My Redemption Too: a Second Chance series

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My Redemption Too: a Second Chance series Page 13

by S. K. Lessly

  The young man gritted his teeth; determination laced along his pained features. “Yes, sir.”

  I walked away from the sidewalk and looked around the scene. It was total chaos. There were cops and some firefighters helping the victims that had been standing around watching the fire. I scanned the area looking for her, but I didn’t see her. Fuck, I needed to find her, but I also needed to do my job.

  Thinking of duty first, I had to put this fucking fire out. I started shouting orders, motioning for more firefighters to get some water-based fire-retardant foam on the fire. The blaze looked more chemically induced, and we needed to contain it before it took this entire block out. There was no fucking telling what was stored in that building. Speaking of that, I looked around to see if I located the worker that the chief had been talking to earlier. I found the chief standing over by his vehicle talking on the radio. I ran over to him to give him a sit-rep when I noticed a body lying in the middle of the street. The chief had placed his jacket over the body, but I recognized the jeans and dusty work boots. It was the worker.

  I ran my hands over my head and sighed. I looked at the burning building wondering if he would be the only casualty of today.



  Oh God please no!

  I finally climbed to my feet and took in the sight before me. It was pandemonium, and I was one of the frantic. My eyes were wide as hell as the realization settled in my heart. My chest was burning, and my heart ached with grief. I could no longer see Paul.

  I looked all around me and started screaming Paul’s name, but my voice was coming out in a harsh whisper. I couldn’t see shit because the smoke was so thick. I needed to get closer.

  I started moving closer to the wreckage, but I was forced back by the police. They were pushing the crowd back away from danger, a little too late if you asked me, but I wasn’t having any of that. I was so frantic and erratic that someone, a cop a think, picked me up and carried me away from the scene to a new corded off section of the street.

  I was belligerent. He wouldn’t let me pass him once he put me down, and he wasn’t listening to anything I had to tell him. I was frustrated, upset, hysterical, and my chest and head hurt like a son of a bitch. The only thing I could do at this point was call Samson.

  Samson answered on the second ring, and I started crying the moment I heard his voice. I could barely hear Samson on the other end since my ears were still freaking ringing. I pushed on, needing to tell Samson that Paul needed him. I did my best to tell him what happened or at least I think I did through the wailing noises I was making. Frustrated with the ringing in my ear, my voice sounding like a chronic smoker and the dang crying, and the fact that I couldn’t hear a word Samson was saying, I hung up the phone. I moved closer to the new barricade and prayed that Paul was okay. He had to be okay.

  Two ambulances came roaring past us, one went through an opening in the barricade, with the assistance of the police, while the other stayed outside to treat the falling and injured onlookers, namely me.

  It was getting harder and harder to breathe, and a fit of coughs began to attack my body uncontrollably. One of the police officers, I think the one that carried me to safety, guided me to a paramedic. I was instructed to sit down in the ambulance as an oxygen mask was placed over my face to help me breathe.

  I couldn’t stop shaking though, and no matter how many times they coached me to take deep breaths. I couldn’t get the concept, and I couldn't get the tears to stop falling.

  The sound of approaching fire trucks caught my attention. I leaned out of the ambulance, removing the oxygen mask to see if it was Samson. It was. I recognized John first since he was driving. Next, I saw Manley then Samson. The truck slowed down enough for Samson to jump out, and he headed toward me. I stepped down from the ambulance and headed for him.

  “You alright?” he asked me once he was close.

  I nodded, and he wrapped me up in a warm hug. I welcomed his embrace, feeling the tightness in my chest loosen just a little now that Samson was here. I started to ask him if he heard anything when I started coughing again.

  “Damn it, Lauren, you sound horrible. You need to get to the hospital and get checked out.” I shook my head in protest and started to speak again, but I couldn’t even find my smoker's voice. Samson shook his head again frowning down at me. “Yeah, I ain’t tryna hear it. Let’s get you checked out."

  He guided me to the same paramedic that was helping me before and hefted me inside the ambulance again. He pulled the paramedic to the side and ordered him to take me to the hospital.

  Oh hell no!

  I climbed out of the ambulance and stomped to Samson. “No,” I managed to croak in between coughs. Ew, I sounded horrible. It was hard to believe it was me speaking. “I need to know if he’s okay. Please, you have to check. You have to…” I couldn’t finish. I was suddenly overwhelmed with a coughing fit so strong that I was sure I was about to cough up a chunk of my lung or something.

  I found myself being lifted in Samson’s arms and placed back in the ambulance, a mask covering my face once again.

  Samson watched me intently as I tried to take deep breaths. I met his eyes, hoping like hell that I was portraying my defiance. I wasn’t going anywhere until I knew if Paul was okay.

  I could see the battle raging in Samson’s eyes. Reluctantly, he sighed heavily and placed his hands on my shoulders. He leaned over slightly until he was eye level with me.

  “Lauren, I’m going to find out what happened. I haven’t heard anything yet, but the second that I do, I’ll let you know. After that, take your stubborn ass to the doctor, okay?”

  Knowing that he wouldn’t call me unless I agreed to go, I nodded. He leaned in and kissed my forehead before running toward the scene of complete and utter madness.

  I sat in the back of the ambulance waiting for Samson to call me with news. Ten minutes went by, then fifteen, then twenty. By the time thirty minutes past, I was out of my mind with worry.

  The paramedic asked if I wanted to go to the hospital, but I told him no. The coughing had all but quieted. I was fine now, or at least that’s what I told him. The man looked me over once, checking my vitals. When he shined a bright as hell penlight in my eyes, I damn neared cried out in pain. That shit was excruciating. However, I played it off as best I could, hoping that he couldn’t see past my bullshit.

  My head was banging fiercely. It was worse than before he shown that light in my eyes. To top that off, I felt as if a freight train slammed into me and I had the audacity to survive the collision. Hell, I probably had a concussion, but nothing was going to drag me away.

  I did concede a little bit and promised I would check with my doctor tomorrow. It was enough for the paramedic to back off. Besides, they had others they needed to treat, some who were worse off than me.

  With my phone tight in my grip, I went to get my car. I pulled up as close to the barricade as I could. I got out and sat on the hood. Samson would call me I knew this. Once he did, I wanted to be ready. Ready for what I didn’t have a clue.


  My squad had hoses on the fire, containing it to the smoldering building. The injured have been moved from the debris field and getting treatment on the sidewalk, or they were being transported to the hospital. I was helping with clearing the debris away from the street when I looked up and caught sight of Samson looking worn out. When did he get here? As if he sensed me looking at him, his eyes met mine. Relief overtook him, and he trotted over to me. I moved in his direction too, and he greeted me with a bear hug, which I gladly accepted.

  “You alright, man?” Samson asked

  “Yeah I’m fine, but there are a few that aren’t. The fire is finally under control but not out. We need some help getting those seriously hurt some medical attention, and we need to get the rubble out of the middle of the street. When did you get here?”

  “Yeah, we’ve been helping out with that. We got here close to twenty minutes ago, maybe thi
rty.” Samson gripped my shoulder and nodded. “It's great to see your ugly mug. We are at your service though. Let me just get one of these police officers to let Lauren know you are alright and—”

  I grabbed Samson’s arm before he could walk away. “Wait, you’ve seen Lauren? Where is she? Is she okay?”

  Samson shook his head.

  “Man, she seems okay, but she’s refusing to go to the hospital. She took in some smoke, and shit knows what else from the odd smell in the air. When I left her with the paramedic, she was coughing and having trouble breathing. She wanted me to call her when I saw you and… hey, where are you going?”

  I didn’t let him finish. I was already on the move. That woman was stubborn as hell. It didn’t matter if her arm was hanging off her body, she wouldn’t budge until she saw me.

  I turned to face Samson. “If I don’t go see her, she’ll never go to the hospital. I’ll be right back. Cover for me and get someone to help get the debris cleared.”

  I turned back around and started jogging lightly toward the place I had assumed she would be. I told myself all I would do was show her that I was fine and demand she take her ass to the hospital. I weaved through the mini triage area the paramedics set up on sight searching for her. The moment I found her, I stopped.

  She looked a bit rumpled and dirty, but otherwise, she looked okay. She had her head down, her hands covering her face, her cell gripped tightly in one hand. I could see her body was shaking with every labored breath she took. She was crying. I started to run to her, the need to have her in my arms pushing me along. I called her name, once then a second time before she looked up and found me. The second her eyes met mine, and I saw her entire face light up with relief, I ran faster.


  I heard my name being called and at first, I wasn’t sure who was calling me. My hearing wasn’t back completely, and I couldn’t see very well due to the wetness from the tears that were falling. When I heard my name again, I looked up to find the source. There ahead of me was Paul running towards me, in one piece. I got up off the car and quickly walked to him, dissolving into a blubbering mess as he got closer. I nearly collapsed before he was there, his arm snaked around my waist pulling me to him, his hand cupping the sides of my face.

  “Fuck, Lauren,” he whispered, before he was on me, kissing the ever-loving hell out of me.

  Good god the feel of his lips on mine, claiming me, coveting me, possessing me caused my entire body to ignite with a desire only he could wield. Our kiss wasn’t for the squeamish or faint of heart. This was a grown folk kiss filled with desperation, relief, passion, and down-home lust. I was in heaven. Every worry and every doubt went right out of the window. The feeling of having his arms wrapped around me, of his touch, his taste, breathed purpose and life inside of me. When we finally let each other up for air, we rested our foreheads together.

  “Are you okay?” I asked him breathlessly.

  “Yeah, I’m okay,” he whispered to me. I moved one hand around him to rub his back. My other hand had busy fingers that were running along his scalp.

  “Are you sure?” I asked not wanting to let go.

  I could hear him smiling in his voice. “Yes, sweetheart, I’m sure.”

  “Dear God, I thought something horrible happened to you.” I leaned back and looked at him. He wiped my tears from my cheeks.

  “I know, but I’m okay. You don’t have to worry.”

  I nodded and rested my forehead in his chest.

  “What about you?” he asked, rubbing my arms. “Shit woman, you’re freezing. Where’s your coat?” Paul stepped back and looked around me until he spotted my coat on top of my car. He snatched it up and held it open so I could put it on. I held back my eye roll as I threaded my arms through my jacket. Once he was satisfied, he gave me his intense blue eyes again.

  “How are you? Samson said you were getting treated for smoke inhalation but were refusing to go to the hospital.”

  I tried not to melt from his words or the look in his eyes, but I was putty in his hands. “I’m okay now. My chest and head hurt, but it’s nothing that rest and aspirin wouldn’t cure.” Paul looked at me skeptically, and this time I did roll my eyes. “I’m okay really.”

  I nodded reassuringly as I continued to study him, basking in every touch and every look that passed his eyes. Paul didn’t seem to mind me staring up at him. He was doing a bit of staring himself. He seemed to be mesmerized by my lips and the rapid fall of my breasts, but mainly my lips. I knew what he wanted, and I wanted it too, God knows I wanted it. However, I didn’t make a move. Surprisingly Paul did, but regrettably, he didn’t kiss me. He went to touch my lips instead, but stopped himself and lightly touched my cheek.

  “Shit, I’ve got soot on your cheek,” he said softly, chuckling nervously.

  I smiled and instinctively reached up and wiped my face. My hands were freezing, and I shivered realizing now just how cold it was out here.

  We fell silent again his eyes drifting to my lips once more. I could see the hunger in them building as was the heat between my legs. The heat between us was off the charts. I was no longer cold being this close to him and knowing that he wanted me just as bad as I wanted him had me wanting to shed my clothes for him right here and now.

  “I gotta go,” Paul whispered, breaking into my dirty thoughts.

  I nodded again and broke our connection by placing my forehead against his chest again before I wrapped my arms around him. I squeezed him one last time and pulled away now fighting emotion for a different reason. Except, when I went to drop my arms to let him go, he didn’t loosen his hold on me. In fact, he held me longer, his arm wrapped around my waist, and his hand cupping the side of my face.

  “When I get done here, do you mind if I call you?” he queried, not moving his eyes from my face.

  I surveyed him curiously, trying to ascertain what he was thinking. In the end, I couldn’t get anything out of him. He was like a closed book.

  “Lauren?” he prodded softly.

  I nodded. “Yes, of course. Please call me when you’re safely back at the firehouse? I don’t care how late it is.”

  Paul nodded and finally let me go. “I will. And promise me, the second you don’t feel well take you ass to the ER.”

  I rolled my eyes and gave him a haphazard salute. “Yes, Lieutenant,” I said dryly.

  He laughed and saluted me back before he turned around and trotted back to the scene.

  * * *

  When I finally made it home, I collapsed on the bed from pure exhaustion. My chest hurt like crazy from all the heavy breathing I was doing and from the crying. I felt my eyes closing, and that’s when I heard that dreadful ringtone.

  I started not to answer it but stopped myself. It was time.

  “Hey Lauren, did I catch you at a bad time?” Eugene asked the second I greeted him.

  “No, it’s fine,” I replied not wanting to have this conversation now but needing it to happen. Luckily, he gave me an easy way to broach the subject.

  “Wow, you sound awful. Are you getting sick again?” he inquired.

  “No, I’m fine,” I said simply. I didn’t want to give him any reason to try to weasel his way over here. This, whatever you wanted to call it, needed to be over and now.

  “Oh, that’s good to hear. So hey, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you, with the holidays and all. I was wondering if you wanted to get together tonight. Maybe we could go grab a bite to eat or maybe we could get a drink or something and hang out.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to pass,” I told him. “I’m tired. I’m just going to call it a night.”

  “Oh, okay, sure no problem. What about tomorrow?”

  I didn’t hesitate.

  “Yup, tomorrow sounds better. Why don’t you stop by my house? We can do lunch here. I have some assignments I need to get through, but we can hang out for a while. Plus, we can have that talk I mentioned.”

  “Why wait until tomorrow? I can c
ome over now and—”

  “Because,” I interrupted him, trying not to sound as irritated as I felt. “As I said before, I’m exhausted. I’ve had a very rough day. All I want to do is sleep. We can talk tomorrow.”

  I heard him sigh before he agreed he’d stop by tomorrow.

  “Do you want me to bring you anything, maybe some Chinese food or something?”

  “No, that’s fine. We can whip up something when you get here. I have food here. Just bring yourself.” I hung up after we said our goodbyes.

  Tomorrow was D-Day. I just hope everything goes well and he doesn't go crazy on me. I’d hate to have to catch a case over him. I chuckled at myself, grabbed my throw cover on my bed, curled up and closed my eyes.

  * * *

  He hung up the phone and stared at her house. He followed her home today and saw everything from her stopping to watch the fire to her getting blown back by the explosion. He wanted to get to her to see if she was okay and take care of her, but for the life of him, he had no excuse to give her that would explain why he was there. Also, he didn’t want her to see his car. He noticed her looking at it one day, and he didn’t want to test her memory.

  What really disturbed him was seeing her with that white guy. He couldn’t believe he had his hands all over her, touching her face and body. She wouldn’t give him the time of day ever since they slept together, and here she was letting some white devil touch her.

  He gripped the steering wheel tight, swallowing the rage screaming to be unleashed. He’s been sitting here for hours waiting for this devil to show up. He didn’t care how long it took, if he showed up, he’d take care of him once and for all. She was his. One way or the other she would be his rather she liked it or not.



  By the time I made it back to the firehouse to grab my stuff and head home, it was close to midnight. My shift ended hours ago. However, I remained on scene assisting with any potential rescue efforts. We sifted through the destroyed building, and from the cursory inspection, we didn’t find anything useful. There weren't any bodies inside the partially wrecked building, thank goodness. I was tired of finding bodies you know. The worker the chief was speaking with had been the only casualty. Others had been seriously injured, including Wadisgowski, but according to the paramedics on the scene, no one had life-threatening injuries.


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