He's Got Rhythm: The Life and Career of Gene Kelly (Screen Classics)
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2. “Gene Kelly,” Seventeen.
3. “Gene Kelly, First to Dress Like a Slob,” Nova, July 1972.
4. Blair, The Memory of All That, 112–13.
5. Hay, MGM, 165.
6. “Wartime Hollywood,” Digital History, University of Houston, accessed April 13, 2015, http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/teachers/modules/ww2/wartimehollywood.html.
7. Gene Kelly: Anatomy of a Dancer.
8. “Joe Pasternak on Gene Kelly,” Gene Kelly: Creative Genius, accessed April 3, 2015, http://www.freewebs.com/geneius/moviesthatweknow.htm.
9. Leo Verswijver, Movies Were Always Magical: Interviews with 19 Actors, Directors and Producers (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2003), 57.
10. Thousands Cheer, dir. George Sidney, perf. Gene Kelly, Kathryn Grayson, José Iturbi (1943; Hollywood: MGM, 2009), DVD.
11. “Joe Pasternak on Gene Kelly.”
12. Silverman, Dancing on the Ceiling, 55.
13. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 105.
14. Gene Kelly: Anatomy of a Dancer.
15. Howard Barnes, “Thousands Cheer,” New York Herald Tribune, September 13, 1943.
16. Jeanine Basinger, Gene Kelly (New York: Book Service, 1978), 78.
17. Marsh, “Interview with Gene Kelly.”
18. Marsh, “Interview with Gene Kelly.”
19. “The Cross of Lorraine at Loew’s State,” New York Times, December 3, 1943.
20. Philip Scheuer, “Gene Kelly’s Real Life Symbolized by Dance,” Los Angeles Times, April 23, 1944.
21. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 107–8.
22. Cover Girl, dir. Charles Vidor, perf: Gene Kelly, Rita Hayworth, Phil Silvers (1944; Hollywood: Columbia Studios, 1992), videocassette.
23. Blair, The Memory of All That, 115.
24. Silverman, Dancing on the Ceiling, 87.
25. Silverman, Dancing on the Ceiling, 48.
26. “Cover Girl,” Milwaukee Journal, May 7, 1944.
27. Blair, The Memory of All That, 114.
28. Benjamin, “Kelly Is the Name.”
29. Saul Chaplin, The Golden Age of Movie Musicals and Me (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1994), 87.
30. “On Combat Fatigue Irritability.”
31. Blair, The Memory of All That, 82.
32. Lerner, The Street Where I Live, 33.
33. Yudkoff, Gene Kelly, 58.
34. Silverman, Dancing on the Ceiling, 58.
35. Benjamin, “Kelly Is the Name.”
36. Chaplin, Golden Age of Movie Musicals, 89.
37. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 111.
38. Ibid., 110.
39. Silverman, Dancing on the Ceiling, 61.
40. Benjamin, “Kelly Is the Name.”
41. Ibid.
42. Silverman, Dancing on the Ceiling, 64.
43. “Gene Kelly,” Screen Album, Winter 1952.
44. Gene Kelly: Anatomy of a Dancer.
45. Silverman, Dancing on the Ceiling, 64.
46. “Gene Kelly Lecture,” Guardian, May 1980.
47. Bosley Crowther, “Cover Girl with Rita Hayworth and Gene Kelly at the Music Hall,” New York Times, March 31, 1944.
48. Benjamin, “Kelly Is the Name.”
49. “Gene Kelly,” Current Biography, December 1945.
50. Silverman, Dancing on the Ceiling, 64.
51. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 119.
52. Jeanine Basinger, “Gene Kelly,” American Film, March 1985.
53. “Gene Kelly,” Current Biography.
54. “Theater Gossip,” Evening Independent (Massillon, OH), July 20, 1944.
55. Bosley Crowther, “The Screen,” New York Times, July 29, 1944.
56. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 115.
57. “Gene Kelly Does a Job for Uncle Sam,” Screenland, September 1944.
58. “Gene Kelly Does a Job for Uncle Sam.”
59. Scheuer, “Gene Kelly’s Real Life Symbolized by Dance.”
60. Musicals, Great Musicals: The Arthur Freed Unit at MGM, dir. David Thompson, perf. Hugh Fordin, Cyd Charisse, Mickey Rooney (1996; Hollywood: Turner Entertainment, 1996), videocassette.
61. Mark Griffin, A Hundred or More Hidden Things: The Life and Films of Vincente Minnelli (Cambridge, MA: Da Capo, 2010), 82.
62. Blair, The Memory of All That, 104.
63. Ibid., 95.
64. Maxine Garrison, “Gene Kelly,” Pittsburgh Press, October 30, 1944.
65. “Gene Kelly,” Screen Album, Fall 1945.
66. Blair, The Memory of All That, 99–100.
67. Ibid., 100–101, 108.
68. “Gene Kelly Talks about MGM,” St. Petersburg (FL) Times, August 4, 1984.
69. “Gene Kelly,” Screen Album, Winter 1952.
9. “I’m asking for the Navy”
1. Kobal, People Will Talk, 642.
2. Minnelli, I Remember It Well, 116.
3. Kobal, People Will Talk, 643.
4. Aljean Harmetz, The Making of “The Wizard of Oz” (New York: Knopf, 1977), 7.
5. Musicals, Great Musicals.
6. Frank, Judy, 330.
7. Eyman, Lion of Hollywood, 330.
8. Musicals, Great Musicals.
9. Gerald Clarke, Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland (New York: Delta, 2001), 209, 210.
10. Eyman, Lion of Hollywood, 328.
11. Minnelli, I Remember It Well, 96.
12. Ibid., 141.
13. Astaire, Steps in Time, 257.
14. Kobal, People Will Talk, 645.
15. Minnelli, I Remember It Well, 124.
16. Oscar Levant, Memoirs of an Amnesiac (Hollywood: Samuel French, 1989), 203.
17. Jack Wintz, “Gene Kelly,” St. Anthony Messenger (Cincinnati), August 1980.
18. Updike, More Matter, 661.
19. Gene Kelly: Anatomy of a Dancer.
20. “Cover Girl,” Photoplay, June 1944.
21. Benjamin, “Kelly Is the Name.”
22. Peter J. Levinson, Puttin’ on the Ritz: Fred Astaire and the Fine Art of Panache (New York: St. Martin’s, 2009), 186.
23. Thomas, The Films of Gene Kelly, 68.
24. Ira Gershwin, “The Babbitt and the Bromide,” in Ira Gershwin: Selected Lyrics, ed. Robert Kimball (New York: Library of America, 2009), 35.
25. Kobal, People Will Talk, 648.
26. Minnelli, I Remember It Well, 144.
27. Hopper, “Gene Kelly Would Rather Teach.”
28. Fordin, MGM’s Greatest Musicals, 137.
29. Griffin, A Hundred or More Hidden Things, 84.
30. Edwin Schallert, “‘Follies’ Splendiferous Show,” Los Angeles Times, April 9, 1946.
31. Bosley Crowther, “The Screen,” New York Times, March 23, 1946.
32. Astaire, Steps in Time, 167.
33. Wanda Hale, “Anchors Aweigh,” New York Daily News, July 20, 1945.
34. Eileen Creelman, “Anchors Aweigh,” New York Sun, July 20, 1945.
35. Anchors Aweigh, dir. George Sidney, perf. Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra, Kathryn Grayson (1945; Hollywood: MGM, 2000), DVD.
36. Yudkoff, Gene Kelly, 148.
37. “Isobel Lennart Brilliantly Word-Paints the Real Gene Kelly,” Screen Stars, February 1946.
38. James Kaplan, Frank: The Voice (New York: Anchor, 2011), 217.
39. Ibid., 218.
40. Ibid.
41. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 123.
42. Rubenstein, “An American in Style.”
43. Marsh, “Interview with Gene Kelly.”
44. Kaplan, Frank, 219.
45. Susan Cadman, e-mail interview with authors, January 5, 2015.
46. Marsh, “Interview with Gene Kelly.”
47. Verswijver, Movies Were Always Magical, 57.
48. Sally Sherman, interview with authors, March 4, 2016.
49. Patricia Towers, interview with authors, March 5, 2016.
50. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 119.
51. Silverman, Dancing on the Ceiling, 68, 69.
52. Ibid., 70.
53. Yudkoff, Gene Kelly, 145.
54. Blair, The Memory of All That, 131.
55. Virginia MacPherson, “Gene Kelly Dancing His Head Off,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 9, 1944.
56. Silverman, Dancing on the Ceiling, 71.
57. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 120.
58. Ralph Freed, “The Worry Song,” 1944, Angelfire, accessed September 3, 2016, http://www.angelfire.com/musicals/thats_entertainment/worrysong.html.
59. “Gene Kelly and the Mouse,” Theatre Arts, October 1945.
60. Thomas, The Films of Gene Kelly, 65.
61. Howard Barnes, “Anchors Aweigh,” New York Herald-Tribune, July 20, 1945.
62. “The New Pictures,” Time, July 30, 1945.
63. Bosley Crowther, “The Screen,” New York Times, July 20, 1945.
64. Marsh, “Interview with Gene Kelly.”
65. Yudkoff, Gene Kelly, 150.
66. Ibid., 150–51.
67. Ibid., 149.
68. “Gene Kelly Has His Physical at Draft Center,” Los Angeles Times, November 21, 1944.
69. MacPherson, “Gene Kelly Dancing His Head Off.”
70. Blair, The Memory of All That, 117.
71. Chaplin, Golden Age of Movie Musicals, 66.
72. Ibid., 65, 66.
73. “Gene Kelly, Looking Back,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, July 1, 1974.
74. Blair, The Memory of All That, 134, 117.
75. “Gene Kelly,” Movieland, Summer 1946.
76. “Actor’s Locks Shorn for Biggest Role in World Drama,” San Diego Hoist, December 8, 1944.
77. “Gene Kelly,” Movieland, Summer 1946.
78. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 124.
79. Ibid.
80. “On Combat Fatigue Irritability.”
81. Ibid.
82. Ibid.
83. Blair, The Memory of All That, 121, 122.
84. Ibid., 123.
85. “Where’s Kelly?” Photoplay, November 1945.
86. James E. Wise and Anne Collier Rehill, Stars in Blue: Movie Actors in America’s Sea Services (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1997), 185.
87. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 125.
10. The American Line
1. “Gene Kelly,” Movie Show, June 1946.
2. Combat Fatigue Irritability, dir. Gene Kelly, perf. Gene Kelly, Jocelyn Brando, Harlan Warde (Washington, DC: United States Navy, 1945).
3. Ibid.
4. “On Combat Fatigue Irritability.”
5. Kerry Kelly Novick, telephone interview with authors, June 25, 2014.
6. “On Combat Fatigue Irritability.”
7. Blair, The Memory of All That, 124.
8. Maynard, “This Is about Gene Kelly.”
9. Wise and Rehill, Stars in Blue, 185.
10. Maynard, “This Is about Gene Kelly.”
11. “On Gene Kelly’s Navy Service,” Motion Picture, February 1951.
12. Wise and Rehill, Stars in Blue, 185.
13. “Harry S. Truman: The President’s News Conference on V.E. Day,” The American Presidency Project, accessed May 6, 2015, http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=12248.
14. Blair, The Memory of All That, 124.
15. “Everything Happens to Kelly,” Photoplay, November 1945.
16. Blair, The Memory of All That, 125.
17. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 126.
18. Ibid., 128.
19. Blair, The Memory of All That, 124.
20. Wise and Rehill, Stars in Blue, 186.
21. Ibid.
22. Yudkoff, Gene Kelly, 148.
23. Lois McClelland, “The Neighbors Are Talking,” Motion Picture, February 1950.
24. “Gene Kelly Returns Home,” Movie Show, June 1946.
25. Blair, The Memory of All That, 125.
26. Ibid., 123.
27. McClelland, “The Neighbors Are Talking.”
28. “Gene Kelly,” Movieland, Summer 1946.
29. Gladys Hall, “Gene Kelly Writes a Letter,” Movie Show, June 1946.
30. “Gene Kelly,” Photoplay.
31. Fordin, MGM’s Greatest Musicals, 203.
32. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 130.
33. “Gene Kelly, Handyman,” Movieland, Summer 1946.
34. Blair, The Memory of All That, 126, 212.
35. Coyne, “I Knew Him When.”
36. Novick, interview with authors.
37. “On Combat Fatigue Irritability.”
38. Novick, interview with authors.
39. Yudkoff, Gene Kelly, 161.
40. Blair, The Memory of All That, 125.
41. Coyne, “I Knew Him When.”
42. Yudkoff, Gene Kelly, 186, 165.
43. Novick, interview with authors.
44. Blair, The Memory of All That, 135.
45. “Gene Kelly,” Screen Album, Winter.
46. Blair, The Memory of All That, 146.
47. Ibid., 196.
48. Ibid., 132.
49. Ibid., 133.
50. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 153.
51. Thomas, The Films of Gene Kelly, 71.
52. Marsh, “Interview with Gene Kelly.”
53. “Living in a Big Way,” Silver Screen, April 1947.
54. “The Most Natural Guy,” Movieland, January 1947.
55. Silverman, Dancing on the Ceiling, 86.
56. Hirschhorn, Gene Kelly, 130.
57. Adela Rogers St. Johns, “Gene Kelly Mediates Strike,” Photoplay, January 1947.
58. Ronald Davis, Van Johnson: MGM’s Golden Boy (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2001), 100.
59. St. Johns, “Gene Kelly Mediates Strike.”
60. “The Tenney Committee,” Eugene Register Guard, June 19, 1949.
61. Yudkoff, Gene Kelly, 160.
62. “Gene Kelly, Democrat,” Silver Screen, April 1947.
63. “Gene Kelly,” Movieland, June 1947.
64. “Living in a Big Way . . . Has Lots of Things Which Should Appeal to the Average Moviegoer,” Daytona Beach (FL) Morning Journal, November 12, 1947.
65. Thomas, “Gene Kelly Singing the Blues over State of U.S. Musicals.”
66. “To Dance or Not to Dance.”
67. Ibid.
68. Earl J. Hess and Pratibha A. Dabholkar, The Cinematic Voyage of “The Pirate” (Columbia: University Press of Missouri, 2014), 58.
11. A Flaming Trail of Masculinity
1. Ibid., xiii.
2. Ibid., 8.
3. “Gene Kelly on The Pirate,” Dallas Times Herald, June 1980.
4. Hess and Dabholkar, “The Pirate,” 58.
5. Ibid., 58, 173.
6. Ibid., 61.
7. Ibid., 125.
8. Minnelli, I Remember It Well, 179.
9. John Cutts, “Kelly, Dancer, Actor, Director,” Films and Filming, August/September 1964.
10. Hess and Dabholkar, “The Pirate,” 95.
11. Philip Scheuer, “Kelly’s Luster as Dancer Undimmed by Absence,” Los Angeles Times, March 30, 1947.
12. Hess and Dabholkar, “The Pirate,” 104.
13. Cole Porter, “Mack the Black,” 1947, StLyrics, accessed September 3, 2016, http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/thepirate/macktheblack.htm.
14. Hess and Dabholkar, “The Pirate,” 73, 63.
15. Lela Simone, oral history, 1990, Margaret Herrick Library, Los Angeles.
16. Hess and Dabholkar, “The Pirate,” 89.
17. Minnelli, I Remember It Well, 186, 187.
18. Ibid., 187.
19. The Pirate, dir. Vincente Minnelli, perf. Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, Walter Slezak (1948; Hollywood: MGM, 2007), DVD.
20. Hess and Dabholkar, “The Pirate,” 108.
21. Burt Prelutsky, The Secret of Their Success: Interviews with Legends and Luminaries (Santa Monica, CA: Expanding Books, 2008), 166.
22. Hess and Dabholkar, “The Pirate,” 114.
23. Ibid., 115.
24. The Pirate.
25. Updike, More Matter, 661.
26. Gene
Kelly: Anatomy of a Dancer.
27. “Gene Kelly,” Reflections on the Silver Screen, February 2, 1994, television interview.
28. Hess and Dabholkar, “The Pirate,” 118, 167.
29. Ibid., 119.
30. Ibid., 122–23.
31. Ibid., 123.
32. Griffin, A Hundred or More Hidden Things, 35.
33. Sheryl Flatow, “Gene Kelly,” Biography, March 1999.
34. Emmanuel Levy, “Pirate: Judy Garland’s Paranoia and Breakdown,” Cinema 24/7, July 5, 2006, http://emanuellevy.com/comment/the-pirate-judy-garlands-paranoia-and-breakdown-7/.
35. Laurents, Original Story By, 96.
36. “Gene Kelly,” Deseret News (Salt Lake City), September 20, 1947.
37. Minnelli, I Remember It Well, 194–95.
38. Emanuel Levy, Vincente Minnelli: Hollywood’s Dark Dreamer (New York: St. Martin’s, 2009), 169.
39. Phillips, Charles Walters, 96.
40. Ibid., 97.
41. Levinson, Puttin’ on the Ritz, 158.
42. Louella Parsons, “Gene Kelly May Never Dance Again,” St. Petersburg Times, October 16, 1947.
43. Laurents, Original Story By, 95.
44. “Easter Parade Production,” The Judy Room, 1999, accessed May 20, 2015, http://thejudyroom.com/ep/index.html.
45. Blair, The Memory of All That, 196.
46. Minnelli, I Remember It Well, 197.
47. Yudkoff, Gene Kelly, 173.
48. Patrick McGilligan and Paul Buhle, Tender Comrades: A Backstory of the Hollywood Blacklist (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997), 312.
49. Cadman, “We’re on the Left.”
50. Blair, The Memory of All That, 197.
51. “The Pirate,” The Judy Room, 1999, accessed September 4, 2016, http://www.thejudyroom.com/thepirate.html.
52. Hess and Dabholkar, “The Pirate,” 130.
53. Ibid., 140, 151.
54. Ibid., 153.
55. “Gene Kelly: Profile of a Dance Master,” Shadowsandsatin, August 2012, accessed September 4, 2016, https://shadowsandsatin.wordpress.com/2012/08/20/gene-kelly-profile-of-a-dance-master/.
56. Basinger, “Gene Kelly.”
57. Hess and Dabholkar, “The Pirate,” xvii, 167.
58. Fordin, MGM’s Greatest Musicals, 198.
59. Thomas, The Films of Gene Kelly, 79.
60. Canfield, “That Old Black Magic.”
61. Yudkoff, Gene Kelly, 185.
12. The Renaissance Man
1. “Gene Kelly,” Liberty, September 1948.
2. Canfield, “That Old Black Magic.”
3. Gene Handsaker, “Writer Starts Something,” Kentucky New Era, September 13, 1949.