her face to him. “But it was enjoyable running from you. I haven’t felt that carefree in a long time.”

  “Neither have I, and since you enjoyed it so much, may find another crab and chase you with it?”

  She hugged him tighter and placed her head on his strong, firm chest again. “Don’t you dare!”

  He chuckled lightly and buried his nose in her hair again and kissed her head. His hand ran up and down her back. “Hmm, I shouldn’t have touched you,” he whispered. “I promised myself I wouldn’t touch you tonight.”

  Arianna felt her heart pounding in her chest. She leaned back so she could see his eyes. “Why not?”

  His gaze was busy on her face, as if he were searching for a sign from her. And she wondered if he could sense the desire for him that filled her.

  He brushed her hair away from her shoulders to her back, and then his hands skimmed down the length of her arms. “Because you feel too good to me, and when I start, I don’t want to stop with just touching. I am a greedy man, Arianna, and I always want more, more than touches, more than kisses. I brought you here because I wanted you to see how beautiful the coast is in the moonlight when there is no mist or fog to hide its splendor.”

  Awareness that hadn’t been there mere moments before simmered between them. They stood ankle deep in the water; the gentle breeze fluttered their clothing and hair. The sand shifted beneath her feet, but that’s not what made Arianna suddenly unsteady. It was the cold reality that she desperately wanted Morgan to kiss her, to touch her, to take her beyond both their boundaries and ease the longing and hunger deep within her. But he was desperately trying not to oblige her.

  When she looked at him, she thought about brief glances, seductive touches, and urgent kisses. She thought about being with him today, tomorrow, and always. And she also thought about what an impossible dream that was. What made her think she could capture the heart of an honorable man like Morgan? She couldn’t.

  If Arianna knew nothing else about herself, she knew she didn’t want to leave for London in a few hours and never see Morgan again, never touch him again, and never kiss him again. But that wasn’t her decision to make. It was Morgan’s, and as usual, when it came to intimacy, he was making the proper choice.

  Morgan let go of her and stepped away. “Come on, we need to get back. It will be dawn soon, and I don’t want your maid finding your bed empty. I’m sure she would wake the entire household with her screaming.”

  Swallowing his rejection, Arianna mumbled, “Yes, I’m sure she would.”

  They turned around and started back toward the path they had taken down to the shore, at a hastier step than when they started.

  “So remind me,” Morgan said, “what exactly is it that you have to do for your father when you get to London?”

  Arianna felt constriction in her chest. If she was ever going to tell Morgan the whole truth about her father’s death and the stolen formula, this was the time to do it. But she didn’t want to spoil this time alone with him by talking about that horrible afternoon. There would be plenty of time to dwell on that when she left Morgan’s house a few hours from now.

  She chose her words carefully and said, “He had some research findings and formulas he wanted presented to the Royal Apothecary Scientific Academy for their approval. As my father expected, I will talk to Mr. Warburton, and hopefully he will help me to sort everything and get it ready for presentation to the members of the Academy.”

  “I remembered you said he was working on formulas for various illnesses, right?”

  “Yes, among other things, including the perfumed water he made for me.”

  He inhaled deeply. “I could never forget the perfumed water, Arianna. The scent lingers with me.”

  “I’m almost out of it. I’ll have to take the jar to an apothecary when I get to London to have more made.”

  “With all you have to do, it sounds as if you will keep busy.”

  As they started the climb up the cliff, he reached back and took her hand. His hold was firm and steady. It was silly, she knew, but she didn’t want to reach the top, because when they did, he would let go of her again.

  “For a time, yes.”

  They fell silent as they worked their way up the path. She followed Morgan’s footsteps all the way to the top of the cliff, where she stopped and stared out over the water. She was filled with longing she didn’t completely understand. When she got to London, she would miss the coast, the stables, the gardens, and watching Master Brute, but nothing would compare to the way she would miss the earl. She swallowed hard and took a deep breath. He didn’t want to want her, or to touch her. She had to accept that no matter how difficult it was.

  “I know you are glad we made it without any falls or accidents,” she said in a happier tone than she was feeling, making her way over to where she had left her shoes.

  She started to slip her wet, gritty foot into her slipper, but Morgan stopped her by saying, “Wait.”

  He pulled his coat off the saddle and laid it on the ground. “Sit down on my coat. I’ll dry your feet before you put your shoes on.”

  She gave him a grateful smile and said, “That is not necessary, my lord.”

  His gaze wafted up and down her face. “I know, but I want to do this. Sit down.”

  Arianna acquiesced and sat down on his coat. She placed her hands on the ground behind her and leaned back, extending one foot to him.

  Morgan dropped to his knees before her. She watched as, much to her surprise, he tugged his collarless shirt out of the waistband of his breeches and pulled it over his head. Arianna’s heart jumped up to her throat and stalled her breathing. He looked like Adonis. His wide, lean-muscled chest and arms rippled with his movements. She had never seen a man’s chest before, and she was amazed at how beautiful Morgan was.

  He laughed. “You looked stunned. What’s the matter? Never seen a man without his shirt before?”

  His laughter was contagious. She relaxed and returned his smile. “No, I haven’t. I had no idea you would be so beautiful beneath your clothing.”

  He gave her a smile that let her know he appreciated her compliment.
  Arianna wasn’t prepared for the shock of pleasure that shot through her when he caught her heel in the palm of his hand and cupped it gently, solidly. She was instantly engulfed by eager desire when he raked his other hand up and down the lower part of her leg, slowly wiping away the sand and traces of salt water with his shirt. As he rubbed up and down the lower part of her leg, the soft fabric sluiced away the sand.

  He dropped the shirt to the ground and tenderly massaged the back of her calf all the way up to the back of her knee and down again to her ankle. Arianna gasped with pleasure at his boldness. Luxuriant sensations stirred and mounted warmly inside her. The sensual touch of his hands started a heat low in her stomach. The warmth curled and wove its way up to her breasts and teased them before skittering down to the center of her womanhood and making a nest of hunger.

  She was mesmerized by his kneeling in front of her, his bare chest gleaming in the bright moonlight. His hands skimmed her skin. The motion of his palm sliding up and down her leg was decidedly erotic. She watched the bulge of his taut muscles in his chest and arms. Her breaths grew short and choppy. At times, she wasn’t sure she was breathing at all.

  Arianna had never even thought about the possibility of a man touching her so intimately, holding her foot, wiping her legs, and it was titillating. His hand slid down to her ankle and across her foot to the end of her toes. His palm quickly slid up the back of her calf once again and gently kneaded her firm muscle.

  Morgan didn’t bother to glance at her but kept his attention on what he was doing. He gently lowered her foot to the ground and grasped the other. He followed the same sensuous routine, first wiping the sand and saltwater from her skin with his shirt and then making sure every grain of sand was brushed away with the smoothness of his hand before leaving in its wake her body shaking with pent-up desire.

  His hand caressed, massaged, and teased her leg and her foot. The slow spreading of sensuality was delicious, languorous, seeping into her, warming her until she thought she would reach down and grab him up to her breast and kiss him madly. She felt weak with a wanting she was frantic to explore and understand. A hot dizziness whirled in her head.

  While still caressing her leg, Morgan finally glanced at her and looked into her eyes. She knew he saw exactly how he was making her feel—like a woman who wanted him to take her. She didn’t have to tell him. Words weren’t necessary to communicate that she wanted him to give her what his hands were promising.

  He swallowed hard.

  The moon glow flickered off his dark hair and sparkled in his bright blue eyes. The sensual touch of his fingers stopped, and the warmth of his hands lay still on her bare skin.

  A few days ago, Arianna had wondered if she loved Morgan. She no longer had to wonder. She now knew she loved him with all her heart, but she didn’t know how to let him know. She didn’t know how to ask him to show her how a man made love to a woman. And she was out of time. She couldn’t stay longer than a few more hours. She must go to London.

  Still, with all her heart, she yearned to be with Morgan before she left. How could she let him know that?

  Suddenly, over his shoulder she saw the distant streak of a shooting star light up the black sky. She quickly closed her eyes and wished that Morgan would deny his honor and finish what he had started inside her. If only once, so that she would have something to dream about in the coming weeks, months, and years.

  She had to let him know.

  Arianna rose up very close to him, and in a voice far huskier than she intended for it to be, she said, “You are seducing me.”

  His hand ran up her leg, and his gaze fell on hers with his penetrating blue eyes. “No.”

  “Yes, my lord, you are.”

  Morgan sat back on his heels. “That is not what I intended.”

  “No, my lord, it is what you have been offering me all night, and I accept. I want to be your lover.”


  My Dearest Grandson Lucas,

  Some considered Lord Chesterfield pompous, but that was never the case with him. He was simply a Master at life’s little lessons. Read this one and remember it when life becomes difficult as I can attest to the fact that it certainly will: “I always made the best of the best, and never made bad worse by fretting.”

  Your loving Grandmother,

  Lady Elder

  Morgan was doomed.

  Arianna was right. He was seducing her. But why in the hell he was doing it, he had no idea. But did she know what she was asking him? He didn’t think she did, but he certainly knew the ramifications of seducing an innocent, and he wasn’t prepared to accept any of them.

  Arianna’s gaze raked like hot coals over his body. And what the devil was he thinking to take off his shirt and offer to dry her feet?

  Because she enchanted him.

  There was no mystery, no doubt of his attraction to her. It was the simple truth.

  His hands lay innocently on her leg. He made no attempt to move them. Bright moonlight shone down from the twinkling black sky, making it very easy for Morgan to read Arianna’s face. Her eyes were glazed with passion. She was as aroused as he was. The first time he had kissed her, he’d recognized her untapped sensuality, and ever since, he had longed to explore it with her. And right now, he was dying to bring it to life and release it, and drown himself in it.

  She was eager for his touch, and that made his wanting her all the more difficult. He didn’t know why, but unlike all the other proper young ladies he had kissed, she put no boundaries on him. Perhaps it was that she had lived in another country and felt freer; maybe it was her advanced age, but then, it didn’t really matter why. The undeniable truth was that instead of pushing him away, as any sensible young lady should do, she always eagerly accepted his touch.

  And while he was thrilled she was so willing, he couldn’t oblige her. He was determined not to take away her innocence, no matter how alluring she was. It was a long-standing vow he made to himself years ago. There were enough women, who had already known a man, willing to share their beds with him; Morgan had never wanted to trifle with an innocent.

  But here he was, tempted, really tempted for the first time in his life to break his vow and give in to Arianna Sweet’s charms.

  Suddenly, Arianna smiled at him. Why the devil was she smiling? This was no smiling matter. Damnation, she had to know that taking her innocence was a hell of a thing to ask of him.

  She placed her hands on the ground behind her again and leaned back. “Has the cat got your tongue?” she asked when he remained silent for so long after her provocative statement.

  Couldn’t she see how weak he was where she was concerned? He had to stop the tension building between them. She was too appealing. It was dangerous for both of them.

  “Arianna, you find the most inconvenient times to quote Lord Chesterfield.”

  “Who is this man Lord Chesterfield? You’ve mentioned him several times before. Would it be possible for me to meet him some time?”

  This might be his salvation. If they talked about Chesterfield, it would surely take his mind off giving her what she wanted and quite possibly ease the heaviness in his breeches, too. Maybe for once in Morgan’s life, the pompous Earl of Chesterfield could actually do something to help him.

  “You would have to go beyond the grave to do it,” Morgan said, “because he died more than thirty years ago. He wasn’t so famous during his life, but shortly after his death, more than one hundred letters that he’d written over several years to his son, his godson, and others were published and have now been read by most anyone who can read. That is when and how he acquired his fame.”

  “He must have been a very intelligent man to have had his letters published.”

  “Perhaps to some like my grandmother, but to me and my cousins, he was an egotistical braggart who felt it was his duty to bend, shape, and control the life of his adult son.”

  “Then why do you quote him so often?”

  He gave her a qui
zzical glance and started rubbing the bottom of her foot. “I don’t, you do.”

  She laughed, gently shaking her shoulders. Just looking at her so relaxed made him feel good and warm inside.

  “You are a puzzle. I couldn’t possibly quote him. I had never heard of him until you mentioned him. You are the one who always mentions him to me.”

  “I guess that is because he was a good friend to my grandmother,” Morgan said, his hand leaving her foot to caress its way up her leg once again and then back to the arch of her foot.

  “Tell me about her.”

  “Lady Elder was an exceptional person in many ways, but there were numerous times in my life when I wished she had never met Lord Chesterfield. If he had not been almost deaf and infirm when she met him, I believe she would have married him.”

  “I think I would like to read his letters and make up my own mind about him. From what you have told me, he seems such a clever fellow.”

  Morgan let out a half laugh, half grunt. “Most people considered him a very wise and humorous man who had an artful way of writing words, but my cousins and I never felt that way.”

  “Simply because you didn’t like what he wrote to his son?”

  “Not exactly. From the time we were seventeen until my grandmother’s death, she sent us a letter at the beginning of each month without fail, and they always contained quotes from Chesterfield.”

  “She penned a letter to all three of you every month? That’s quite amazing.”

  “Yes. She always started her letters to me with ‘My dearest grandson Lucas,’ knowing that no one had called me by my given name since I was twelve. And she always ended her letters with ‘Your loving Grandmother, Lady Elder.’”

  “I think that makes her sound very protective of you, and very kind.”

  “I’m sure she considered it one of her great missions in life. The only thing her letters ever said was something along the lines of: ‘Here are more wise words from Lord Chesterfield,’ and then she would quote something from the exasperatingly pretentious old man.”


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