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Sins and Secrets

Page 19

by P. F. Kozak

  With the heat of that realisation surging through her, she raised her arms and placed her hands under her hair. Sweeping her hair up onto the top of her head, she swiveled her neck to the side, and then back. The sensual movement obviously affected Peter. She heard a sigh trail off into a moan.

  Her breath deepened as her belly filled with heat. Again, she rolled her head, before letting her hair tumble down around her shoulders. The intoxication of watching him watch her overcame any remaining anxiety.

  She slowly walked to the bureau, where he had left his cognac. She picked up Peter’s snifter and took a sip. Running her tongue across the rim of the glass before taking another sip, she watched him. In a shameless state of excitement, he followed her every move.

  After carefully setting the glass down, she glided back to the circle of light under the lamp. She traced the line between her breasts with her finger. Peter pulled the string holding his pyjama bottoms in place. They sagged open and the very tip of his cock poked out.

  The pulse-beat between Pamela’s legs caused her hips to undulate. She heard Peter’s breathing across the room. Clutching her breast in her palm, she flexed her fingers. She pinched her nipple, this time her head rolling to the side unintentionally.

  Peter stood, kicking his pyjamas completely off. Coming over to where she stood, he wrapped his arms around her. “Come back to the bed. I want to touch you.”

  Pamela pressed her pelvis into his prick. “Is it purple yet?”

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”

  Pamela slid down the length of his naked body, her silk gown caressing his bare skin. Peter groaned as her breasts bumped his cock. She didn’t stop until she had fully knelt in front of him and examined his organ. Kissing the tip of his prick before she stood, she grabbed onto his forearms and pulled herself up.

  “It’s purple.”

  Peter took her hand. “Thank you for the report. It’s my turn to have a look.”

  He led her to the bed. “Are you still frightened?”

  “No. I am too stirred to be frightened.”

  “That’s what is supposed to happen. I am pleased you are enjoying yourself.”

  “Are you?”

  “Pamela, you are a siren Odysseus would have been unable to resist. Yes, dear heart, I am enjoying myself.”

  Peter took his place beside Pamela. He put his hand on her belly and she tensed. “Is it time?”

  “Pams, we have all night. There is much pleasure to be had before the evening ends.”

  Taking a deep breath, she relaxed. “I’m delighted I am finally seeing you nude.”

  “Perhaps it is time to allow me the same pleasure.”

  Pamela giggled. “Then we will be naked at the same time.”

  “That is what usually happens.”

  She sat up. “Will you help me?”

  “It would be my extraordinary pleasure.” Peter pulled the silky skirt up to the top of her thighs. “Lift your bottom.” She did and Peter dragged the material underneath. With one smooth motion, he bunched the gown in his hands and pulled it over her head. She had nothing on underneath.

  He threw the gown across the room onto the same chair with the robe. He then lowered her onto the bed. Lying down beside her, he bent over and kissed her breast. With no hesitation, he slipped his fingers between her legs and found her clitoris.

  Leaning in close to her ear, he quietly explained what would happen. “Pams, you are very wet. That is good. Before I penetrate you, I will make sure you have enough lubrication to make it easier.” He massaged her clitoris as he spoke.

  “Peter, will it hurt?”

  “I expect it will a bit. I don’t know for sure, Pamela. Remember, I will be gentle. If you are in any discomfort, I will stop and wait until it passes. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. Peter…”

  “What is it, Pams?”

  “We should pull back your quilt and get a towel. Some girls at school told me they bled afterward.”

  Peter quickly went to the washbowl and retrieved a towel. Once back at the bed, he dragged the quilt to the bottom. He resumed his position beside her and immediately inserted his finger inside of her. “Pamela, you are tensing. Try to relax, my love.”

  Pamela closed her eyes and concentrated on the sensation between her legs. Within a few minutes, she had the impulse to push against his fingers. “Peter, that feels wonderful.”

  “Good, Pamela. That’s what we want.”

  She continued to bump her maidenhead against his fingers. When she pushed too forcefully, he pulled back. Spreading her legs wider, she thrust upward. Peter withdrew his hand completely. “Peter, don’t stop! Oh, God, I want it deeper.”

  “Does that mean you are ready, Pamela? We can do whatever you have a mind to do.”

  “Yes, dear God, yes. I am ready.”

  Peter did not give her time to change her mind. He rolled on top of her and pushed his prick between her scarlet lips. Pamela pushed herself upward, trying to lodge his cock into her cunt. Suddenly, Peter stopped and moved off her.


  “Pamela, I am so sorry, I forgot the sheath.”

  He took a small box from his night table and removed a thin sack. Rolling the sheath onto his engorged cock, he carefully tied the string to hold it in place. As he lowered himself on top of her, he checked the sheath again. She dug her fingernails into his back. “Peter, merciful heaven, do it!”

  He found her entrance and pushed. The tip of his prick slid in easily. Slowly, he pushed further. When he hit the membrane that defined her chastity, he stopped. Pamela gasped for air, her breath rasping out of her in excitement and anticipation.

  Without warning, Peter lunged and pinched her nipple at the same time. Her body convulsed in sensation. She screamed and clutched his back, nearly choking trying to inhale. Somewhere, in a hazy mist of pleasure/pain, she heard him. “Pamela, breathe. You are holding your breath. You must breathe.”

  Peter held her. She took a strangled breath and heard him say, “Again, do it again.” She gasped and took in more air. Peter stroked her hair. “Shhhh, now. It is all right. You are broken. It is done.”

  The reality of his words penetrated her senses. She rasped out, “Is it over?”

  “Yes, my beautiful Pamela, it is over.”

  As her mind began working again, she realised he lay atop her, his prick fully imbedded in her. “Are you inside of me?”

  “I am.”

  “Oh, sweet Jesus, you are inside of me!” The pain had eased enough for Pamela to feel Peter’s thick prick filling her.

  “I won’t move, Pams, until you tell me the pain has subsided.”

  She still held on to him. Her body relaxed as her breath became more regular. “Try to move. I can’t tell otherwise.”

  Ever so slowly, Peter slid his prick out and back into her. Pamela winced, but did not tell him to stop. He did it again. This time she felt the urge to move herself. Tentatively, she pressed her pelvis into his.

  “Oh, yes, Pams, that’s it. Meet me when I push.”

  “Peter, do it a bit harder.”

  The next push became a full thrust. Pamela moaned. “Pamela, did I hurt you?”

  “Oh, no, darling Peter, no. The feel of you so deep inside is heaven.” Sweat dripped off Peter’s face onto Pamela’s cheek. She opened her eyes and saw the strain etched in Peter’s face. “Peter, I am ready. Please fuck me!”

  His startled expression at her pronouncement transformed into a smile. With her permission, he thrust harder, the rhythm of his movement guiding her. She moved with him, her cunt slippery with fluid. He rode her as he would a woman of experience. She responded in kind. He fucked her in earnest, until his prick exploded with lust. He poured himself into the sheath as she undulated underneath him.

  When she turned around, she saw Peter untying his dressing gown.

  “Oh, my!” She nervously hugged herself, trying to remain calm.

  “Pamela, it is all right. Th
is is no different than what we have already done together. There will simply be more of it.”

  “I know that, Peter. But my stomach is full of butterflies.”

  Peter took off his dressing gown and tossed it on the floor. “Now take off your peignoir.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Pamela, isn’t this what you want? We can stop right now, if you have changed your mind.”

  “I haven’t changed my mind. It is what I want.”

  “Then, take off the peignoir.”

  Pamela focused on his bare chest and did as Peter asked. The flimsy material fell away from her shoulders, revealing the negligee underneath. Peter still knelt on the bed, his eyes fixed on the deep valley between her breasts. She slipped her arms out of the sleeves and stood there, allowing him to drink her in.

  “Put your peignoir on the chair. I want to see you walk in that gown.”

  Pamela again did as he asked. She slowly walked over to his favorite armchair and carefully draped the costly robe over the back of the chair. Trying to gather herself, she took a deep breath.

  “Pams, turn around.” When she did, she saw Peter had untied his pyjamas. “Pamela, I know you are nervous and a bit frightened, but remember, we have already enjoyed each other in this way. Try to relax and take pleasure in what we are doing together.”

  She watched as he lowered his pyjamas, completely exposing himself. She had calmed sufficiently to really look at him. His naked body took her breath. He had brown hair everywhere, covering his pectorals, his arms, even his belly. His cock hung heavily from his groin, also surrounded by hair.

  His maleness, his incredible virility sparked something inside of her. The fear subsided enough for her to realise she felt her pulse beating between her legs. “Peter, I’ve never seen you without clothes before.” Suddenly aware she had been staring, she looked away.

  Peter stood and discarded his pyjamas. Completely nude, he said, “Pams, look at me. I want you to look at me.”

  She looked into his face, and then allowed her eyes to drift down his torso. “Peter, you are beautiful!”

  “As are you, Pamela, quite astonishingly so.”

  He came over to where she stood. “That gown clings to you like a second skin.” He ran his finger down the crevice between her breasts. “You are as beautiful as Aphrodite rising from the foam of the sea, a concubine for the gods.”

  Pamela could tell the sight of her affected him deeply. “You enjoy looking at me, don’t you?”

  “Yes, darling Pamela, looking at you gives me tremendous pleasure.”

  “I want to please you, Peter. Tell me what you want me to do.”

  “The light is too bright. Could you turn it down for me?”

  “Certainly.” Pamela walked across the room to where the gas lamp hung on the wall. Reaching up, she turned the knob, lowering the flame. The light instantly dimmed, creating shadows where before there had been none, and casting a golden circle where she stood.


  “Yes.” She turned to see Peter stroking his cock.

  “Lower your bodice and touch your breasts.”

  As she watched him stroke himself, the throbbing between her legs intensified. Watching him watching her bedeviled her, as though an incubus had entered her body. The pulse-beat between her legs now pounded in her ears.

  With her eyes fixed on his cock, Pamela lowered her gown. Her breasts hung as heavily from her body as Peter’s prick did from his. She lifted one breast and squeezed. With her thumb and forefinger, she pinched her nipple, feeling the sensation all through her belly. The ripple of pleasure caused her hips to undulate ever so slightly.

  “That’s right, Pams, feel it, really feel it! Let me see you feel it.”

  She pinched both nipples, caressing her breasts at the same time. The ripples of pleasure once more surged through her groin. Clenching her thighs, she tried to increase the pressure between her legs. It didn’t help. “Peter, please, touch me.”

  “Take off your gown, Pams, and I will touch you.”

  Drugged with arousal, Pamela pushed the gown down and stepped out of it. She scooped it off the floor. After coming back to where Peter stood, she put it on the chair with the robe.

  “Peter, I need to be touched.”

  He took her hand and led her to the bed. “Lie on your belly, Pams.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to touch you. Lie on your belly and you will see.”

  Pamela stretched out flat on the bed. After lying on his side beside her, Peter patted her bum with his palm. He then slipped his middle finger between her legs and tickled her cunt. Her bum lifted from the bed.

  “Does that feel good?”

  She murmured, “Yes.”

  Peter tried to push two fingers inside of her. She felt the tight resistance. “You need to relax, Pamela. It will make it easier if you loosen.”

  “I’m trying, Peter. Please, touch me some more. It will help.”

  “My beautiful Pams, raise up your bottom and open your knees wide.”

  “Peter, that is indecent! It is what a bitch in heat does!”

  “Oh, yes, Pams, it certainly is.”

  Pamela heard the arousal in his voice, the low tone thick with it. She knew he wanted to see her kneeling, with her arse in the air. Slowly, she pulled her knees up and apart. Heated moisture oozed as she opened herself for him.

  “That’s right, Pamela, open wide.” She felt his palm on her arse. “Have you been a naughty girl, Pamela?”

  She knew what he meant to do. Rather than telling him no, to stop him, instead she said, “Peter, I have been a very naughty girl.”

  “Do you think I should spank you for being naughty?’ He lightly caressed her bum, making her itch for more contact. She rocked on the bed, moving her arse under his hand.

  “Yes.” It was all she could say, her breath coming too quickly to say more.

  Peter’s hand came down on her arse with a loud smack. Pamela moaned. He slapped her again and she lurched on the bed. “Now, let’s see if you are looser.”

  This time, his two fingers slid in without resistance. “Much better. But I don’t think you are quite ready.” Withdrawing his fingers, he spanked her several more times.

  Pamela bunched the quilt up in her hands and moaned, “Peter, please, I’m ready. I want you inside.”

  “Not yet, Pamela. I’ll know when you are ready and it isn’t just yet.” Again he pushed his fingers inside of her. “Show me, Pams. Show me how much you want it.”

  As she pushed back against Peter’s hand, her fear and nervousness evaporated in a delirious haze of carnal longing. Modesty and respectability had been replaced by lust and need. Neither the coarseness of her actions nor the lewd performance for Peter mattered to her.

  Pushing back against his fingers, her body’s need to satisfy the burning inside intensified. Peter reached under her and pinched her nipple. She yelped. She then heard him say, “Roll over, Pamela.”

  Without hesitation she rolled over onto her back. She barely had awareness of Peter going to the washbowl and getting a towel. When he returned to the bed, he pulled back the quilt and shifted her onto the sheet. Taking his place beside her, he muttered something unintelligible and stood back up.


  “It’s the sheath, Pams. I have to put it on.” He picked up the sheath he had left on the night table. He rolled it onto his length and securely tied the string.

  Again lying down on the bed beside her, he massaged her belly. “Pamela, listen to me.”


  “Dear heart, it is time.”

  “God in heaven, I am ready.”

  Before she had a chance to change her mind, Peter lay on top of her. In the next moment, she felt the fullness of him sliding into her. The exquisite sensation of being filled by him disappeared in a flash of blinding pain. Peter had forcefully pinched her nipple while pushing his full length into her. She moaned a
nd shuddered underneath him.

  He whispered, “Oh, yes, Pamela, feel me inside of you.”

  Peter lay atop her, his prick enveloped in her flesh. He did not move. Stroking her hair, he whispered, “It’s all right, Pamela, the pain will go away. Then you will enjoy it as I do.”

  When she had enough breath to speak, she managed to ask, “Peter, is it done?”

  “Yes, dear Pams, it is done.”

  “Are you going to fuck me now?”

  “Do you want me to?”

  She clutched his back, digging her fingernails into his shoulders. “Yes, slowly.”

  Peter pulled out and slowly pushed back in. Stopping again, he asked, “Did that hurt?”

  “It burned a bit, but no, it didn’t hurt like before. Try it again.”

  “Pamela, I must spend soon. If I try again, I will need to continue until I finish.”

  Pamela touched his face. Sweat ran down his temples and covered his forehead. “Oh, darling Peter, yes, I want you to spend inside me. I’ve waited so long.”

  Peter pulled back and pushed again. The strain in him apparent, he still stopped. “Pams, are you all right?”

  “Yes, Peter, please, fuck me.”

  He did not ask her again. Filling her with his cock over and over, he claimed her completely. Pamela picked up the rhythm, the fluids running inside her coating the broken flesh. The pain stopped. The joy of having Peter inside of her overwhelmed her senses. At the moment of his climax, she held him tightly. His body tensed and he shouted her name, a sound that filled her, body and soul.

  When he had recovered his wind, he very gently extracted his prick.

  “Peter, get the towel, I feel something running.”

  He found the towel and pressed it between her legs. “Are you in pain, Pamela?”

  “Not exactly. It burns a bit, but my monthly pain is much worse than this.”

  “I thought I might help you spend before we finish.” He pulled the towel away and checked it. “There is some blood, but not significant.”

  “I would rather wait a bit, if you don’t mind. I need some time.”


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