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Power [The Angel Pack 11] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 4

by Maggie Walsh

  “He grabbed things while he was here,” Slade stated and walked to the dresser. He pulled drawers open and found it full of clothes except for one. “Each drawer has pants, shirts, socks, and underwear. Except for this one.”

  “It is a dresser. That’s not unusual,” Maddy stated.

  Slade turned to give him a small grin. “No it’s not, but when you put clothes away do you put everything in one drawer or do you separate them? Socks and undergarments in one, pants in another, shirts in another.”

  “Yeah,” Maddy agreed, confused.

  “Yet each of these drawers has a mix of everything. Like a full set or two of clothes in one place. Makes it easier and quicker to grab and go without forgetting anything, or wasting time opening multiple drawers.”

  “That’s smart,” Milo said.

  “I told you Anthony wasn’t stupid,” Slade said with a hint of pride.

  “There’s something here,” Adam announced and everyone turned back to him.

  Raith moved closer again and knelt down. “What is it?”

  “Here, can you see it? There’s a small hole at the bottom.” Raith looked where Adam pointed and sure enough there was a tiny hole.

  “That can be from anything. The chair probably hit the wall and made a dent,” Rory said in dismissal.

  “Wait. Why would there be a plasterboard wall in a storage locker? All the other walls are the same metal of the locker except for this one,” Raith said.

  “Something’s behind that wall,” Dante stated.

  “And I think this is how we find out,” Josh said as he picked up the hanger from the chair. Raith gave him a bright smile as he took the hanger from Josh. He placed the tip into the hole and pulled back. A small panel in the wall gave and popped free. Raith turned and gave them all a smile, then dropped the piece of wall and hanger. He reached his hand into the hole, searching around until his hand came in contact with something. He wrapped his fingers around the object and pulled it out.

  “A stack of cash,” Rory said.

  Raith flipped his thumb over the stack, fanning it. “Probably about five thousand here. And from what I felt in that hole there was quite a few stacks just like this in there.”

  “So he does have money hidden,” Maddy stated.

  “Yes, and this isn’t his only hiding spot,” Slade said. “Anthony most likely won’t go to another until he needs more money. So where did he go now? It looks like he grabbed money and clothes so he’s set for a while. So where are you?” Slade asked absently.

  “If he’s running from this Von Cleef guy, then it’s safe to say he hasn’t gone anywhere he thinks this man will be. So where else does that leave? We know he’s not going home, because he wouldn’t need any of this there,” Dante stated.

  “Rory?” Raith said and turned to look at his mate.

  Rory sat on the couch with his Grimoire open on his lap. “Already looking.”

  “We have another problem,” Colby stated.

  “What’s that?” Slade asked.

  “The sun is going to be up soon. We need to find somewhere to keep Dante, you, and Milo safe. That will give Anthony a much bigger lead.”

  Slade gave him a smirk. “Well you’re half right. We need to make sure Dante and Milo are protected.”

  Colby tilted his head looking at Slade oddly. “And you don’t?”

  “Seeing as we have no idea where Anthony has gone. I say we stay here where you guys will be safe, while Rory and Adam try to find a way to track Anthony,” Raith said.

  “I think that’s a good idea. I don’t want to risk Milo and Dante getting exposed to the sun,” Maddy stated. “Not that I want you to either, Slade, but from what you just said I get the feeling you don’t worry about the sun.”

  “No, Slade is a different type of vampire,” Dante added.

  “Okay. So everyone pull up a spot and take a load off. It’s gonna be a long day,” Raith said.

  * * * *

  A long day turned into days. Once the sun went down they left the storage unit, and popped in on a deserted road. No streetlights glowed and the area was pitch-black. “Good thing we’re paranormals or this would not only be dark, but creepy,” Josh said.

  “Speak for yourself. You all may be able to see fine, but I can’t see a damn thing,” Rory groused.

  “Where the hell are we?” Colby asked.

  “If I’m not mistaken that skyline over there looks a lot like Metairie. Well that would make sense to where we are,” Raith said.

  “What do you mean?” Rory asked.

  “Metairie is a city in Louisiana. It’s part of New Orleans. When hurricane Katrina hit, Metairie was hit pretty hard when Lake Pontchartrain back flowed into the canals.”

  “Is this that place they called ‘The Bowl’?” Milo asked.

  “Yup. This is the place.”

  “So this was part of the flood zone. So I guess that’s why this area looks deserted,” Milo said.

  “Metairie has come back since then, but I guess this area hasn’t. So what used to be standing here, that this is where Sage came looking?” Raith asked.

  “Looking around, it seems as though we won’t find the answer to why Anthony came here,” Slade said.

  “Can we just call him Sage for now? This back and forth Anthony, Sage, is driving me crazy,” Maddy stated in annoyance.

  “What’s wrong, love?” Josh asked as he wrapped an arm around Maddy’s waist.

  “I just want to find him. He doesn’t realize how much danger he’s in, and all of this popping around and getting nowhere is making me nuts.”

  Raith stepped closer and placed a hand on Maddy’s shoulder. “We’ll find him, son. It may take a while, but we’ll find him.”

  “Why this place? We came right to the spot Sage was. So what was he looking for here in this deserted spot?” Rory asked.

  “Maybe he was just as surprised as we were to land here? Maybe he expected to find something else, but forgot to factor in the lingering effects of the hurricane?” Colby asked.

  “I think you might be right, Colby. So how do we find out what was here?” Raith asked.

  “Public records,” Dante stated. “Once we know what was here maybe we’ll be able to figure out what Sage is trying to find or who?”

  “We’ll have to go into the city over there and it’s nighttime. I doubt the town hall or whatever holds the records will be open now,” Milo said.

  “What about Evan? Let’s call him and see if he can work his magic on the computer,” Maddy said.

  “That’s a great idea. Why don’t you give him a call, son?” Maddy pulled out his cell phone and turned away, taking a few steps.

  “Colby, you look exhausted. When was the last time you slept?” Dante asked in concern.

  “Here and there,” Colby answered.

  “It’s been three days since we have been trying to track Sage and I can’t remember seeing you sleep once,” Milo said.

  “I agree. I haven’t seen you sleep either. Is that a fae thing?” Slade asked.

  “I have to protect Dante and Adam. That’s my job.”

  “So you haven’t slept? Damn, Colby, you look like you’re about to pass out,” Dante huffed. “I appreciate your loyalty, my friend, but you need some rest. Let’s find somewhere for Colby while we wait.”

  “I can’t do that, Dante. It is my job to watch over you. That means while you’re awake or asleep.”

  “What about one of the other guards? Why don’t you head back to the coven and get some rest? In the meantime, send one of the others here.”

  “I agree with Dante. You need some rest, man,” Raith said.

  “Are you sure, Dante?” Colby asked hesitantly.

  “Of course. You’re no good to us if you’re about to pass out. Send one of the others in your stead and once you’ve rested come back.”

  “I’ll send someone immediately, but I will be back,” Colby stated. He began to chant and a portal opened. Colby stepped in and turned back t
o look at them, then turned and disappeared. The portal didn’t close though and a few minutes later Valor stepped through.

  “King Dante. Your mates send their love,” Valor said and gave Dante a nod.

  “Thank you. Glad you could make it, Valor.”

  “Colby quickly filled me in. So what’s our next move?”

  “We go to the new adoption facility,” Maddy stated.

  “What does that mean?” Raith asked.

  “Evan was able to find out that this location once held the Angels of Mercy adoption center. It was the place Sage was sent to after that bitch of a mother left him at the hospital. This is where they gave him the name Angel and his adoptive parents adopted him from.”

  “So he’s trying to track down what?” Rory asked.

  “He must have figured out that Maddy is his twin and Raith is his father. Maybe he’s trying to confirm it somehow?” Adam asked.

  “Maybe he’s trying to track down Alison?” Josh asked.

  “What do you mean? He knows she’s dead, but has no idea she was his mother,” Maddy stated.

  “Maybe he’s figured all of that out and he’s looking for information about her. If he only just figured it out he must be looking for some answers,” Milo said.

  “He does know that he’s a witch. That’s obvious with the spells he’s casting. Maybe now that he has put the pieces together, he’s looking for Alison’s coven,” Rory stated.

  “Then he’s in even more trouble,” Raith said.

  “Why is that?” Valor asked.

  “Because Alison’s coven is made up of dark witches. Ones who follow black magic and aren’t very forthcoming with information on one of their own,” Raith answered.

  “Tempest is near here. Let’s get to him and he can tell us about this coven. He’s been keeping an eye on them for us since we found out about Maddy,” Dante said. Slade groaned and turned away.

  “He can also offer you shelter when needed,” Adam added.

  “Everyone grab on,” Dante said and held out his arm. Once everyone connected, they disseminated.

  * * * *

  Dante stepped into the large dining room and smiled as he noticed everyone was seated. “Good morning. I didn’t think you would all be here now.” He moved farther into the room and sat in an empty chair.

  “I usually have a large meal before turning in for the day. When Raith suggested they wanted to get an early start looking around while we slept, I figured I would have a breakfast made for everyone,” Tempest explained.

  “I appreciate all of your hospitality, Tempest. I was thinking Milo and I would have to raid your kitchen before we settled in for the day,” Dante said with a chuckle.

  “We were going to head over to Alison’s old house and see if any of her coven members would try to make contact with us,” Raith said.

  “Do you think that’s wise? I mean should we alert them to us snooping around? If they don’t know about Sage, then maybe we shouldn’t give them a hint,” Josh said.

  “Josh may be right. We may be adding more trouble to our load,” Dante agreed. Just then his phone rang. He pulled it from his pocket and slid his thumb across the screen, then placed it to his ear. “Dante.”

  “Dante, we need you here right away,” Micah’s tight voice came over the line.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Dante asked in concern.

  As Dante listened to what Micah had to tell him, Raith and the others could overhear what Micah was saying.

  “Shit. The coven house was attacked? We need to get back now,” Valor said.

  “Take Dante back and we’ll keep looking. If they need us, come back for the rest of us,” Raith instructed.

  Dante hung up the phone and stood frozen, his gaze full of confusion and fear. “Dante, is everyone okay?” Milo asked, but got no reply.

  “Dante.” Raith stood and moved closer to his friend. “Brother, what can we do?” Still Dante didn’t answer. “Dante, you need to disseminate and get home.” Still nothing. “We need to get him back.”

  “Let me take him,” Rory offered. “You all stay here and look around. With Valor along he’ll be able to get you all out of any trouble that may find you. I’ll find out what’s going on and talk to Aaron while I’m there.”

  “May I come along and check on my mate?” Adam asked, his voice full of worry.

  “Shit, Adam. I forgot about Viktor. Of course you can come,” Rory said and moved to Adam’s side, wrapping an arm around his waist and hugging him.

  “You be careful, baby boy, and come back as soon as you can,” Raith said and walked to Rory, giving him a quick kiss.

  Rory and Adam moved to Dante and placed their hands on his shoulders. Dante’s eyes blinked and he focused on Rory. “The house is gone and everyone had to escape. Some are missing,” he whispered.

  “Let’s get you to your mate’s,” Rory said and began to chant. He, Adam, and Dante disappeared.

  “I’ll call Micah and find out what’s happening before we head out,” Raith offered and walked from the room as he pulled his cell phone from his pocket.

  * * * *

  Sage stood staring at the deserted house. He tried to picture it with windows and a nice coat of paint, but it was impossible in its current state. The hurricane had really done a number on this region. Sage sighed heavily and turned away from the dilapidated structure. “Now what? What was I actually trying to find here anyway? The bitch is dead. Maddy is back in Sanctuary wondering where I am and Raith is with him. So what the hell was I thinking coming here?”

  “Maybe you were thinking that this is where you could find your roots, young witch,” a soft voice came from beside him. Sage turned quickly and spotted a man approaching. He looked to be around thirty years old. He had dark brown, almost black eyes and white-blond hair. He was a little shorter than Sage and weighed about the same.

  “Excuse me?” Sage asked curiously.

  “You’ve come here looking for her. Looking for answers to who you truly are,” the man said.

  “I don’t know what I’m looking for,” Sage mumbled and turned away. There was something about this man that made Sage uncomfortable.

  “You’re one of them, aren’t you?” the man whispered. “One of Alison’s boys. Although you don’t look like her except for maybe your hair, but I can tell from the aura that surrounds you. You scream power.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about or who you’re talking about. I don’t know anyone named Alison,” Sage answered and took a step away, turning his back to the man.

  “You may not have met her, but you are Alison’s offspring. I can feel it. And I can also tell that you know it and are here to try to find some answers as to who you are.”

  Sage spun around to face the man, his face twisted with anger. “How can you know anything I want? I am just some stranger standing here. Now leave me alone!” Sage turned and headed away from the man.

  “When you are ready to hear the truth of your bloodline come and find me. The name is Oliver, Oliver Legend.”

  Sage ignored the man and continued down the street. Once he was a few blocks away he turned left and picked up his pace. There was something about the man that had Sage wanting to be as far away from him as possible.

  As Sage made it to the next corner he found himself hitting something hard and falling back, dropping to the ground. “Ouch! Shit!” Sage cursed as pain radiated up his spine. Sage looked up to see what he had run into and his eyes rounded when he came face-to-face with the vampire from Micah’s kitchen. The same one who had disseminated into the kitchen with Dante. The one who had outed him to everyone as Anthony.

  Anger boiled inside him as he scrambled to stand. He brushed off his toosh and glared at the vampire. “Watch where you’re walking, asshole.”

  “I was watching where I was walking, that’s why I bumped you,” he said dryly.

  “So you knocked me on my ass on purpose?” Sage huffed and put his hands on his hips.

nbsp; “Yes.”

  Sage stared at him waiting for him to say more, but the man only blinked. “Why would you do that?”

  “How else was I supposed to get you to stop?” The vampire tilted his head and looked at him as if it was a reasonable answer and Sage should have known it.

  “How about, oh I don’t know. You say my name or, you could have said watch out, or something,” Sage huffed.

  “And then you would have spotted me. The element of surprise is better.”

  “Yeah well, tell my ass that.” Sage rubbed his bruised behind.

  “I would love to tell your ass many things,” the vampire said in a husky voice.

  Sage’s eyes widened as his brows rose. “Are you flirting with me?”

  “No. I thought I was making myself pretty clear.” The vampire took a step closer and was now only a foot from Sage.

  “Pretty clear of what?”

  “Pretty clear that I want you, and I will do whatever I have to do to get my hands on you,” the vampire spoke softly.

  “Well there are better ways to get a man’s attention, you horny vamp,” Sage said and crossed his arms over his chest. Suddenly a thought hit him. It was eleven in the morning. The sun was high and he was standing here talking to a vampire. A vampire who wasn’t turning into crispy bacon. How was this possible? Sage’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the man before him. “How is it that a vampire can walk around in the day?”

  The man’s lip raised slightly at the corner as he gave Sage a small smirk. But it was his cold eyes that made Sage feel a chill of fear race through his body. “Because I am not a normal vampire. Have you ever heard of a daywalker?”

  Sage’s brows creased as he looked at the man in confusion. “You mean the gingers who tan but don’t burn and they don’t have freckles? Like Nicole Kidman? But you’re not a ginger.”

  The smirk fell from the man’s lips and now he was looking at Sage in confusion. He closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath, then opened them and pinned Sage with a hard glare. “No, not those kind of daywalkers. Real daywalkers.”


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