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The CrimeLords' War (The Adventures of Xavier & Vic Book 7)

Page 21

by Liza O'Connor

  “No, but it could very well kill my niece. Do you truly put your inflated pride over my niece's life?”

  An officer overheard and laughed. Vic turned her wrath on him. “What is so damn funny about a one-year-old child being abducted?”

  He lost his mirth and held his hands up in surrender.

  “You’re just lucky I don’t have time to deal with you, you worthless sod,” she snapped and headed on.

  “Schnell, you’re on desk duty for the rest of this year,” Meyers yelled.

  The man objected. “I wasn’t laughing about the abduction, sir.”

  “Night duty,” Meyers added.


  Once inside the carriage, Vic glared at Barns. “Casey needs the address.”

  “Are there other suspects?”

  “Yes, but we’ll check this one first.”

  “I’d prefer that we do the others—”

  He stopped talking because Vic was close to strangling him by his neck tie. “I don’t have time to teach you your job. My niece might be with a man who has previously sexually abused young children. Now give me the damn address and I will then explain why this must be our first stop.”

  He gave her the address.

  She released him and leaned out the window. “To Samson’s.” She then returned to her bench. She didn’t bother asking him if he was fine. She didn’t care. Still, she calmly explained, “I have one other suspect, but she loves Maddy, so if the child is in her care, she will be found well and loved. However, the Earl abused his niece until she became a heartless monster that lacked the ability to love the beautiful little girl she had birthed.” She eyed Barns. “Do I need to spell out why eliminating the suspects that could permanently harm my niece is top priority?”

  “No…but when you say ‘eliminate’… you aren’t actually planning to kill the Earl are you? And why are we going to Samson’s instead of the address I gave you?”

  “My current goal is to rescue Maddy. The address you gave me is located in Samson’s territory. If the Earl has her, he won’t let us in and he’ll probably have muscle to back him up.”

  “Yes, Internal Affairs must provide the former First Minister with several guards. If they believe we are a threat to him, they will shoot us.” He leaned forward. “Vic, we really need to explore the other suspect first.”

  “Do you know what happens when small children are abused?”

  “They become sad and distrusting?”

  “Some of them break and they never recover. The Earl’s wife described Janie as a happy, heartwarming child. But once the Earl treated her like Marquis de Sade’s Justine, that sweet personality died. She became a calculating creature who continued her abuse voluntarily as an actress. She even starred in her own sex show called Justine.”

  He frowned. “I’ve seen her. She was so compelling in her pain and fright I actually went back stage to verify she was a willing participant. Turned out she owned the theatre and taunted me for my concern.” His brow furrowed. “She's the Earl’s niece?”

  “No. She's the monster he created. The original niece died the first night he abused her.” She met his eyes. “My niece is not going to die! And that is why we are stopping at Samson’s. If matters go badly, those agents may have to die tonight, but better them, than that precious child.”

  “Vic, you’re scaring me.”

  “I never planned to invite you along on this mission. Only, I had no choice. Stone refused to give me the address.”

  The carriage came to a stop in front of Samson’s house. She climbed out and stared at Barns. “You’ve done more than your share today. You should probably return to Scotland Yard.”

  “Stone will fire me if I do. I’m supposed to keep you from doing anything stupid.”

  “Good luck with that,” she said. “Casey, Fagan, come with me.” She walked up to one of Samson’s muscles. “Do not let my carriage be stolen.”

  He nodded once and climbed upon the carriage.

  Satisfied, she headed inside. Casey rushed to her. “Are you sure they'll watch the carriage until we return?”

  “What’s a carriage to my niece?” she asked.

  Casey rubbed her back. “We’ll get her back. Are the abductors in Samson’s territory?”

  She nodded.

  “He’ll help us.”


  Vic had been certain Samson was her best shot until she gave him the address. His confidence of success deflated like a popped balloon.

  “Vic, that house is full of agents.”

  “I know.”

  “Who have guns.”

  “So do we.”

  “Who are trained to kill,” he added.

  “So are we.”

  He gathered her hands in his. “People are going to die tonight. We really need Xavier. He might be able to bully them into allowing the child to be removed, since they weren’t assigned to protect it. I know they threw a fit when Justine showed up.”

  “Justine is in the house?” Vic asked, now outraged.

  “Yes, officials closed down her theatre three months ago. She camped out on the Earl’s front lawn for several days, reciting passages of Justine before he ignored his agents and let her in.”

  For Samson to know this… “You know Justine?”

  “We spend time together.”

  “Here or there?” she yelled.

  He frowned. “You can’t have it both ways Vic. As my friend, you cannot complain when I take a lover. Now if you want to change our friendship—”

  “No! I want to know if you have access into that house?”

  Her answer seemed to pain him. “Ah…I do go there on occasion, but we have no plans to see each other tonight.”

  “Call her and get an invitation,” Vic insisted. “And make a great deal of noise during your visitation.”

  He pulled her to the couch and sat down. “Exactly what is your plan?”

  When she finished, he frowned. “That’s better than I thought we were going to do. And you are amazing with the picks. However, those locks are supposed to be unpickable.”

  She groaned, certain it was the same damn locksmith that made hers. They were unpickable. “Then you’ll need to open a window or door.”

  “Those guys watch me like I’m an untrained dog on a priceless rug.”

  She chewed her bottom lip. “Any chance Justine likes to play with other couples?”

  He choked. “Yes, that would interest her.”

  “Then I’ll dress as a woman and Casey and I will go as a second couple.” She needed to dress in disguise anyway. Both Justine and the Earl had met her during the previous investigation.

  “Throw Fagan in as well. She’ll like the fact there are more men than woman.”

  “Then let’s do it.”

  “Hold on,” he stated and pulled her back to the couch. “This plan is damn likely to get one or both of us killed, and I don’t want to die having any regrets.” He leaned in and kissed her.

  It was a tender, heartfelt kiss, but it didn’t match the passion of Xavier’s. Damn the man to hell! How could he so easily replace her while no one came near the level of pleasure she'd felt with him?

  “I’ll call Justine now,” Samson said and stroked her cheek one more time.

  Chapter 27

  The moment Vic, dressed as the flamboyant Tilly, and her four escorts entered the former Prime Minister’s house, she knew her plan was shot. Sergeant Meyers stood by the library door, which was open, and inside she heard Xavier’s distinct laugh.

  Was he here to help or stop her?

  When she heard Inspector Stone and Barns’ voices as well, she suspected the latter. If they prevented her from saving Maddy, they would rue this day.

  Samson leaned down and spoke softly in her ear. “I gather you weren’t expecting them?”

  “No!” she snapped. “Nor do I trust them to help,” she added.

  He considered the matter. “Are you certain you wish to proceed? You can cry off an
d take your men with you.”

  She growled. “My reason to come has not changed.”

  Just then Justine came running into the room like the young girl she wasn’t and catapulted herself onto Samson’s chest, trusting him to catch and secure her, which he obligingly did.

  “Justine, dear.” A shaky, fragile voice called from the library. “Bring your friends in so I can get a look.”

  “Shall I set you down?” Samson asked her.

  “No. Carry me,” she ordered.

  When they entered the library, Justine leaned back and writhed as if having sex. Her uncle chuckled. “You are a naughty minx. Is she not?” he asked Xavier.

  Xavier’s focus was solely on Vic. “I’m sure it seems like a fine way to end her day. But she may be in over her head.”

  “Are you in over your head, my precious?” the Earl asked his niece.

  Justine, her legs still wrapped around Samson’s waist, reached over and caressed Casey’s crotch, causing him to jump a foot back.

  “La! Did you bring a pack of ministers?” she scolded Samson.

  He smiled broadly. “Indeed, I have. They will beat you senseless with their rods for being such a naughty girl.”

  Vic didn’t have time for this nonsense. “Excuse me, where's the water closet? I’m feeling a little ill.”

  “Down the hall to your left, sweets,” Samson called after her.


  Xavier nudged Barns. “Go after her. The girl looks to be deep in her cups.”

  Barns was up at once, hurrying out of the room.

  “Did you start drinking without me?” Justine asked Samson.

  “We did,” Samson replied. “In fact, I had to get them rather soused before they would agree to a six-some.”

  She smiled at the group of men at the table. “Would you fellows like to join as well?”

  “I believe you have more than enough,” Xavier replied.

  “Well, perhaps you would like to trade the girl for that young fellow you sent after her,” Justine teased.

  “Tempting,” Xavier admitted. “But she would distract us from our cards.”

  Justine laughed. “I certainly hope she can do that much.”


  Vic ran down the hall and stopped before a black suited well-armed agent, with his hand resting upon his gun, evidently trained that women can be deadly. “The water closet is four doors back on the right.”

  “I need some air. I’m feeling sick.”

  “I’m sorry, miss, you’ll have to make use of the water closet.” When she was three feet from him, he drew his gun. “I really don’t want to hurt you.”

  Suddenly an arm wrapped around her shoulder. “That would be a crime, shooting such a beautiful woman. I’ll take you to the water closet,” Barns stated.

  Once they reached the closet, he pushed her in and to Vic's shock, entered as well.

  “I’m not having sex with you,” she growled.

  “God, I hope not,” he said, then laughed softly. He poked a finger at her breasts. “Those look incredibly real.”

  “Hey,” she yelled, shoving him back. “Keep your hands off me diddeys. I’m not that kind of girl!”

  He held his hands up in surrender.

  Her eyes narrowed. Vic was here to save her niece and he was acting as if this were some grand game.

  “I gather you are all here to stop me,” she said.

  “From getting yourself killed for no reason, yes,” Barns replied.

  She shoved him against the door. “You called them and told them of my plan.”

  “Maybe,” he said, then blushed. “Don’t touch me. My body’s brain is convinced you're a woman.”

  She was about to observe his body didn’t have a brain, but realized what he meant when she noticed his erection.

  She stepped back. “Barns, if Maddy is harmed because you’ve stopped me tonight.”

  “She’s not harmed. She’s back with your sister.”

  “What? How?” Vic demanded.

  “When we arrived, Xavier was already here.” He rolled his eyes. “The Earl said he was in the back room punishing Justine for being a naughty girl. A short while later, I saw Xavier pass the library carrying a red-headed baby dressed in an excessively frilly gown.”

  Vic smiled. Claire always had the seamstress make miniature dresses to match her gowns so she and Maddy would be a matched pair.

  “Then Xavier goes outside and a short time later his carriage pulled away. I thought he had left, but he returned to the library a moment later. He declared his mission accomplished, and asked to be dealt a hand of cards.”

  Now certain little Maddy was rescued, she focused on another very important point. “Xavier saved her?”

  “He did. Truth be told, when we arrived and the Earl said he was spanking Justine, I was afraid he’d truly lost his mind. However, when he passed with that beautiful girl…well. I can see why you were so keen to get her back.”

  Vic hugged Barns.

  “Vic stop that,” he yelled.

  “Sorry, I’m in character,” she replied. “Now get out of my way so I can go home.”

  He stepped back and let her escape the water closet. She ran down the hall to the library. Spotting Xavier pouring himself a drink, she ran to him and slammed against his chest, hugging him tightly.

  “Well, you are having good luck with the ladies tonight,” the Earl stated.

  Vic looked up at his shocked face. “I don’t like this place. Will you take me home?”

  A smile broke out upon his face and greeted her. “It would be my pleasure. Gentlemen,” he said, nodding to the Earl, the minister of Internal Affairs, and Stone. Wrapping his arm around Vic’s waist, he hurried her from the mansion.

  “Where’s your carriage?” he demanded.

  “Samson brought us. Where’s yours?”

  “Davy had an important package to deliver.”

  Her three escorts exited the house as well. Casey and Fagan climbed up beside Samson’s driver.

  Samson spoke from the steps. “Jenkins, take them wherever they wish to go. I’ll call you when I’m ready to return sometime tomorrow.”


  Once alone in the carriage, Vic covered Xavier’s face with kisses. To her delight, he returned them with equal fervor.

  “Your sanity has returned,” she declared.

  “A man would be insane to prefer anyone over you.” He then set her back and sobered. “I am sorry you lost faith in me. I had hoped to resolve this matter before you even knew about it. Claire promised she would not tell you. I am most put out with her. When I think of how badly this could have gone for you tonight…”

  “Claire didn’t tell me. I called their house in need of a wet nurse and David answered the phone clearly upset. He said Claire had gone to you for help in this matter, but she hadn’t returned. I knew I needed your help, but I feared you’d refuse to leave Ariana to help me, and that would end us forever.” She shook her head. “I couldn’t lose you, so I didn’t ask.”

  He pulled her to his chest. “What I told you earlier this week remains true. I never loved Ariana. Her father discovered I was a spy just before our marriage. He used the information to batter his daughter with. The man she adored didn’t love her, but had used her to get close to her father.” Xavier sighed heavily. “Evidently, she'd been abused as a young girl causing her mind to create two separate personalities. Ariana, who was kind and obliging to soothe her father’s vile temper, and Achlys who held all her hate and anger.”

  Vic finally understood. “Achlys took control because of the betrayal Ariana felt when you turned out to be a spy. You’ve been trying to bring Ariana back, to fix her like I am trying to fix Tubs. No matter how many times others tell you it wasn’t your fault, you can’t relinquish your sense of guilt until you fix the damage you caused.”

  He pulled her tight and covered her face with kisses. “You understand perfectly.”

  Vic did, and she was not happy with t
he conclusion. “I cannot imagine she's going to be as easy to fix as Tubs. Her cure could take a lifetime.”

  “That is unfortunately true.”

  Vic stared out the window and sniffed. “I don’t know how I’m going to survive this. Even knowing you still love me…I need you, Xavier. I am most miserable without you.”

  “We are in accord then. I have also been miserable this past week, and tonight when I realized you'd lost all trust in me, I was devastated. But I refused to drink my sorrows away. Instead, I came here to save Maddy and hopefully prevent you from being killed.

  “So how did you get Maddy back?”

  “I asked Justine for a private moment. She eyed me over and then took me back to her room. Maddy cried in a basket by her floor mattress.”

  Vic growled.

  He pulled her tight in his arms.

  “I asked why she had a baby and she began to rant about how she’d given the baby to a young gent who promised to find the baby a nice home so she could return to her good life. But the ‘bitch’…her word… who received the child filed complaint after complaint with government officials about her theatre until, despite the bribes she had dutifully paid, they closed her down.”

  “Claire got Justine’s business shut down?”

  Xavier nodded.

  “So she took Maddy back in retaliation.”

  “She thought it was fair retribution until the wet nurse refused to feed the child and demanded to be let go. Justine would have ignored her demands, except the woman constantly prayed to God, and between the hungry crying child and the prayers, Justine let the woman go several hours before I arrived and gladly gave me Maddy, who had evidently been crying non-stop since she became hungry.”

  “And the Earl?”

  “Never knew she was there.”

  While Vic was furious at Justine for not feeding the baby, most of her anger focused on Claire. “Did you yell at Claire?”

  “No, I forewent the pleasure to ensure you would survive the night.”

  “Did Barns call you?”

  Xavier shook his head. “But he managed to get Internal Affairs, Stone, and Meyers there. I was most impressed. You're a good influence on the boy.”


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