Book Read Free

Fighting Our Way

Page 13

by Abigail Davies

  “Not your whole life story, just most,” he jokes. “How about you start with where you grew up? Was it nice?”

  I nod, sitting up and wiping my shaking hands on my thighs. “It was nice. We didn’t live near the sea or by any water, but we had lots of woods surrounding the town.” I smile, thinking about all the exploring I used to do. “There was only me, my mom, and my dad.” I turn my face away from him, fiddling with the lid on a container as I think about my parents who did everything they could for me. “Dad worked a lot of hours and Mom stayed at home when I was little. I always wanted a brother or sister—” I cut myself off, realizing I’m saying too much, but when I look back at him, he gives me an encouraging smile so I continue, “Mom couldn’t have any more kids after me, so yeah... I’m an only child.”

  “I wish Maya and I were closer in age sometimes, it would’ve been nice to have had a partner in crime around the house. I had Nata—” His face turns pained for a second before he shakes his head and looks at me. “Maya and I are still close so it’s no big deal.”

  I take a silent breath of relief at the conversation turning onto him, so I latch onto it. “It must be hard being a big brother though. How old is Maya now anyway? She has to be a fully-fledged teenager.”

  “In all her glory.” He chuckles. “She’s fifteen going on thirty but she’s a good kid. I don’t think we need to worry about her.”

  I snort, a chuckle escaping before slapping my hand over my mouth. “Yeah… I… I’m sure you don’t.” I watch several emotions flash over his face: confusion, worry, and finally determination. “She has you to look out for her anyway, so she’ll be good either way,” I say, trying to backpedal. What I really want to say is she’s a teenager, and it doesn’t matter how good a kid she is: she’s still a teenager.

  “Yeah…” His eyes flick away. “Want some more food?” He reaches his arm into the basket and pulls out a few more tubs. “There’s plenty.”

  I tilt my head to the side, taking in all of his movements and the way his eyes stay focused on anything but me. Could his little sister be the one subject that does rattle him? I hang on to that piece of information as I nod. “Sure, what else has Chef Nate brought?”

  “I feel like whatever I pull out now will pale in comparison to my soup,” he says, pulling off the top of the tub he picks up first and offering it to me.

  “It was the best soup I’ve ever tasted.” I take the tub, plucking out one of the wraps. “What’s in this?”

  “They’re mini chicken fajitas. It’s chicken, onion, pepper, sour cream, guacamole and salsa with a sprinkling of cheddar cheese.”

  “Jeez, Nate. I think I just had a foodgasm and I haven’t even put it in my mouth yet.”

  He waits a beat, and when his lip quirks, I know he’s about to— “That’s what she said.”

  I roll my eyes, not waiting a second longer to take a bite.

  Oh my God, how can something wrapped in a tiny package taste so amazing? The chicken is succulent, the onion and pepper having the perfect amount of crunch.

  “Yep,” I moan. “I think I’ll keep you.”

  The hand lifting his own fajita to his mouth halts in its tracks and a mocking expression flits over his face. “Oh, will you now?”

  “Uh-huh.” I nod, taking another bite and swallowing. “I may end up weighing six hundred pounds, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”

  “Not a chance, if you’re with me you’ll be out hiking and exploring. There’s no way you could gain weight. How do you think I can eat things like this?”

  I consider it for a moment, chewing slowly. “Hmmm… hiking and exploring, huh?” I mull it over some more. “I’ll make that deal under one condition.”

  He finishes his fajita and leans toward me. “Who said you’re allowed to make demands?”

  “If you want the sweet treats then you’ll listen and amend the contract.” I give him my sternest look before putting the last bite of fajita in my mouth, already grieving the loss of the tasty food.

  “Oh, I want the sweet treats.” His gaze drops to my legs and he makes a show of slowly checking me out, finishing with his brows raised and a cocky expression on his face as he folds his arms over his chest. “Alright, I’m listening.”

  My heart starts beating faster at his full attention. Is that the expression and tone he uses in the courtroom? I wonder if anyone can sit in the gallery? Because if they can then I think it would be my new obsession.

  “Netflix,” I blurt out. “You have to commit to one epic binge per month.”

  His face stays expressionless as he mulls it over. “Just one?”

  “At least one. When I say epic binge, I mean watching two seasons of a show back to back. Showering optional and definitely not any normal clothes: only pajamas or sweats allowed.” I wait a beat. “Oh, and you have to cook for me on demand.” I smirk.

  “So your terms for coming hiking and doing outdoorsy things with me are: one binge session a month, including two seasons of back-to-back viewing of a show. Sweatpants a must but showering optional?”

  I point my finger at him. “Don’t forget the food you’ll be cooking and serving.”

  “One binge session a month of back-to-back viewing of a show, sweatpants a must but showering optional and becoming your personal chef and butler. Have I got that right?”

  Nodding emphatically, I say, “Yep.”

  “Alright. And now I have a few terms of my own.” He grins cheekily. “You need to try and keep up with me when we’re hiking.” I roll my eyes. He has no idea I’ll not only be able to keep up, but will have him trailing after me. “And… showering is not optional. It’s a requirement. Except…”


  “It’ll be a requirement to take a break from binging to shower with me.”

  I purse my lips. “Ahhh… so it’s only a requirement when it’s with you?” I ask, flitting my gaze between his eyes before dipping to his lips.

  “That’s right, gotta conserve water and all that jazz.”

  “All for the good of the environment, I’m sure.” Tilting my head, I let him stew while I pretend to think about it, but inside I’m already imagining what those forearms would look like with water raining over them. Holding my hand out, I say, “You have yourself a deal.”

  He places his large palm in mine giving it a firm shake, but as I go to pull away, he yanks me forward, catching me around the waist as I tumble toward him.

  “Nate,” I squeak, pulling my top up as it falls a little lower than it should, giving him an eyeful of cleavage. After I’ve adjusted it, I look up, gulping at the intensity in his eyes and letting out a shuddering breath.

  His one hand skims up my back, landing at the base of my neck, his fingers pushing through my hair. Centimeters apart, we gaze at each other, the air crackling around us.

  I watch my hand lift of its own accord before the pads of my fingers run over the edge of his jaw and flutter over his lips. He leans forward, his eyes still focused on mine before he closes the rest of the distance.

  A soft moan vibrates through me and I don’t hesitate as I climb onto his lap. He adjusts his hands, moving them around to my back and placing them on the bare skin. Goose bumps spread everywhere as he trails his fingers up my spine and I moan again at the sensations.

  He grins against my lips before pulling away slightly to look into my eyes. “I need to know what you’re thinking; your face gives nothing away.”

  My eyes shutter closed; I want nothing more than to slam my walls down like last time, but instead, I let him see what I’m feeling right at this moment when I open them back up.

  “I’m thinking I’ve never been kissed like this before.” My gaze flits between his eyes. “I’m thinking when you touch me, everything else disappears and all that’s left is you and me.”

  He lifts his hand, running his fingers across my cheek, cupping it as he studies the soft planes before looking back into my eyes. “I’m thinking that’s a damn go
od thought.”

  As soon as the words leave his mouth, his lips touch mine again before my arms wrap around his neck, pulling us closer than we already were.

  We both get lost in the kiss as we pour everything into it. I don’t want to stop, and I’m sure Nate doesn’t want to either until he pulls away.

  “I’m going to have to be a spoil sport and stop this before we get ahead of ourselves, Amelia.”

  I shake my head, pushing forward to reach him again. “I don’t want to stop.” A groan rips out of me when he leans away even more, my eyes snapping open at the firmness of his hands on my waist.

  “We have to.” His eyes tell me he doesn’t want to, but he adds, “I don’t want us to run before we can walk. I want there to be a second date.” He’s silent a beat. “I want there to be many more dates.”

  Hearing him talk about us in the long term has me both nervous and excited. I was wrong to think it wouldn’t change anything. Tonight has changed the way I see him, the way my body reacts to him.

  “I…” I clear my throat. “You’re right.” I shift backward, needing to not touch him. Something ignites when we touch: a match forming a flame doused with gasoline, causing it to soar to impossible heights.

  Standing up and stumbling back several steps, I smooth my hand down my top, my hand wrapping around my wrist as I try to pull myself together. Nate watches, seemingly fascinated at all of my movements.

  “So you definitely want there to be a second date?” his gruff voice asks, hope in its depths.

  A slow steady smile lifts my lips. “I wouldn’t have moved if I didn’t.” I step forward before stopping myself. “I like you, too, Nate. Probably more than I should, and I also probably shouldn’t be telling you just how much on our first date.” I pause. “But I’ve never felt whatever it is I feel when I’m around you.” My hand flutters up my arm and rests on my chest: over my heart. “You... feel like home.”

  “I know the feeling,” he says, standing up and taking three steps toward me. He wraps his arms around my waist, holding me to him for a minute before he grins and runs his hand down my arm, grasping my hand. “Let’s clear this stuff away and lie down and watch the stars.”

  I swallow against the dryness in my throat at the thought of lying next to him before I nod. He packs everything away, straightening out the blanket before sitting down and patting the space next to him. Looking back up at me from where I haven’t moved, his green eyes catch me in their web, not letting me go.

  Slowly I step forward, kneeling down before lying on my back. I stare up at the stars on the roof of the building, feeling Nate’s hand take ahold of mine as he lowers himself.

  “So beautiful,” I murmur.

  “You are.” Turning my head, I come face to face with Nate. “Inside and out,” he whispers, locking me in his gaze.

  We stay like that, the stars shining above us, but neither of us watching them. Instead we share silent things with our eyes, getting to know each other without speaking.

  I may have thought one date couldn’t possibly have this kind of effect. But I was wrong. So, so wrong.

  Why is it when you have the whole day to binge-watch Netflix, you can never decide what series to watch?

  I scroll through the same things over and over again, frustrated and bored. Pretty Little Liars—seen. Shooter—watched. Gilmore Girls—watched and rewatched. The Last Kingdom—been there, done that. But hey, Uhtred can be watched over and over again, right?

  Smirking, I hit play and wait as the first episode loads. The musical opening starts and I do a little dance on the sofa. There’s nothing sexier than a Viking.


  I frown as I hear Tristan’s voice after he knocks on the pool house door. Pausing the TV, I stand up and turn around, seeing him standing on the other side of the door, his hands in his pockets.

  “Hey,” I say, pushing the door open and stepping back.

  “Hey.” He runs his hand through his hair. “I know it’s Saturday, but—”

  “You need me to have the kids?” I interrupt.

  “I… yeah.” His gray eyes focus on mine, looking frustrated. “I have to go into the city for a board meeting. It’s all this Pete stuff—”

  “No worries.” I wave him off, spinning around and picking up my remote.

  “Are you sure?” I flick my gaze to him as he leans to the side, looking at the TV behind me. “I hate to interrupt your Netflix time.”

  “It’s okay.” I shrug, turning the TV off before walking over to my bed and picking up my cell off the nightstand and grabbing my bag. “I’d much rather spend the afternoon with the kids.”

  “You sure? I can always ask my mom.”

  “Tris.” I walk back over to him, stepping out of the pool house and waiting for him to follow me out. “It’s my job. Go to the city, we’ll be fine.” I make a shooing motion to him.

  “Thanks, A.” He throws his arm over my shoulder, walking with me to the main house and stopping when we get to the kitchen table. “You had another delivery.” His eyes watch me, probably waiting for some kind of sign or freak-out like I had last week.

  “Ohhh!” I clap my hands to hide the shaking. “They must be my new shoes.” I push on the brightest smile as he grins, seeming to believe me.

  “I better…” He hooks his thumb over his shoulder.

  “I’ll check on the kids before I open my new present.”

  Following him up the stairs, I head into Clay’s room. He’s sitting in his reading nook, soaking up the words of a book yet again. Walking over to Izzie’s room, me and Tris swap places as he tells them he probably won’t be back until they’re in bed.

  “Hey, Izzie.”

  “Amelia! Come and join the tea party!” She pats a place between her and the teddy who has a plastic cup and saucer in front of him.

  “I will in a minute, I just need to head downstairs and then we can play all afternoon!”

  “Yay!” She jumps up, throwing her arms in the air.

  Smiling, I head out of her room, listening as Tris shouts, “Bye!” As soon as the front door closes and the tires sound on the driveway, my face drops, my heart rate picking up. Sprinting down the stairs before pushing the kitchen door open, I grab a knife and open the package. My hands shake, not able to grip the cardboard properly, slipping on the edges several times.

  I may have told Tris they were new shoes, but I can’t remember the last time I bought myself anything online. He accepted the lie without a second thought. It makes me both relieved but also has my stomach churning.

  I pull out the small jewelry box that’s nestled in the black tissue paper, whipping my head around to make sure neither of the kids are coming down the stairs. Once I know they’re not, I slowly pull it open.

  “No,” I whisper, my voice sounding strangled as I pick up the necklace inside.

  My fingers tangle with the small chain as my thumb swipes over the oval locket. It can’t be.

  Flipping it over, I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping it won’t have the inscription on the back from my mom.

  “Dare to be remarkable.”

  My breath hitches. I’ve worn this locket every single day since I left home. How… I look up at the ceiling trying to work out if I took it off. I remember having a bath on Thursday night, but did I put it back on after?

  I mustn’t have… but that must mean they’ve been inside the pool house in the last two days.

  The locket slips through my fingers, landing back in the jewelry box. Snapping it closed, I push it into my back pocket, swiping the cardboard box off the table, I walk out of the kitchen and throw it toward the front door.

  I need to get out of here, we can’t be in this house; not now I know they’ve been here.

  They were in my space… things are escalating. The empty boxes felt like a step up to whatever the hell is going on, but this? This has to mean more.

  Yanking my cell out of my pocket, I scroll through my contacts, looking for something—anything�
��to do to get the kids out of here and away from potential danger.

  Danger? Would they hurt the kids?

  The answer is I’m not one hundred percent sure, and I won’t take the risk.


  My thumb presses against his name before I type a message.

  Amelia: Hey! Tris had to go into the city for the afternoon. Are you free? The kids want to visit.

  I bring my thumb up to my mouth, biting on the side of it as the bubble floats on the left side of the screen. I wait, my gaze flitting from the box to the door and then up the stairs.

  NATE: Free as a bird, I’d love to spend the afternoon with you all. Bring your bathing suit.

  As soon as the message flashes on my screen followed by another one with his address, I run back up the stairs and head to Clay’s room first.

  “We’re going to Uncle Nate’s for the afternoon,” I tell him, walking over to his drawers and getting his board shorts out. “Put your sneakers on.”


  Facing Clay, I see the confusion on his face. “We’re going to Uncle Nate’s.”

  “But… why?”


  “We’re going to Uncle Nate’s?” Izzie shouts, bouncing into the room and looking at Clay’s board shorts in my hand. Thank God she interrupted. “I’ll get my swimsuit!”

  “Good girl!” I shout to her as she skips back into her room and returns two minutes later with her bathing suit in her hand and sunglasses on her face.

  “That was quick,” I comment.

  “I’m excited!” she squeals, jumping up and down. “Come on, Clay!”

  “I’m coming,” he answers her, his tone flat but his lips lifted up into a grin.

  We all bound down the stairs where I find a tote bag and shove their swimming gear in. “I need to get mine,” I tell them, hovering next to them.

  I can’t help but not want to leave them alone, knowing someone has gotten onto the property. I stumble as a shiver rolls through me, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.


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