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Page 4

by Rebecca Janet


  Morgan Trott

  Below his printed name was an angry line of scribbles. Well, that’s one hell of a signature—one that belonged to a man who had little time to spend writing his name at the end of documents.

  Eagerly, I typed back a response. I couldn’t let this sort of opportunity slip by me. I’d probably be making double my salary. Not to mention, it’s a surefire way to prove my worth to the world.

  Dear Mr. Trott,

  I’d love to meet with you for an interview. Simply state the day and time, and I’ll be there.


  Valerie Taylor

  With that done, I finally headed outside only to find Cam sitting on his bike, blocking my car.


  “What are you doing here?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” He asked, holding out a spare helmet. “I wanted to go on a ride with you. Just like old times.”

  “Stop trying to recreate the past,” I said, standing there, tapping my foot against the asphalt. “You don’t get it, do you?”

  “Oh no, I get it. You hate me.”

  “Then why do you kept bugging me? Can’t you just leave me alone?”

  “No.” He got up and walked up to me. Gently, he placed a finger under my chin and lifted my head, so I was forced to look at his face. “If I could move on, I would had done it a long time ago. So, you’re stuck with me, sweet cheeks.” He leaned down.

  I stepped back before he could kiss me.

  “Darn, I was hoping today could be my lucky day.”

  “Not a chance,” I snapped back. “You aren’t going to get lucky. Not today. Not tomorrow.”

  “Never say never.” Suddenly, he pulled me close, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  I wanted to get away, I really did, but my body melted against his.

  Don’t fall for him again, my heart cried out, scared of being broken for the second time but my body didn’t listen. My skin tingled. I breathed deep, taking in his musky scent. It’s intoxicating. My brain turned to mush as our bodies pressed into one another.

  Oh, if only he hadn’t turned into such an asshole. Maybe, just maybe, we’d be in a happy relationship now. Hell, I might have even been a mom. I’d always wanted to start a family with him. He was the man of my dreams, or so I thought. He proved me wrong the second he became a professional football player. I guess it’s true what they said: fame really does change you.

  “You fight so hard against me but we both know you want it.” His hand crept down my body and slithered between my legs.

  I nearly moaned. God, I wanted him. I just wanted to feel his fingers running up and down my clit, flicking it back and forth. I used to hate the way he teased me but now I craved it. Fuck me. Literally.

  Val, the sound of reason rings in my head.

  Right. Quickly, I pulled away. I couldn’t get lured into his trap for the second time. This was all just an act.

  He sighed, running his fingers through his thick, dark hair. “Will you at least get something to eat with me? My treat.”

  “I told you before, no.”

  He frowned. “Please? For me. Do you really want me to eat my dinner all alone?”

  “I’m sure you could find someone to keep you company.”

  “But I don’t want just anyone—I want you.” He looked into my eyes and for a moment, the world seemed to stop. I got lost in those oceans. I remembered the way he used to make me feel. The butterflies. How he could make me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world when I’m really nothing but average. With him, I was happy. Maybe, if I gave him a chance, I could feel that way again.

  No, those times are over, I reminded myself.

  But, he did just say, “I don’t want just anyone—I want you.” God, I’m so confused.

  On one hand, I wanted to believe him but, at the same time, that rational part of my brain kept screaming, “Stay away! Stay away!” Even with the sirens going off in my head, I stared into those beautiful blue eyes, heart beating fast. I wanted to believe him. I desperately wished those words to be true.

  But, deep down, I knew they weren’t. I’m not going to fall for his tricks a second time. I was young when I used to believe that he loved me and then he walked away like we never happened. Trust me, I’m never going to forget the way he broke my heart.

  So, don’t blame me for trying to protect my heart. It took me years to piece it together again, to forget, to move on. I filled the emptiness of my heart with work and self-development.

  Was it enough?

  I didn’t know.

  Because I still yearned for that lost connection with him. Hell, I lost all trust. It’s hard for me to look at any man without being cynical. I even had a hard time connecting with my own inner woman. He beat me to the ground, that’s what he did. My self-confidence was shot. My love life, non-existent. My happiness was gone. And it's all his fault!

  All of these emotions and thoughts went through my head in less than a second, leaving me dizzy.

  And then I saw his eyes, those blue eyes, they looked so genuine. Maybe, just maybe, he’s telling the truth this time around. It’s strange but I felt like I was looking at a homeless, beautiful Pitbull puppy. I just wanted to take him home and make him mine. Maybe all he needed was a little love. My love. Maybe…

  He smirked. “I knew you’d come around sooner or later.” Gently, he placed the spare helmet on my head, making sure the straps were properly secured. I will admit, Cam might be an asshole but sometimes, he has this soft side and in those few, rare moments, his eyes warm my soul to its very core.

  I waited for him to settle in front of me before I wrapped my arms around his waist.

  The rational part of my brain cried out for me to run away, to escape this man while I still had the chance. But, for some reason, I didn’t. I just faded into the moment, convincing myself to give him a second chance, to believe him, just this once. In a way, it’s like I was floating in a dream, hypnotized by all the things I wanted but couldn’t have in the real world.

  “Hold on tight, okay?”

  I tightened my grip just as he sped off. Immediately, the adrenaline surged through my system. God, it’s been a while since I rode on one of these things. I almost forgot how exhilarating it was. When we were younger, Cam used to take me out for a ride all the time. We’d sneak off to the beach in the middle of the night or we’d just cruise the highway and feel the wind whipping against our faces making us feel like all we needed to do was jump and we’d be able to soar through the sky.

  He turned, and I could feel his abs flexing through the thin material of his shirt.

  As my fingers clung on to that shirt, I imagined it off, crumpled on the side of my bed. His naked figure popped into my head and I drank in his every sexy feature. To run my hands over his abs or to take his cock between my breasts…


  Or to plant kisses along that chiseled jawline. I’d even settle for running my fingers through his soft hair, his head on my chest.

  I just wanted to feel him pressed up against me, to have our breathing aligned in the throes of passion. Was that too much to ask for?

  No. He’d give it to me. I knew he would.

  But, am I willing to trust him again?

  I didn’t know.

  Chapter 8



  To feel Val’s arms wrapped around me once more, it’s a feeling I couldn’t quite explain. It’s euphoric and I could feel myself getting high on it. But, at the same time, it’s strikingly bittersweet. I knew she’s only doing this in an attempt to get me out of her hair. If she had the choice, she’d want nothing to do with me.

  Still, I enjoyed the feeling of her squeezing me tighter.

  I pulled back on the handlebars, pushing past the speed limit and gaining momentum. With a wild grin on my face, I weaved through the traffic. I knew it’s dangerous but that’s all the fun of it.


  I chuckle. “Too fast?” I was happy to hear her using her old nickname for me. It’s much better than hearing her say ‘Camden.’ That sounded so formal, like she’s trying to turn into a stranger I’d never met before.

  “Not fast enough!” She answered.

  My smile widened. That’s my girl. I sped up even faster, cruising the highway, toward the setting sun. It’s a stunning vista. The forest on either side was painted in vibrant reds and oranges as the trees prepared for winter. Combined with the dying sun, the world took on a new hue. Maybe this was a sign—a sign that things were going to get better from here.

  Val pressed closer.

  I could feel her breasts against my back. If only she wasn’t wearing a bra then I would feel her perky little nipples poking against me. Mmm. To have those nipples in my mouth, tongue swirling around them, watching her reactions. I knew exactly how to play her like a piano. A few little touches and she’d be moaning in no time. Only, I’ve lost her trust so getting her into bed was that much harder.

  I’ll start with dinner and work my way up from there, I guess.

  “Where are we going?” She shouted.

  I laugh. “Where do you think?”

  Shortly after, I pulled up to the bar where we used to celebrate anytime I won a game.

  I helped her off the bike, holding her hand.

  A shot of electricity ran along the length of my arm and settled into my heart, making it beat faster than ever. Our eyes locked for a couple of moments. We were inches away from kissing when she pulled away.

  I sighed. “You know, I still come here every time I win.”

  She didn’t bother to look me in the eye. Instead, she walked in.

  Instantly, there’s an eruption of cheers. Someone thrusts a beer into my hand.

  “Cam!” The bartender calls out, recognizing me. Steve was a good guy. He was always ready to listen. His eyes drifted down, noticing Val for the first time. “And if it wasn’t little Valerie. I haven’t seen you in a long time. How have you been?”

  We walked toward the counter to sit down. Val was about to climb onto a bar stool but before she could do so, I picked her up by the hips and hoisted her into place.

  Steve chuckled. “Just like old times, huh?”

  “Not quite but we’re getting there.”

  A waitress approached but Steve shook his head. “Don’t worry about the menus. I know exactly what they’re going to order.”

  The waitress shrugged and walked away.

  I sat down beside Val and placed a hand on the small of her back. To my surprise, she didn’t pull away. I smiled. Maybe I really am getting through to her.

  Steve placed a martini glass in front of Val. “A Milky Way Delight,” he announced. “Made to perfection, just for you.”

  She laughed.

  It’s good to hear her laugh. It lightened some of the weight from my shoulders. After playing like shit for the past three months, just hearing her laugh and watching her smile, was enough to wash away the shame of that failure. Damn, why did I ever treat her like shit? She deserves better, but I couldn’t stand to let her go. I just had to prove to her that I’ll never do it again. This time around, I’m going to treat her like a goddamn princess.

  “You haven’t changed a bit, Steve.”

  “Nope. Same old, same old.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “So, what brings you back here? I thought things had gone sour between you two.”

  Val falls, slightly.

  “Still a touchy subject? Alright. No worries.” He held up his hands as a peace offering before walking away.

  I glance at Val wondering what’s going on in that pretty little head of hers.

  “You know, this was the only thing in my life that hadn’t changed.”

  Chapter 9


  It was weird being here.

  This place really hadn’t changed. It’s like stepping back in time. I almost felt like I’m a college student all over again and that none of the drama between Cam and I ever happened. What a blessing that would be. But, unfortunately, life doesn’t work like that. Shit happens, and you just have to deal with it.

  As we waited for our food I’m reminded of how hungry I really am. In a rush to get to the football stadium on time, I had skipped lunch, a decision I now regretted.

  A waitress walked by holding a tray of food but of course, none of it comes our way. Darn. Those fries looked like a godsend right about now.

  Finally, our food arrived and just as I expected it’s the exact order we used to get all those years ago—a classic burger with a basket of onion rings. They looked extra good today but maybe that’s just the hunger talking.

  I was about to dig in when Cam snatched the food away from me. He gave me a cocky smile.

  “Oh, you think you’re clever, don’t you?”

  “I know I am.”

  “And, why’s that?”

  “Because now I can hold this food hostage in return for a kiss.”

  “Not a chance.”

  “Oh, come on, are you really going to say no to onion rings? We both know that’s your kryptonite.”

  “Fuck off. Not for all the onion rings in the world.”

  “Ouch.” He plants a hand on his chest, feigning injury. “That hurts.”

  “Oh, quit it,” I said, quickly grabbing the food and pulling it back to my side of the table. “Try a stunt like that again and I’m going to have your head on a silver platter.”

  “Jeez. Calm down.”

  I picked up an onion ring and popped it into my mouth. “Mmm.”

  Again, the cocky smile returned. He thinks he’s getting to me.

  I straightened up and narrowed my eyes in his direction. “You know we aren’t friends like that anymore so why the hell do you continue to flirt with me during all our interviews?”



  He shrugged. “Because it’s fun. I like seeing the look on your face.”

  I grind my teeth. This man was impossible to deal with, I swear. “Look, I would appreciate it if you would stop treating me like I’m some toy you like to play with and start treating me with some respect.”

  He leaned forward and looked me in the eye. “Babe, let’s be honest here, your career wasn’t hurting from my stunts. Hell, it’s probably benefiting from it. You and I both know those videos of us had gone viral.”

  I found myself unable to respond. He’s right. Part of my success was because of him. I couldn’t deny that.

  Steve replenished our drinks with two beers and two shots of vodka.

  “I’ll take the beer, but you could take back the shot,” I told Steve, but Cam stopped him from doing so. I watched as he downed both shots back to back.

  “Ah!” His grin deepened. “That’s some good shit, I tell you. Thanks, Steve.” The bartender chuckled before walking away.

  A second later, I’m alone at the table.

  I looked around to find Cam walking up to the jukebox. He fished through his pocket and eventually pulled out a couple of quarters. He popped them into the machine and browsed through the selection. I wondered what he’s going to pick.

  But, in the back of my mind, all I could think about was how I’d be getting home. He drove us here but if he kept drinking, he’d be in no condition to get behind the wheel—or should I say, handlebars.

  Our favorite song comes on.

  Hearing it, brings back fond memories.

  I lighten up a bit and actually find myself smiling as I sing along.

  He joined in, dramatically belting out the verses, drawing attention to us.

  “Shut up. Do you want the whole town to hear you?” I grabbed his arm and pulled him back into a seated position. “Seriously.”

  He chuckled. “I don’t think I would mind. I mean if this football thing goes to shit, maybe I could go on American Idol or something.”

  I rolled my eyes. “No one but me wants to hear you s

  His grin deepened. “Oh, so you’re admitting that you like my singing, then?”

  “I never said that,” I said, quickly.

  “Yes, you did. Don’t lie. You know what happens to liars, didn’t you?”


  “They get punished.” He had this sexy glint in his eyes. I could tell that his mind was filled with naughty intentions. He’s probably undressing me in his head right now if I’m not already naked in there.

  The thought excited me.

  Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if we fell into bed together. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?

  A lot, the voice of reason chimed in.

  Yeah, yeah, I know. Let a girl dream, will you? I responded.

  “Do you remember when we used to come here all the time?”

  “Yeah, I remember,” I said with a nod.

  “You used to think I was so funny back then. It didn’t matter what I said, you were always laughing. I thought I used to make you happy.”

  “You did. I liked how silly you were. You never cared what someone thought of you. And I liked that.”

  “Well, I’m still like that.”

  I didn’t bother to respond. In many ways, Cam was still the same guy I used to date in college but in many ways, he’d changed. I didn’t know if I could live with those changes.

  He downed another drink.

  I could tell he’s starting to get kind of drunk. His words were melding together and yet he was determined to hold a conversation with me. Well, it wasn’t much of a conversation. He was doing most of the talking.

  “You know, I really regret how things ended. I know I was an asshole. I’m not going to deny that. I just got so caught up in my new career that everything else fell by the wayside. I should never have neglected you but that’s exactly what I did.” He paused, taking a sip of his beer. “I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I just wanted you to know that I really am sorry.”

  That old warmth returned to his eyes—the same warmth that made me fall in love with him. Butterflies stirred in my stomach, bringing old emotions with them. But, I couldn’t let myself fall again. I couldn’t imagine picking up the pieces of my broken heart a second time.


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