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Never Say Never Again

Page 23

by A. E. Easterlin

  “My incentive to get better. I heard you last night, Maddie. You told me you loved me.” His expression melted her heart, like he was afraid he’d misheard, or she’d changed her mind. Squeezing his hand, she reassured him.

  “Yeah, big guy, I did. And I meant it. But all I want you to do now is concentrate on getting better. We have plenty of time to talk about us once you’re back on your feet.”

  Gideon nodded, his eyes already closing. “I’m going to hold you to that, sweetheart.” His voice faded as his eyes closed of their own volition. His body demanded rest.

  Heart swelling, overwhelmed with pride, she gazed over his body. So many chances he’d taken in his life, so many sacrifices, so much responsibility. His family, the military, starting over at Snowy Branch and getting it back to its former glory. Gideon was the kind of man who saw a need and was compelled to answer it.

  That’s why, whatever it took, whatever she had to do, she was determined to get him well again. He’d earned the right to the life he’d worked so hard for.

  Eli and Zack could handle bath and bathroom duties, but she’d make sure all the brothers had good meals, clean laundry, and a clean house. The doctors and nurses could show her what needed to be done medically before they left the hospital.

  Everything else could be put on hold. The man she loved needed her. And she needed him.

  Zackary Branch was a carbon copy of his two brothers. She’d gone to the same high school as all the brothers, and he at least knew of her. They hadn’t run in the same circles, and he’d been a few years older. She’d been a cheerleader, Harrison the star of the football team, and Zack Branch had been one bad boy, constantly in trouble and always ready for a fight. As much as Pap loved Arthur Branch, he’d made her swear to stay away from this particular grandson.

  It seemed the military had channeled those tendencies into a lean, mean, fighting machine, as the saying went. He was a massive man whose presence filled a room by sheer size, if not personality. She could understand why he’d been chosen to train the most elite of America’s fighting forces. The breadth of him instantly commanded recognition, the bark of his voice demanded obedience.

  He almost had Maddie standing at attention and saying, “Yes, sir!” when he asked how his brother was doing. But the gentle concern that warmed his gaze belied his tough-guy persona. He might roar like a lion—inside he was a pussycat.

  She smiled at the genuine affection impossible to ignore when both the brothers snuck into Gideon’s room. His face lit up like the sky on the Fourth of July, and in spite of the rules, the undeniable good looks of the Branch boys had the nurses blushing with every gaze, and not one uttered a word about having them leave.

  From the minute Zack made his presence known, Gideon began to improve. He was moved to a private room, and as the boys caught up and made plans for the ranch, Maddie spent time on her laptop researching a fulltime nurse for Emma’s Camp and placing ads in university newsletters for a couple of Special Ed majors who might be interested in working as counselors next summer. Maybe by the time they received their credentials, she’d be in a position to offer them full-time staff positions.

  By the end of the week, Gideon felt strong enough to begin rehab. Before he could be released, the doctors wanted to run more tests and assure themselves Gideon could manage basic personal skills. More than once Maddie found herself standing between Zack and the therapist. His first inclination was to “help” his brother, thus defeating the purpose of physical and occupational therapy. His second inclination was to threaten to break the therapist’s nose if he didn’t lighten up. The final straw saw Zack being banned altogether. He headed to Snowy Branch.

  As much as he loved his brothers, Gideon was determined to “do it myself.” Maddie had to smile at his protestations. At times, he seemed like a petulant toddler, pushing aside helping hands and offers of assistance. He was tense—easily irritated, frustrated if he didn’t meet his goals. The doctors explained that this was part of TBI, and cautioned them that recovery was a lengthy process. Maddie was relieved when she learned Gideon would be released by week’s end—that way she could fuss over him to her heart’s content.

  “I can walk, dammit,” Gideon groused as they wheeled him down to the patient pick-up area on Saturday.

  Eli bit his tongue as the orderly frowned at him behind Gideon’s back. Maddie placed a light kiss on his cheek. “Rules, oh mighty one. You wouldn’t want to get your best nurse in trouble, would you?”

  Gideon shot her a sexy grin. “Hell, no. There are other places I want to get my best nurse.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Another damn headache woke him up in the middle of the night.

  The pounding started first, then the nausea roiled in his gut, making it impossible to rest. Sweaty sheets tangled around his newly de-casted leg, and the exercises Zack relentlessly pushed on him made it hurt like a mother.

  Rehab was a bitch.

  Get a grip, man.

  As if his physical condition was the only thing that kept him from a good night’s sleep. Gideon hid the worst of it from his brothers, and especially from Maddie.

  The scars on his head and temple were bad enough, but what concerned him more was what was going on inside his skull. Gone was the absolute control his military training had instilled in him. Gone was the clear focus and the instinctive analytical abilities. Gone was the all-out goal-oriented man he’d been all his life.

  And what was left?

  A short fuse, sluggish perception skills, and a frightened warrior.

  Maddie swore her love every day. She took care of her chores at her place, came to Snowy Branch, cooked, cleaned, watched movies with him, and read to him. What the hell kind of an existence was that for a once-sassy redhead who looked like a goddess and lived like a nun?

  She’d walk through his room and he’d get a raging hard on. He’d hear her joking with his brothers and turn green with jealousy. She’d massage his aching muscles after his sessions with Zack and he’d have to lie on his stomach for twenty minutes until he could be sure his reaction wouldn’t embarrass both of them.

  He wanted her, dammit. But she’d quickly fallen into this rut of conscientious nursemaid and friendly companion. Not that he didn’t appreciate it—he really did. But he didn’t want her to see him as a patient struggling with recovery; no, she should view him as a man she wanted—a man who drove her insane with desire. A man who could slide that warm, luscious body over his and ride them both to completion.

  That was going to change.


  Eli and Zack would be busy doing a head check on the cattle, and inoculating and branding the straggler calves that had dropped. He’d have the house to himself until they broke for lunch. A good three hours. Maddie and he would be all alone, and Gideon planned to convince his woman to be his woman again, if that made any sense.

  He pushed up on his crutches, made it to the bathroom with a minimum of discomfort, took care of business, and downed some aspirin. Since he was wide awake anyway, he turned on the shower and stepped under the steaming water. Damn, that felt good.

  After brushing his teeth, he pulled on a pair of boxers and got back in bed. Visions of Maddie that night on the prairie when he took her virginity played over and over in his brain as he watched the minutes click by on his phone. The siren’s call of her taut body, the tantalizing buds of her delicate nipples crowning heavy round breasts, the glazed look in her eyes as she’d wrapped her legs around him and given him permission to… Okay, enough. If he didn’t stop right now, he was going to explode.

  The door opened, and Eli stuck his head in, yawning and scratching. “You okay, bro? Heard you in the bathroom. Need any help?”

  The new Gideon, who wore his irritation like a chip on his shoulder, barked his reply. “Does it look like I need any help? Oh, hell, I’m sorry, Eli.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Can’t sleep.”

  “You in pain? Can I get you anything?”

/>   Yeah, go get Maddie and bring her to me.

  Eli guffawed. “I don’t think you meant to say that out loud, bro.”

  Gideon, exasperated, crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Nah,” he said, refusing to be embarrassed. “Go back to sleep. I took a shower and swallowed some aspirin for my headache.” Instead, Eli leaned one broad shoulder against the doorframe, earning a disgruntled glare from Gideon. “What? You got something to say?”

  “You know you’re making good progress, right? I mean, you aren’t stewing about your leg or your brain or anything?”

  Gideon sighed. “No. I know I’m making progress. Between Zack’s rehab sessions, your pitching in around here, and Maddie’s good food and constant attention—I’m further than I expected to be.”

  “But you’re chafing at the bit to get back in the saddle, is that it?” Eli grinned.

  Gideon snorted. “In more ways than one.”

  “Ah…so that’s what it is. Being around the Magnificent Maddie has got your blood all stirred up.” Eli chuckled.

  “Magnificent Maddie? Is that what you call her?”

  “Not to her face, brother. I value my balls too much for that, but you have to admit she is one extremely magnificent woman.”

  “Yeah,” Gideon groused. “Just remember she’s spoken for.”

  “She watches you, you know. When you aren’t looking, her eyes follow every movement you make. I think, of all of us, she was the most scared by what happened. Wouldn’t leave your side in the hospital except to shower and grab a quick meal. Since you got home, she’s been over here every day. Even if Zack or I wanted her, she belongs to you, man. She loves you.”

  “Am I being fair to her, Eli? The leg was bad enough. Now it’s worse, and I’ve got scars. What does she see in me?”

  “Gideon, I love you as only a brother can, but if you don’t know—I can’t tell you. God knows why, but she chose you, and that says a lot, after she got screwed by Harrison.”

  Gideon made no reply. “You know where Mom’s jewelry is?”

  Eli straightened. “You looking for something specific?”

  “You going to make me say it?”

  Eli’s grin encompassed his entire face. “Damn straight, man. Say it, and I’ll bring you her jewelry box.”

  Without hesitation, Gideon stared at his brother, all the love he felt for Maddie shining on his face. “I love her, Eli. Never thought I’d find a woman I wanted to spend my entire life with, but the minute I saw that girl, I just knew. With your and Zack’s permission, I want to give her Mom’s wedding ring.”

  Zack stumbled into the room. “What the hell is everyone doing up? It’s two o’clock—we have cows to take care of in the morning.”

  Eli looked over his shoulder at the mountain that was his brother. “Gideon here is chomping at the bit to pop the question to Maddie. He wants to give her Mom’s ring.”

  “What? Now? Where’s Maddie?” Zack searched the room with bleary eyes.

  Gideon and Eli laughed.

  “Not now, you idiot. But soon. I don’t want to wait. August is over. She owes me an answer, and I want to have the ring ready.”

  “What does August have to do with it?” Zack asked, confused, and glanced at Eli, who shrugged.

  “She’s known for months how I feel about her, but there were…issues that needed to be resolved. We agreed upon a deadline—August. It’s almost over.”

  Eli shook his head. “Yeah, but bro, a few things have happened this summer. You sure you’re in a position to push this? Zack here has made you look like your old self again, but you still have some healing to do.”

  “Which I can do with Maddie as my fiancée.”

  Zack bumped Eli on the shoulder. “Drop it, mother hen. The old man’s got one thing on his mind, and it ain’t what’s on the menu for breakfast. You two can stay here and talk about ‘luv,’ but I’m going back to bed. See you in a few hours—I gotta get some sleep,” he growled as he stumbled from the room.

  Gideon stared meaningfully at Eli, one eyebrow raised and his mouth pursed in a thin, straight line. His expression turned to one of anticipation as his brother left the room and came back with an antique box, a small brass key taped to its top. As far as he knew, the box had been locked the day of his mother’s death and hadn’t been opened since. She’d loved pretty necklaces and rings; there would be plenty for her sons to share.

  Eli sat on the edge of the bed as Gideon removed the key and opened the worn box. Rings on top, other pieces on the bottom, some of the contents were from the turn of the last century and had been handed down from mother to child since the first Branch brought his wife to Snowy Range over a hundred years before.

  “Mom had some beautiful stuff,” Eli ground out. “I can remember her wearing a few of those.” He pointed to the velvet rows. The wedding rings were in the center of the collection. “You sure Maddie will like them? They’re kind of old-fashioned.”

  Gideon gently removed the diamonds set in a rich filigree setting. “Yeah,” he replied reverently, “I think she will. I think if she’s ready to say yes, she’ll love them. Her hands are a little smaller than Mom’s. I’ll probably have to have these re-sized, but I can already imagine what they’ll look like on her finger.” His hand was shaking as he set the rings he’d chosen aside and closed and locked the box. Then he asked Eli, “Any chance you’ll be needing to make a selection in the near future?” Gideon grinned wickedly as Eli paled.

  “Not on your life. And you got the only girl worth having in these parts. So I’m good. You want to take the big walk, go right ahead. The only dating I’ll be doing is with a thousand-pound steer.”

  “Well, brother—you always did like your women with a little meat on their bones.”

  Eli groaned. “That was low, even for you. Get some sleep. Who knows, tomorrow may be ‘the’ day.”

  “Goodnight, and Eli?”


  “Thanks—thanks for everything.”

  “Branch family tradition—‘all for one and one for all.’ Seems like I read that somewhere.”

  “As if you can read!” Gideon teased and tossed a pillow at Eli, which he caught and tossed back.

  Heaving a deep sigh, Gideon closed his eyes, put the pillow behind his head, and settled. Then he wrenched back up to grab the rings off his nightstand. Holding them tightly in his hand, he finally felt his body relax.

  His temper might be hair-trigger, he might take a little more time to think things through, but for the most part, he was back. And he was ready to make Maddie his woman again.


  The floorboards creaked as she tiptoed across the room. Eyes partially open, he glanced at his cell. Eight o’clock—the guys would be gone by now. It was just Maddie and him. Alone.

  “Maddie,” he called softly, and stretched out his hand, urging her to come.

  His voice sounded a little off from the norm. Nerves? Anticipation?

  Frowning, she moved quickly to his side and sat on the bed beside him.

  “Are you in pain?” she asked, feeling his forehead with the back of her hand.

  “Yes,” he replied, her nearness taunting him, tempting him. “But it’s not my head.” Wrapping his fingers around her hand, he brought her palm to his mouth and placed an openmouthed kiss on it before trailing to her wrist, her arm, and to her mouth.

  “I’ve been thinking about you all night, thinking about us.”

  Eyes wide—almost too wide, full bottom lip dropping to reveal its moist pink cavern. He sampled a taste. Was it possible she ached for him as much as he ached for her?

  “Do you know what today is?” he asked.

  Red-gold curls bobbing, she nodded. “Last day of August.” The words hung in the air between them.

  Exhaling a long, slow breath, he slid her palm down his chest, over the centerline of his abs, to the throbbing bulge hidden beneath the sheet.

  Maddie groaned, and the sound ignited a hunger in him t
hat stole the air from his lungs. “I made a decision last night. Don’t you want to know what it is?”

  “Last night when you were thinking of me?” Her breath stuttered as her hand pressed against the hard length of him. Damn, but he loved the way her eyes darkened when she touched him. A flush tinted her cheeks in the prettiest way, the color of the wild roses that grew along her fence.

  “Tell me,” she breathed.

  “I’ve decided not to let you go. Not today or tonight or any other night. I need you here. With me. From now on.” Her hand trembled around him as she went absolutely still for the space of a heartbeat.

  Bringing her mouth to his, tasting her sweetness, he gently rubbed from side to side as he spoke. “No more running, Maddie. Whatever it is that’s holding you back, get rid of it. We’re good for each other. I heard what you said the day we met—when you and Loretta were talking. You said if you ever took another chance, it would be with a real man—a man who knew what he wanted and it was you. I’m that man. I know what I want. I want you.”

  Her clever mouth surrendered on a sigh and drove him mad. A siren’s mouth, made for kissing, so he did. Delving deep, tongue tangling, scorching hot, sucking, tasting, wet and hard.

  Gideon could keep her right where he had her forever, except for the wild rush of lust that had him pulling her up and over until his body pinned her, one hand clamped in her glorious hair, the other tucked under her bottom. He ground against her softness until she cried his name.

  She was made for him, this woman.

  Over and over he kissed her until she broke for air. “Gideon, are you sure you should?”

  “Shh…” He kissed down her neck to her breast, tongued her nipples, relished her response. All the while, her hand teased, driving him crazy.

  “Maddie,” he ground out, as he shredded her T-shirt from her shoulders and popped the button on her jeans. He bent to pull off her boots and made short work of stripping her and throwing her clothes on the floor.

  Her skin flushed a delicate pink, and her hands rose awkwardly to cover her breasts.

  “Don’t, sweetheart. Don’t be shy.” And she relaxed as he drew her arms over her head.


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