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Seed of the Master (Christian’s Kisses Book 2)

Page 5

by H. N. Sieverding

  Josh was sitting awkwardly on his knees, his legs spread open wide. He swallowed hard, the world around him blurry, his stomach turning. His gaze settled on one of the girls, a deep hunger welling inside him now, greater than any he had ever felt before. Though he was weak and felt like he was going to pass out, all he could think of was finding a way to satisfy that painful thirst.

  Letting out a few angry grunts, Josh jumped to his feet and tore off after one of the girls. He slammed her to the ground and bit at her neck angrily. The girl screamed as his fangs tore at her flesh. He held her down with a vice-like grip, the heavy weight of his body on hers cutting off her breath.

  Soon she was dead, the vicious attack lasting only a few seconds. Now that she lie motionless under him, Josh continued to drink from her until his hunger was satisfied. Slowly getting off her, Josh wiped at his face, smearing her blood across it like war paint.

  His heavy eyes turned to Christian, who was watching him with his arms neatly folded over his chest. Suddenly, Josh began to feel sick and started throwing up all over the floor.

  He fell to his knees, and once he started throwing up, he couldn’t stop. His whole body felt like jelly, the pleasurable feeling of feeding still having a tantalizing effect on him. This made it hard for him to stand up on his own.

  Christian slipped out of the room with one of the girls, leaving the other vampires to deal with the new elite. He walked up to his bedroom and before he went inside, he waved his hand and put her into a trance. The woman immediately stopped struggling, her eyes looking forward, a dazed expression on her face.

  Addison was asleep in the bed, her body surrounded by a thick black comforter she had tucked tightly around herself. It was early morning, but the sun would not rise for a few more hours, and the room dark and quiet.

  Feeling someone shake her shoulder, she quickly woke up, "Who—"

  "Good morning." Christian’s face was close to hers, their noses almost touching. One of his hands rested gently on her shoulder as he spoke in a tender whisper. "Are you hungry?"

  "Mmm hmm," Addison nodded, slowly sitting up and tossing her covers off. She glanced at the woman standing behind Christian, who had a distant look in her eyes as she stared straight ahead. Yawning, Addison stood up, shivering a little because she had left her warm cocoon.

  Christian wrapped his arm around her and guided her over to the woman. He watched as Addison held onto the woman’s shoulders and bit her neck, her actions slow and methodic. The woman didn’t move the entire time, the trance Christian had put her in making her unaware of anything going on around her.

  When Addison’s hunger was satisfied, she licked her lips and looked back at Christian, "Where have you been?" Rubbing her arms in an attempt to get warm, Addison watched him walk the girl toward the bedroom door.


  He led the girl outside the room, shoving her down into a nearby chair. She sat there with a blank expression on her face, unmoving and sitting up perfectly straight. Then, he came back into the room and sat down on the bed, taking off his shoes.

  "Oh." Addison sat on the mattress, watching him get undressed, although in the dark she could hardly make out his figure.

  "Did you miss me?" As he unbuckled his belt, Christian leaned forward and kissed her. He pulled away quickly and took off his pants, tossing them across the room.

  "Yes." Addison giggled softly as she pulled the covers over her, "I thought you’d be home earlier. I haven’t seen you all day."

  "I am sorry, my love." Christian snuggled up with her. "But I’m here now." He kissed her check, moving some of her hair so it wasn’t hitting him in the face.



  "What did you want to talk to Josh about the other day?" There was a small frown on Addison’s face, but it couldn’t be seen in the darkness. One of her hands was rubbing Christian’s, which were around her stomach.

  "I needed to ask him something."


  Christian’s tone showed his annoyance with the conversation, "Go to sleep."

  "Okay." Letting out a tired sigh, Addison snuggled deeper into her pillow, a deep frown etched into her hidden features. She knew better than to press the subject, she’d ask Josh about it tomorrow.

  * * * *

  Addison walked happily down the stairs, the morning sun coming in through the windows giving her a refreshed, warm feeling.

  "Mistress Vallore." One of the maids handed Addison a stack of letters, a friendly smile on her face. "Here’s the mail."

  "Thank you." Addison smiled back at her, taking the stack and continuing her path downstairs.

  She entered the living room, where she was going to watch television because Christian was still sleeping upstairs. On her way there, she stopped by Christian’s office, leafing through the envelopes and taking out the ones addressed to him. As she was sorting, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

  Addison wandered back into the hallway, "Hello?"

  "Hey, sexy girl."

  "You—" Curbing her anger when she heard Zak’s voice, Addison tried not to speak too loudly, "Asshole." She slipped into a nearby bathroom, locking the door and sitting down on the toilet. "You have some nerve calling me."

  Zak chuckled, "Well, I missed you too."

  "What do you want?" Letting out an annoyed sigh, Addison glared at the wall ahead of her.

  "I want to help you, remember?"

  "I need you to leave me the hell alone. I don’t need your help."

  "Yes, you do."

  "I’m perfectly happy with my life, and I don’t need a hunter to come and rescue me. I can’t believe I thought you were a good guy."

  "I am."

  "You’re not. You’re a slimy, arrogant—"

  "Of course, I’m a good guy. You’re the one that’s being a bad girl. Come on, let’s stop arguing. I didn’t call you to start a fight."

  "Then why are you calling me?" Standing up, Addison stared at her reflection in the mirror, meeting her own eyes.

  "I miss you."

  "Good. And you know what? I don’t miss you at all. The next time I see you, I’m going to—"

  "Well, the next time I see you, you’re not getting away from me."

  "Oh really?" Addison gave a sarcastic laugh, turning from the mirror and narrowing her eyes on the empty air in front of her. "And then what are you going to do? Kill me? Because that’s what I’m going to do to you."

  "No." Zak snickered.

  "I’m hanging up on you."

  "Do it."

  "Fine! I will!" Addison hit the button to end the call, breathing heavily as she crossed her arms across her chest. She was livid. She couldn’t believe Zak had such nerve.

  Feeling her phone vibrate, Addison looked down to see a text from him.

  I luv u.

  Addison quickly answered him.

  You’re a jerk.

  She glared at the screen for a few seconds before he replied.

  Aww…u luv me n u no it.

  I hate you.

  No u don’t.

  Rolling her eyes, Addison walked out of the bathroom, sending him a reply.


  I’d luv 2 c ur face rt now. I bet ur sexy when ur angry. Rawr!

  Addison couldn’t help but laugh at his comment as her fingers typed.

  Too bad you’ll never get to see it.

  Wanna bet?

  Addison’s attention was absorbed in her phone as she passed one of the servants vacuuming in the living room.

  This isn’t a competition Zak.

  Now it is

  * * * *

  Tonight was Halloween, one of Addison’s favorite holidays. They were going to Club 66 for a fun night out. She hadn’t seen Josh in over a week, and even though he sent her texts saying he was fine, she didn’t believe him. She knew her brother better than that.

  Addison was wearing an angel costume, the tight white ensemble showing off her perfect figure. A set of sm
all white wings that were worn like a backpack popped out of her back. The dress left a lot to the imagination, but that was Addison’s style, beautiful but not overly sexy. She was putting the finishing touches on her makeup, the white eye shadow magnifying her giant baby blue eyes.

  "Hi, Addison."

  An angry expression filled Addison’s perfectly painted face as she turned to look at Amanda. "What are you doing in here?"

  "I’ve been trying to call you, but you didn’t answer your phone." Amanda looked over at Addison’s cell sitting on the dresser.

  "Oh." Turning back to the mirror, Addison tried to ignore Amanda. She did a once over of her though, checking out the tight devil costume she was sporting that made her look very sexy.

  "Are you riding with me and Samson to the club?"

  "You…" Addison stared over at her as she put her hands on her hips, "And Samson?"

  "Yeah. Samson’s going to be my date." Giggling, Amanda covered her lips briefly.

  "No, thank you." Setting a delicate crown made of large white flowers in her hair, Addison turned back to the mirror. "I’ll ride with the Master."

  "But you can’t."

  "Why not?"

  "Because he’s going out hunting with Darien and Josh. He’s not coming until later."

  "Josh?" Crossing her arms over her chest, Addison glared at Amanda. There was venom in Addison’s normally sweet voice, her hatred for Amanda showing through. "Why is Josh hunting?"

  "He’s…umm…" Realizing she said something she shouldn’t have, Amanda sucked on her bottom lip for a few seconds then put on a nervous smile. She was relieved when a great distraction came into the room and spared her from creating an explanation.

  Addison’s gaze quickly turned from Amanda toward Christian. He was dressed in a long overcoat that covered his suit, a devilish look in his eyes as they paused briefly on Amanda’s provocative outfit. Addison watched him lick his lips, and she glared angrily.

  "Good evening, my love." He smiled at Addison when he saw her jealous expression, stopping next to her and giving her a brief kiss on the cheek. His hands were placed firmly on her shoulders as he stood behind her. "Play nice with your sister."

  "Are you going hunting tonight?" Turning around in his arms, Addison put on a playful pout, quickly masking her irritation. "I thought you were taking me to the club."

  "Do not worry." He bent down slightly and gave her a kiss, stroking her check. "Go with Samson and Amanda, and I will be there soon." His eyes searched hers until she looked away.


  "Okay." Christian gave her another kiss and a giant hug before pulling away. "I’ll see you later." He motioned for her to go with Amanda, who was fidgeting nervously as she watched them.

  Making a sour face, Addison glared at his back. "Do you like my costume Christian?"

  Christian turned around, motioning with his index finger for her to come to him. She slowly walked over to him, staring at the floor and avoiding his eyes. He put a gentle hand on her shoulder, the other slowly pushing her chin up so that she would look at him.

  "You look amazing." He gave her a kiss then leaned close to her ear, his breath hot on her skin as he took a firm hold of her shoulders. "If you wore something like Amanda…" He lifted his head away from her slowly, his brow lowered and sporting an expression that still made her shiver. "I wouldn’t let you leave this room."

  "Why?" Letting out a small giggle, Addison tried to pretend like his tone wasn’t making her nervous. "Because you’d want to keep me to yourself?"

  "Yes." He pushed his nose against hers. Their closeness made the world around them disappear, the heaviness in his eyes making Addison focus entirely on him. "And no man will ever see you in such attire except me."

  His lips found hers, Christian kissing her with a gentleness he only reserved for his love. His hands slipped slowly from her shoulders and down the length of her arms before settling on her behind.

  Watching them kiss for a few seconds, Amanda laughed nervously, "I’ll go wait for you downstairs."

  Christian’s kisses slipped from her mouth down to her neck, his teeth nipping at her skin playfully as his hands tightened on her. Taking a firm grip on her behind, he pushed her body closer. He sank his fangs in her neck and drank from her for a few seconds before pulling away.

  Licking his lips, Christian had a dreamy look on his face, his cloudy eyes looking up at her. "A kiss for my love is a great way to start this night."

  Addison reached her index finger up to his mouth, wiping at a small drop of her own blood that clung there. Sticking out her tongue, she licked the small drop from her finger, smiling devilishly at him.

  He rocked her back and forth slowly in his arms with his hands on her hips. "I love you." Christian pushed his forehead against hers, so that all she could see was the icy blue of his gorgeous eyes. "You make me happier than anything else in this world."

  "I love you, too."

  "There has been no woman that can satisfy me as you do." He watched her butterfly lashes flutter as her gaze darted over what little she could see of his face. "Just the thought of a taste of you on my tongue drives me mad, dripping with uncontrollable desire." Then, he said something in Aerolin she didn’t understand and released a devilish chuckle.

  Addison heard her phone vibrate on the dressing table, but she didn’t make an attempt to answer it. She was captured in the spell of Christian’s eyes, his hands creeping up her shoulders and wrapping around the straps that held on her wings. He slowly slid them down her shoulders, letting them fall to the ground, each of the feathers ruffling as they caught the wind.

  He kissed her, both of his hands taking hold of her shoulders and guiding her to her knees. Then, he pushed her to the floor and laid on top of her, his kisses deepening as his hands slowly followed the contours of her body. His fingers delighted in the feeling of her familiar curves, shoving up her dress so he could touch her bare skin.

  With a firm tug, he yanked her panties down, which were stamped with the words “I love you” several times. He pushed her dress up farther, exposing her bare stomach. His lips went to the newly showing skin, his wet kisses traveling quickly down her torso and hips. They stopped teasingly at her inner thigh, and Addison squirmed as she drew in a giant breath of air.

  After several teasing seconds, he went in for the prize, his hands tightening on her hips. Her body grew tense as his tongue explored inside her. When he felt her shake as she reached her high, he sank his fangs into her inner thigh. Addison gasped and tried to catch her breath.

  "Can I have a taste of that?" Standing in the doorway, Darien had a giant smile on his face, his eyes glued on a part of Addison he hadn’t seen before.

  Addison quickly threw her dress over herself, covering Christian’s head as well.

  "No." Christian groaned in annoyance, pulling his head out from under her dress and turning toward Darien. He sat on the floor near Addison and glared at his friend. Licking the tip of one of his fangs, he wiped at the corner of his down-turned lips.

  "Hitting the sweets early, eh Master?" Darien laughed, his gaze switching to Addison as she stood and pulled up her panties.

  "Darien…" Furiously, she picked up her wings, purse, and phone. She shoved him hard in the shoulder as she passed him, making him laugh. "You fucking pervert."

  Christian was still sitting on the floor, watching her make her exit, "Addison, come back."

  But Addison didn’t, instead, she stormed down the hall, shoving her phone into her purse. She was about to turn the corner and go down the stairs but a familiar voice made her turn around. Backtracking, she peered into an open doorway to find Josh sitting on a couch inside, talking on his phone.

  Irritably, she shoved each arm into the straps on her wings before walking inside. Josh looked surprised to see her, but sent her a friendly smile, motioning for her to wait a minute.

  But Addison wasn’t going to wait. Ripping his phone from his hand, she tossed it across the room, sending h
im an evil glare.

  "What the hell, Addison? Why’d you do that?"

  She flung her purse on the nearby table before putting her hands on her hips. "Open your mouth right now."

  "Why?" Narrowing his eyes on her, Josh spoke with over-dramatic hand movements and immediately went on the defensive. "What…"

  "I said…" Addison shoved him hard into a sitting position, straddling his hips and getting close to his face. "Open your mouth!" She spoke through gritted teeth, her anger quickening her breath and making her rougher than she normally was.

  "Stop it, Addison!" Her proximity was making Josh nervous, and his body was beginning to shake a little. Addison knew well what that reaction meant.

  "You idiot, Josh!" Her fingers dug into his shoulders, a few tears escaping. While she sat on him, Josh closed his eyes in an attempt to push back the urge to bite her. "Are you a scavenger?"

  "Stop it, Addison!" Opening his eyes, Josh gritted his teeth as he looked at his sister with a pained expression.

  Addison exploded into tears as she searched her brother’s guilty face. "Are you an elite?" She moved closer, so close that he could see the intricate pattern in the irises of her light blue eyes. Her closeness made Josh’s teeth chatter, and there was severe pain on his face as he tried to push back his hunger.

  "Stop it!" He closed his eyes as tightly as he could, his shaky hands desperately trying to push her off him.

  Wrinkling her nose, Addison bared her fangs. She bit her own wrist, quickly growing red droplets seeping from the wound. Smelling the blood, Josh belted out a painful scream, as if Addison had stabbed him. His eyes flew open, the monster inside him awakening, and seeing Addison as his next meal. Baring his sharp fangs as he opened his mouth as wide as he could, his nose wrinkled up angrily.

  She quickly jumped off him, beginning to hyperventilate as her brother grabbed a hold of her shoulders. With a great strength she didn’t know he had, he slammed her up against the wall. Addison screamed as her wings broke, the wires inside cutting into her back. Her blood soaked the back of her dress as she cowered under him.


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