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My Redemption Too: a Second Chance series

Page 7

by S. K. Lessly

  Son of a bitch!

  Standing right there holding the little boy and his mother was none other than Eugene, the crazy stalker. I ducked behind a pillar so that he wouldn’t see me, and I watched the seemingly happy family. She was smiling brightly and looking lovingly up at her, what? Boyfriend? Husband? This was crazy. He bent down and kissed this woman, and I instantly remembered seeing a fat rock on her hand along with a wedding band.

  At that moment, a dizzy spell hit me full force. I ran back into the bathroom, cut the line that just formed and ran right into a stall that had just come open. I mumbled an apology as I scooted by and made it just in time to spew the water and crackers all over the toilet. It was so embarrassing, but I was just thankful I made it.

  I escaped the restroom with a tiny bit of dignity and quickly made my way to my car, praying that I wouldn’t run into Eugene. When I finally made it home, I collapsed in the bed with lots of covers, not bothering with stripping my clothes off.

  I couldn’t believe my luck, but I felt like I deserved what I got. I had no business with this man to begin with. I was in love with someone else that even though moved on, I wasn’t ready to. And to top it off, I also felt dirty. Here my marriage ended because my husband cheated on me, and I was with a man who was cheating on his wife with me. I hadn’t known he was married, but it still made me feel dirty.

  Thank God that I used lots of protection when I had sex with Eugene. I didn’t perform oral sex on him, nor did he do that to me, so I should be in the clear but… hell, it was so much deeper than that.

  First thing Monday morning, I was making another trip to the clinic just to be sure. Before Monday, I needed to end whatever this was with Eugene. No way was I going to be one of those chicks. Fuck that. I drifted off to sleep thinking of the many ways I could end things with his cheating ass, but when the time came to actually do it, I faltered and not in the way you might be thinking.

  * * *

  The next morning around eleven a.m., the cheater called.

  I answered the phone with a raspy hello before I collapsed in a fit of ugly coughs.

  “Hey, wow, you sound horrible. I’m on my way over.”


  “I have some soup for you and more tissues. I know you’re running out.”

  “Eugene!” I yelled as best I could to get him to shut up. It worked, and he grew silent. I took a few deep breaks, as well as my clogged nose and congested chest would allow and asked, “Let me ask you something?”

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “Are you married?”

  There was a long pause then he laughed. “Really, Lauren. You’re asking me something like that now? Of course, I’m not married.”

  “Do you have any kids?”

  There was another pause then he said, “That fever must be really high; you’re asking some crazy questions. Look, I’m on my way, okay. I’ll be there shortly. We can talk when I get there.”

  I didn’t miss how he deflected. He must think I’m stupid.

  “Actually, you’re not coming over,” I said in a clipped tone.


  “Eugene, this isn’t working out very well for me. I’m in a crazy place right now, and this is going way too fast for me.”

  “What are you talking about? Okay, look. I’ll be there in five minutes. Can we just talk about this then?”

  “No, Eugene we can’t. First of all, I feel like shit, and I don’t feel like company. Second, I need some space. It feels like I’m in a relationship with you, and that’s something that I told you I did not want.”

  There was silence on the phone. I knew this was of poor taste breaking this off over the phone, but I didn’t want to deal with him right now. As the silence continued, I started to feel like shit. I groaned softly and closed my eyes.

  I then broke down and said softly, “Eugene, I’m not saying that we can’t be friends? I just need some space.”

  The tone he had next scared me a little by how calm it sounded. He was frantic a minute ago, but now he wasn’t.

  He said to me, “Lauren, I respect your wishes. I’ll give you some space. Can we at least, when you’re ready of course, talk about this further?”

  “Yes, we can. Thanks for understanding.” Thank god.

  We said our goodbyes and I hung up. I rolled over and fell back asleep feeling some weight lifted off. At least I could have some peace for a while. Nevertheless, I knew I would have to deal with him at some point and officially end this. This man was a cheater and a liar, and the sooner I got rid of him, the better.

  “Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.” - Unknown



  A week later, I was feeling much better. I had some energy and now some free time since I was on winter break. So far, I had finished painting all of the lower level including the two bedrooms downstairs, the bathroom on the first floor. I also painted my bedroom too. It took a while to do all that work on my own, but eventually, I made it happen. The two bedrooms were painted light blue to blend in with the natural color of the downstairs. I painted my bedroom a light gray. It went well with the gray comforter I purchased, red and grey sheets and pillows.

  My next step was to replace the floors in the kitchen as well as the living room and dining room. I didn’t need to worry about the floors for the two bedrooms downstairs. The carpets had already been shampooed before I moved in, which allowed me to focus on the main living areas.

  I started making some inquiries with different companies to replace the floors, but they were way out of my budget. Going the warehouse route, buying the products I needed and finding someone to install them, seemed like a better and cheaper approach. All I needed to do was find someone to install the flooring.

  It took a few trips to various warehouse stores, but I found a place that sold hardwood flooring for a great price. I bought some for my living and dining areas, and I also found some tile for my kitchen. I guessed now all I needed was for someone to install them. I started searching using online sites, but I wasn’t finding anyone that would do the work for a price I could afford.

  At first, I thought dudes were trying to take me to the cleaners because I was a female. I remembered not having to pay out of my ass the last time that I had floors installed. However, I quickly changed my tune when I remembered that I had a carpenter living next door to me who no doubt gave me a discount on labor and material.

  Man, it was great being spoiled.

  An idea suddenly crossed my mind, and I smiled. I could ask Paul for help. Not to do the job but maybe he could give me a number to a buddy of his or something. I remembered he said he knew someone that installed flooring and he got him to do sand the hardwood floor at Sebastian’s for me last time. I didn’t see anything wrong with just asking for a number, right?

  I would call him, but I didn’t have his number in my phone anymore. I deleted it during one of my weak nights. I didn’t want to be tempted to call or text him begging for him to take me back in one of my drunken stupors. I could probably just ask Tonya for it, but I’d rather show up and ask him in person. I’d gauge his reaction for my plea for help in person. If it’s positive, then I’d ask him for his help. If he looked annoyed, then I’d make up some excuse and bail.

  I decided not to go to him empty-handed. I made his favorite cookies, chocolate chip, and macadamia, to soften him up a bit. As I made them, I wondered if Bridgette made him his favorite cookies. Did she cook for him? Probably so, better than me I was sure. Trying not to get depressed, I put my big girl pants on, threw on a pair of tights, and an oversized sweatshirt that I was sure belonged to him. The temperature was close to forty, but the sun was out, which made the temperature bearable. I slipped my feet in a pair of boots, grabbed a scarf, and left my house.

  As I pulled up to the firehouse, I was hoping that I didn’t have to go in and luck seemed to be on my side. Standing in front of the building
were Samson and Paul. They both saw me pull up and watched as I stepped out of my car.

  I took a deep breath and started walking toward them smiling. I was glad when I saw them meeting me halfway.

  “Hey beautiful, how have you been?” Samson hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. I hadn’t seen him since the fire.

  I air kissed his cheek and grinned at him. “Good and you? I see you’ve lost some weight.”

  He stood a little straighter and rubbed his belly, as if he had something to rub, which by the way he didn’t. “Glad to see someone pays attention.”

  “Just be happy somebody is,” Paul said then came toward me and hugged me. We parted very quickly, and my eyes went straight to my boots before I had the courage to look back up at him.

  “You feeling better I see?” he asked.

  I smiled and nodded, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. “Yeah, I was on my death bed for at least a week.”

  Samson’s eyes widened as he looked from me to Paul.

  “Where did you two see each other?”

  “At the movie theater,” we both replied.

  When his eyebrows rose in his forehead, I added quickly, “We weren’t together or anything,”

  “Yeah,” Paul cut in, “I was on a date with Bridgette and she…” he looked at me, and I suddenly wanted to change the subject.

  Paul must have sensed my unease because he shook his head at me.

  “I still can’t believe you went to the movies with the flu. Was it worth it? Seeing the movie, I mean?”

  “Actually no,” I admitted. “I fell asleep during the majority of the movie. I couldn’t tell you what it was about to save my life.”

  “What’s in the bag?” Samson asked, butting in.

  “Oh, well it’s not for you,” I told Samson then looked at Paul. “It’s for you.”

  “Me? What is it?” He reached for the bag I was carrying and plucked it out of my hand.

  I let it go and watched as he reached inside and pulled out the bag of cookies.

  “It’s a bribe for your help.” He looked up at me puzzled. I continued. “I remembered you told me about a guy that installed flooring for a really great price. You know the one that sanded the floors at Sebastian’s? Well, I was that hoping you could give me his number. I bought some hardwood floor panels, and I need someone to install them that wouldn’t take me to the cleaners.”

  A huge smile spread across Samson’s face as he looked at Paul. Paul actually looked uncomfortable.

  “What?” I looked at Samson then Paul. “Is something wrong?”

  Samson then started to chuckle. “Go head Paul, give her the number to that floor guy.”

  Paul gave Samson this evil look that made Samson laugh louder.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, starting to feel uncomfortable myself. There was a hidden joke between them that I didn’t understand. I asked, just to say something, “If you can’t help or don’t have the number, that’s fine.”

  That made Samson laugh again.

  “Oh, he has the number alright,” he said in between chuckles.

  “Shut the fuck up, will you,” Paul admonished then shook his head and looked at me. “Lauren, it’s not that I don’t have the number.”

  “Okay… What then, you don’t want to give it to me? That’s okay. Maybe you could just call for me then. I can’t remember how much he cost, so I was hoping that you could tell me, or if you can point me in the right direction.”

  “I probably have his number,” Samson cut in grinning. “I can give it to you if he doesn’t,” Paul growled in frustration and slammed the bag of cookies against Samson's chest.

  “Don’t you have something better to do with your time?” Paul pushed Samson away from us, which again had Samson laughing.

  He waved goodbye still laughing, without turning around, and then disappeared in the house.

  When he was gone, I said, “Paul, I know I have no right to be here and ask you, but I didn’t have any place to go.”

  “Lauren, it’s no big deal really. Look the reason why Samson is being such an ass is because I was the one who did the floors.”

  My eyes grew wide. “Really? Why did you tell me someone else did it?”

  “Because I didn’t want you to know what all I was doing for you I guess.”

  “I had no idea.” I looked away trying not to let the disappointment ebb in my voice.

  He shrugged. “Sorry for misleading you.”

  “Oh no that’s okay… wow. I guess I’ll have to go back to making phone calls to find someone to—”

  “Whoa hold on a second, I didn’t say I wouldn’t help you, and it’s not because of the cookies.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t ask you to—”

  He interrupted me. “Lauren, I don’t have a problem with helping you. I need to see what I’m working with, but I don’t have a problem with doing the work.”

  I smiled at him, freaking elated. “Oh, okay then thank you very much.”

  Paul put his hand up, smiling back at me, those infamous dimples winking at me. “Hold on, now. Let me see what you have to work with before you say that.”

  Still grinning from ear to ear, my cheeks hurting, I waved him off. “No, seriously. Thank you. I truly appreciate it. Whatever you charge me will probably be better than what I was quoted.”

  His eyebrows rose in question but said to me, “Text me your address, and I’ll stop by tomorrow when I wake up if that’s okay with you.”

  I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I deleted his number from my phone. So, I said, “Oh yeah, that’s fine with me. I’ll be home. I live about three blocks up there on Marshall, 1125, but I will text you anyway.”

  “Yes, that way I can let you know when I’m on my way. Why don’t you text me now I can record your new number in my phone?” his eyes went to the phone in my hand, and I just realized I had it with me.

  I wiggled it in the air and looked at it, willing for it not to ring.

  “Oh, this thing is dead. I’ll do it as soon as I get back in the car,” I said quickly then smiled at him, hoping he didn’t push further or that he could see past my bullshit. If he did, he didn’t let on.

  I quickly told him thanks again then headed back to my car before I crumbled and told him the truth. I climbed inside my car, settled in the seat, and started fumbling with plugging my phone in for appearances. At the same time, I kept the device low and quickly called Tonya. I could feel Paul watching me. I knew I couldn’t drive off right now without texting him. I was so thankful that usually, it takes a few seconds for a phone to load when you’re turning it on. I was also thankful Tonya answered her cell quickly.

  I didn’t waste any time when I heard her voice and asked for Paul’s number. While I waited for her to give it to me, I pretended to have issues with the phone, for appearances of course. I looked out my window and gave Paul the index finger signaling for him to give me a minute.

  Tonya rattled off the number, and at the same time, I was preparing and sending the text to Paul. I then waved at him and drove away.

  * * *

  The next day Paul texted me around ten that morning and told me he would come by around one that afternoon. I was still in bed when the text came through and quickly scrambled to get dressed and straighten up before he got here.

  When I heard him pull up, my heart started to flutter, and my hands started to shake. It was crazy how nervous I felt. I needed to calm down. This was just Paul.

  I opened the door before he got to it and greeted him with a huge smile.

  We said our pleasantries, and I stepped aside to allow him access inside my home. He stepped past me, his eyes on the interior of my house, looking around as he stepped further into my domain.

  “Would you like a tour?” I asked.

  “I would thank you.” He smiled.

  I smiled back and extended my arm out to signal him to follow me. I pointed out the first three rooms he saw, the living and dining room com
bo and the kitchen. I pointed at the door that led to the two bedrooms on the first floor. I opened the door and let him explore on his own.

  “These are nice size rooms in here. I like that they are separate from the rest of the house,” he observed as he looked inside each room and full bathroom.

  I liked the setup as well. It was one of the things that attracted to this place. The house wasn’t your average split-level home. The two bedrooms and bathroom looked like an added addition. The fact that a door separated the additions from the house also gave privacy to any guests.

  We moved on, and I took him down to the basement. I hit the light at the top of the steps, and we climbed down slowly, me explaining how I couldn’t wait to finish the basement.

  “Wow, this is a great space,” he boasted as he checked out the basement.

  “I know. I would like to turn this place into my chick cave and have surround sound speakers installed down here as well as large flat screen TV, the works. And check out this.”

  I waved him to follow me to the sliding glass door next to the steps. I opened the blinds, and his eyes grew wide.

  “Wow, you have a pool back here?”

  I smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I just got it installed for a great price since it’s off-season. They also installed the patio, but I did the landscaping.”

  I was proud of my work, and I watched Paul’s face for approval.

  He looked back at me, smiled, and nodded his head. “It really looks great out there.” He turned back to the semi-finished basement. “It would be easy to change this to what you want. Most of it has already been done. The walls have been plastered and just need to be treated before they're painted, and the floor is easy.”

  “I know. That’s what I thought. Here let me show you what I envision for the upstairs.”

  When we got back to the first floor, Paul looked around again. “I see you did some painting and you started laying down tile in the kitchen. Great job so far.”


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