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Then & Now

Page 2

by Kimberly Lowe

  His heart nearly bottomed out when he had found out about their engagement. Hell, Justin couldn’t believe that his brother had that much time to get to know her. Two months, and suddenly a wedding is on.

  His mother claims ‘when you know you know’. Well he knew Jordan was up to something. Maddie’s family was rich, not that Justin cared, but his brother always wanted to stay financially in the green.

  Seeing him now all over Kendra he would bet his left arm that was exactly what his sorry excuse for a brother was doing.

  Just then his brother spotted him. Taking in three deep breaths, Justin tried to cool himself down before his twin approached him. Thankfully he left his backup girlfriend by the elevators.

  “Hey, man.” Jordan greeted as he came to a stop right in front of Justin. To anyone walking by they might have thought it was a three-dimensional mirror. It was then he noticed Jordan’s hair was parted the same way his was. Why? Jordan loved his just-out-of-bed head.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Justin demanded looking over at Kendra, who had the nerve to wave.

  Jordan shrugged. “She’s in for the weekend.”

  Taking in another breath, Justin wanted to pound some sense into his dimwitted brother. How in the hell did these two share the same womb? “She was in last weekend. I know this because she kept climbing into my lap thinking I was you.”

  His brother had the audacity to roll his eyes. “Look, I’m not going to do it after I get married.”

  “You shouldn’t be doing it at all!” He growled.

  “Oh, calm down little bro.”

  Justin’s laugh held no humor. “I think something happened to you in the eight minutes I was still in the womb.” Folding his arms over his chest, he tried even harder to breathe even.

  Jordan flashed a smile back at Kendra before he continued. “Okay. Okay. I’ll go talk to her. Could you go sit with Maddie while I do it?”

  “Do what?” He cocked an eyebrow, already knowing the answer.

  His brother’s smile was almost enough to start a punching fight that would surly get them kicked out of the fancy hotel. “Just talk. I’m sure once she finds out about Madeline it will be over.”

  Yeah right. Kendra was just as morally challenged as his brother.

  “Scouts Honor.” Jordan smirked, as he held up his fingers in a mock sign of the Boy Scouts.

  Walking away from him, Justin flipped off his brother over his shoulder. Of course he will go sit with the most amazingly, beautiful woman he had ever seen. She didn’t deserve this.

  Stopping dead in his tracks, his eyes landed right on her as if she was the only one in the room. He hadn’t seen her yet tonight. Now that he was taking in her hair, her dress, her cute little strappy sandals, he honestly thought his heart was going to explode. He watched her for a moment as she spoke with his parents. She was uncomfortable, it was written all over her face. Not with his parents, with the party.

  God, he would give anything to be with Maddie. To feel her, taste her, make her feel as if no one else in the world could mean more. He could imagine what it would be like to just spend one night with her.

  Could he? Would she even notice? His brother and he were too identical. Their own father even had a hard time telling the difference. Growing up they would play tricks on their teachers, girlfriends, and even their poor grandmother who didn’t visit enough to tell the small differences.

  What in the hell was he thinking? It was bad enough that her fiancé was cheating. Now here he was willing to trick her into spending the night with him. That was a disaster waiting to happen. So why couldn’t he stop thinking about it?

  Madeline desperately wanted out of her dress and the pins out of her hair. This was supposed to be a birthday party for Jordan’s ninety-nine year old aunt. Only it seemed more like a grand gala, where no one wanted to step out of line. In other words, she was board out of her mind.

  Her eyes darted around the room on occasion looking for him. She was becoming impatient and she feared it would offend his parents. But she badly wanted to see him. No, she wanted to touch him, smell him, and get lost in him. Wow, she was distracted.

  Then her eyes caught him, and her heart leapt up into her throat. He was so beautiful it nearly hurt to look at him. She had to curl her hands around her seat in order to stop herself from leaping off and attacking him. Which would be humiliating for both of them seeing his entire family was there.

  Trying to calm her heart down she watched anxiously as he talked with someone, who had stopped him on the way over. Both of his parents excused themselves and arose from the table. She was barely able to exchange pleasantries with her future in-laws, while his blue-green eyes held her from across the room.

  She wasn’t sure how she was able to maintain control as she continued to observe him greet his parents. While his mother lightly kissed his cheek, and his father patted him on the back, his eyes stayed locked on hers.

  The chairs hard, plastic edges bit into her fingers making her aware of her grip. Releasing her hold, Maddie smiled—in what she hoped was casual—as he approached.

  “Hi.” She swallowed in embarrassment when she heard her voice shake on the one little word.

  He cocked up one side of his mouth. “Hello.”

  She blinked twice. “Jordan?”

  Without saying a word he took a seat next to her. His eyes sparkled a little, which caused the butterflies in her stomach to go berserk.

  Oh, man! This man could wrap her around which ever finger he wanted. Resting her elbows on the table, she leaned more into him. “What took you so long? I mean…”

  He smiled that adorable smile that hooked her from the first time they met. There was slight confusion on his face. Then like a flip of a dime the confusion was gone, and a wild flame ignited in those beautiful eyes that roomed over her face. He leaned closer to her, “You want to get out of here, don’t you?” His voice was low and husky, which didn’t help the butterfly problem.

  “With you?” She wanted the question to be flirtatious. Hoping it came off that way, she rushed forward. “I would love to.”


  Yes! He was flirting back. This was going well. Maybe she could push it further. “Where would you like to take me?” She purred.

  He moved closer. “Where ever you would like.”

  She took a moment to answer. She wanted to wait until she was married before she slept with anyone. Not that she was a virgin. It was only that her first wasn’t that great. It never is when your first is in the back seat of your prom date’s car; correction parents car.

  But now, with him….She knew it would be better than great, it would be fantastic. “We could get a room.” The suggestion came out easier than she thought it would. Maybe, it was because she had been practicing the line since the moment those blue-green eyes first collided with hers.

  One of his eyebrows shot upwards. “Um, Maddie. I don’t think…”

  “Good. I don’t want you to think.” Getting up, she sashayed away from the table. She glanced back to see if he was trailing behind. He wasn’t. He was watching her back side; intensely.

  Stopping, Maddie forced down a giggle. She turned slowly and seductively motioned for him to fallow. To her delight he jumped out of his chair, knocking it over with his over eagerness. Without waiting for him she made her way towards the lobby.

  “Madeline, wait.” He called after her.

  She slowed, but didn’t turn around.

  He gently gripped her arm, turning her to him. “This isn’t a good idea. Not that I don’t want to—God, trust me I want to. But…”

  Putting a finger against his warm, delicious mouth, she pressed her soft curves into his hard ones. She understood why he didn’t want to. Under the circumstances this would be confusing. “I don’t want to wait. I know that we—” She was cut off by an elderly lady yelling after them.

  “Jordan! Jordan Faris, you come here and say hello to your grandmother.” The woman demanded pul
ling his face down to hers.

  Justin kissed his grandmother’s soft cheek willing. He couldn’t bring himself to correct her, not in front of Maddie. It would humiliate her. She still had that amazing body pressed into his.

  “Oh! Hello.” His grandmother beamed as she greeted Madeline. “You must be the fiancé my daughter can’t stop talking about.” Smacking her grandson on the shoulder, she gestured towards Maddie. “Introduce us.”

  Clearing his throat, Justin gave himself a moment. This should’ve been Jordan’s command. Too bad he was somewhere up stairs giving a whole set of different commands. Shaking his head he tried to rid himself of the unwanted images that erupted at the thought of his brother and Kendra.

  “Grandma, this is Madeline Tuner. Maddie this is Grandma Grace.” As he introduced them, he watched Maddie carefully. She seemed at ease. Probably, because she thought her fiancé was making the introductions.

  “You know my daughter was right about you. You are beautiful.” His grandma observed, as she tilted her head to the side.

  “Thank you.” Maddie flushed, causing him to pull her closer. Her arm wrapped itself around his middle, holding him to her. This felt too…right. Standing there talking to his grandmother as if nothing about this was wrong. That couldn’t be good.

  He needed this to end before it went too far.

  He just didn’t know how to without mortifying her. She was putting herself out there, thinking that she was doing it for the man she intended to marry. This would have to be dealt with carefully. Only the real problem was that he seemed to have a side to him—he didn’t want to admit existed—that wanted him to go along with it.

  As his grandmother raddled on his mind was suddenly trained on Maddie’s hand that was gently caressing his ass. Glancing down he saw her face. It was peaceful as if her wandering hand wasn’t causing madding things to happen below the belt.

  Was she a vixen hidden under that sweet little façade? Man, he would give anything to find out. Anything. She did think he was his brother…

  “Oh, that reminds me. Jordan, I need to barrow you for a minute.” His grandmother announced, pulling him out of his insane thoughts. “If that’s alright?”

  “Of course.” Maddie smiled with red still staining her cheeks.

  His grandmother shifted her eyes back and forth between them. Then bringing a finger to her chin she gave an all-knowing grin. “I was interrupting personal time wasn’t I?”

  He couldn’t suppress a chuckle when Maddie’s flush became more pronounced. She tucked her head slyly into his shoulder and his heart double in rhythm. Sweet and a little spicy, the fates were purposely messing with him.

  His grandmother laughed. “Don’t worry you’re young and have the rest of your lives to…well you know.” She winked. “Now, all I need is a minute, Jordan. Then I’ll put you right back where I found you.”

  Reaching up Maddie kissed him lightly on the cheek. Then she gracefully slid her lips delicately up his jaw until she reached his ear. “I’ll be right here when you get back.” She whispered seductively.

  All he could do was swallow. God, if his grandmother had not been standing right there, there wasn’t telling what he would’ve done.

  “Come on. She’ll be fine until you get back.” His grandmother giggled, as she pulled on his arm. “My, my. It’s not like I’m taking you to the other side of the moon.”

  He hadn’t even realized that he had been holding onto Maddie like some love sick puppy. This wasn’t good. Isn’t it interesting that no matter how many times a person repeats something to themselves, it never seems to stick?

  Watching her as his grandmother pulled him away, to which ever relative she was forcing him to greet, should have given him the space he need to think clearly, somehow it wasn’t. His mind seemed to be revolving around one thing and one thing only. Taking her up on her offer.

  Spending some time with her alone would be exceptional. Although he knew he would want to drag it out as long as he could, an hour would be enough. Then he could bring her back and trade with Jordan.

  This logic was crazy. He knew that. But if he could pull it off then….Then what? Would that single hour be enough to tame his wild craving? Or would it start something that he couldn’t tame?

  Madeline scurried into the ladies room. Her nerves were making her jittery. Taking a long look at herself in the full-sized mirror, which hung in the entrance of the enormous bathroom, she felt a twinge of panic. Squaring her shoulders she shook it off. This was about her tonight. She would make this worth it and the consequence will be solely hers.

  Sleeping with this beautiful man was something she needed to know. Marriage was a huge step and if she didn’t find out now then she could be making the worst mistake of her life.

  Of course, he will try to talk her out of it. The decision was a little rash, which was probably adding to his confusion. Yet, she knew that she would see this through to the end. Rejection wasn’t an option, not for tonight. Despite the fact that she was making herself vulnerable, she couldn’t let herself back down.

  Not wanting to take too much time, she rushed through the grooming process. She wanted to look perfect for him. Making sure all the pins in her hair were still in place, and her dress looked just right, she ran a fresh coat of lipstick over her lips.

  Giving herself one last self-assured look, Maddie headed for the front-desk. To her luck there was no one waiting in line. She quickly went through the procedure of renting the room, and after receiving the keys she made a bee-line for exact place were his grandmother and him had left her.

  She didn’t have to wait long. His smile came to her over a sea of children’s heads. Maddie laughed as she watched him tassel one of the little ones hair. There was just something very charming about a man who had a way with kids. His mother had once told her that he would make an excellent father. As she watched him, she would have to say that she would agree.

  “Hey.” Madeline greeted as he came up next to her.

  “Is that your girlfriend?” One of the girls called after him.

  “Are you going to kiss her?” Another one yelled.

  “He is! He is going to kiss her! Ewe!” A boy cried as he covered his mouth.

  “Oh, calm down all of you!” His grandmother scolded. “When you’re old enough you’ll understand.”

  “My mother says you can get sick swapping spit with other people.” One of the boys stated mindfully.

  “Yeah, well when you’re that age,” His grandmother gestured towards them. “you won’t mind so much.” She declared as she ushered the children back into the party.

  “That’s sooo gross!” A little girl’s squeal was the last of the comments before Maddie turned to the man who was smiling ear to ear.

  She also had to smile at the innocents of it all. “You know your mother was right about you.” Maddie giggled while she nuzzled up to his strong side. “You are wonderful with kids.”

  “Yeah. But my brother’s better with them. Personally I think it’s because he still is one.” His laugh was brief. He became all serious when his eyes locked with hers. “Maddie…”

  “Please don’t.” She knew what he was trying to do. After all he was a good man and he would never let her go through with it unless she was ready.

  Oh, she was so ready. Ready for him.

  Stepping back, she lifted one of the key cards. Although his incredible eyes widened with shock, she saw the raw hunger that he couldn’t hide. Seeing it there so prominent, so wild, it gave her courage to push forward.

  “I want this. With you…only you. And I know you want this too.” Her seductive tone and cool bravado surprised her. Keeping the flow she pressed the card-key into his palm. “We can make this a very good experience. Or we can call it a night.” Pouting out her bottom lip as if that choice wasn’t an option, Maddie stood up on tip-toe and whispered. “Please don’t choose that one.”

  “Oh, Madeline….your making this really hard.” His gruff voice vibrat
ed over her lips that were skimming his.

  She raised her eyebrows. “Good, that means we’re half way there. And we’re not even in the room yet.”

  He let out a delicious groan. “That’s not what I meant.”

  She had to laugh. This was fun. Maybe too much fun. A sudden zing of guilt assaulted her. The other thing, that she hoped wouldn’t come up, kept rising in the back of her mind. Although Maddie wasn’t about to let it get to her, it throbbed at the base of her conscience.

  Backing away she took one long look at the breathtaking man who stood completely baffled before her and knew this wasn’t a mistake. “I want you. I want this. The consequence will be solely mine. Just come with me.”

  “I can’t let you take all—”

  Covering his mouth with hers, Maddie fought to make one last stand. “Yes you can.” She replied with her lips still brushing his. Stepping away she lifted the key-card that she had kept and motioned to the one she gave him. “212. If you want me, you know where to find me.”

  She moved slowly towards the elevators, as the inner battle of some kind took hold of him for a moment. Waiting for the elevator to arrive—with his eyes trained on her only a few feet away—seemed like an eternity.

  God, what if he didn’t show? Where would that put them? Nowhere. That is exactly where they’d be. Would she put off her wedding because of it? Her mother would throw a fit.

  Just then the ding of the elevator doors snapped her out of her thoughts. Sliding a quick, and hopefully sexy, look over her shoulder she saw the blue flame take over all the green. She took a few steps into the lift without taking another look back. How? She wasn’t quite sure, for all her nerve endings where trained on him.

  The doors closing behind her nearly killed all of her resolve. He wasn’t going to come. Or worse he would come later and be something she didn’t want. There was always the appalling option which was to send his brother to come fetch her with some ridiculous excuse. That would be just plain mortifying.

  “Maddie!” He called barely slipping through the closing doors. “You’re going to hate me after this.” He claimed right before his mouth crushed hers.


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