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Power [The Angel Pack 11] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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by Maggie Walsh

  The Angel Pack 11


  Sage is a wolf shifter with a dark past he keeps secret. A year ago, a strange tattoo appeared on his wrist. Researching its meaning, he finds that it is the symbol of the most powerful witches in black magic. Sage worries that if this magic claims him he will become evil. So, to protect his family, Sage flees.

  Slade is a vampire with special abilities. When he is sent out to locate Maddy’s twin, Slade never expects to find him in Sanctuary. What surprises him even more is finding out that Maddy’s twin, Sage, is his mate.

  Sage had been in hiding for years from a man who kept him captive, but now that he is back on the run, he worries that Francis will find him and enslave him again.

  When Slade and Sage’s family discover who Francis really is, they know they have to act fast to find Sage before his twenty-first birthday—only a week away—or risk losing him forever.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 79,804 words


  The Angel Pack 11

  Maggie Walsh



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove


  Copyright © 2016 by Maggie Walsh

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-562-8

  First E-book Publication: October 2016

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To Lisa Lewis Cupela-Wolny, a very dear reader who is going through something very serious and life-changing right now. You are a woman of strength, courage, and dignity. Even though your daily struggles can be painful and scary at times, your beautiful soul shines through.

  You find the strength and power within yourself to keep fighting. You are an inspiration to those around you and to me. This is why I dedicate this book Power to you.

  “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”

  – Christopher Reeve

  God Bless, my friend, and keep fighting.



  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  About the Author


  The Angel Pack 11


  Copyright © 2016


  Sage sat in the den of the alpha’s house waiting for Shelby to come get him. He was so excited because today he was going to do a routine on the stripper pole to show Shelby what he had learned so far. Gods, he wished he had told Evan he was older when he met him, instead of saying he was nineteen. If he had only been honest, he would only have to wait another two weeks until his twenty-first birthday, and Jesse said once he hit twenty-one he could start, but they thought he was nineteen about to turn twenty, so he still had another year before he could get on that stage. Until then he worked around the club as a porter and helped the other dancers. He ran for their water and helped keep their costumes in perfect order. It wasn’t a bad job, but he wanted to dance.

  The door flew open and banged against the wall, causing Sage to jump in his seat. Then he quickly relaxed when he saw it was the two cuties, Noah and Raffy. Noah walked toward him with a stern look on his face as he stared at Sage. Raffy followed close behind and he, too, looked like he was upset.

  “Noah, Raffy. What’s wrong?”

  “We ask questions here, bub,” Noah stated angrily.

  “Yeah, we’ll ask all the questions, you nubhead,” Raffy added, trying to sound as angry as Noah.

  Noah looked at Raffy questioningly. “What a nubhead?”

  Raffy shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. I heard it in a movie once.”

  “I think you mean a knobhead,” Sage answered in amusement.

  “Hey, we do all talking, get it?” Noah asked, turning an angry face to Sage again.

  Sage twisted his lips to the side as he bit the inside of his cheek, trying to stop himself from laughing. He didn’t know what the hell these two were doing, but they were cute as hell doing it. He might as well play along and see what happened. “Got it.”

  “So they mold somewhere in our mist. I think you know who. Vomit it,” Noah demanded and slammed his hand down on the table hard, then pulled his hand back quick, cradling it with his other hand. “Shit, that hurt,” he whined. Raffy gently took Noah’s hand in his and rubbed it.

  What the fudge were these two talking about? “Guys, what’s going on here?” Sage asked in confusion.

  “Someone in this pack has been telling secre
ts, letting the bad guy know what we’re doing. As Noah said, there’s a mole somewhere and we need to find out who,” Raffy explained.

  Sage was shocked. Were they for real? He had his own secrets to worry about. He didn’t have time to worry about everyone else’s. And even if he did, how the heck would he know what was going on in the alpha house? “And you think I know? How would I know? I don’t even live here,” Sage pointed out.

  “Exactly. No one live here would give creepy demigod answers. You bean spending lots of time in pack house. So what you do?” Noah demanded.

  “I come here to get help from Shelby with my dance routines. You both know that. I don’t go anywhere near the alpha’s office,” Sage explained.

  “Then how you know talk in Micah office?” Noah asked with a shit-eating grin.

  “Because I assume that’s where anything important is discussed with the council,” Sage said in a duh voice.

  “Don’t get narky with me, dipwad. Confuse,” Noah demanded.

  “Yes, I am confused.” Sage sighed and rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Oh, now we get attitude, huh? We get ways make you sing, birdie.”

  “Noah, Raffy, what’s going on in here?” Jesse, the alpha mate, asked as he walked into the den.

  “He no vomit answers like cock shows say he will. It fake. Don’t work.” Noah pouted.

  Cock shows? What the fuck? Sage thought.

  Jesse’s eyes opened wide and his brows raised from Noah’s words. “Um…I’m confused.”

  “That makes two of us. First he wanted me to vomit mold or some shit, then he called me a narc,” Sage explained.

  “Noah was asking Sage if he knew anything about the mole in the house and if he was the one feeding Minos all our secrets,” Raffy explained gently.

  “Ah. I see. Sage, someone has been getting information out of the pack house and bringing it to Minos. We don’t believe it’s anyone in the council, the inner pack, or any of the mates. So I’m guessing Noah and Raffy have taken it upon themselves to question anyone that doesn’t live here,” Jesse explained calmly, then turned to Noah and Raffy. Jesse stepped up to Noah and took his hand. “Thank you, big brother, for trying to help, but I think we need to leave this to Micah and the council. We don’t want to make false accusations against people and hurt them.”

  Noah’s face fell into a frown and he got sad. “I know, Jesse. I just want help.”

  “You do help, Noah. All the time. It’s just with this kind of thing, I think we need to leave it up to Micah,” Jesse said soothingly.

  “Okay, Jesse,” Noah agreed. “I just think with Sage be here so much and he massive weird powers, he may know.”

  Sage sat up straight, his body tense, as his eyes bulged out with fear. Shit! Noah could sense his power? If the alpha and council found out about who he was they would put him to death.

  Sage could see Jesse’s body also get tense from Noah’s words. His brows lowered in a deep V as he stared at Noah in confusion. Then his gaze flicked to Sage. “What massive amount of power?”

  “You no feel, Jesse? It waves from him. It that weird wonky power,” Noah said.

  “I feel a lot of power buzzing in this room, but I thought it was just coming from you and Raffy.”

  “No, Sage, reek of it.”

  “I feel it, too,” Raffy added. “I wasn’t sure what it was or who it was coming from until Shelby said he got a strange vibe off Sage’s aura. He said it was good, but there was a hint of something hiding, that he couldn’t make out. So when Sage came in today I concentrated on him, and that weird, strange power source we have been feeling is coming from him. I told Noah and when he came over and was near Sage, he felt it, too.”

  Oh crap. Think fast, Sage. Don’t let them find out what you are.

  “Sage?” Jesse looked back to him with a raised brow. Sage bit his bottom lip and swallowed hard before looking away.

  Jesse started walking closer to him and Sage was getting a bad feeling in his gut. Jesse closed his eyes, then took a deep breath, and released it slowly. Jesse’s eyes snapped open and bore into Sage. “I can explain,” Sage said hurriedly.

  “It is you. You’re the one I have been feeling this strange power source coming from. How is this possible? You’re too young to have any powers. Especially ones this strong.”

  “Bailey has powers,” Sage argued.

  “Bailey just came into his powers and we think it is because he is mated to Lexi. But you’re not mated to any of the inner pack. So tell me, Sage, how can you explain?”

  Shit, he couldn’t tell them. He didn’t want to put all of them in danger. They were already dealing with too much shit to have his crap piled on. “It’s a really long story. And I mean a really long story.”

  “Well lucky for you I have nothing but time.” Jesse gave him a serious look.

  * * * *

  No, this could not be happening. He needed to think. Who was he kidding? With the amount of power in this house there was no way he would be able to hide his true self from them anymore. Sage swallowed around the lump in his throat. He didn’t want to lose this family, this pack, or this town. This was the first time in his whole life where he felt right. Where he felt like he truly belonged. He loved Evan and the others like they were his true brothers. Even Maddy now that he had mated Josh and Milo and grown up. He wasn’t a total prick anymore and Sage liked who he was now.

  Sage walked quietly behind Jesse, with Noah and Raffy behind him, as he tried to think of what he could do. They were heading to see the alpha. If he didn’t say anything, or tell them a lie, the alpha would smell it, and then he would have Taylor use his gifts on him. He couldn’t let Taylor do that. He needed to explain things to them first, but if he did, then he would be putting Evan and the others in danger. And there was no way the alpha was going to let him live when he found out who he was and what he had done. What the hell was he going to do?

  Sage followed Jesse as he stepped into the kitchen and his heart clenched in his chest when he saw all the people standing around. Sage saw the intense look in the alpha’s eyes and he immediately looked down. He couldn’t meet the man’s gaze.

  “What’s going on, baby?” Micah asked as they stepped into the room.

  “Where are Dante and Dare?”

  “I called them. Dare said Dante was in a very important meeting, but they would get here as soon as possible,” Raith answered. Sage swallowed hard. The beta was here, too? Damn it. The man was the best kill enforcer their world had. Would the alpha order the beta to kill him?

  “Should we wait for them?” Micah asked Jesse.

  “I was hoping they would be here, but I don’t think this can wait,” Jesse answered and turned his attention to Sage. “With Noah and Raffy’s help we were able to pin point that strange power source we’ve been feeling.”

  “You did? What was it?” Micah asked excitedly.

  “Remember I felt it for the first time at Evan’s, and then we have been feeling it on and off here?”


  “You felt it at my house?” Evan asked in surprise.

  “Yes, but it was very weak, almost like someone was purposely trying to hide it,” Jesse explained as he walked to stand beside Micah. He turned and faced Sage again. “Today, Noah and Raffy felt it and followed it into the den…where Sage was waiting for Shelby.”

  A few small gasps were heard as everyone turned their attention to Sage. Sage began to bite his bottom lip nervously. Then he looked down.

  “Sage, what’s going on?” Evan asked and moved to stand next to him, then placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “I don’t know, Evan,” Sage whispered. Gods, he couldn’t lose Evan. He didn’t want to lose any of them. Would they exile him? Then where would he go? There was nowhere safe out there in the world for him. Francis would find him and force him back into that life he didn’t want. That was if the man didn’t kill him first.

  “Sage, can you tell me how t
his power is coming from you? You’re only nineteen. You shouldn’t have any power, forget this strong,” Jesse questioned.

  “I think I know why,” Dante, the king of the vampires, announced as he and another man disseminated into the kitchen. Sage could tell that the man was also a vampire, and he was hot as fucking hell, too. The man was so beautiful he could be a top model on every magazine cover around the world. Sage felt a strange heat coming from this man. His big brown eyes bore into Sage as if he could see right through him into his very soul and knew all his secrets. Sage looked down, afraid this man would see the real him.

  “What do you know, Dante?” Micah asked.

  “As you know, I called on Slade to help us in a certain search for you-know-who. He was able to track him from the day he disappeared until right now, today.”

  “And what did you find, Slade?” Micah asked.

  “I was able to track Anthony to Sanctuary.” The vampire’s smooth voice made Sage shiver with want. Then his words penetrated and Sage was beyond shocked. Sage’s head snapped up and his eyes filled with fear. Did he say Anthony?

  “What? He’s here?” Raith asked and stepped closer to Slade.

  “Yes. He’s right here,” Slade answered and motioned with his chin to him. Shit! No, this can’t be happening. Sage began to shake. What am I going to do? I needed to do something and qui…That voice. I know that voice. Sage thought and looked to where the voice was coming from.

  “I was thinking maybe…” Lillian was saying to Bailey as the two walked into the kitchen and then froze as they saw everyone standing there looking shocked and intense.


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