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Parallel (Prophesied a spirit within,Book I)

Page 19

by Cheryl Doucet-Surette

Stay tuned for Book II Prophesied A Spirit Within


  Released June/July, 2013

  Please feel free to leave feedback it is greatly appreciated.

  If you want more please follow me here!/doucetsurette



  Peter was startled to suddenly hear the doorbell; he had been deep in thought wondering if Daniel was going to be alright. He hadn’t heard any news yet from Selah and had been expecting her home earlier that morning. As he made his way to the front door, he peeked out through the side window, when he saw Cece there he felt a lump of bile rise inside his throat.

  This couldn’t be good if Daniel’s mom was here, he must of gotten worst since last night. The motorcycle accident had been horrific to say the least. He wondered could the pressure on his brain given him severe damage, he prayed it wasn’t that. He had grown to love Daniel like he was his own son; he hoped this wasn’t bad news. As he opened the door, he pasted on a smile hoping it would make everything ok.

  Cece wished she could think of the words to describe how she was feeling at this moment. What she had just bore witness to, had left her speechless. She couldn’t think of what she was going to say to Peter at all, but she knew she had to somehow explain to him… The creator had given her a small token to help in the explaining and told her to only show Peter and Jacob together, it could only be used once by her. She couldn’t waste the gift.

  When she saw Peter’s smile she knew it would all be ok, she smiled back as she mumbled a hasty “hello.”

  “Hi yourself, I hope you’ve come bearing good news…” Peter regretted his words soon after they left his lips, what if it was bad news, damn he should of kept his mouth shut already, but still better to be positive.

  “Daniel is awake, thanks to Selah, she never gave up that daughter of yours, and I’m so grateful she’s so tenacious.” Cece surprised herself with the words that stumbled out, as if she doubted her ability to speak suddenly. She walked in to the house as Peter held the door open for her.

  It was sad how tragedy had brought them together, she respected Peter, and he had chosen the right road after his wife Diana had died suddenly, a few months before. Daniel had informed her how he had been lost at first preferring the bottle to any sort of company. But god willing he had straightened himself out before it got too out of hand. She looked up at him and saw how it had aged him, he was only a year older than she was but looked at least 10. Still he was not a bad looking man; he had a regal way of carrying himself. Embarrassed by her thoughts, she looked down suddenly she hadn’t really looked at another man since her Jack had died seven years ago.

  “Are you home alone or is Jacob here?” Cece asked, hoping he hadn’t noticed her frank stare.

  Peter oblivious to her concerns led her into the kitchen, he had made coffee earlier, “Jacob should be home soon. Would you like a cup of coffee, only made half hour ago?” He wondered why Selah wasn’t with her, and why she wanted to see Jacob.

  “Yeah that sounds great, milk and sugar please,” she stated realizing her lips were watering at the thought of coffee, was she thirsty, or was it the company? What was she thinking? Ever since what she had witnessed she seemed to have no hold of her emotions or thought for that matter, she was usually so controlled? It was rattling her; she squeezed her hands together in exasperation, hoping Peter didn’t notice. Luckily he was too busy making her coffee.

  Peter turned with the mugs of coffee full up to the brim; he met Cece eyes with his. Daniel and his mom had the same eyes, a deep grey color. He looked away for some reason, as right now Cece’s were unsettling to him. “So what’s going on how did my daughter get him out of the coma, or wait should I even ask?” he ran his hand through his hair, it was a nervous habit he had when he didn’t know what to do with himself.

  “It’s ok, Peter,” She reached to pat his hand in reassurance “Selah didn’t do anything bad, I just wanted to wait until Jacob was home to explain because I don’t think I could get it out right twice in a row.”

  Peter tilted his head in confusion, arching his eyebrows in question. “I see that make sense,” he gave a nervous chuckle, and then stopped himself from running his hand through his hair again. “So he’s awake, does he seem to have all his brain function back? He must be sore everywhere?”

  Cece remembered how Daniel looked the last time she had seen him, she had never seen him so…happy. “Actually he doing awesome I don’t think he was feeling anything but overjoyed, really.”

  “Does he remember anything from when he was comatose, I’ve heard you can still hear everything, you’re a nurse, is that true?”

  “Actually that is true, a few years back I was taking care of a patient that was on his last legs, the family had all been called to the hospital they expected him to pass at any moment he had been in a coma for a while. He had a very large family, around 15 children if I remember right and they were all there except one, his middle son. They had been mad at each other for the past twenty years, and never spoken. His son arrived and was talking to his brother in the room, when suddenly the father woke up, he turned to his son, he said “I was waiting for you to come; I just wanted to say I forgive you.” Then a few seconds later the father passed away, it was a very touching to witness it all enfold the way it did.” Cece sat back holding her coffee remembering that moment.

  “Wow, that’s such a great story. I suppose you see all kind of sad things there at the hospital.

  “Yeah, you’d be surprised.”

  “I never really put much thought into it before.” Peter exclaimed. “I always try and stay away from hospitals if I can; it seems all I find there, is sadness.”

  “I’m sorry Peter I didn’t mean…”

  “I seem to have spent more time there in the past 6 months than I have the last 20 years, except for when the kids were born, that was happy times of course.”

  “Did you see the births?” Cece wondered if he had went in to witness the miracle of his children being born, not all men were up for it, back then anyway it was rarer.

  Peter got a faraway look in his eyes suddenly as if he was there once again, “Yeah, Selah, it was incredible she was so tiny and when she finally took that first breath, it was like I could breathe too. Diana had had a miscarriage before Selah was born, so we always had that worry in the back of our minds, you know and hoping she was healthy and all.”

  “She had to have a caesarean for Jacob thought, he was so big she couldn’t pass him through the birth canal, Selah was 7 lbs. but he weighted over 11 lbs.’, he was so long and big.”

  “Wow, that’s big, usually babies are around the same size though.”

  “I remember she was always so hungry for Jacob I thought she had 4 in there the way she was eating. I used to have to go to the store in the middle of the night cause she woke up and needed, and I mean needed to have ice cream, or turkey I remember she had so many turkey sandwiches I thought I would have to start raising them.” He really laughed then, thinking of her looks she would get when she woke, he had never questioned it just got dressed and went, thank goodness for the grocery store, open 24 hours a day. “I’m sorry was I rattling on…” he snapped back to attention remembering where he was.

  “It’s good to remember you know, it took me a long time to do that, I thought after Jack was gone that I was supposed to just be there for him when he was sick you know…for so long that’s all I did, take care of him watching him disappear with the cancer. After he died, I was so tired I kind of put him on a pedestal for a long time. Daniel would want to talk about him and I just couldn’t, but I finally let that go and now it feels really good to remember him, the good times, before he got sick.”

  They both sat there quietly in their own thought remembering what had been, in very different ways, they seemed to reach an understanding in that brief time frame, they each ha
d loved and lost, and had somehow manage to pick up the pieces for their children. In the stillness they formed a friendship based on mutual understanding of their pain and grief, suffered in their losses.

  Suddenly the peace was interrupted by the front door opening, Jacob was home. Now he could find out what his daughter had done to help bring Daniel out of his coma after the motorcycle accident.


  Daniel watched Selah as she spoke with the creator, her father; they had made arrangements to let Selah’s birth father, and brother know about the recent changes to their situation. He had been blessed that his mom had been able to travel to the void to see firsthand what had transpired between Selah and him. She was excited and nervous about seeing Peter and Jacob; he could feel her emotions running rampant through their bond.

  She now understood why he had done all he had done, this bond was wonderful for that she could feel every emotion he had running through his mind, all his thoughts. She was exhilarated with the change and they seemed to feed off one another. He felt a wave of love coursing from the invisible string attaching them; he looked at her and saw Selah was staring back at him. It was going to take a bit of getting used to, but he was pretty sure he could manage.

  They would know when to make contact with Peter, his mom Cecile would give them a sign when all was ready on the other side, from his understanding they would only take their angel and guardian forms when they were here in the void, unless they crossed the veil in their physical form from here or vice versa. It was a little confusing to take all the new information in, there was so much to remember, Daniel supposed that’s why the bond was made in the fashion it was so they could digest the information better between them both.

  Selah felt complete, as if she had never realized she was missing pieces. With her memories filled in she thought differently, she could see all her experiences from all her lives and make better decisions. And having Daniel in her head also well, she could no longer hide from her feelings or pretend he didn’t have the effect he had on her. She wished she could just go in a corner somewhere and actually just sit back and remember. They had been through a lot Daniel and her, and not all of it good. She was amazed at how he still loved her and had never given up trying to be with her, regardless of what she had put him through for the past few thousands of years.

  But sadly she couldn’t take the time to reminisce now, they had to begin the search for the seven angels, and she realized they had to be in some sort of semblance of order so once found they could aide in her journey. This was totally new for her this was a part of her life she had been always unconsciously striving to obtain. And now that her goal was visible she felt her core shiver at the enormity of the task at hand.

  “We will make it together, trust me, we will help one another stand.” Hearing Daniel’s voice inside her head startled her at first; she looked up and saw him smile from the distance.


  Selah’s brows wrinkled together this was going to be difficult to achieve she thought they would have proof with the creator on their side to tell her dad and brother. This was not working out well, she felt the well open up and saw into her house it was like a mirror image to where she stood. She could see the living room spread out in her field of vision, there was still the veil between them at this point and she was sure they couldn’t see what she saw from her angle. She had been told to stretch the veil so the hole could close back into itself instead of ripping a large hole like she had done in Daniel’s hospital room.

  Selah took a small hair pin out of her hair and poked the veil with it. It had been constructed from spirit just like Daniel’s armor. As she poke a hole through the veil, Daniel suddenly appear at her side and wedged his finger in besides the pin whole and began to stretch the hole wider working it with his hands until it was large enough to put his whole hand through and then both of them, it seemed to be a painstakingly slow task but necessary to prevent a actual tear inside her house where any creatures could use to gain a foothold inside the world.


  Peter was wondering if Cece was just overtired she wasn’t making much sense to him now she must have stayed up for the past 24 hours working and he knew she hadn’t slept much recently worrying over Daniel’s condition. She was talking gibberish about them. Selah had torn the veil, or something, and brought Daniel’s spirit back and now they had a mission.

  He gently grabbed unto Cece’s arm to tell her everything would be just fine she had to go home and get a bit of rest and things would be clearer then. When suddenly he saw a bright light appear in the middle of the living room, it was the size of a small beam at first but was growing steadily as he went speechless. Jacob had just rolled his eyes in exasperation of Cece’s story when he too went completely still watching the light invade their normally quiet and peaceful living room, it was spell bounding no-one dared blink for fear of discovery.

  I hope you enjoyed this small excerpt from Emerge.


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