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Lucy's Revenge [Divine Creek Ranch 15] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Heather Rainier

  He nearly swallowed his tongue when she licked her lips. “I have dark-colored, patterned coverlets like these to offer my male customers some camouflaging privacy. Most of the time I don’t really notice, as long as the customer is nice and doesn’t try anything. But there’s just no missing that now is there?”

  His cock twitched as though acknowledging a compliment. “I’m sorry. You want to stop? I’ll get dressed. We’ll forget I ever came in today—”

  She laid her hand on his collarbone to halt him when he tried to sit up and looked him in the eyes. “Stop. Come on, Beck. It’s you and me, okay? Scoot down the table a little for me.”

  He did as she directed, and she adjusted the sheet-covered padding to give him some support under his knees. He nearly broke a sweat as the movement stimulated his already strained control. “I wanted you—okay?” He couldn’t believe it when he blurted it out.


  “I wanted you that night. And I felt so damned guilty I hated myself for it. I had the engagement ring for the woman I loved—thought I loved—in my pocket and there I was, wanting you. To make it worse…I can’t dance.”

  “You can’t dance? Wait! You wanted me?”

  “Yes. I did. I was in pain, missing her, but you lit me on fire, woman.”

  She came alongside him after getting everything situated and a smile crossed her beautiful face as she held his gaze. “I did?”

  “Yeah. I got called several names by Patrick that night after you walked away. I wanted to go after you but I couldn’t. I was confused. And that night last year, at Halloween, remember?”

  The mortification on her face told him that she did.

  “When that blonde witch loosened your corset strings?”

  “Yeah,” she said dryly. “You called my breasts ‘tits’ and you smacked my ass. I wanted to bite you with my Elvira, Mistress of the Dark vampire teeth.”

  “Oh yeah?” he asked with a chuckle. “I mighta liked that. I was just teasing when I said that to cover up how much I was enjoying helping you get laced back up. I still think you have gorgeous tits.”

  “Say that word again and I may hurt you for real.”

  “Really? So calling you ‘sugar tits’ is out?” he asked with a chuckle, grateful the mood seemed a little lighter…Or not so much when she leveled a serious, humorless gaze on him.

  “I’m serious as a heart attack, Beck. Don’t be a dickhead.”

  His levity plummeted and he realized that if it came at her expense it wasn’t worth it. “This is one of those times when you make allowances for me, isn’t it?” He smiled at her, hoping that he hadn’t really hurt her feelings.

  Whatever she saw in his gaze must’ve convinced her. “Yes, this is one of those times.”

  “I’m really sorry.” Chloe had never minded his risqué endearments. He didn’t particularly appreciate being called a dickhead but she had made her point. “I mean it. I’ll try to not use that word anymore.”

  “Try hard.” She bumped his shoulder with her hip as she smiled and then went to work on his front half.

  “Want the truth?” he suddenly asked, surprised once again at the confessions she was extracting from him with the massage.

  Lucy ceased her manipulations for a second but then continued. “Of course I want the truth, Beck. Always.”

  “I didn’t want anyone else touching you, helping you with your corset strings. Except maybe for Patrick, because I knew he cared about you a little by then.”

  “Oh,” she replied in a barely audible voice. She slid her hand up to his collarbone and his throat. The touch was a gentle caress. He looked up at her through shuttered eyelids and she looked thoughtful, her eyebrows drawn slightly together. “I think that I misunderstood quite a bit of what you said or did in the beginning.”

  The warm knot in his chest increased as she gazed at him. He wished he could start all over with her.

  “I’m sorry I cussed at you on Valentine’s night, at the Pony. It was self-absorbed, and I regret it. I’d take it back in a heartbeat if I could. That call came and I…”

  “Freaked out a bit?” Her tone was soft. Understanding. “It’s in the past. But don’t do it again, okay?”

  He nodded. His chest ached at hurting such a caring person, and for the risk he’d taken with her friendship that night. Lots of other people would have cut him out of their lives after that.

  After a while she said, “How’s the pressure so far?”

  “Great. You’re damned strong for a woman. Do your hands hurt after a full day? Sometimes Chloe’s did.”

  Mentioning her name like that seemed normal. Conversational. And it didn’t seem to bother Lucy.

  “Yes, sometimes they stiffen up overnight and they’re painful in the morning until I loosen them up.”

  “I don’t like the thought of you hurting. Have you been overdoing it with me today?”

  “Nope, not at all,” she said as she extended his arm outward and stretched it before working the muscle. “I’m fine. So, you can’t dance?”

  It was his turn to blush now as his cheeks heated up. “It’s the truth. I was the shy kid who never went to dances, so I never learned how.”

  “Can I teach you sometime? I think you’d be good at it.”

  “I’d probably bruise your toes.”

  There was a definite undercurrent growing in the room. Neither of them spoke of it but he could feel it and the light in Lucy’s eyes told him she could feel it, too. His cock was still throbbing and the desire was there but something had clicked into place over the course of this odd, embarrassing, yet very stimulating conversation. She’d coaxed that admission about him wanting her, and not wanting anyone else to touch her, right out of him with her touch. She made him bold.

  “Lucy, would you consider going out on a date with me and Patrick this weekend? Maybe tomorrow night? I know it’s not much notice and I guess it depends on if we can find a sitter for Patrick Junior. I’m asking you out for both of us. To celebrate your new business and also to…” Suddenly he was at a loss to explain his sudden proposition.

  “Celebrate what we have? Whatever it is?” she finally finished for him with a playful, sexy smile as she manipulated the muscles in his hand.

  “Yeah.” Another thought occurred to him. “Unless of course you think you might be too tired after your first full day in business.”

  “Trust me, after the crazy schedule I’ve been keeping to make everything happen, my day tomorrow will seem like a breeze. I’m used to working full days.”

  “Well, all right then. I’ll be on my best behavior. No dickhead comments or anything.”

  Her breathy laugh made his cock jump. “Are you even capable of that? What would you like me to wear?”

  He didn’t care what she wore as long as she showed up but he could tell she wanted an honest answer. “Dress up for me. Heels. The whole nine yards. We’ll take you to O’Reilley’s Steakhouse.”

  “I haven’t eaten there yet. I’d love it. Can you do something for me?”


  “Hush up and relax. You’ve gotten all tense and you’re undoing all the good I’ve done. Just lie back and let me help you feel better.”

  I already do, sweetness. I already do. “Was that Abbott guy making an appointment with you, too?”

  She stopped what she was doing and he opened his eyes to find her looming right over him. She didn’t look pissed off, only resigned.

  “I have a few male clients, Beck. If that’s a problem, then either tell me now so I don’t waste my time with you, or get over it. I’m a professional. He’s a nice guy but nothing more than a potential client. Don’t mess up what we have going over something like that.” She continued the massage as she added, “And don’t worry about me. I know how to defend myself.”

  That got Beck’s attention. “You’ve had to defend yourself against clients before?” That shit’s not gonna fly.

  “No,” she replied pointedly. “Not in the p

ossible physical assault sense. But I’ve had to draw the line with new clients who have funny ideas about what my job description entails. And a couple of them have gotten a little ‘handsy.’ They aren’t customers anymore.”

  Good! Overpowering protectiveness surged inside of him. “They thought that you offer more than a cure for sore muscles and tension?”

  “Yes. I guess they thought my duties might possibly extend to relieving their sexual tension, too. My first clue comes when they ask if I require that they be draped during their massage. Anyone who doesn’t want their nudity covered during a massage is sending a signal I can’t misunderstand. One man asked if I could massage to help with erectile dysfunction.”

  Beck sat up on the table so fast she had to back away from him or risk getting her nose busted by his forehead.

  “Beck, I’m not talking to you anymore if you keep this shit up. Lay down.”

  “He wanted you to jack him off?”

  Lucy chuckled. “Yes. I told him that he needed to go home to his wife and work that one out between the two of them. I also told him that I wouldn’t be massaging him in any fashion.”

  “Was it someone here in town?”

  “Lie down, He-Man,” she ordered, pushing on his shoulder. “No. It happened when I was still living in Temple. You sure do get all riled up.” She giggled and added, “So I guess I shouldn’t tell you about the guy I caught masturbating when I thought he was in position on the table, ready for his massage to begin, huh?”

  “No. Holy crap, people do that shit?”

  “The culture he came from believes massage therapists are prostitutes. I quickly dispelled that notion. I told him if he didn’t get dressed and leave I’d call the police.”

  “What did he do?”

  “He became disgruntled and ordered me to leave the room so he could ‘finish.’ Imperious prick.”

  Beck’s jaw dropped, “What’d you do?”

  “I closed the door and called the police. They dealt with him. They were the ones who came back and explained to me that he thought massage therapy here was the same as in his country. He knows to jack off at home now,” she added with a snort.

  Beck was glad she approached the situation with good humor but he wanted to cut the guy’s balls off for putting her through that.

  “You’re getting all tense again. I’m not talking to you anymore when I massage you, Mr. Caveman. Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself. Now hush.”

  Beck grumbled but lay back down so she could finish. The rest of his attempts at conversation were met with monosyllabic responses until he gave up and submitted quietly.

  He was nearly asleep when she placed her hand on his shoulder. “I hope you feel better now, Beck. Take your time getting dressed. I’ll be out front.”

  “Mmmm,” he murmured as she left the room and he laid there enjoying the floating sensation for a moment longer. He rolled his neck from side to side and felt no pain or pulling in his shoulders and sighed in relief.

  When he opened the door a few minutes later, fully dressed, it was to find her in the middle of a conversation with Lucas and Josh Abbott.

  “So you can do me next Thursday at one?” Josh asked as he leaned his hip against the reception counter in a casual fashion while Lucy looked at her appointment calendar and then nodded. Beck thought he saw a flirtatious twinkle in Josh’s eyes.

  Lucas looked at the card she handed him. “And you’re doing me at one next Friday.”

  The men looked up when he came to stand directly behind her and Josh held out his hand. “Hey, Beck. Good to see you again. So how was it?”

  Beck didn’t like either man referring to her “doing” them and was about to tell him to mind his own fucking business. Lucy looked his way like she could read his damned mind so he shook Josh’s hand. “Good to see you, too. I feel much better and that’s saying a lot because I felt like hell.”

  Lucas grinned and winked. “Sent you to Heaven, huh?”

  I’m about to send you to Heaven if you don’t stop—

  Lucy wrapped her hand around his wrist and said, “Beck had the flu recently and he was in dire need of a deep tissue massage to overcome all the stiffness and body aches. So you feel better?”

  Beck smiled at her. “Hundred percent better.”

  “Well, Lucy, we’re getting back to work in the bathroom if that’s okay. Good to see you again, Beck,” Josh called as he and his brother gathered their tools and some boxes and went to work.

  Lucy smirked at him when they were alone again at the reception desk. “You know they don’t mean anything by that, right? You have nothing to be concerned about, Beck.”

  Didn’t he? They were both good-looking men. And they were probably pretty smooth with pickup lines and compliments. A talent that he sorely lacked.

  “If you say so, Lucy. But they look interested in you to me. Both of them.”

  Lucy’s cheeks turned pink. “Whatever. Let me know about tomorrow night,” she added as she reached for the keys to the front door.

  “I will. I’ll call Patrick after I leave. If there’s a problem we’ll work it out and give you a call. Thank you again. Wait—What do I owe you for the massage?”

  Lucy smiled up at him and gently rubbed his shoulder. The muscles felt loose and warm under her touch, and the pain and tenderness were all but gone. “Nothing, Beck. It was my gift to you.”

  “That was over an hour of your time, Lucy. I owe you for that.”

  “Okay. You owe me a date, and this,” she murmured as she hypnotized him with her wolf-blue eyes, tilted her chin up, and pressed her lips to his. He was surprised for a millisecond but then desire burst to life inside him as she slid her palms up his biceps and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her breasts were plush, pressed against his chest, and he groaned when she leaned her voluptuous body against his from knees to nose and moaned softly.

  He slid his hands from her waist up her back and tangled them in her long black hair. Her lips were even softer than he’d imagined as she tilted her head and allowed him to deepen the kiss, stroking his tongue with hers as she opened for him. His cock, which had finally given him a respite was back to its previously erect state and she very subtly rubbed her pelvis against his, letting him know she was aware of it.

  Usually pretty circumspect with the outward emotions, Beck was struck by how much he wanted to beat his chest and throw her over his shoulder. She unleashed something in him and instead of it being disturbing, it felt freeing. He wanted to crush her to him as the wave of emotional tension shimmered and then burst inside him and he was hard pressed to restrain himself from laying another passionate kiss on her.

  “Wow.” Motion caught his attention through the glass-fronted entrance. “Uh-oh.”

  “What?” she murmured as she rested her forehead against his chest and sounded like she was composing herself or catching her breath.

  “We had an audience.”

  Her head popped up and she turned to check the back of the shop then looked out the door. “Oh, crap. Of all the people.”

  The dark-haired woman stood on the sidewalk, hands on hips, gawking in at them. She pursed her lips into a haughty twist and shook an accusing finger at them. He couldn’t hear her muffled words through the glass but could make out what she was saying. “Shame on you!” She turned up her nose and continued on her way.

  Lucy growled. “If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m a newly self-employed and have several of her friends as customers, I’d flip her the bird and see if she can read my lips when I tell her to fuck off.”

  “She looks vaguely familiar. Who is she?”

  “Tabitha Lester.”

  “That name sounds familiar.”

  “She worked for Clay Cook and nearly got Lily killed a couple of years ago. She led Lily’s ex right to her. Psychotic bastard. I wasn’t here when that happened but I heard all about it from the girls. What’s crazy is that some people paint Tabitha as some kind of paragon of virtue, when t
he truth is she’s a hateful, bitter woman. Jealous of anyone who finds happiness, especially if it doesn’t line up with her rigid set of beliefs. She got a job as the secretary at one of the churches in Divine after Clay fired her for her part in endangering Lily.”

  “I remember her now. She was working there when I came in to see Clay one day. Sort of snooty. Well that’s good she no longer works at Clay’s, I guess.”

  “Yeah, except that now she kind of runs the local gossip mill through her other job. She’s in lots of people’s business. I guess that’s what you do when you have no life, but I can’t afford to piss her or her friends off.”

  “Well, we just won’t give her further reason to gossip,” Beck murmured as he brushed his lips against her forehead and she giggled and shuddered as his beard tickled her nose. “Sorry. I need to shave this mess off.”

  “It’s okay,” Lucy whispered. “I’ve wanted that kiss for a long time, Beck O’Malley.”

  He stroked her cheek and gazed into her piercing blue eyes, the happiness at giving her what she wanted a fierce thing in his heart. “I hope it was worth it, sweetness. You’ve been pretty patient.”

  “I know a diamond in the rough when I see one.”

  “Sure hope I don’t turn out to be a lump of coal.”

  “Who says you aren’t right now?” she asked with a chuckle. “It’s just a question of time and patience. And I’m not perfect either, Beck.”

  He feigned astonishment. “You’re not?”

  She squeezed him and said, “Talk to you soon.”

  He pecked her forehead one last time after she unlocked the front door and let him out. He smiled at her and waved back, wondering how he’d make it up to her for not accepting payment for the massage. A gift, perhaps? He took out his phone and dialed Patrick as he walked to his truck parked at the curb.

  His chest felt loose, like a weight had been lifted and the realization that he was truly free hit him. Chloe no longer haunted his memories like she had in the past. When he’d kissed Lucy, he’d only felt her lips. When he’d looked in her eyes, he’d only seen blue eyes. When he’d wrapped his arms around her, he’d only felt her statuesque, curvy form against him. And in his heart there’d been no guilt.


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