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Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3)

Page 18

by Melville, J. A

She released him and began to pace the room herself. “I need to think about what to do. Do you have something of Arissa’s for her scent? We are going to need it. I will try something like a location spell to see if it can pinpoint her location but I must warn you, they are not always that accurate. It might give us a general area, but not an exact location. I need a map of Tasmania. It’s unlikely he’d have flown her out of the state. He hasn’t had the time to arrange that and it’s too obvious anyway. Plus she would be harder to control on a plane. Fabian, find me a map please.”

  “One moment my beauty.” He gave her his classic formal nod of his head before leaving the room.

  “I’m serious Lucian. Location spells aren’t always very accurate. It can give us an approximate location, but they could be in a 20 or even 50 kilometre radius of that location.”

  “I don’t give a fuck I just want to do something. The longer this takes the further he could be taking her or the more he could be doing to her. He could be...he could be raping her.” His voice cracked when he said it as unwanted images of her father hurting her filled his head. “Please hurry, we have to find her.”

  Fabian walked back in with the map in his hand and gave it to Sirene who spread it out on the coffee table.

  “Give me her clothing Lucian. I need it for the spell. Hopefully having something that smells of her will help make the location spell more accurate.” Her tone was hopeful but it didn’t make Lucian feel any better. It was a worry when the witch had little faith in her own spell.

  “Take these clothes, use the scent, and find the girl for which these clothes are meant.” Sirene chanted.

  She spread the dress out and moved the map over it. Once she was done, they all crowded around to wait and see what happened if anything. Slowly as they watched an orange light began to glow on the map, lighting up a network of roads heading north.

  “He’s taking her north, but how far, I don’t know. They’re travelling by road which doesn’t surprise me given he can subdue her more easily in a car. They’re roughly somewhere between Launceston and Devonport but where exactly, I’m not sure. I don’t know if they’re still moving though or he’s got her somewhere. I can’t work that out from the map. The way the light seems to be just hovering there I’m guessing they’ve stopped but I’m not sure.” Sirene said as she studied the map.

  “We need to go then, we’ll drive I presume?” Lucian asked.

  “Yes we will have to drive. There are no commercial flights to either Launceston or Devonport and to charter a plane will take too long. In the time we could organise something like that, assuming we could get a flight out today, it would be quicker to start driving. We must be mindful of the sun and we will have better control of that if we drive.” Fabian said. “Come we must start preparing.”

  “We will leave a note for the others and inform them of what is happening.” Sirene said as she gathered up the map and Arissa’s clothing again.

  “Bring ropes, handcuffs, masking tape, whatever you can find to restrain that bastard. We will be bringing him back with us if circumstances allow it. I would prefer to have him here and not have to deal with him where there is a risk of being caught. We can’t afford to have any loose ends that could bring problems for us. Go and get the Mercedes Lucian. I want the van. It’s easier for us to shelter from the sun and will provide plenty of room to deal with the girl’s father and her for that matter given we don’t know what he’s done to her if anything.” Fabian instructed him.

  “Will we need Damien or Francesca?” Lucian asked but his sire shook his head.

  “No, I don’t wish to get them involved. We don’t want to risk drawing unwanted attention to ourselves and as you know neither your brother nor sister are exactly the shy retiring types, especially Francesca. There’s too great a risk that she will do or say something inappropriate. Plus I get the impression that your girl is not that comfortable around them.” Fabian waved his hand. “Now go, quickly, get the van.”

  With a nod of his head, Lucian headed for the front door, grabbing the keys from the line-up of various car keys and disappeared outside to go and get the car.


  I could tell I was in a car or something moving when I started to come to. I groaned at the pain in my head. My cheek felt like it was on fire, the side of my head not much better and all I could think was, my father had found me, he’d captured me and he’d done this to me. What was wrong with him? Why did he hate me so much? What father does this to their child?

  I opened my eyes but when the pain in my head escalated until it felt like an army of workers were in there with tiny hammers, I closed them again. It was broad daylight going by how bright it was from the little glimpse I’d seen before I’d had to close my eyes.

  I tried to sit up but my hands were tied behind me and when I went to shift my legs, they were bound too. How could he do this to me? My father had kidnapped me, punched me and I shuddered to think what else he had planned for me.

  “Well, well, well so you’re awake you little whore; my daughter the whore. I saw you with that man from across the road where you were staying. Dirty little slut letting him touch you and kiss you and out till all hours with him, letting him entertain you in his home. Whore, whore, dirty, dirty whore. You’re a dirty little sinner and you know what happens to dirty little sinners?” He threw over his shoulder at me as he drove.

  “No Father, I wasn’t being dirty, I promise. I didn’t let him do anything to me, honestly I didn’t.” I tried to reassure him so he wouldn’t punish me in some horrible way.

  “I saw you girl, you slut. He had his hands on you, he kissed you and you weren’t fighting him off. It was after 4am, 4 o’clock in the fucking morning and you were only just going home. Are you trying to make me believe you did nothing more than play naughts and crosses with him? I’m not a fool girl. I know what you were doing. I bet if I checked you would have his seed in you. I’ll check and you know what I’ll do if I find you’ve let a man poke at you? I will not tolerate that. Only your dear old Dad’s allowed to touch you girl. Seems you’ve forgotten that and I’m going to have to remind you, aren’t I?”

  My heart ran cold at his words. God he was going to examine me and if he thought I’d had sex I knew what he would do, he would beat me. How did he find me? I was so stupid. I’d started to relax, I’d started to believe I was free of him and now he was here, he’d found me, and he’d taken me away from the life I’d come to love, from the people I loved.

  “I think this will do.” I heard father say and I could tell the car was slowing down. There was movement like we’d gone over a gutter or kerb, and through the window, I just managed to catch the sight of what looked like part of a motel sign. I had no idea where we were. I knew we were still in Tasmania. My father hadn’t taken me on a plane and we hadn’t boarded the ferry to take us over to the mainland, but I guessed his master plan would be to take me back home.

  “Where are we?” I asked but he didn’t answer me. “How did you find me?”

  That got his attention and he turned to me, switching off the engine once we’d pulled up in the guest parking. “That little bitch friend of yours. She squeals like the little pig that she is when I gave her a bit of encouragement to talk to me. Not much of a loyal friend is she? She couldn’t keep a secret for long at all. Funny it took a while to find her since she’d gone on a bit of a holiday otherwise we’d probably have been reunited earlier than this. Still better late than never as they say. You won’t want to try something like that again Arissa or I’ll break both your legs. Have you got that?” He turned fully to face me, staring down at me where I cowered on my side across the back seat of the car. “Right now I’ll go get us a room and then I think it’s time you and I caught up with one another. We should have a nice little reunion. What do you think?” He gave me a smile which chilled me to the bone. His eyes were hard when he looked at me, his expression one of gleeful malice and I knew once he had me in that room, he would not treat me

  Still my mind was racing with thoughts of Debbie. God what had he done to her? If she had been seriously hurt because of me I’d never be able to forgive myself. “Where is Debbie? Is she alright? Did you hurt her?”

  He laughed. “I didn’t hurt her, you did. You hurt her when you accepted her help. Seriously, did you think I’d ever let you go off on your own? You’re mine girl, and you answer to me. I meant what I said, that bastard I saw you with had better not have touched you. I asked your friend nicely to tell me where you were but she’s like you, rude, insolent and disobedient. I had to persuade her to tell me where you were. Seems the poor girl’s met with a bit of an accident and is in a coma in the hospital last I heard. The world is such a dangerous place to live isn’t it?”

  I felt sick when I heard about poor Debbie and my father’s obvious enjoyment at subjecting her to whatever form of torture he would have used, to get the answers he wanted from her. I didn’t blame her for cracking and finally telling him. If she was in a coma, he’d obviously had to work her over pretty hard to get the answers he wanted. Tears pricked my eyes when I thought about her. It was my entire fault. She was hurt and in hospital because of me. I swallowed hard, blinking desperately to stop the tears from falling. I couldn’t give father that kind of satisfaction. He got off on making me cry, he always had. Torturing me and punishing me in an effort to make me break down was a game to him. If I could stop myself from giving in to him and weeping, he eventually lost interest since it wasn’t as much fun if he couldn’t get a reaction from me.

  “I’ll go get us a room and you just stay here.” He said and grinned. “Oh that’s right, you can’t go anywhere anyway.”

  I watched him climb from the car and once I was sure he was gone, I tried to sit up, but I couldn’t manage it; Father had me tied up too well. I struggled within the confines of my restraints. If I could just sit up and see where we were, then I might be able to get someone’s attention and be freed. Just as I considered perhaps calling for help, my father turned up brandishing a key ring with a room number on it and my heart began to pound hard in my chest. God he was going to take me inside and I didn’t want to go inside with him. I knew what he was going to do once he had me in the room.

  I felt tears well up in my eyes when I thought of Lucian. Would he know what had happened to me? Would Daisy have worked out I was gone yet? How would anyone ever find me? Tasmania wasn’t a huge state but given it was a popular place for tourists, there were a lot of motels, hotels, B&B’s, cabins all sorts of accommodation, so the chances of anyone finding me soon were slim.

  My father started up the car again; driving a short distance until he pulled up outside what I presumed was our room. When he climbed out of the car and disappeared briefly before turning up again at the door closest to my head, I knew this was it. He was going to take me inside.

  Roughly he sat me up and pulled some sort of bulky jacket around me, tugging the hood over my head. It was huge and covered most of my face, making it hard for me to see. The thick fabric hung down concealing the fact that my hands were tied together from anyone who might have been watching. He cut my leg restraints from me with a warning that I not try anything and with no regard for me, he looked around briefly before hauling me inside the room and closing the door.

  I barely got a look at the darkened room before he dragged me over to the bed and forced me to sit down. “Don’t you dare try anything or I will punish you.” He warned as he dug around in some bag he had with him and produced a shackle with a longish chain off it. He attached one end to the leg of the bed which I noticed was bolted to the floor and the other end he fastened around my ankle, locking it so I was unable to escape.

  I looked up at his face and found him grinning at me, his eyes moving down the length of my body. He licked his lips and I swallowed, my stomach rolling over nauseously as I met his lustful gaze. I lowered my eyes enough to hide my disgust. If I showed even a fraction of the loathing I felt for him, he would make things so much harder for me. I needed to play along while I thought about how I could get away from him. I needed to believe that once Daisy realised I was gone, she would go to Lucian and he would try to find me. I had to hold onto that belief if I wanted to survive being kidnapped by my father.

  “Now I have you where I want you baby cake, how about you show your dear old dad how pleased you are to see him.” He stepped forward, unbuckling his belt and lowering his fly as he approached me. I watched him until he was in front of me before finally closing my eyes; willing this all to be just a horrible, horrible dream, but when I opened them again, he was still there, standing before me.

  I looked up towards the ceiling, struggling to control my nausea as that would only make him angry, and took a deep breath, before schooling my features into the familiar blank mask that I used to hide my true feelings from him.

  Inside was a different matter though. Inside, silently I screamed and screamed. I screamed for Lucian hoping that he would find me soon, that he would come for me, that he would protect me like he’d said he would. It was all I had to hang on to, that slim hope that he would come.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I lowered my eyes, but of course my father still stood before me, he still had his fly undone and as I watched, trying to detach myself from what was happening, from what was going to happen, he reached into his pants and pulled out his erect cock. I stared at it and I had a sudden, insane urge to laugh. Here I was, being held prisoner by my father, about to be forced into taking him in my mouth, and the first thing to go through my head is an image of Lucian’s beautiful cock. It’s long and thick, with a perfect shape to it, well, it’s perfect to me. Now, staring at my father’s cock, I found myself comparing them. Father’s is not as long, not as thick and curves off to the left a bit, with a rather ugly broad mushroom styled head to it and too much hair all around. Way, way too much hair. I’d never thought of my father as excessively hairy until I’d had someone to compare him to.

  I was abruptly and painfully dragged out of my musings by a sharp slap to my face. “What are you smiling about girl? Stop dallying. A man has needs and you’ve denied me for weeks you dirty whore, running away and ending up in the arms of another man. You will be punished for that, mark my words. When I have you home again where things are more private, I will punish you. You were a fool to think you could leave me. I’m the only man in your life. No other man will ever come between us. You should know that my girl. It’s always been just you and me since your mum died. Running off and ending up in the arms of some strange man. Dirty whore, I’m ashamed of you. Now hurry up and start making amends for your wrong deed.”

  He buried his fingers in my hair, dragging me forward until my mouth was near his cock. One hand left my hair and closed on my jaw, roughly pulling my lips apart and before I could do anything, he shoved himself into my mouth. I nearly gagged since I wasn’t ready but then I was never going to be ready for this. The time I’d had away from my father, meeting Lucian, being with him for just that short amount of time made me realise I couldn’t go back to this. I couldn’t be under my father’s rule and his control again. I wasn’t going to meekly fall back into the pattern of abuse that he’d kept me in for years. I wasn’t sure how the hell I was going to get out of this situation but I had to try. I was going to have to find the best time to do it but now wasn’t it. Reluctantly I would have to endure some of his torture, bide my time and pick the perfect moment to try and escape.

  “Come on girl, don’t piss me off now. Get sucking, come on. You owe me for the trouble you’ve given me running off the way you did, and that friend of yours is in hospital because of you. You owe me; now give me the kind of blow job that will help make up for your behaviour.” He said and shoved himself deep into my mouth.

  With a quick glance up at his face, I formed my lips into an ‘O’ and as I endured his awful thrusting and grunting, I let my mind drift. As my own father forced me to do unspeakable things to hi
m, I let my head fill with images of Lucian. I pictured his handsome face, his expressions, those beautiful chocolate coloured eyes, his smile, his scent, that deep voice of his that would make me break out in goose bumps when he spoke to me, when he called me baby.

  I was dragged abruptly from my thoughts of Lucian by the jerky movements of my father, followed by his loud grunt, and the warmth filling my mouth as he started to come. Determined not to gag and risk his wrath, I hastily swallowed, fighting to hide my grimace at the taste. God it was awful; having to do this for my own father was horrible. How had I done this for so many years? I hated this, I hated him, I had to find a way to escape, somehow.

  When he pulled out of my mouth and stepped back, the rasping sound of his heavy breathing loud in the room, I waited to see what he would do next, hoping he’d be tired and want to sleep. My father wasn’t Lucian; he wasn’t vampire with the control, the passion, the ability to keep going over and over again that he had. My father was human, older and he’d affected his ability to perform from years of alcohol abuse. I could only hope that he’d be done and leave me alone for a while.

  “Well, that was not up to your usual standards Arissa. It’s going to take a lot more than that mediocre effort for me to forgive what you’ve put me through.” Father frowned down at me. “Now I want to know about that man I saw you with. You can’t have known him long and you were allowing him to take such liberties with you and in a public place too. You were out the front of that house where anyone could see you. You try to tell me you’re not a slut, a dirty little whore and yet you allow a man to do that? Pull your pants down. I want to make sure that bastard hasn’t been given access to your body. No one touches you. I am your father. I am the only one who can touch you. I will not tolerate you allowing any other man to put his hands on you.” He leaned down towards me and was so close I could see every pore of his skin, every strand of the greying stubble on his chin.


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