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Passion Follows Pain (Passion Series Book 3)

Page 34

by Melville, J. A

  It felt like it was in slow motion but of course it wasn’t, watching my father’s arm come up, raised at me, coming towards me and without me ducking or anything, I took the full impact of his fist into my face. It hurt a bit, no denying that, but he barely moved me, barely knocked me sideways. Normally when he’d hit me with that kind of force, I would have been thrown me off my feet, but not this time. The impact turned my head sideways but that was all, and when I turned back to face him, he was staring at me with what looked like shock.

  I looked into his eyes, not saying anything and then I smiled, my smile turning into a chuckle, which quickly became a full blown laugh. I laughed so hard I ended up with tears in my eyes, and still I laughed while my father stared at me in confusion over my behaviour. Finally I managed to get myself under some semblance of control and while I still laughed softly, I raised my hand and slapped my father so hard across the face; he flew across the room, slamming into the wall and sliding down to the floor.

  He squealed when he hit and I thought the sound was appropriate. Squeal like a pig for a man who was a pig. With a smile still on my face, I walked over to him where he sat, huddled on the floor. He raised frightened eyes to me and I stared down at him, feeling strong and powerful.

  “What’s wrong father? Not so much fun when it’s you being hurt? Did you not wonder why you’ve been held captive down here so long? You must know you’re not getting out of here alive?”

  “You dirty little whore, you little fucking sinner.” He spat at me but I raised my hand and he cowered, falling silent.

  “You fed me that shit for years. You treated me like crap for years. Well father, I didn’t think I’d make this choice with you but fuck it. You’re here, I’m hungry, so why the hell not? For the first time you can do something useful for me.” I growled at him.

  I let my fangs descend and another burst of laughter erupted from me when I saw the shock, then horror spread over his face.

  “What the hell are you? You’re a spawn of the devil aren’t you? I told you this would happen if you sinned. You’re nothing but a dirty whore.” He shouted.

  “I’m not a dirty whore you bastard. The only one who ever did anything wrong was you, not me. I’m not a spawn of the devil, I am vampire and as a vampire, you know what we drink? I’m not sure the blood from an asshole like you will be palatable but I’m prepared to give it a go.”

  I reached down and hauled him to his feet, latching onto him, burying my fangs in his neck. His warm blood poured into my mouth and he wasn’t as sweet as the blood I’d had earlier but he was better than nothing. I fed and fed, this time having no one try to stop me and I felt him growing weaker and weaker. Finally when he was probably close to death, but not enough to have passed out I lifted my head and gazed into his watery eyes that struggled to focus on mine. Gently I cupped his cheeks, staring into his eyes and wondering what had made this man hurt me for so long.

  “Good bye father.” I whispered, sliding my hands down to his neck. Smiling at him, letting him see his blood dripping from my fangs, I gave a violent, but efficient twist of my fingers that held him. The crack of his neck breaking sounded louder than I’d expected in the dark and dreary cell or maybe it was just my more sensitive vampire hearing that made it seem louder. I tightened my grip on him, holding him upright when he suddenly went limp and almost fascinated to see it, I watched the life leave his eyes. I felt calm, no grief, no sorrow and certainly no guilt as I stared at him. Once his expression was nothing more than a glassy eyed look, his eyes unseeing, I tossed him aside.

  I stood there, looking down at what I’d done, what was left of my father and everything seemed to come back into focus. I remembered where I was, I became aware of the fact I wasn’t alone and I turned to Lucian who was watching me carefully. Sometime during what had happened with my father, he’d entered the cell.

  I smiled at him and stepped forward. As he opened his arms, I walked into them, feeling them close around me. “Are you ok baby?” He asked and I nodded, hanging onto him, breathing in his scent to rid myself of the sweat and sour odour of my father which was now mixed in with blood.

  “I feel good, great actually and maybe that’s wrong but he’s gone, the bastard is gone.”

  “Not quite little one.” Fabian said. “We will need my beautiful witch to take care of this mess now.”

  I turned when Sirene stepped up to the bars of the cell and all she said was. “Be gone.”

  I gasped since I’d never seen anything like it before. She was the first witch I’d ever known but with just those two quietly spoken words, my father and all traces of his presence in the cell, were gone. He simply disappeared with a brief flash of white light.

  “Wow! Where were you when I was growing up?” I exclaimed and Sirene laughed softly at my words.

  “You’re not feeling any guilt for what you did to your father then?” She asked.

  “No.” I shook my head. “I had no feelings for that man other than fear. That fear was gone and maybe it’s wrong of me to feel so much satisfaction over killing him but I am relieved it’s over. He made my life hell and I’d still be wallowing in that hell if it wasn’t for my friend who helped get me down here, but…but she’s dead because of him. She helped me and he killed her. She died in hospital just a few days ago.” I said quietly. “Meeting Lucian was the best thing that could have happened to me. He’s been so patient with me and he taught me to live, to love and I thank all of you too. You have been so kind to me.” Tears filled my eyes and Lucian grabbed me, pulling me close.

  “Come baby, let's get you upstairs again. This dungeon is a depressing place to be.”

  We all headed back upstairs with the vampires who had done so much for me. My hand was firmly held by the man who I had come to love with everything in me. I couldn’t resist shooting a look at him and smiling at the sheer beauty that was Lucian. I realised how lucky I was that he was mine, that he would be mine for eternity, my stunning, sexy vampire.

  My childhood had been hell. My life nothing but pain and misery for so long that I’d never expected to be free of it. I’d never expected to have any kind of happiness but all that had changed. I had people that cared about me now, a man who loved me and wanted only to care for me. It had taken nineteen years but finally I was happy and I could move forward in my new life as a vampire.



  When Francesca let herself into Fabian’s home and headed for the living room, she could hear voices and laughter which brought a frown to her face. There had been nothing for weeks now, except for Lucian’s misery after breaking up with that blonde bit from over the road and it was hell in the house, having to deal with his long face. She was so sick of it all. He was vampire and moping around the way he had been was so degrading, in fact it was downright pathetic to watch, so if he’d finally found something to laugh about, it would be a relief.

  She walked into the living room and stopped dead. So his great love was back, and wedged up against him about as firmly as she could without actually gluing herself to him. They must have sorted out their differences if the stomach turning love-struck looks they kept shooting at one another were any indication. Thank fuck for that. She’d sooner settle for being in the midst of the mutual admiration society than feeling like she was stuck in the middle of a never ending funeral service.

  “Well, well, so you two are reunited I gather? Good because I’d grown weary of the miserable look brother dearest had subjected us to for three months.” She stopped and studied Arissa. Suddenly her eyes widened. “Holy fuck! You’re a vampire.” She exclaimed.


  The excitable voice of Francesca was the first thing Adrian heard when he entered the house and walked down the long corridor that led to the living room of his father’s home. He wasn’t really in the mood for dealing with his family tonight. It had been a long evening but when he walked in and found his parents, Fran, Lucian and Arissa, he breathed a sigh of relief. So
the pale little human who’d had Lucian in such turmoil for the last few months had returned, and going by how closely she was tucked up by his side, things were good.

  He silently chuckled at the thought that he might get the opportunity to play more games with them like he’d done the night he’d walked in and found her sitting astride Lucian’s cock. Knowing that they were fucking and had almost reached their mutual orgasms, only to be interrupted by him had been highly amusing. To sit close to them, watching, talking to Lucian, pretending he had no idea what they were doing, had been hilarious. He had to give them top marks for determination. Even with him in the room, they’d both managed to come and be remarkably subtle about it, just no subtle enough for him. It might be fun to play games with them again sometime now Lucian and his little timid human were reunited.

  He greeted everyone and turned to study Arissa again. She was looking remarkably well, her complexion so beautifully clear, her hair gleaming, and then it hit him, the silence. No longer could that steady beating of her heart be heard. He smiled, and then burst into laughter. “Well I’ll be damned; she’s vampire now isn’t she?”


  Damien was pissed, really fucking pissed. What the fuck was wrong with that damned woman? He was used to getting any woman he wanted and that one in the club wasn’t responding to his charms or his mind control for that matter. Flame, her name was bloody Flame. She was going to set him on fire for sure. What were the fucking chances? Of all damned places she could be living and she had to be with them? Fuck could life get any more shit? That woman was proving to be a fucking curse. She was like the opposite of the four leaf clover, the rabbit’s foot; she was anything but fucking good luck. She’d be the damned death of him if he wasn’t already dead. How dare she? A loser, she’d called him a fucking loser? No one called him a fucking loser and got away with it. She didn’t know who she was dealing with but she’d inadvertently thrown down the gauntlet. Now he wanted her more than ever.

  Mind controlling her had done squat which could only mean she wasn’t human and he’d be crazy to get involved with someone who wasn’t human but then he didn’t want to marry her, he wanted to fuck her. He wanted to bend her over and take her hard and fast, loading up that sweet little cunt of hers, and then he’d fuck her up the ass. Trouble was, she kept either ignoring him or giving him shit like it was a fucking game to her and he didn’t want to play her game.

  When he walked into the living room he wasn’t particularly thrilled to see everyone there, well except for Dominick and Allegra but none of them saw them much anymore, which was the way they wanted it. They preferred to live their own lives separate most of the time from the rest of them.

  He was surprised to see Arissa in the house and glued to Lucian’s side. So the human his bro had been such a pain in the ass over losing was back, and as he stared at her, he realised that she was actually a bloody beautiful woman. His eyes narrowed as he studied her more closely. Something wasn’t right, something was different and then he finally made the connection. “Damn, you’re a vampire.” He said before grinning at Lucian. “It’s about fucking time you turned her.”


  Lucian couldn’t help laughing at the various reactions from his family when they all realised Arissa was now vampire. He tightened his grip on her, dropping his lips to her hair and kissing her, breathing in her sweet scent. Everything was perfect, she was perfect and he’d been so proud of her for how she’d faced her father. Ok, the way she’d killed him had taken him by surprise a little and again he kissed her, smiling into her hair when he thought about how his sweet, gentle little angel had a dark side. She had killed without a thought or care, but then it had been her father, the man who had abused her for so long. Still, maybe it might be a good idea not to cross her.


  I looked around everyone in the room and for the first time in my life, I felt at peace, content. Everyone had been so good to me, welcomed me into their lives and now their family. I had the man of my dreams, my father was gone and I was going to spend the rest of my life, eternity with this stunning man by my side. It couldn’t get any better. Then I remembered and realised we hadn’t shared our news with anyone else.

  “With all the killing of my father I forgot to mention Lucian and I will not be living in Fabian’s home. The privacy in this house sucks.” I grinned and Francesca burst out laughing, and even a reluctant smile curved Fabian’s lips. “I was left Daisy’s home in her will so we’re going to live there.” I watched the various reactions on the faces of the other vampires. “I guess you could say we’re going to be neighbours.” I said and settled back into Lucian’s side as everyone began to speak at once.

  The End

  © J.A Melville. Second Edition July 2015

  Coming Soon Damien’s story in Passion and Fire

  You can find me on Facebook under J. A Melville-author

  Also Twitter, @JacquiAviet


  Or my website

  Other books by: J. A Melville

  Natasha’s Awakening.

  Taming Eric (His POV to Natasha’s Awakening)

  Saving Erica

  Eliza and the Egg. (Kids/teen book under other pen name of

  Jacqueline A Melville)

  Coming Soon

  (Paranormal erotica series)

  The Passion Series to be republished

  Passion After Dark. Book 1. Out now

  Passion By Control. Book 2. Out now

  Passion Follows Pain. Book 3. July 2015

  Passion And Fire. Book 4 Coming August 2015

  Passion For Hire. Book 5

  Passion Becomes Her. Book 6

  Late 2015/Early 2016

  Book 2 in the Dial A Stud series. Louis’s Story




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