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Page 6

by Rebecca Janet

  “I wouldn’t call it wonderful. There was a lot that went wrong.”

  “But, you guys won in the end, didn’t you?”

  “We did.” I adjusted my cufflinks before looking out the window. It was a beautiful day—a perfect day for a run around the park and yet, here I was, stuffed into a suit, waiting for a meeting with the CEO. Hopefully, this wouldn’t take too long.

  Suddenly, a tall individual clad in a navy-blue suit walked out of the office. He moved with a certain swagger that made me think he had a successful meeting with the CEO.

  “Mr. Birch, he’ll see you now.” The secretary got up, motioning me through the door.

  I stepped inside to find the billionaire sitting behind his desk, hands folded in front of him. He had a serious expression on his face as he watched me take a seat.

  “Mr. Birch.”

  “Mr. Thompkins.”

  “I’m glad you could make it.”

  “What is this about?” I’m not much for formalities. I prefer to get right to the point.

  “You know, I was about to cancel our meeting but then Anabel pointed out the video from last night. It’s getting quite a bit of traction online.”

  Right. That video.

  Everyone kept talking about it.

  Okay, maybe it’s a little scandalous but it’s not a porno. I didn’t know why everyone's making such a big deal out of it. All I did was put my arms around her…

  “In fact, it is going viral.”


  “So, your popularity just spiked. Check your Twitter.”

  I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. With a sigh, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and checked my social media account. To my surprise, it had completely blown up. I had countless notifications. Numerous new followers. Dozens of DMs.


  “Exactly. Now, we want to capitalize on this fame.” The CEO got up and locked his hands behind his back. “And put your name on our newest product.” He walked over to a table that I hadn’t noticed when I entered his office.

  On it, something’s covered with a thick blue fabric.

  With a flick of his wrist, he snapped it off and tossed it to the side, unveiling a brand-new line of men’s body wash.

  I join Mr. Thompkins, inspecting the product. “Pine-scented, huh?”

  “That’s our signature scent but there are others. Most of them, Earthy. Masculine scents. You know?”

  “Sure. Sure.” I nod.

  “You’ll be working as our spokesman. Do you think you could do that?”

  “How much am I getting paid for this?” I ask, narrowing my eyes in his direction.

  “We could discuss that in just a moment,” he said as he grabbed the biggest bottle and handed it over to me. “We wanted to advertise that this body wash will turn any man into a player—in both senses of that word.”

  “So, football player and a flirt?”

  “Exactly. With this, our clients will be able to get any girl, even the one that got away.”

  I nearly cringed at his words. I felt like he’s saying this on purpose, like he knows the history between Val and me. She’s definitely the one that got away, but this stupid body wash wasn’t going to bring her back. Apparently, no one told them that the smell of pine needles wasn’t the thing that got a girl going. Maybe a gingerbread man but that’s about it.


  Thompkins returned to his desk and pulled out a check. “I thought this should be sufficient compensation.”

  I looked down at it.


  Damn. Twenty-five million?

  Just to advertise some soap?

  For that kind of money, I’d be willing to say almost anything.

  “I think we have a deal?” Thompkins asked as he held out his hand.

  “I think so.” I took his hand in mine, holding it firmly. “Look forward to working with you,” I add, smiling politely.

  “Perfect. In the meantime, I want you to keep up posting videos.”

  I knit my brows in question. “What do you mean?”

  “The world seems interested in your relationship with her. It’ll increase your traction. Good publicity.”

  “And, if she doesn’t agree to it?”

  “I’m sure you could find ways to be… persuasive.” The CEO grinned. “A handsome football player like you? I’m sure it’ll be no trouble at all.”

  “Fine.” I agree. After all, the money was too good to pass up on.

  “Perfect. We’ll keep in touch.”

  Chapter 13


  Bumper to bumper traffic.


  Exactly what I needed right now.

  I kept looking at the clock. I’ve never seen it move this fast before. I’m going to be late. Shit. And this was my golden opportunity.

  The radio turned to static.

  I flicked through the channels but there’s nothing worth listening to, so I just shut it off.



  Two cars got into a honking contest nearby. In front of me, someone cut me off, nearly hitting my car. I grind my teeth, frustrated by the situation.

  I hate traffic.

  Then again, who likes it?

  Eventually, I make it to SportsCast headquarters. I’m nearly 30 minutes late.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Quickly, I walked inside, searching for an elevator, trying to remember the instructions he gave me on how to get to his office. Top floor. Take a left. Last door to the right. Or was it right first, then left? My mind was scrambled.

  Breathe, Valerie, breathe, I told myself, taking a moment to calm down as I waited for the elevator.


  The up arrow lit up as the elevator arrived. Once the doors opened, I stepped inside, pressing the button marked 31.

  Damn. That’s high.

  I clung to the railing as the elevator took me higher and higher. I’ve never been a huge fan of heights and just thinking about being on the 31st floor, made me a little woozy.

  It’s no big deal, just don’t think about it, the little voice in my head chimed in but that’s easier said than done. It’s all I could think about.


  Finally, I arrived at the top floor. I took a deep breath before stepping into a luxurious lobby. An older woman sporting thick-rim, looked up and smiled at me. “You must be Miss Taylor, we were expecting you 30 minutes ago.”

  “I’m sorry. There was a lot of traffic on the way… I’d like to reschedule, if at all, it’s possible…”

  Suddenly, a nearby door opened. A tall, well-dressed man stepped out of his office. “That won’t be necessary. Come right this way, Miss Taylor.”

  I quickened toward him, bowing my head, a bit embarrassed that I’m late to our first meeting together.

  Nonetheless, he greeted me with a warm smile, placing his hand on the small of my back as he guided me toward a comfortable-looking chair. “I was starting to worry that you weren’t going to make it.”

  “I really am sorry. There was an accident on the highway—”

  He raised his hand, silencing me with his gesture. “There’s no needed to explain yourself. These sorts of things happen. I understand.”

  “Thank you,” I said, grateful for his leniency.

  “Still, let’s not delay any further.”

  I adjusted myself, crossing one leg over the other. As he sat down behind his desk, I held his gaze. My heart was beating fast but somehow, I manage to maintain my composure. Stay calm, Valerie, I kept telling myself.

  “I called you here today because I wanted to offer you a job, as you know.”

  I nod. “Yes, you mentioned it in the emails.”

  “Correct. We’re looking for a head reporter. Someone who will work as a sort of figurehead for the company.”

  My eyes widened. “A figurehead?”

  “Mhm. Will that be a problem for you?
It does not seem like you’re opposed to a little publicity.” He turned his computer screen, so I could see it. “Your video with Camden is taking the internet by storm. We need that sort of traction for our company.”

  “I saw.”

  He opened a drawer and pulled out an envelope, placing it in front of me. “I think you will find that we compensate our employees very well.”

  I hesitated to grab the envelope.

  “Go on, open it,” he prompted.

  Slowly, I picked it up and slid my finger under the seal, breaking it. I pulled out a check, my eyes nearly bugging out of my skull. “What is this?” I blink, unable to believe my eyes.

  “A signing bonus. You’ll also be receiving a weekly paycheck with us for about the same amount so long as you remain on the team and keep up our ratings.”

  I stared at the check.

  This was a lot of money.

  Almost double of what I make now.

  I’d be stupid to turn down such a golden opportunity.

  “But, let me make it clear that your upswing in popularity is the reason you’re getting this job. Keep that in mind.”

  “I will.”

  “In that case, welcome to the team.” He held out his hand.

  I squeezed it in a firm shake.

  Even though this job was being handed to me on a silver platter because of my association with Cam, I know, deep down, that I’ll still do well, no matter what.

  “I just have one question.”

  “Go on.”

  “What would happen if I, say, break ties with Camden? Not saying I’m going to, just a hypothetical situation.” I tiptoe around the question. In the back of my mind, the rational part of my brain kept telling me to stay away from him, but the emotional part just wanted to give him a second chance. Maybe, just maybe, he had changed.

  “While I have no doubt in your ability to do the job, I think that keeping up your visibility in the media is in everyone’s best interest. Don’t you think?”

  “It would certainly help.” I agree.

  “Exactly. I knew you would understand.” He got up and showed me to the door. “We expect you to arrive at work on Monday morning. 8 A.M. At the front desk, ask for Pamela. She’s going to help you get settled into your new office.”

  “Pamela, got it.”

  “Oh, and don’t forget your check.”

  I double backed and grabbed it, my cheeks coloring with embarrassment. “Don’t want to forget that…”

  “No, you don’t.” He chuckled. “Well, I’ll check up on you Monday, then.”

  “Thanks. I look forward to it.” And with that, I left his office, a couple thousand dollars richer. It certainly wasn’t much compared to the salary Cam made every year, but it was certainly much better than what I currently made.

  Once I got into the elevator, I smiled to myself. For once, things were going well for me, and strangely enough, it’s all thanks to Camden Birch—the man who broke my heart.

  Chapter 14


  The next morning.

  It’s a beautiful day. Sunny. Birds are singing. The clouds white and puffy, like cotton candy.

  Perfect day to go hiking. As I waited outside of Val’s apartment, I smelled fresh mulch and cut grass. The trees that outlined her building were turning color. Some of the leaves were already bright red while others were more of a burnt orange.

  If we were still an item, I would have offered to take her on a nice little walk, hand in hand, just enjoying the fall weather.

  Unfortunately, we’re not.

  But, I’m going to get her back. Just wait and see.

  The front door opened.

  I walked away from my motorcycle and approached her from behind.

  She was so focused on locking the front door that she didn’t even notice me. “Val, you got a minute?”

  “Fuck!” She jumped, dropping her keys. Quickly, she turned around, narrowing her eyes with suspicion the second she sees me. “What the hell are you doing here? You nearly scared me to death.”

  “Sorry.” I bent down and picked up her keys, handing them back to her. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “Well, you did.”

  “Not my problem, you get scared easily.” I teased, trying to break the tension between us. Back when we were in a relationship, I used to tease her all the time. We were the kind of couple that could always joke around with one another. I really missed that.

  “I don’t really have time for this, Cam.”

  “I figured. You probably have work or something, right?”

  “Yeah, and if we keep this up, I’m going to be late and I rather not do that.”

  “Alright. Listen. Why don’t I give you a ride to work and we could talk on the way?”

  “What is there to talk about?” She asked, raising her eyebrow.

  “I thought you knew. You’ve seen the video and you’re probably aware of the publicity it’s getting.”

  “I am.”

  “Well, I wanted to know where we stand.”

  She sighed. “Fine. But, let’s discuss this on the way to work. Today’s my first day at a new gig.”

  “Oh, really? Where?” We were about to cross the road when a car turned the bend. Val started forward, not quite seeing the car.

  Instinctually, I reached out my arm and grabbed her by the hand, reeling her back. She collides with my chest. Our faces end up a few inches apart. I could feel her warm breath on my lips and it was intoxicating. I’m tempted by the thought of kissing her. Maybe I should. What’s stopping me? My grip tightened around her waist. Our eyes locked.


  For a split second, I thought I saw something there. Forgiveness, maybe? I’m not sure but it gave me hope. Maybe I had a shot at redemption after all. But then it faded, and she pulled away from me leaving me feeling empty inside.

  I sighed. “Sorry. I just didn’t want you getting hurt.”

  “Thanks,” she said, avoiding eye contact.

  I followed her to my bike.

  She’s about to put on her helmet when I took it from her hands and gently fit it onto her head. I made sure it’s nice and snug before tightening the strap. “There.” I smile, kissing the top of her head. I knew she couldn’t feel it through the helmet, but the gesture alone makes me feel like we’re partners again.

  Without a word, she sits down.

  I put on my own helmet before getting in front of her and started the engine. I let it run for a few seconds before rolling forward. “Where to?” I asked.

  “SportsCast headquarters.”

  “So that’s your new gig, huh?”

  “Uh huh,” she answered despite her voice being muffled being by her helmet. “They seemed to like my… popularity.”

  “I see.”

  The conversation died out. For a while, we’re quiet. I took the back roads, trying to make the ride last as long as possible without making her late for work.

  Finally, at the halfway point, I broke the silence while we waited at a red light. “Look, I’m going to be honest with you. I need your help.”


  “Things aren’t going so great for me. My football career is taking a nose dive. There’s a lot of people who think I’m going to crash soon so they’re pulling out their endorsements with me. But, that little video I posted of us got me an opportunity with Klieffe Kosmetics—you know, that fancy body wash company—and they want me to be the spokesperson for their newest line of products—some pine-scented crap that’s supposed to turn any guy into a player. It’s complete bull but I don’t want to turn down the money.”

  “So, what does any of this have to do with me?”

  “You’re making me popular again,” I explain. “For some reason, everyone’s interested in our… love story… for lack of a better word.”

  “I see.”

  “They think that we’re dating again.”

  She tightened her grip around my waist, body moving cl
oser. I didn’t quite know what to make of this. Did she like the idea or hate it?

  I pulled into the SportsCast parking lot. Even after I turned off my engine, Val didn’t let go of me. I smiled, glad to feel her warmth.

  “Look, I know this might be too much to ask, but I don’t think it would be too difficult to pretend to be a couple for a little while. I’m sure you’ll benefit from the attention, being a reporter and all, I bet you’d thrive on that sort of publicity.” I turned around to look at her. She had already taken off her helmet. I took off mine and looked into those beautiful eyes of hers. “I know that you may never forgive me for what happened… but, I really do need your help.”

  “I’ll do it.”

  “What?” I blurt out, surprised that she agreed to it so quickly.

  “I’ll do it,” she repeated herself. “I’ll pretend to be your girlfriend—at least, for the time being.”

  I knit my brows together. “You’re okay with the idea?”


  “Well, alright then.” I chuckle. “And here I was, thinking I’d have to get on my knees and beg you.”

  “I think hell would freeze over before you’d do that.” She laughed.

  Hearing that sweet sound, cast a smile on my face. “You might be right about that.” I got up and offered my hand.

  She took it, about to gather her stuff when I pulled her into my arms and surprised her with a deep kiss. Our lips collide like a couple of puzzle pieces.

  I could tell that I’d taken her off-guard because her body was stiff against mine. But, after a moment, she melted into me, returning the kiss.

  Slowly, I fish my phone out of my pocket.


  I managed to snag a picture before she could pull away from me. “Perfect,” I said with a grin. “Anyway, I’ll see you later tonight for dinner.”

  “O-Okay…” She stumbles on her word before walking away with this dazed looked on her face.

  I watched her go, drinking in the sight of her hips moving side to side. God, she really was gorgeous.

  Before I hop back on my bike, I adjusted myself. The kiss still burned on my lips, stirring something inside of me. My heart beat faster than ever. My member twitches, thinking of Val and all the other places I’d like to kiss her.


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