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Merker's Outpost

Page 38

by I. Christie

  "I think…I will go back to being called Alexandra," she said aloud.

  "Who is Alexandra, Mistress?" Carol asked curiously.

  "Me. It was a name I was called when I was younger." She picked up a piece of bread and studied it. When she relaxed her vision, she not only could see interesting colors and textures but also, hear and feel it's energy. She compared it to the plate. The difference was remarkable, but she knew each vibrated on a different level of existence. Alexandra smiled a crooked grin.

  "The Monks had thought I would be a good student to the Mother of All, their protectoress, but Kela taught me the Witthing Way, and it is her teachings that I will live."

  "Just as I had changed my name and destiny," Carol remarked thoughtfully.

  "Yes." Harriet looked closely at Carol and the colors surrounding her. She grinned as spikes of yellow shot up, and then blended into the other soft colors of blues and greens that surrounded her body.

  "I believe that the chip that compels you to servitude can be removed without damage to your brain cells. Dr. Sharon Teal, who writes under the name of Iwilla, knows how to do this. Would you not say so, Guardian?"

  "Iwilla. You know of this writer?" Guardian asked.

  "Just as I know you to be Maa," Harriet smiled.

  "And how do you know all this?"

  "Because you write like you speak and Iwilla writes like Sharon sounded when she was describing her work to me."

  "Well, I will have to tell her that you have found us out."

  "You had me fooled for a while. I thought perhaps you were implying she was trying to…hand me over to Alan."

  "You are a difficult person to enlighten when you have a mind not to hear. Do you happen to know who Heartstone is?" Guardian asked.

  "So I have been told," she told him ruefully. And something I will have to change…now being a good time. "An Off-Worlder on one of the Wieldworlds. He uses descriptions of the sunsets as examples in some of his works too often to be a tourist. But…he also has too much information for a casual dabbler in the business."

  "Well…all residents of the Wieldworlds are Off-Worlders. I have not been able to figure who it is and it is driving me to distraction." He sighed. "But, now I know more of what direction to look."

  "I would try the prison colony, first. An ideal atmosphere to study implants without interference." Harriet sighed. Sure wish I had a flute. "Guardian, you don't happen to have musical instruments here do you?"

  "Yes. In the recreation room. It's on the same floor as the dojo, but to the left on exiting the elevator," Guardian explained.

  "Great. First things first. I could do with some exercise. Would you like to continue hand-to-hand training, Carol?" Harriet flashed a teasing smile. Mentally she was relieved that the customary erotic thoughts were not followed by the intense need to drag Carol off somewhere to act on them.

  "Yes, Mistress. I would love to test your reflexes."

  "My reflexes are just fine, thank you." Harriet grabbed her around her waist and pulled them both onto the couch they were alongside. Harriet planted a passionate kiss on her lips and then jumped up to dress, letting the lingering tingling the kiss left on her lips go as nothing more than something to think about.


  For the next two hours, they warmed up and then worked out with the moves Captain Zohra had showed them earlier. Guardian provided them with some holographic images that showed them more of the advanced moves, which they added to their work out.

  "You know, Carol, this particular style is for killing only. Look at the Sham'hara move. It kills the opponent days after the initial attack. One thrust to the heart or another vital organ and days later the organ aimed at, fails. No one would even suspect. No physical impact was witnessed and no bruises."

  Carol wiped her brow with one hand and drank deeply from the water the bot handed her. She paused, watching mistress' face change to a troubled look.

  "What is it, Mistress?"

  "That certainly would be a good explanation as to why so many influential people have been suffering from heart conditions in the past few years, hm?"

  "I hadn't heard about that," Carol returned.

  "I remember reading, Sharon was reading it and thought it interesting. She gets a science digest from the college she had graduated from, in Committee space. They did not die but were rushed to a medical facility to get a heart replacement." Harriet stood for a few moments drinking her water and thinking. "It would certainly fit in with my conspiracy idea…" her voice trailed off. Harriet rubbed her face with both hands. "Always looking for the enemy…never knowing who it's going to be. What a life. Ready for a warm-down?"

  Both were tired when they broke off the practice, bowing respectfully towards each other. Standing to the side, catching her breath, Harriet watched the beaded sweat drip off Carol's face as she gulped her water. She wiped her own face and wondered what type of relationship they would have when Carol was past the 'mistress' stage.

  "Let's go find some musical instruments. Do you know how to play a musical instrument?" She tossed her towel toward the bot, taking a last gulp of her own water then handing the emptied container to the bot attendant.

  "Yes, Mistress," Carol spoke without thinking. Both she and Harriet were surprised.

  "What's your preference?"

  "I don't know, Mistress," Carol remarked slowly and then laughed shortly with embarrassment. "I think I am experiencing a buried memory."

  Harriet raised an eyebrow in askance.

  "Lord Chaney was not interested in music," she explained further.

  Harriet smiled at her, pleased that what seemed to be part of the real person was reasserting itself. "Then that is an important experience."

  The two women moved down the hall, each looking in the rooms that lined it, more out of curiosity than checking for musical instruments. Startled, Harriet glanced further down the hall with uncertainty. There was an energy pulse emanating from the end of the hall.

  Adjusting her sight by relaxing her gaze, she could see a soft glow composed of purple, blue and green pulsing from the room at the end of the hall. A dark blue shape started to form in the center of the glow growing larger as it appeared to be moving toward them.

  Harriet was aware that Carol moved to her side concerned.

  "Mistress?" The voice seemed to be from far away.

  Harriet remained where she was trying to discern what she was seeing. "Can't you see what is before you?" she asked softly, as if a normal voice would scare off what she was witnessing.

  "I see an empty hall, Mistress. What else is there to see?" Carol asked puzzled.

  Harriet continued to stare at the form before them, with her eyes beginning to water from the light shinning from around the form. Harriet put her hand out to stop Carol in case she moved forward.

  The form in the energy seemed to turn around and walk back into the field. When it disappeared completely the energy field folded into itself and disappeared.

  "Mistress?" Carol asked softly.

  "I think I now know why Alan wants this planet. There is a portal here." Her heart was pounding excitedly. Part of her was finding it incredulous that what she was witnessing was indeed true.

  "A portal?"

  "Do you remember the childhood tales of Blenda and Mal and their trips to other...?"

  Carol was shaking her head.

  "Oh…right. Well…oftentimes childhood tales speak of truths that their elders no longer believe but it does not mean that such things no longer exist."

  Carol looked at her blankly, glancing back down the hall, but still only seeing an empty hall.

  "In these tales, Blenda and Mal traveled across the Galaxy via portals instead of space ships. These portals are entrances to corridors that take the traveler to specific planets. Like, planet A's portal goes to planet B and B to C and so-on. Not everyone can pass through the portals. Only those that vibrate to a harmonic that is compatible with the portal. Anyone else will go up in
flames the moment they step across the threshold. The children's tales were of two idealistic very upstanding young girls who did heroic and kind things wherever they visited. They had two animals that traveled with them. Depending on the life form telling the story, it ranged from wild beasts to tame. I grew up on the tales. Even in the monastery they spoke of the two travelers as if they were real." Harriet laughed ruefully. "I'm digressing here. Anyway, this is just like the stories, the colors, the form coming out of the light…it's just incredible!"

  Carol still looked at her uncertain.

  "It's an energy gate of some sort," Harriet tried again, not understanding why Carol was not getting the idea - or was it that she was just not interested. "…and the life-forms that enter it must be on a vibration level that is attuned with the gate to be able to enter it."

  "Well, Lt. Montran," Guardians voice interrupted her over the speaker system, "I see you have found us out," his voice hinting amusement. "You must step back from where you are so as not to endanger Carol. The chip implant may cause her great harm should she get any closer. The room you had been looking for is the one nearest to the elevator. I suppose you will want to talk about this 'discovery.'

  "Yes, I would." Harriet's insides were quivering at the realization of a child's world of fantasy was indeed true. Her more sensible side quickly hushed the thought of all the other possibilities that could exist that she had heard as a child.

  "Would you be able to wait until tomorrow? My guests will have settled by then and we can schedule a meeting that will be comfortable for everyone."

  "Alright. Sounds okay with me." Oh, right, Harriet. Like you have some say here. Helgas Moon tides. I have to get use to the idea that the portals actually exist. He didn't deny my assumption…so, geeze. Just how much of those tales are true? Goddess. The possibilities. To travel from one planet to another in twenty minutes or less, no matter the distance. Wow!

  Though the two were quiet as they headed back toward the elevator, Harriet's thoughts were dredging up memories of all the tales she could remember on the two children that traveled the Galaxy, stumbling from one adventure to another. Kela had mentioned that all planets had openings that allowed a traveler, properly prepared, to traverse to different worlds. Now she understood her. At the time, she had thought she was referring to astral projection, a common practice among the students at the school. It was something she had not thought of for a long time.

  Once in the recreation room, Harriet's mind focused on her immediate need - music. She found a flute, and Carol picked out a small instrument that fit into the palm of her hand. Carol tentatively blew on it.

  "I don't recall playing this, Mistress," Carol remarked as they rode up the elevator, "but it does make a pleasant sound, does it not? Har-mon-i-ca," Carol enunciated, relishing how it sounded.

  Harriet nodded as she tapped the keys on her flute. The pads on the flute were made the old-fashioned way and the feel of the cool metal that warmed quickly against her palms was comforting. "It has a nice sound. I remember hearing one played by a soldier. Its size made it easy for him to carry it around."

  Both were excited to try their instruments when they got back to their quarters. Each encircled herself in a soundproof bubble until they had mastered it enough to give solos to each other.

  "I really believe you once played that instrument," Harriet told her confidently, as she cleaned her instrument.

  Carol's eyes, luminous with a joy she could not describe, took a deep breath and let it out, grinning at this feeling that was reminisant of something she could not quite remember.

  Contented and very soul-satisfied the women prepared for bed. Harriet had been heartened to see the colors around Carol so vibrant. Maybe music was the key to healing a metraperson. She shook her head wearily. Sound was used to release the program and to wipe the program out…maybe sound in musical combinations…her brain stopped. She was too tired to go on with the idea. She was also too relaxed.


  Chapter 18

  "Hey, Montran! Wait up!"

  Cadet Montran was walking alone back to her barracks in the evening, following her early leave from a birthday celebration at one of the local social establishments. She had a flight test in the morning and wanted to go to bed early. A perfect score was her goal, as she and her dormmate were in competition. Another chance encounter with her Dancer was also on her mind. Contact with her, even for a brief moment, had her mind and emotions scattered and confused, not to mention that it gave a very pleasant thrumming throughout her body. The clear chilly night air was what she needed.

  Alan Fermin, from the neighboring Diplomat Academy, hurriedly approached her. A few of his friends were trailing behind. The red alarms in her head were going off at this chance meeting. She could sense the danger and see it as a black cloud heading her way. She felt she had gone though this before. Ahh. It was from her past. She smiled at Alan and mentally forgave him for what he was about to do. Harriet could see the cause and effect of her own actions and without placing judgment on herself, she gained insight and compassion for herself and others whose choices do not always seem to be the best at the time.

  Time sped forward, and memories of her last drop played out. In this space, it seemed her incarceration was for a short time, but in real time, it had seemed a lifetime, because along with the physical torture, she suffered for the loss of life of her troop. They were finally proud of themselves and of wearing the Degas troop patch, and now they were no more…except her.

  Her dream body suddenly was jerked away from the morbid replays, and compelled to continue on to another place, somewhere she recognized. It was where other souls gathered for their lessons when their physical selves slept. The soul she had recognized as her grandfather was explaining something to a student by way of...

  Her struggle to put an explanation to the method of teaching nearly yanked her back into her physical body and would have if Gedaliaha, one of her mentors, had not tapped her on her forehead, as if to remind her. Obediently she took her place amongst the others, though once she focused on her grandfather, all the others disappeared. She became absorbed in the lesson. When it was time for her to leave, she was reluctant, as always. The teacher gave her a nod as she withdrew and this time, she felt she would remember whatever the lesson was about.


  Carol was not aware of any dreams but she knew she dreamt. She woke up with a start, her heart pounding. The small night-light came on as her bios changed from sleep to an awaken state. Mistress' deep breathing told her she was still asleep. Carol attempted to go back to sleep but could not. She recalled that mistress had said she played her flute when she was in a similar state. Quietly Carol left the bed picking up her robe on the way to the front room. She engaged the soundproof bubble around her. When she played the harmonica earlier, it was like hearing something familiar at the edge of her consciousness. She wanted to stop wrestling with feelings and try to put pieces of thoughts together. It was like putting a jigsaw puzzle together in the dark.

  She paused not knowing what to play. She closed her eyes and listened to the combination of tones she blew. She played the notes long, letting them tease out memories that were like gray shadows. It was as if she was looking for a specific tone.

  Finally she stopped. She did not know for how long she was playing but she wanted to sit in the silence for a few moments. She could feel herself buzzing. What was that from? She shook her head to get rid of the sound. Opening her eyes, she could see an unfamiliar figure sitting on the couch watching her.

  Carol released the bubble.

  "I am an old friend whom you will not remember, nor do you need to. I have come with a message from your past, to you, from you." With that, she held out her hand with a case resting in her opened palm.

  "I'm not sure I understand what you are saying." However, Carol eagerly reached for the case. Her hands touched an apparition though the case was solid.

  "You volunteered for this job. Now it
is finished. You set up the parameters of recovery. You can remember who you were, or not. What memories you wish to keep is your decision." With that, the apparition disappeared.

  Carol looked at the case in her hand. She put the case in her robe pocket when she heard movement coming from the bedroom. Now was not the time to review it.

  Harriet stepped into the front room fighting a big yawn. "Good morning, Carol. Did you sleep well?"

  "Yes, and you Mistress?" she asked politely as she noted Harriet's bios and mentally started to plan for breakfast.

  "Yeah. Have you eaten yet?"

  "No. I was waiting for you."

  "Thanks. Well…I was going to do some stretches, work out a bit and take a bath before I eat. If that's too long for you…don't wait. When Guardian's guests start arriving, our day will be long with introductions, shared dinners, socializing, and planning. Just the thought is tiring me," she groaned melodramatically, though meaning it.


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