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Merker's Outpost

Page 54

by I. Christie

  Wow…amazing! Major Zohra rocked back on her heels a little to regain her equilibrium as the new sensation immersed her. She could feel the power of being one with so many. It was a heady feeling, just as the old Spartan had told her. Could the others feel it? No one seemed to notice. She glanced at Vanster who had been maneuvered away from them. Why had the old veteran Spartan noticed it and not her sister warriors? Alexandra must have felt her disorientation for a gentle touch on her arm, and something whispered in her ear refocused her. What word did she use? Whatever it was she was grounded instantly.

  "They won't feel it until you use it," a soft voice informed her.

  The major blinked a few times and then resumed her walk into the room.

  "Oh, is that how it works," she muttered. She heard the commander chuckle.

  At the planning table the officers surrounded Major Zohra while Commander Montran stood silently just behind her, listening. Major Zohra's field execs, and scouts reported what was happening in all the cities that were being brought back on line. They needed them up and running in order to monitor any life signs in them. The alowans were starting to appear around different parts of the planet, both interior and on the planet's surface. They had to be stopped before they could get a strong foothold in the outpost. So far three sighting of them had been made, during the night. Perhaps that was the reason for the alarms throughout the cities.

  The major confirmed Lt. Malchi's verbal and written rebuke of the officer that dispatched Vanster to their quarters. It was the same person that had given a sloppy assessment of the Southern Rim.

  "Before this gets out of hand," Major Zohra told Captain Raizel, "reassign her now, off this planet."

  The captain nodded. "I'm not sure how she got picked for this assignment, but she stirring up trouble with her off color jokes about you and…" she paused, wondering how to finish it.

  Major Zohra looked around the table at her staff officers. "I will not have anyone…demean a fellow soldier…or anyone else for that matter, in my troop! Is that understood? This is not the Black Rose troop or some Spartan troop that thinks demeaning another makes them tough. I've had enough of that attitude."

  The others looked at each other and then back at their CO.

  "So…just what do you want us to do with…anyone that mouths off, Major?"

  They all knew the captain was referring more to Sgt. Vanster than Lt. Mucha.

  "Ship her or him out. There are three ships above us and I'm sure there is someone on one of those ships that would love to exchange places. There always is. Just make sure everyone knows what is expected of them."

  "Lt. Clea, can you post that?"

  "Love to, ma'am," she replied with a grin. Boy, would I. There are a few others that got here somehow that that I'm ashamed to say are sisters.

  "Did you say something, lieutenant?"

  "Yes, ma'am. I'll post it," she repeated.

  "No, no. I thought you had something else. Well, captain, what else have we got?" she turned her attention to Captain Chilali.

  "Good news and bad news. Alan's spacecraft had been found two days from here on auto pilot…abandoned and booby trapped."

  "Okay. Keep on that information." Turning to Lt. Heleni she asked, "What have you learned about the programming on the main system?"

  "We've made great progress. It's Agean. They are very talented in implanting subroutines that could cause either great damage or great programming delights. Now we know what to look for. We have the brothers working on one half of the problem and our sisters on the other half. It will cut time," she added confidently.

  Major Zohra nodded and moved on to the next issue. For the rest of the afternoon she moved her people around and kept after the younger ones to keep up the physical exercises to prevent them from being sidetracked with all the luxury toys the Lair had for their entertainment.

  Occasionally Major Zohra would steal a glance Alexandra's way only to see her dark malachite eyes gazing at nothing in particular. Her sigh brought a questioning look from one of the warriors.

  "Is that not right, JG…Major?"

  "Let's give it some more thought," Lt. Melchi suggested.

  "Why don't we break for dinner?" a voice at her elbow suggested.

  She turned gratefully toward her companion.

  "Commander Montran, that is a splendid idea," Major Zohra said uncharacteristically, for she was known to work though dinnertime, eating little herself.

  The others laughed and began to call out for dinner to be served.

  "While our table is being set I want to have a word with someone. I shall be back shortly." Major Zohra put a hand on Alexandra's shoulder to let her know she wanted to go alone. Alexandra had no intention on rising; she was tired and hungry.

  Major Zohra's unease about something did not go unnoticed by her team leaders, who had also been asked to not accompany her.

  Carol-Maa had joined Alexandra at the table having returned with the patrol that had visited Avanstar. As their eyes met, Alexandra grinned from the look of mischief in Carol's eyes.

  Now what is that about?

  Alexandra picked at the food placed before her. Carol-Maa's conversation with some of the leaders did not keep her attention. From Alexandra's position, she could watch Major Zohra as she questioned one warrior that was shaking her head and looking unhappy.

  Alexandra brought her eyes back to the table as one of the leaders coughed. She had been exposed to a gas and the tea she was given was assisting in the body's efforts to clear her lungs.

  She returned her attention to Major Zohra who had moved to speak to a young man from Naboths Vine. He had a message. When he left another person entered the room and with this person she felt a new vibrant energy reach out to those in the room…touching gently. Sitting up straighter, Alexandra could feel a light touch to her connection. The touch remained but the person did not intrude into her link, merely…monitored it. Alexandra had a feeling she was reading her or trying to identify her.

  Curious, she watched as a cloaked figure moved unnoticed behind a group of laughing warriors. Whoever it was, Alexandra was certain she would be investigated closely before the person made her appearance. She had never heard of anyone besides herself who experienced such a link with a group but she suspected it existed. Nothing is new in the multiverse, her teachers had told her. She spotted the cloaked form again, much closer. Slowly, she withdrew her contact with the group, letting the stranger take over. Still no one turned to acknowledge the presence of this visitor!

  Major Zohra returned when the leaders were nearly finished eating. She sat next to Alexandra and ate sparingly of her dinner.

  Though they sat with space between them, Zohra's elbows brushed against her energy field. Ripples of a tickling feeling touched Alexandra. As lovers, they had their own link, and it was strong. Alexandra could feel the effect their touching had on Zohra. She smiled to herself and made a note to take advantage of it later. Zohra was so distracted that she had discreetly moved a little further away. Alexandra understood her need to stay focused. This momentary distraction caused her to loose sight of the cloaked visitor, though she was not worried. She relaxed in her chair, watching the cloaked figure openly approach their table. Still no one around them seemed to notice the figure's approach.

  Major Zohra could no longer resist looking at Lady Alexandra. Green eyes were staring intently before them. She looked in the same direction and saw nothing at first and then a familiar ripple in the air. She knew exactly who it was. Major Zohra looked at her plate for a moment to recenter.

  Oh, Goddess. She's going to know about Lady Alexandra and I. And she's going to know it's not a sudden kind of thing. Oh, Mother, are you going to be upset that I've been keeping this secret from you?

  "You are not eating enough, Major Zohra," a familiar voice spoke above her. Major Zohra jumped startled with the others who also recognized the voice. The figure Alexandra watched approach pulled the hood from her face.

cry had gone out and the room filled with the roar of warriors as they recognized their major general. Obviously, they were use to this unusual type of entrance. Alexandra stood with the others. When the cheering died out, Major General Aglauros regarded her adopted daughter. She had not seen Zohra physically since she had gone undercover as a Spartan. Nine years was a long time to be parted from her beloved daughter. Tentatively she sent out a touch towards her. She felt the connection between her daughter and Lady Alexandra.

  Lovers…lifemates! My daughter has been keeping secrets…and for a good reason. Helgas Moon, we would not have let her take on this long mission had we known…but Lady Alexandra…would we have been able to protect her? I wonder if she is as stubborn as they say.

  She did not look towards Lady Alexandra but rather studied Major Zohra intently. Major Zohra reddened slightly but kept her eyes level with the Generals.

  "I say again, daughter," she said softer, "you are not eating enough."

  She then turned her attention to the others. "I would like to hear what has been going on first hand. When we are finished, Major Zohra and Lady Alexandra will retire to their quarters and get some needed rest." Major General Aglauros raised an eyebrow at Lady Alexandra's frown. Both women looked tired and she could only image why.

  For another hour with both the major and general listening, the leaders reported on their assignments and assessments of the various parts of the cities that Major Zohra had them visit, including Iota. Both women nodded, as they listened intently not interjecting anything.

  Lady Alexandra watched the connection that played between the two women, not concerned about her exclusion from the meeting, after all, she was not a sister nor officially involved with the ground security. Her uniform from another group helped isolate her from the others. Alexandra's mind wandered. It was brought back to the group when she felt the general watching her.

  So, my daughter is lifemated to the legendary empathic Spartan captain, and now a commander with the Centurions. Can't blame her for leaving Committee space. Easier on an empath if she wants to continue working in the military.

  When the rumors had started about a Spartan troop marked for death by a powerful committee member, was actually coming back alive from their ill fated drops, she had sent her agents out to learn more. A trained empath among the Spartans was unheard of. So much death and violence would burn a sensitive out if not traumatize them. For an empath to also have the gift of Galiel, the ability to form a connection with others, was not so unusual. Military intelligence of all branches of the services kept records of such people. However, no one thought she had either ability and her agents as well as others that had investigated her, just put it down to luck and talent…all but the shamans.

  The general glanced at her daughter and then the commander.

  So, did they form this bond in the Academy…when Zohra rescue her from that crazy Fermin kid? It had to have been then. A long time to carry a torch for someone.

  "Perhaps you would not mind if I visited later?" the General was facing Major Zohra when she asked but generals don't really ask, even if their voice inflection is courteous enough to make it sound as if it is a question.

  "Yes. I will have some plans…"

  "Daughter, please relax. Take time to eat. I know you very well, and I can see that because you have not had a mother or a lover to scold you to eat regularly, you have let yourself get too lean."

  This exchange did not seem to be new for the others laughed as if they had heard it before.

  "Mother, you always say that. I do eat," was the muttered response.

  "You pick," another voice told her.

  "Bese! You old war dog!" The general turned quickly and hugged the other woman.

  Bese gestured to the two women standing a little behind her burdened with food and drink. "I am sending these sisters back to the major's quarters with food that will not spoil quickly and with liquids to store."

  "Good!" the general rubbed her hands. "Now we will get some healthy meat on those muscles of yours, my daughter."

  The general turned to Alexandra this time. "Lady Alexandra, I hope you will go easy on our major. She has not had a vacation for a long time and needs some respite from the worries of command."

  Alexandra shifted slightly as she tried to keep her thoughts clear. What was she implying, that she was to service the major? To baby sit her? Well, that was just about what the major was assigned to do with her, she reasoned. However, her eyes flashed a warning at the general as she tried to keep her temper under control.

  "Until I get my orders, it's the least I can do," she returned evenly. She intended on talking to LaDea Gedehelia about this turn of events or Admiral JoCasta. Right now, she would rather be with the shamans. She knew she was feeling this partially because of the remark but it was also because…she felt a stranger.

  Helgas Moon! I hope this gets over soon. Just get me back to the Ziggy! She groaned inwardly at the problem that would cause. It meant that she would be separated from her Dancer whom she only just was getting to know. She realized no matter what her new position in this operation was…she did not want to part from her lover for long. She sighed to herself heavily.

  I would rather be here miserable than away from her.

  "I will visit you in a stan hour. I don't want to keep either of you up too late," she dismissed them.

  Major Zohra face was unreadable during the exchange but Alexandra could feel her discomfort. Major Zohra nodded and with a firm grip on Alexandra's elbow, hurried out of the room. The warriors followed quickly with the baskets of food and drink. Major Zohra leaned close to Alexandra, "She was only joking, Lady Alexandra. She does that to test your mettle."

  Alexandra's arm was tingling from Major Zohra's touch. She pulled her arm from her grasp. "I don't appreciate being told my duty is to service you."

  "That's not what she had meant. I believe she was referring to your reputation for attracting trouble. I am still your bodyguard, so she must be expecting trouble," Zohra's voice trailed off as she thought of this. "As we all are."

  "Trouble?" Alexandra turned to her to argue but Zohra had turned to one of the women to speak with her. Alexandra tried to drop back unobserved to let the three converse, but Major Zohra put her hand to her elbow, keeping her abreast of her.

  "It's rather difficult to guard someone who is behind me." Their eyes met and Alexandra saw nothing in them to indicate anything other than duty.

  Damn those unreadable eyes, was her mental message to Major Zohra. In return she was unsure if the look returned was that of amusement or annoyance. Did she know what she was thinking?

  The door opened as the group approached. The two guards at each side of the door nodded at the major. Zohra restrained Alexandra with her outstretched arm from stepping over the threshold while she waved the two women guards forward.

  "Now wait a stan minute!" Commander Montran exploded. "I am perfectly capable of looking for T&Ts or any other oddity as anyone here. I've also been in the room longer and would know what is out of place!"

  Major Zohra looked at her surprised. "I have no doubt of your skills Lady Alexandra, but these warriors need the practice."

  Alexandra could actually feel her face heat up with anger. Again she was being addressed as Lady Alexandra. She was not going to just be bait!

  "But, I can see you are going to be trouble if you don't have something to do," Major Zohra gave her a little grin and gestured for her to enter the room to join the security sweep of their quarters.

  It took less than ten minutes with the four of them. Major Zohra made a mental note to check the small bot doors that Lady Alexandra checked. She had not thought of them. She would like to include her in on her own protection but her CO had relieved Lady Alexandra of her military responsibilities on the outpost, which she could do since Lady Alexandra's admiral had not called her back to service. Sighing, she was not looking forward to the visit from the general. She had seen the fire in Alexandra's eye
s when her status was announced in front of the troops and was glad it was not her those eyes were glaring at. But the general had stood firm as if unaffected. That was her mother alright, remembering her own heated arguments when a young girl. She had been head strong, but not as strong as her adopted mother. Looking back, as she had done many times, she had been right to keep her from doing some of the things she wanted to do. Like leap from a ship in space blindfolded. It sounded safe since they were in an AEG but when her mother pointed out what if one of them decided not to retrieve her, for a joke. How was she going to remove the blindfold and who was going to bring her in. As much as she had fought her mother on it, she was glad she had told her no such stunts. And as much as the other athlete's needled her about her acquiescing to her mother's rules, she stuck to them. There were some athletes she would not trust her life with and she did not want to push her luck that that would be who she would draw to handle her. While Zohra's mind wandered, she waited for the search to finish.


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