Book Read Free

Then & Now

Page 5

by Kimberly Lowe

  As the owner of Sharp Industries and as her boss. Which made him not only off limits, but out of her class. In fact she could put good money down that he didn’t even know that she existed. With her wire-rimmed glasses and too curly hair, she was no match to the gorgeous women she worked with. Such as the flirtatious colleague, who just happen to be a blond-bombshell in designer heels that he was talking with only a few feet away.

  She had to swallow to keep from sighing, while he smiled at the bubble-head colleague. She knew how pathetic it was to get all worked up over a smile that didn’t belong to her, but she couldn’t help it. Her stomach would involuntarily seize, every time that amazing mouth would quirk up at the sides.

  “I don’t want to interrupt you and your goggling.” Heidi Davis, one of the many beauties, laughed as she came up next to Amelia’s little shelter. “ But the reports need to be in Mr. Sharp’s office in ten minutes.” She reminded her as she grabbed her hand and yanked her out from behind the plant.

  “The reports are ready and on my desk. So you can take them to Mr. Sharp.” She had no desire to take the reports to Bryant. Last time she delivered anything to him, she tripped, stammered, repeated herself, and spilled his coffee all over his desk. She even caught him trying not to laugh at her.

  Nope, never again. Besides Heidi always liked having excuses to leave her desk. Especially since she had been moved next to her ex-boyfriend’s cubical.

  “Can’t.” Heidi smiled. “I have to go downstairs to planning. So that means you have to.”

  Digging her heels into the carpet, she stopped them both from walking any further. “What!” She almost shrieked. “No, Heidi! I can’t!”

  “What do you mean you can’t? It’s your job.” Folding her arms and raising an eyebrow, Heidi did little to hide her amusement.

  “It won’t be if I spill anything else on him.” She mumbled.

  “Oh, brother.” Heidi expelled, as she took Amelia’s hand once again. “You’re never going to get anywhere with him, if you don’t put yourself out there for him.”

  Allowing her friend to drag her back to her desk, she had to laugh off the comment. She would never ‘put herself out there for him’. Gods don’t date mortals. Particularly mortals that look like she did.

  Bryant smiled to himself as he peered through the slightly closed blinds. She had been watching him between the leaves of the hideous plant. Maybe if he got rid of that ugly foliage, she wouldn’t have anywhere to hide.

  “What in hell are you smiling at?” Jacob Masson, Bryant’s best-friend since third grade, asked over his shoulder.

  “Nothing.” He laughed, feeling foolish for getting caught.

  “Nothing? Do you usually smile like an idiot out the window?” Jacob inquired with a soft chuckle.

  He gave a casual shrug in response. There was no need to bring Jacob into this. He would never be able to understand Bryant’s interest in the ‘office mouse’ as so many called Amelia.

  Truth be told, Bryant had always had a thing for the quieter ones. Flashy women never stroked a cord with him. They always seemed to bring the wrong impression with them. He needed someone with substance, and a conversation with a woman who spends too much time on their hair and make-up usually dies around the second course.

  No, he wanted the ones that never failed to surprise him and held the most promise. And he could tell Amelia was exactly what he wanted. Glancing at his watch, he realized she would be dropping off his reports soon. Hopefully. If she didn’t send her friend from accounting instead.

  “Are you thinking about that little hottie we were just talking to?” Jacob’s question held too much earnest.

  “Megan? No. She’s not my type.” He tried to keep it light hearted, but the look on his friends face kept him somber.

  Jacob sighed thoughtfully. “Bry, man I think you should go for it. She seemed interested. And, I mean come on; she looks like a good woman.”

  He let out a defiant laugh at his friend’s comment. Jacob’s idea of a ‘good woman’ was what she could do between the sheets.

  “Forget it, Jake. Not interested.” He hoped that would be the end of it. Unfortunately, he was wrong.

  “You do realize that you haven’t been on a date since your father past away and left you this company? In case you haven’t realized it, that was over six months ago. A man can go crazy going without for as long as you have.” His friend fabricated with exaggerated hand movements to emphasize his statement.

  He let out a short chuckle at Jacob’s too serious expression. “Only men like you.”

  “It applies to any man who enjoys sex!” Jacob exclaimed with a frustrated breath. “And I’m starting to wonder about you, my friend. When was the last time you had mind-blowing sex?”

  “I have sex.” He answered with a raised brow. Although the answer was a little shorthanded, he was all too aware how long it had been since his last good fling. This company meant everything to his father and Bryant would do anything to keep it running. Sadly that did cut into his personal life, but for his father it was a small sacrifice. Well, small when Jacob wasn’t around throwing it in his face.

  Jacob nodded unconvincingly. “You—have—sex. Okay…”

  “Jake, drop it.”


  “Will you?”


  Shaking his head he went back to his desk to examine his papers. This was one conversation he had never thought he would get into. Had his personal life really plummeted to the point that his best-friend would put it out there so bluntly?

  A light knock on his office door allowed his escape out of the uncomfortable conversation. True his sex life had faltered a bit. He had just become busy. Running a business was demanding and he wanted to do right by his father.

  “Come in.” He finally answered after a second knock, louder than the first, pounded through his thoughts.

  Slowly the door opened and a shy figure slipped inside. She didn’t have to look up for him to know who she was. Her full curls were piled up on the back of her head, her glasses slipped to the tip of her cute little nose, and her large sweater was slightly disheveled with a tiny stain at the neck. She looked adorable.

  “Come in Miss. Steele.” He permitted as he tried to hide his smile. Glancing at Jacob, Bryant dismissed the blunt disapproval on his friends face.

  She carefully pushed up her glasses up, as she entered. “I have your files Mr. Sharp.”

  Her voice was so small that if she hadn’t gestured to the stack of papers in her hand he wouldn’t have known what she had said. “Thank you, Miss. Steele.”

  Only lifting his hand faintly to make her come closer, he almost laughed at her sudden panicked expression. He was fully aware of her clumsy ways; they were probably the most charming attribute. Though he did quickly check his desk for any beverages.

  She approached cautiously. He didn’t miss the way her eyes did the same quick check. Handing the papers to him, her beautiful brown-green eyes were train mostly on the files and not on him.

  It surprised him that it bothered him so much. “The reports from Monday, I will need more copies.” No he didn’t. Why did he lie? Because he wanted those unique eyes on him.

  He got what he wanted. Her eyes snapped up catching his. “You do? W-was there something wrong with the other ones?”

  “No. Just some things I was interested in reviewing. Retrieving those files won’t be a problem, will it?” Suddenly he realized his bogus request. It was Friday and normally the files were archived on Thursday.

  She shook her head. “No. No, sir. I will get them for you. When will you need them?”

  “As soon as possible.” Flashing a smile that he hoped didn’t look too eager he glanced at the other man in the room. How quick could he get Jacob out of his office before she returned?

  She smiled slightly back, as a delightful flush crept up her cheeks. “Okay. I’ll go get them from you—for you! I’ll get them for you.” Her blush was more noticeable
as she turned on her heel and made it for the door, tripping on her way out.

  That time he had to laugh. He got her all flustered over one smile. What could he do to her if he really put on the charm? He was dying to find out.

  “You like the Office Mouse!” Jacob chocked out.

  “Don’t call her that.” He scorned. How did that ridiculous name start anyway? He would put a stop to it.

  “You really like her! Holly sh—wait when did this happen? She’s been working here forever.” Jacob leaned forward a little too enthusiastic for his own good.

  “What makes you think I like her?” Bryant asked on a raised brow, hoping to bluff his way through this.

  Raising his own brow, Jacob called him on it. “What do you really need the Monday reports for? And why ask for them now?”

  He laughed once. “Now you’re grasping.”

  “Fine, fine. I better be invited to your wedding.” He teased as he opened the door to leave.

  “Good bye, Jake.” Bryant waved him off utterly annoyed.

  “Married?” Amelia nearly fell back onto the copier. “Are you sure?”

  Heidi nodded twice. “Yeap, I heard Jacob Masson with my own ears. He said, ‘I better be invited to your wedding’. And he was coming out of Mr. Sharp’s office.”

  She hated the way her heart seemed to shatter. Allowing herself to lean slowly against the copier, she folded her arms around the manila folder. What had she really expected? Him to fall for her; the “Office Mouse”? No. She knew that this would happen sooner or later. And she would bet every last penny in her pathetic savings account that his fiancée was breath-takingly beautiful.

  “I’m sorry, Amelia. But rich, attractive men like Bryant don’t stay single for long.” Heidi tilted her head to the side with sincerity.

  “Oh, I know. It just kills the fantasy. That’s all.” She sighed.

  “Hey, I tell you what. Why don’t you come out with me tonight? It will be fun!” Heidi exclaimed as she clapped her hands joyfully.

  The thought of her out clubbing with someone like Heidi had her flashing back to high school. The image of a teenage wall flower watching all of her friends getting asked to dance while she remained alone holding up the gym wall, seemed to keep replaying itself as she stared at the beautiful blond who stood in front of her now. “Um….That’s really nice of you to invite me. But, Mr. Sharp wants Monday’s reports so that kind of put me behind. I won’t be getting out of here until late—”

  “That’s okay; we usually don’t hit the clubs until late anyway.” Heidi interrupted her eyes brightening with excitement. “Trust me. One night with me and you’ll forget all about Mr. Who cares!”


  “Good it’s settled. I’ll pick up at nine.” She squealed as she bounced up and down. “Oh, I’ve got to get back to planning! I told Amanda that I would only be a few minutes. See ya tonight!” With that, she was down the hall and out of sight before Amelia could even take another breath.

  “Great!” She replied in mock enthusiasm. This wasn’t going to end well.

  It was two hours after closing by the time Amelia finally logged off her computer. Getting the reports for Mr. Sharp had pushed everything back, causing her to get done later than she had even anticipated. When she brought the reports to his office he wasn’t even there. Which put a damper on the rest of her day.

  She climbed into elevator with stiff movements. Checking her watch she realized that she would only have an hour to get ready before Heidi would pick her up. Maybe she could call tonight off. She was really quite tired.

  As the doors dinged for the parking garage, the hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention. She hated coming down here alone. She should’ve asked the guard on the first floor to come down with her. Steve was a nice old man who wouldn’t have hesitated. Too late now.

  Taking a deep breath she hurried off the elevator and all but ran towards her car. It didn’t take much for her senses to catch that she really wasn’t alone. Scuffled sounds and a slight clinking noise had her heart doubling in rhythm. Was it coming from behind her? She couldn’t tell. The sounds were echoing off the walls, making it seem like it was coming from every direction.

  She sped up hoping to get to her car without any mishap. Unfortunately she didn’t get so lucky. A shadowy figure tripped out in front her. Stopping abruptly, Amelia gave herself a moment to swallow a scream.

  “Amelia?” The figure slurred as he swiped his hand over his scruffy face. “Is that you beautiful?”

  Blinking a few times, she gave the man a closer look. “Nathan? Nathan Cook, is that you? I thought you got—”

  “Fired!” He scowled.

  “Yeah, that.” She winced while she watched him take a long swig out of brandy bottle. If she remembered correctly this was the reason behind his unemployment. Showing up to work drunker than a sailor on weekend leave.

  Nathan pulled the bottle from his mouth little to quickly spilling a few drops of the smelly liquid down the front of him. “I always liked you. You know? Thought that you were a real nice lady. You don’t find nice ladies anymore. Take my ex-wife. The little whore….”

  That was her queue to try and sneak past him. Act casual. Maybe he will let you go. She told herself as she put on her best smile. “Well, Nathan thanks for the….complement. But I really have to go.”

  Carefully she moved around him and headed straight for her car that was only a few steps away. She could hear him grumbling something intangible. Though she really didn’t concentrate on him, she was too worried about getting to her car. That’s when she knew that had been her mistake. Two loud blasts echoed wildly throughout the garage.

  Throwing her hands up to protect her ears from the earth-shaking noise, her brain franticly tried to make out what it was. She still didn’t quite comprehend what was happening as her car quickly started to lean towards her. Confused she looked at both tires. A whole the size of a nickel was in each of her driver-side wheels.

  “What?” She shook her head. How in the world did both of her tires blow?

  “Sorry, Amelia.” Nathan garbled from behind her. “I just want to be heard.”

  Turning to face him, Amelia nearly crumpled to the ground as her eyes trained on the 9mm handgun that was fisted tight in Nathan’s hand. It didn’t take long at that point for her to figure it out. He shot out her tires. “Nathan?”

  “Shh, sweetheart. This isn’t for you.” Dropping his bottle he came closer.

  Out of reflex she jumped back away from the deadly weapon, and the man who held it. Bumping up against her car she suddenly realized she had nowhere to run. He had her trapped between him and the useless car.

  Running a brandy, smelling finger down the side of her face his eyes darkened slightly. “You are beautiful. Why don’t you show it off more? I always wondered that. Wondered what you would look like all dolled up.”

  She felt her stomach recoil. Was she going to vomit?

  “So beautiful…” He whispered while his hand wondered downward. His other hand held the gun only inches from her face.

  Trying to hold back her whimpers, she scanned the lot. Nothing, there was no one around. He could do whatever he wanted and no one would hear. “P-please….” She cried.

  “Oh, you don’t have to beg.” Leaning closer, his lips skimmed her jaw. “I’ll give you what you want.”

  She became all too aware of the unwanted hand cupping her breast. If she kneed him hard enough in the crotch, and scratch at his eyes would she be able to get the gun away or would it just get her killed? It was worth a shot. He would not get her without a fight.

  Doing just as she had planned she brought her knee up fast, colliding with her mark. As he let out a cry of pain she dug her nails into his eyes. She heard the gun go off sending a bullet flying somewhere behind her. Without a second thought she went for the loaded weapon in the inebriated man’s hand.

  Alas, he had a better hold than she had anticipated. Taking her to the gro
und he straddled her waist and pinned her hands helplessly above her head. Closing her eyes, she prayed that he would pass out before he could do anything. The smell of brandy came off of him in waves making the nausea worse. Tears ran down her cheeks as she tried to think of other things to help her through this.

  Then, as if her prayer had been answered, she felt his weight disappear. Though she knew it hadn’t been from passing out. Before she could open her eyes she heard grunts and cursing.

  “Get off! Get off of me you Bas—” Nathan’s crude insult was cut off by Bryant’s fist landing mid-center of his windpipe.

  Her mind was taking its time to register what her eyes were watching. Bryant Sharp taking on a lunatic single handedly as if he had no fear of the gun still wedged in the other man’s hand. It took one wild moment for her not to look around for the white steed he must have rode in on.

  “Ms. Steele? Are you alright?” Bryant rose off of, the now unconscious, Mr. Cook slowly. Her eyes shot to the gun that was now away from Nathan and in Bryant’s unthreatening hand.

  His deep soothing voice had her unconsciously meeting his gaze, though she didn’t want to take her eyes off the blunt instrument. At that moment she realized that her body began to shake in an entirely different way. Relief and gratitude sent tremors throughout her body making it nearly impossible to speak.

  “Amelia? Honey, are you okay?” Slipping the gun into his pocket he held up his hands to show her that he meant no harm.

  Her knees were knocking together at the sight of his worried expression. No, wait. That was the relief really setting in. Sobs ripped out from her trembling lips. “Th-Th-thank….thank you.”

  Coming quickly to her side, he gently gripped her shoulders. “Did he? I mean, I wasn’t too late, was I?”

  Shaking her head, she lightly dabbed at her nose with the sleeve of her sweater. “No. Thank God.” She hiccupped.

  Then before she knew it he had her in his arms, rocking her softly. “You’re safe now. Okay? I’ve got you.”


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