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  A modern Marradian male dressed for a party

  Marradians or Grays?

  Many of our readers are surprised that we question the presence of the Grays in our world, particularly people who report abductions and experimentation. Therefore, we believe that the issue demands a better explanation. As mentioned at the beginning of the book, I have made the mistake of presenting the Marradians as Grays in my previous book, Anunnaki Ultimatum: End of Time. At the time, much of the information I received was in translation, partially causing this confusion, so despite the fact that I had plenty of information about the Marradian culture, their connection with us, and their feud with the Anunnaki, I referred to them invariably as The Grays. Another reason is that governments and military personnel who have dealings with the aliens, know the real name, but prefer to keep it secret. They created the code name “The Grays,” basing it on the popular misconception that most aliens are small, ET-like creatures, with big bulging eyes. Many movies contributed to the mental image we have created of the aliens. Both the Annunaki and the Marradians look human; some Marradians, who indeed look like ET, suffer from a disease that threatens the extinction of entire population unless they find the cure.

  So why do we hear about so many sightings of the Grays and a large number of reports of abductions and experimentation? Because indeed, these sick Marradians kidnap and experiment on humans. Some of the medical experiments done by them are extraordinarily cruel and incomprehensible. Unless you know their problem, all you see is this technological, highly qualified race without heart or feelings, vicious, violent, and engaged in senseless, merciless experiments. But there is much more to it than that.

  Some of you may have heard about an illness called Progeria. The real name is Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome, after the two scientists who discovered it in 1886. It is a genetic disease, resulting from a spontaneous mutation in the sperm or egg of the parents. Progeria victims are children who age and become old people long before they even reach puberty. They look like extremely old people and exhibit all the diseases of old age. On earth, Progeria is very rare. Only one Progeria-stricken child is born out of four to eight million births. The situation is very different among the Marradians. Incidentally, the name Progeria is very appropriate. It means “before old age.”

  Progeria has no cure. Research is being done, and several drugs have shown potential, but they only postpone the inevitable; they do not cure. The child is born, starts showing early symptoms, and begins to age right away. These children remain tiny, rarely over four feet, both boys and girls become bald, and all develop a large cranium, a pointy nose, and a receding chin, resulting in an amazing resemblance to each other, almost as if they were clones. And then they die of old age, mostly in their teens but often before, and there is nothing anyone can do for them other than alleviating their pain. They develop old age diseases – such as hardening of the arteries – and often die of strokes or coronary disease, while their poor parents have to watch helplessly.

  A version of Progeria is present among the Marradians. Both Anunnaki and Marradian civilization are millions of years old, and while the Anunnaki maintain perfect health and unique DNA, the Marradians have been degenerating into accelerating Progeria; they fear extinction. No one knows how many are affected. The Marradians do not want the Multiverse to discover their secrets, and they keep their sick people locked up since the physical appearance of the infected ones is the type that looks like ET – small, gray, big, bulging eyes. They all look alike, in the same way that Progeria children look alike.

  However, some patients escape. They do not lose their mental faculties and are perfectly capable of carrying on scientific and medical experiments. The fugitives steal spaceships and visit many planets to test on the inhabitants, trying to find the cure.

  If you study the two groups, you will see strong similarities between the Grays and the Progeria children:

  Neither group ever grows much beyond four feet.

  Both groups maintain their excellent mental faculties, usually without signs of dementia, until they die.

  Both have fragile, weak bodies, with thin arms and legs; all their bones are delicate.

  Both groups are bald.

  Grays lose the capacity for sexual reproduction. Progeria children never reach puberty.

  Both have large heads by comparison to their bodies.

  Both have receding chins and pointy noses. Within their groups, they closely resemble each other.

  The experiments done by the Grays to find the cure are not clear, but we do know something about their attempts and motives to create hybrids. In one experiment, they take the eggs and the sperm from humans and combine them with Grays’ DNA. Thus, they create the hybrid children. They tend to follow the growth pattern of the Gray parent, which is a very fragile one. They are smaller than human babies, even Progeria babies. With the Marradians, unlike with humans, the retardation of growth begins before birth.

  The Hybrids may or may not have Progeria, but naturally, the more human DNA is mixed with the species, the more chances of eliminating the bad genes exist. So they breed the Hybrids with more human DNA, always hoping to eradicate the disease, never quite succeeding. That is why they have to get fresh human specimens all the time.

  You probably ask yourself at this moment if the authorities on earth know about all that, and if they do, are they trying to prevent the horror of the abductions and experiments? Yes, they do know. No, they do not attempt to stop them. Almost all Earth governments have made deals with the Grays. They supply them with humans. In return, the Grays give them the technology they crave. They have learned much from the Grays, and they mostly use it for military purposes.

  Marradian Women Studies and Gender Relations

  While the Anunnaki view men and women as equals, the Marradians’ gender relations are much more complicated and somewhat closer to ours. It is interesting that human beings, who are the possessors of both Anunnaki and Marradian DNA, chose, or were drawn into, the Marradian model of gender.

  The female Marradian is stronger and more emotionally adjusted than the males. We have already discussed the male Marradian obsession with fashion and beauty, and the female’s relative indifference to both subjects. Most Marradian women wear clothes that are comfortable and suitable to their occupations. The members of the upper classes and the social climbers wear gorgeous outfits – but only for very special occasions. They would usually heave a sigh of relief when they kick off the high heels, remove the tight dress, and change back into a balabushka, comfortable dress, and flat boots.

  But this streak of independence and strength goes deeper. For example, the Marradian military is comprised mostly of males and is all pomp and circumstance. Celebrations, parades, music, fantastical uniforms, brass and gold thread decorations, you name it, they got it.

  The women’s corps is small, and the uniforms they wear are drab, except during state affairs (though often they don’t even attend them). And while several great male military leaders have gone down in history for their spectacular deeds, most of the decisive military operations were headed by female generals.

  One such situation is well known to our historians. The Marradian military genius who led the first invasion of Earth was a female by the name of Guildene fun di Licht (roughly, Golden One of the Shining). History books say, poetically, that she led so many ships that Earth’s sky became dark in the middle of the day. The victory took place thousands of years ago, but we do have one small silhouette of Fleet Admiral Licht.

  In high-level Commerce, the Marradian females often lead great corporations, but they usually have a male puppet as the front. It’s not a matter of the glass ceiling since they run the show and make money, but of style. A well-dressed man, they feel, seems to be a better representative of the organization. The same happens in politics. As we have mentioned before, the Do-nald is always a male, but his circle of “advisers,” usually including key female thinkers, controls his actions.




  Marradian Teleportation

  In the play Mad Mel and the Marradians, a “portal” is found under Mel’s bed. This may sound humorous to us, but Marradians and Anunnaki view teleportation as a simple everyday matter. They can place portals anywhere they wish – including faraway galaxies. Teleportation involves time travel as well, and in future postings we will discuss time travel in more detail.

  The Anunnaki’s call teleportation “Tay al Ard.” It is an ancient Ulema name, translated as “The folding of space.” Instead of physically moving from one place to another, they bring the place they want to reach to where they stand. The very spot they want to reach actually moves, and is placed under their feet. The travelers cannot see the earth (or space) moving, since it happens in a blink of an eye, no matter how far the destination.

  It is interesting to note that the Marradians use the same name we do when we describe the Kabbalistic phenomenon, Kefitzat Haderach, meaning ”The jumping of the road.” It is a Hebrew name, translated as the ability to jump instantaneously from one place to another, or travel with unnatural speed. It was widely documented by and represented in many sources, both scholarly and folkloric. For example, the legend say that the Biblical King Solomon transported the Queen of Sheba’s throne to his own palace overnight, so that she would feel at home during her visit with him. The name even exists in science fiction – Frank Herbert used it in Dune.

  Ancient science explained that time is represented by two lines, not perfectly aligned; one for you, the other for what is “not you.” Space is represented with two circles, one for you, the other for what is “not you.” If you manage to place yourself between one of the two lines and one of the two circles without touching the other line and the other circle, you will conquer both time and space and move at will.

  Modern science touches on it as well. Einstein discussed it in a number of his papers, and it was a component of his General Relativity Theory, relating to the warping of space-time by gravity. It is now suspected that space does not have an objective reality, and reality itself is thought of as observer-based and subjective. If so, then ideas such as traveling in space without actually physically moving are no longer so strange. Teleportation can be viewed as the manipulation of reality by the person who wishes to travel from point one to point two in an environment that is subject to the traveler’s will.

  Newtonian physics, which did not allow such occurrences, were replaced long ago by modern physics. Such things as wormholes, dark matter, and space-time fluidity allow much more flexibility in investigating teleportation. For example, quantum physics has proven that particles, such as electrons, can appear instantaneously at a new place without traveling through space in any visible manner. Every explanation of teleportation ends with the phenomenon of the disintegration of the atoms, those of the surroundings or those of the person, and their reassembly at the place of destination. Perhaps this is possible by encoding information about an object, transmitting the information to another place, and creating a copy of the original in the new location.

  Have You Heard About

  The Real Cloud?

  Do you post on the Cloud? It’s quite convenient, but the real Cloud is much more interesting – and much larger – than the puny collections of servers we use on Earth.

  The real Cloud is the Akashic Record. In various guises, many religions mentioned it, particularly Tibetan Buddhism, and later, the best-selling author Lobsang Rampa popularized it. Theosophy considered it an important part of being enlightened, and great science fiction writers like Isaac Asimov and Clifford D. Simak used the concept in the Foundation series and The Goblin Reservation, respectively, though they never mentioned it by name. However, few people understand the Akashic Record on Earth.

  The Akashic Record is a vast continuum of knowledge encoded in a non-physical place of existence. It has been described as a library, a universal computer, the mind of God, the universal mind, the collective unconscious, and a dozen other metaphors. None of them is accurate, but all touch on the important point – it is a record of everything thought of or experienced in the entire universe. Every word, every action, every species, every planet, every galaxy.

  The Anunnaki created a physical Akashic Library in a real building. A branch exists in every community they have on Nibiru and every station on any of the planets they visited. Iraq and Lebanon had particularly good ones before war destroyed them. Some say that the ancient Library of Alexandria had a hidden room, well disguised, which they had used. Being a calm, focused race, they have a very easy time connecting to the Akashic Record with a combination of technology and meditation.

  The technology of the Anunnaki and Marradian libraries, as far as can understand it at all, is amazing. No bookshelves shelves, no computers, and all you see is an enormous screen. The technology behind the screen is capable of reading your mind, so it knows which “book,” you need. All you have to do is to stay still, and it will display the data in front of you, not as lines, sentences, and paragraphs, but as codes. Each code contains particular information related to an aspect of the subject. For example, if you would like to learn about the area which is now Iraq in 2000 B.C.E., 300 C.E., and 2008 C.E., all you have to do is to focus on the word Iraq and three codes will appear on the screen waiting for your command to open up. Then, three digital (for lack of another proper word) files will open, each one containing everything that pertains to that particular era in Iraq. Your mind will sort out, classify, and index the specific data for part of the information that interests you. From that moment, everything is happening directly between your mind and the screen. Once you have found the data you are interested in, you can do your research.

  The Marradians, on the other hand, have a tough time contacting this incredible source. Technology is not the problem – both have excellent libraries with all the necessary gadgets – but since they are a nervous, fidgety race, the meditative state is not something they do easily. Since the female Marradians are somewhat more relaxed and focused, it is easier for them to connect, which is why so many Marradian females have adopted the professions of librarians and teachers, but they are not terribly interested in the Akashic Record. They often say that they are more interested in concrete and practical knowledge than in esoteric wisdom. They are wrong, though, since an enormous amount of useful information can be extracted by studying the Record. For example, several great Marradian dress designers, past and present, have made a tremendous effort to learn to meditate and thus acquired their knowledge and inspiration from images they managed to get off the Akashic Record.

  The Mysterious Underwater “Pinging” sound in the Arctic

  Several agencies had recently reported that Canada’s military is investigating a mysterious “pinging” that is emanating from the sea floor in the Arctic, in the Fury and Hecla Strait area. People also described it as a “hum” or a “beep,” and it has considerably reduced the number of sea mammals. Since this is a major hunting area, where the inhabitants rely on wildlife as their primary source of food, it has caused enough concern to create an investigation. Both Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation, which has previously conducted sonar surveys nearby, and Greenpeace, the conservation organization, have been suspected as the source, but both denied any connection. Submarines are not entirely ruled out but seem to be thought unlikely.

  All these allegations are wrong. The noise emanates from the Marradian underwater bases, which are very active at this time of year as the seasons change. They greatly accelerate their mining of resources, which involves massive machines that scout the sand at the bottom of the ocean. They also produce explosions to split underwater rocks, and this can be heard through the water by many ships. The vibrations confuse the sea mammals who are dependent on natural signals to navigate, and they turn away from the location.

  The Marradians have been present on Earth for a very long time. In a secret i
nterview with a Marradian, he said “We have been here for thousands of years. We have our bases underwater, in the Pacific, near Puerto Rico, and under Alaska’s glaciers.” When the interviewer asked the Marradian to elaborate, he added “We consider ourselves the first and the legitimate inhabitants and owners of the earth. You are not. We are here because we need natural resources that exist on Earth and in the oceans.”

  Investigations of the USOs led researchers to strange underwater straight lines that they could photograph from the air without difficulty. These are navigation tunnels that are used by the Marradians as the connection between their bases and their marine dormitories. Some ancient underwater ruins show that the Marradians built such tunnels for thousands of years.

  AUTEC, or The Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center, is a laboratory near the Bermuda Triangle, where the Navy does weapon testing and underwater research. However, a substantial evidence of UFO and USO activity near it is beginning to be common knowledge. The United States has constant Marradian connection. Meetings have been recorded between the Marradians and President Eisenhower, for example. This information had been leaked, again and again, since 1947, by AUTEC’s employees and military personnel.


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