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Power [The Angel Pack 11] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 9

by Maggie Walsh

“I’ll ask again. How did you hear them, baby? With all that noise in there and the music blasting, I could hardly hear myself think. Forget what anyone was saying halfway across the room,” Maddy said.

  Josh stared at his mate like he was confused, then his eyes opened wide. “I heard them,” he whispered in awe. “I heard what they were saying. How did I hear what they were saying?”

  Maddy moved closer to his mate and wrapped his arms around him. “I think you found your power, baby.”

  “Shit,” Milo said from beside them and wrapped his arms around Josh from the back.

  “The gods did tell Micah and Jesse that everyone would be getting their powers soon,” Dante stated.

  “Okay, so the feline cub got his powers. Can we discuss that later and get back to the task at hand? Like this big bear and where my mate is?” Slade said in annoyance.

  “Wow. That was kind of cold, dude,” Rory admonished.

  “I’m sorry I don’t get all the warm and fuzzies over this, but we are here to get information from this fuck. He knows where Sage is and I don’t care if I have to beat it out of him, he will tell me what I want to know. So who’s going to help me get this bear into the van so we’re not interrupted?”

  “He’s a bear? I was wondering what type of shifter he was when his eyes shifted on the dance floor. With all that shit he bathed in I couldn’t scent shifter on him,” Maddy said.

  “Definitely a bear. With his build, and the fact that he had to get right up on all of you to smell you, it’s a dead giveaway,” Raith added.

  “I agree with Slade. We need to get him out of here before someone stumbles upon us and thinks we’re mugging him,” Dante said and pushed away from the wall.

  “Which way to the car?” Adam asked, then looked down at the sleeping man. “Up.”

  With that one word the bear’s eyes opened and he climbed to his feet. “Walk,” Adam commanded and the bear started walking toward the end of the alley.

  Slade moved to walk beside him and grabbed the man’s arm. He wanted to make sure the guy went where they wanted him to go, even though Adam was controlling him. Slade heard the others behind them as he turned right at the end of the alley and headed toward the next block where their van was parked.

  * * * *

  “So now what do we do with him?” Valor asked.

  They all stood around the hotel room staring at the large bear of a man tied to a chair. “Seeing as Adam is able to control him I say let him keep going,” Rory replied.

  “I agree. At least then we won’t have to beat the information out of him and risk the other hotel guests’ hearing him scream,” Raith added.

  “Okay so what do you want me to do?” Adam asked and stepped forward.

  “Use your mind control to make him speak the truth no matter what we ask of him,” Slade answered.

  “Okay, but who will do the asking? I can do a spell to make him do what you want, but it won’t work if more than one person asks questions. I’m sure I can do better with Viktor’s mind control, but I’m still learning.”

  “Do the best you can, Adam,” Dante said encouragingly, giving Adam a smile.

  Adam moved closer to the man until he stood right before him, then locked gazes with the man. He concentrated on the pupils like Viktor had taught him. Suddenly the man’s pupils went from small pinpoints to fully open. Adam could just barely make out any of the dark brown around the edges.

  His stare intensified on the black orbs until he felt himself falling into them. That’s when he knew he was in and could manipulate the man’s thoughts and motions. The things he had done back at the bar were easy as he just used one of his spells, but when they had gotten the big guy outside the spell began to loosen its grip, so Adam quickly did what his mate had taught him to do.

  Viktor was going to be so proud of him when he found out what Adam had accomplished. Maybe his master would reward him with the whip or maybe his master would let him suck his cock to his heart’s content. That idea thrilled Adam immensely and he doubled his efforts. He wanted to not only find Sage quickly so he could get home to his master and love on him, showing his mate how much he missed him, but also so he could share this news with Viktor and hopefully get his reward.

  Adam saw the man’s body fully relax and knew he had him completely at his will. “You will speak only the truth of everything that is asked of you. You will tell us everything we want to know,” Adam commanded.

  “Yes,” the man whispered absently.

  “Okay. He’s all yours,” Adam said without breaking eye contact with him.

  Slade stepped forward. “Who are you?”

  “Unger Vail.”

  “How do we know that’s true?” Milo asked.

  “Oh,” Maddy said excitedly and thrust his hand in his front pocket, pulling out a wallet. He looked at Slade and smiled as he held out the item to him.

  “Not for nothing, cub, but you had that down your pants. You open it,” Slade grumbled.

  “How do you know he had it down his pants?” Josh asked angrily.

  “Because I saw him shove it there when he pickpocketed that guy on the dance floor.” Slade rolled his eyes.

  “Oh,” Josh said as his anger deflated and he leaned back against Milo’s chest.

  Maddy opened the wallet and searched through it, finding a driver’s license. He held it up. “Yup. Says here, Unger Vail.”

  Slade nodded and turned his attention back to Unger. “What are you?”

  “Black bear.”

  “Do you work for Francis Von Cleef?”


  “What do you do for Von Cleef?” Slade asked as he slowly walked around the man and Adam.

  “I help collect his boys and keep them in line. I am his head guard.”

  “Anything else?”

  When Slade received no answer he knew he needed to word his question differently. “Do you do anything else for Von Cleef besides collect his boys and keep them in line?”


  “What do you do?”

  “I handle all the drug shipments to the different factions.”

  “What factions?”

  “The scourges.”

  Slade looked to Raith and Dante in question and they each shook their heads indicating they had no idea either. Slade looked back to the bear. “What is a scourge?”

  “A group of skinwalkers.” Slade’s brows raised up in surprise and at the same time he heard a few gasps.

  Dante moved closer and looked to the bear. “Do you mean as in a wolf pack or witch or vampire coven?”

  “Yes. Scourge is what the skinwalkers call their packs.”

  “I thought they were myths?” Raith asked.

  “The paranormal world does not believe in skinwalkers because they have hidden themselves well. They hold no scent and can take on many forms,” Unger answered.

  “Where do they hide?” Raith asked.

  “In plain sight.”

  “What exactly are skinwalkers?” Slade asked.

  “There are many myths of the skinwalker. Most they have created themselves to help keep their kind hidden. Almost everything you can research about them in false. Although they can change forms, they are not as limited to certain animals as the myths claim. They are cousins to the true shape-shifter. Where a shape-shifter can take on the form of any living thing, the skinwalker is limited to animal and human.”

  “What else can you tell us about them? Do they have powers? And how do they hide in plain sight?” Slade asked.

  “Their leaders hold positions of power in the mainstream human world. Like Von Cleef, who runs the largest porn company in the world. Others run Fortune 500 companies. Some can read human thoughts, while others possess the ability to mimic sound. But only of those creatures they can change into. They are also descendants of witchcraft. They can use spells and incantations to control their surroundings. They are the evil side of witchcraft.”

  “Is Von Cleef a skinwalker?” Raith aske

  “Yes. He is the leader of all.”

  “What does that mean?” Dante asked.

  “Each scourge has a sachem, but each scourge answers to the Genesis.”

  “And Von Cleef is this Genesis?” Dante questioned.


  “So as Genesis what does that mean? And what types of powers does he hold?”

  “He is the one ruler of all skinwalkers. His word is law and all must follow or perish. He can transform into any human or animal, as well as take their scent and voice. He does not have to touch a being to become them. He knows all black magic spells.”

  “So what are these shipments you speak of?” Slade asked.

  “His greatest weapon and creation.”

  “Which is what?”

  “A drug he developed centuries ago to help him control the shifter world.”

  Slade looked to Dante, then Raith, and saw the same horror in their eyes he was sure was in his own. “What does that mean and what do these drugs do?”

  “They mask the scent of a shifter and stop them from shifting. When used in high doses they make a shifter completely agreeable to whatever is requested of them.”

  “And why do you ship them out? And who do you send them to?”

  “All the scourges, so that they may keep control over their shifters.”

  “Shit,” Dante said under his breath. “Do you know how many shifters are being controlled by this drug?”

  “No. The number of shifters in each scourge depends on how many they have each acquired.”

  “Acquired? Don’t you mean taken?”


  “So shifters are being taken against their will and brought to these scourges, controlled by these drugs, and made to do whatever the scourge wants?” Raith asked in disgust.


  “I have to call Micah. He needs to be informed of this,” Raith stated.

  “I agree. I think he and Jesse, as well as the rest of the council should be here for this,” Dante said.

  “Take a break, Adam, until we get the Prime and the Heart here,” Valor said.

  Unger growled menacingly, drawing all of their attention back to him. “Why do you growl in anger, Unger?” Slade asked.

  “The Prime and the Heart are the ultimate goal. They and their family will be destroyed so the Genesis can freely command all of the shifter world.”

  “Holy shit,” Maddy and Rory said together.

  “What of the vampires, fae, dragons, and demons? Does this drug work on them?” Dante asked.

  “No. It has not been tested on fae or dragon. Demons are not of Earth, and it has no effect on vampires.”

  Dante looked at Raith and nodded. “We need the council here, now.”

  Chapter 5

  Once the council, as well as Jesse, Taylor, Gabriel, Shelby, and Xander were present and informed of what Unger had told them so far, they all went into the room where Unger was still bound, and being guarded by Valor.

  Micah crossed his arms over his massive chest as a stone mask fell over his face. Slowly he walked toward Unger and stared at him. Unger met his gaze, and his eyes filled with hate. Micah stepped closer so he stood directly before Unger, his gaze penetrating the shifter, scrutinizing him. “So Von Cleef wants to see me? Where is he? I will go directly to him now,” Micah ground out in a harsh voice.

  “He will find you when he’s ready, you filthy dog,” Unger growled.

  “Doesn’t work that way, bear. As the Prime, I am the leader of all paranormals. Including lowly skinwalkers.”

  “You will learn to watch your tongue, mutt. The Genesis is just as powerful as you and he will soon make you look like a cub.” Unger sneered.

  Micah bent at the waist, his face inches in front of Unger’s. “I don’t care how much power he possesses. He will never be more powerful than the gods’ chosen Prime. He is a mere flesh monger. While I have been granted the gift of demigod.” Micah watched as Unger’s eyes widened in surprise from that bit of information. “He, and all of you who follow him, will be brought to justice for your crimes against our kind. I give my solemn oath that from this day forward it will become one of our missions in life to stop every one of you. And your Genesis will pay dearly. He will drop to his knees and beg for the gods’ forgiveness before his life is taken. He and all skinwalkers will blink out of existence, becoming the myth he has created.”

  “He will never bow to you, mutt,” Unger said angrily.

  “No he won’t, but he will submit to the gods. They will enact their punishment on him,” Micah informed Unger, then straightened and stepped back.

  “You think too highly of yourself, Prime. My master will have fun tormenting you.”

  One side of Micah’s mouth raised into a smirk. “Good. I look forward to it. Tell me where he is so that we can start.”

  Unger’s eyes went wide again and his face paled. “I won’t betray my master. You can torture me all you want but I will never tell you anything.”

  Micah chuckled. “You already have. Adam?”

  Adam stepped up next to Micah. “How are you feeling? Are you strong enough to do this again?”

  “Yes, Micah. I have been resting since Raith called you. But seeing as this is so important do you think that my mate would be more useful?”

  Micah turned his head to look at Adam and gave him a soft smile. “I have every faith that you can help us with this, Adam. As long as it doesn’t harm you, then you have my full support.”

  Adam swallowed thickly as Micah saw tears pool in his eyes. “Thank you, Micah. I will do my best to not let you down.”

  “I know you will.” Micah leaned in and kissed the top of Adam’s head, then straightened. Adam smiled at him shyly, then blinked and turned back to face Unger. He cleared his throat and met the man’s gaze. Adam stood stone-still as he stared at the bear shifter. Micah watched in amazement as Adam took control of the shifter as his body relaxed and his eyes glazed over.

  “He’s ready,” Adam whispered.

  Micah shifted his attention fully to Unger. “What is Von Cleef’s interest in Sage?”

  When the bear just stared into Adam’s eyes and gave no answer, Micah tried a different approach. “Do you know a wolf shifter by the name of Sage or Anthony?”


  “The half witch, half wolf that Von Cleef just took. The one who escaped him years ago.”

  Unger growled menacingly. “Steven.”

  “Yes, Steven. Has Von Cleef reclaimed him?” Micah asked and heard Slade growl from behind him.

  “He has found the eluding one and will make him pay for his transgressions.”

  “Why does he want Steven?”

  “The little twink made him look bad to his people. No one ever escapes from a scourge. Especially not the Genesis himself. Steven needs to be taught a lesson before all the sachem so that the Genesis can keep control.”

  “Why did he take Steven in the first place all those years ago?”

  “He found the wolf beaten and battered behind a bush in a park within his territory. The Genesis knew immediately that the wolf was also a witch.”

  “Why would that interest Von Cleef?”

  “Because the witch is half shifter he would be affected by the Rapture and my master could then control him when the time came to gain his powers. Steven is of the original six bloodlines. He is the scion of the Tribeca clan. His powers will grant the Genesis enough power to take over all the shifter world. Now that he has gained the mark of the Tribeca and his full powers are soon to be gained, the Genesis can drain him of those powers, claiming them as his own.”

  “So where is Von Cleef now?”

  “New Orleans.”

  “Is that where he has Steven?”


  “Where is Steven?”


  “Here in Denver?”

  “In a small town on the outskirts in the master’s tower.”

  “What is Vo
n Cleef doing in New Orleans if he has Steven here?”

  “He is hunting the witch’s familiar.”

  “For what purpose?”

  “The veil of magic is thin and is at its most vulnerable on a witch’s birthday. Once the witch gains his full power on that day he will be unstable. His familiar is to be there to help him choose the right path.”

  “Why will he be unstable? And what path?”

  “With the veil of his magic being so thin on that day, it can be easily stolen. Because of the witch’s mixed breed there is good in him. Even now he struggles with his choice. The mark of the Tribeca is compromised by this good. His familiar will need to be there to help show him the way to his proper choice, whether it be of light or dark. Once the choice is made, his mark will join, claiming his rightful power. At the exact moment Steven embraces the power, master must kill his familiar, and then cast the spell to take Steven’s powers. He will be at his weakest as his familiar dies, and won’t be able to transfer his powers to the beast for safe keeping.”

  “Who is Steven’s familiar and where is he?”

  “A cat named Oliver. He awaits Steven’s return in New Orleans.”

  “How does he know that Steven will be there?”

  “He will not be able to control the pull of his ancestors. They call him there even now. It is where his powers lie. The closer it gets to the witch’s birthday, the stronger the pull. If the witch does not listen to the pull and doesn’t go to it, the need to go diminishes over the next few weeks. But as the birthday approaches again, the desire reignites.”

  “Does Oliver hold his powers?” Rory asked.

  “No. Whatever happened to Steven’s witch parent before their death, they were not able to transfer their powers to the familiar to keep safe until they were claimed. So all that power went to their domain and sits in wait for its new master.”

  “Its domain? What does that mean?” Micah asked.

  “The domain of the witch is the place they lived and ruled their coven.”

  “So Steven’s powers are what, just sitting in that house waiting for him?”


  “Can anyone just go in and claim the powers?” Rory asked, upset.


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