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Merker's Outpost

Page 22

by I. Christie

  Nope. Harry, something about her is not right. Give me a little time…I'll figure it out.

  "Lt. Montran, I noticed you like to work out," Guardian changed the subject hoping to clear the tension in the room between his two helpers.

  Harriet turned to the face the hologram, grinning at the sudden change of subject. She did not mind it, but she wondered where he was going with this. Maybe he was offering the captain a chance to beat the stuffing out of her. That changed the grin to a frown, and then a small smile. After all, she had held her own…for a while, with Sheila and she trained in a tough school.

  "I have down loaded all known fighting techniques to date with combatants from beginner to master levels so that you all will not be bored until others arrive. Until the briefing in five stan hours, there is nothing planned. I am sure also, the captain would like to keep up her skills. Perhaps after she has been debriefed by her own command, she will join you." Guardian decided it was time to separate the two women. He needed to speak with the captain. After observing her for two years, he knew this was her usual manner, but he had hoped the subliminals would help her slide into a less aggressive stance. It had not occurred to him that this may be part of her real personality. Guardian decided delving deeper into her records would be a good step.

  Harriet nodded to the captain, making sure she had a polite smile on her face, though she was sure the captain did not really care one way or the other what she liked or disliked. Damn, Spartan! Who am I kidding that she would be anything else but a hard nosed grunt! Oh, great and Guardian suggested we spar. Right. I would rather face the computer simulators than the captain, though, it would be interesting to see just what she knows. I would like to see if she could be taken down a peg or Carol, anyway. I'll just watch.

  The door slid open and Charles and Carol entered.

  Captain Zohra noted Lady Harriet's flushed cheeks and quickly lowered eyes. It appeared she was trying to regain her composure. How the metradame came to be known as Carol was something she intended on learning quickly. Was that what Guardian called 'neutralized'? And what was Lady Harriet embarrassed about?

  Carol felt the tension the moment she stepped into the room. Spotting Mistress, she stepped beside her, studying the holograph and then fixing her eyes on where the tension was coming from. The unconscious woman from the previous night was seated, making an effort to relax. Carol looked into her dark eyes, assessing whether the tension was a threat to Mistress.

  Harriet could feel Captain Zohra's interest shift to Carol, much to her relief, for she could feel her stomach tightening, and her sex swell at the sight of Carol that increased at her physical nearness. She cleared her throat and smiling at Carol, she began the introductions in a steady voice that belied her feelings, "Carol this is Guardian who oversees Merker's Outpost, and Captain Zohra. Guardian - Carol, Captain - Carol." She hesitated wondering what else to say, then decided nothing else was needed. "Guardian has mentioned that he has a dojo setup for work outs with trainers at whatever level we can manage," Harriet smiled towards Carol, hoping her eyes did not show what her body was going through. Their nearness raised noticeable goose bumps on her arms.

  Abruptly a surge of energy rushed up Harriet's frame changing her vision of those around her so she was seeing swirls of colors that appeared around the captain and Carol with tangible emotions emanating from them and - danger. More things from the past, Harriet thought exasperated. She was too preoccupied with Carol's nearness to consciously register what the heightening of her senses meant.

  "Since you have no need of us for the moment, we'll go change into some workout clothes and be in the workout room," she informed Guardian and Captain Zohra.

  When they left Guardian started to chuckle.

  "What is so funny? And what happened to Lady Harriet?"

  "Have you heard about the lust gas that Sheila was equipped with?"

  The captain's eyes widened a little and she nodded. Oh, oh! Who has not heard about Sheila the Crotch Nummer or in the guy's case, Blue Balls Specialist. So, m'lady, your crotch is humming for Sheila, is it? But how did you get her to be at your beck and call?

  "Captain, we need to discuss your prickly disposition," Guardian started firmly, interrupting her thoughts.

  "Care to elaborate, Guardian?" She leaned back in her chair and wondered how this computer was going to 'handle' her.


  Stopping at their quarters for proper workout clothing, Harriet found to her amusement, that Carol could initiate jokes. It caused her to remind herself that she needed to do some research on metrapeople. Was humor an indication that she was becoming more self-determined? And then, was this all there was to it; just remove erase the program? Sounded too easy for all that was invested in the purchase of one.

  Carol and Harriet had no problem finding the dojo. When the elevator doors opened, there was no mistaking where they were. The artwork was magnificent with some life size statues depicting sport celebrities from various species in poses demonstrating their sport. Harriet paused at one mural covering a door. It was of a young human girl, waiting pensively for her groups turn on the equestrian field. One hand held the looped reins of her tall horse while the other rested on the mare's neck. It was as if both horse and rider were gauging their competition on the field before they were called out. It was her Dancer, the year she became champion in galaxy competitions in the steeplechase. Delorita of Prime V. That was her name then. Harriet looked into the room to see beyond the mural. It was a holographic room that had various forms of sports that required a mount, from riding the wild winged creatures of Aden to the large land beasties. Steeplechase and polo were two of the many games depected and could be emulated in this room.

  "Guardian or previous tenants must have been the sporting types. Though, I've never knew a scientist that was athletic," she murmured, as the image of Sharon, who was a scientist, came to mind. "I shall have to ask Guardian about his art collection." She moved her eyes away from the picture and looked around at the rest of the art work. "I have never seen so many different styles of art gathered outside of a gallery."

  Harriet pushed through the double doors that opened up to a dojo.

  "Okay," she said as she glanced around taking in the large space and where the control box was. "I'm going to warm-up with the holograph and then we'll…" she glanced at Carol, "spar and see who will toss in the towel first."

  Carol could feel the competitive spark from Mistress and underneath that the constant sensuous feelings that underlied their connection. "Toss in the towel?" she asked while watching Mistress step back to face her warm-up partner.

  "Ask for mercy, call it quits, get beaten," she explained with a grin.

  "Hmm. I find that…commendable…that you prewarn me that you shall be 'throwing in the towel.'

  "Humph!" Montran snorted and then settled into the warm up movements that would gradually increase to strenuous as the dialed warm up partner that was monitoring her bios set the pace. After an hour her partner signaled the time she set was reached. A dojo bot appeared with liquids and towels for both women.

  "Are you ready to spar, Carol?" She felt ready to take on a few Black Rose at the moment.

  "Yes, Mistress."

  Harriet flinched at the title. "I would like you to find all my weak spots and keep after them." Unbidden, the image of Carol biting her neck came to her. Maybe she was not ready to take on the Black Rose.

  "That sounds easy enough," Carol teased, and snapped her teeth as if taking a bite out of her.

  Goddess! I really am in trouble here.

  Shaking her head to clear it from the heaviness of a sexual rush, she moved to the center of the room and got into a ready position. Carol nodded with a smile and for the next thirty minutes, kept laying Harriet out on the mat with a good sound thump. Whatever skills Harriet had the previous day in their confrontation, was not at that same level.

  Harriet rubbed her sore hip while warily looking at her opponent, as t
hey slowly circled each other. At first, the distraction of touching Carol's body kept her off balance. Her skin was still tingling from the last toss when both landed on the mat with limbs entangled, fighting for the top position with muffled giggles and startled squawks at the intimate grabs and pinches as they both fought for dominance. Harriet grinned at Carol, realizing that she had never shared this type of connection with anyone before. The rough play with overtones of sexual attraction was a new experience and she decided she liked it. Carol returned the grin flexing her fingers as if to taunt Harriet about her next grab.

  Harriet laughed then shook her head ruefully, not taking her eyes off her. So, this must be the real Carol and not the metradame program. It's amazing how fast the character can change. So, is she remembering who she was? No, when I met her she had a warped sense of humor. So, yeah. This is her alright. She's fun. Well, duh, Montran. Like last night was not a clue? How many funnies did she whisper to prevent me from climaxing, just so she could build it up again? Wow.

  Thumb, bam.

  "Ooff." Oh, gawds! Focus here. Let's not get sidetracked with erotic thoughts. You're going to have to figure out how to avoid touching her to get past her defenses.

  Harriet quickly was on her feet and in a defensive position, while Carol charged her to follow up on her toss. Harriet intuitively responded with a fake to the right. Finally having the advantage, Harriet prepared for the offense. Just as she was ready to attack, she realized they had an audience. Someone who had been in the room for a while. That momentary lapse of concentration allowed Carol to land a well-placed kick to Harriet's mid section. After flying a good distance and landing flat on her back, Harriet lay still while recovering from having the wind knocked out of her. Opening her eyes, she saw two pairs of eyes staring down at her…both, unconcerned.


  "When will the effects wear off?" Captain Zohra asked Guardian, worried as they watched the two women from monitors in Com-C, expending more energy than was necessary for a warm-up, beating up the floating bags that moved around like bodies.

  "It has already started. With Lt. Montran, by the end of the week it should be completely out of her system."

  "Good. Rumors were that it never wears off."

  "For those who do not have the antidote that is true."

  "How is Carol doing?"

  "She is an unknown equation. Due to the chip that is still implanted…it's difficult to tell. Her bios are running along the same line as Lt. Montran's, given the species variation. Since Lt. Montran's directions to her have military overtones, coming out as directives and orders, it is not easy to tell if Carol's compliance is from a compellation to complete an ordered task or her own choosing. From what I've observed on Lord Chaney's various visits here, he did not like to feel his metrapeople were like bots, so he allowed more freedom in normal behavior than most owners. So her humor and tastes in dressing are her own. That is saying a lot about the sophistication of the chip implants."

  The captain nodded, as if agreeing, but not adding anything about her own observations. Guardian understood her refusal to share since she had no orders as of yet to do otherwise. In his two years of studying and testing the minds of military and smuggler types he felt he knew what her response would be under military conditions. It was her reaction to Lt. Montran that had taken him by surprise.

  "I believe Lt. Montran knows that you are in charge of protecting the outpost and its special assets, though I don't believe she knows all that is here. But it is only a matter of time. She is…sensitive to things like that."

  Captain Zohra gave a broad smile, letting the amusement reach her eyes. "I don't think that is a problem, Guardian. I rule the land and she gets the sky…army…navy, you know. So, you think she's sensitive, huh?" Well, that bears some looking into. So, she radiates power of some sort and is sensitive to energy fields. Not something I'm personally familiar with.

  Looking back at the screen, she nodded towards it. "Is there a safe distance they can work without being so…distracted?"

  They both watched the two women laughing as they wrestled around on the mat, then finished the engagement with a passionate kiss.

  "Skin contact has the strongest effect on them."

  It does not look like she is suffering much. "I thought you said your second skin will protect the wearer against most physical harm?" Zohra could feel the heat between her legs rise as nude images of Lady Harriet erotically grappling with Carol imposed itself over the images on the screen before them.

  Bloody moon, Spartan. You just got back from a weeklong leave, where you had more than your share of lovelies. So, give it a rest. However, she knew she would not. She enjoyed the visual too much, which did not take much to add atmosphere and a different setting, thus heightening her arousal.

  "Yes. The second skin protects against an attack against the wearer's system, but I never thought of someone using a love potion. Since pheromones are a natural chemical reaction of lust and part of a natural prelude to sexual enjoyment, which in turn releases other natural body chemicals which help heal and maintain the health of the host body, I thought to leave it alone." A deep chuckle followed that remark. "If satisfaction was not received, then that would be another story. Ahhh. A transmission. Good. Your Major General is hailing us," Guardian announced. "It appears she is in flight," he mentioned as one of the screens started to change.

  Captain Zohra sat up as the official seal of the Sister's of the Shield quickly changed to her much-loved and missed General. Zohra's demeanor changed completely.

  "Daughter!" Major General Aglauros greeted her lovingly.

  "Major General Aglauros," she greeted her formally, and then smiled with affection. "Mother," she added to her adopted mother. "It's been a long time since I have said that," she added with a heavy sigh. For the first time in years, she let the weariness of the job catch up with her, and then was surprised at how the sigh gave her so much relief.

  The older woman nodded her eyes studying the captain closely. "Are you well?"

  The captain hesitated, wanting to say something that had bothered her for a while, but the need passed, and she merely nodded. "Just tired," she allowed, knowing that the general did not ask a question lightly.

  "You have changed much," referring to her altered face, and the hard lines she could see around the mouth and eyes of this stranger. Even the eyes were more shielded than she ever remembered, and she had always been hard to read, even as an infant. The slight hesitation and furrow over her brow was noticed, and it gave her something to think about. But there was still work to do. She smiled for a brief moment and then turned serious.

  "I was hoping that once we had Lady Harriet Montran and your team safe that we could be rid of this trouble and you could come home for a well earned vacation."

  So, she would like the old Zohra's face back. I don't think I can do that, Mother. Not yet. Let me get use to being me…whoever that is.

  "Alan Fermin is our chief worry. From what our informants have told us, he is planning on either taking over the planet or destroying it. Unless someone figures out why he wants the planet, because he certainly cannot use the portal himself…or any of his agents. We can only assume it is to create havoc in the other portals just for the sake of doing it." She paused again as she studied the younger woman's image. "His violence against others is increasing. And according to the psychtechs, his violence will continue to escalate." She took a deep aggravated breath, "He is still obsessed with Lady Harriet and unfortunately, as his acts of violence increase so does his madness for her. Your assignment has two unfinished tasks."

  Captain Zohra stomach tightened.

  "I am pleased that Suzamni Takenya is well," the Major General continued. "It would have grieved me deeply if our sister had not made it. I am sending four battalions. Two are on the Moon's Reflection, and the others on the Respite. Healers will be coming through the portal within a day, depending on how safe the Guardians feel travel at this time through them is.
The ships are a little more than a day's jump from you. Send daily updates to the Respite so they know what they are heading into. You will get updates from the seven corners, as soon as we have something for you. I shall be there as soon as I can. Be aware that Naboths Vine has joined with the Collective's Centurion forces to keep order where necessary until the new representatives are elected." She let out a loud harrumph in disgust. "The representatives that are not being replaced are already arguing that with a new group of representatives, the name should be changed. No telling what they'll come up with and how many years it's going to take for a third of them to agree on anything.

  "Admiral JoCastao is the Collective's representative," the general continued. "I'm sure she'll be naming a representative of hers to the outpost. We…are still getting acquainted…ironing out a plan."


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