Then & Now

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Then & Now Page 6

by Kimberly Lowe

  His warmth seemed to chase away the chill from her veins. As his wonderful smell of spice and man, had her snuggling closer. The earth could cave in on itself at that very moment and she wouldn’t have noticed or cared. Which was awful. Not only did she just go though one of the worse assaults a woman could go through, but he was engaged!

  “Shh, baby girl.” He continued to soothe. “The police are on their way. And I won’t leave you until they get here.”

  His promise touched her. “Thank you….Again.”

  He chuckled lightly while he tenderly rubbed her back in small circles.

  Bryant drove silently towards Amelia’s apartment. Glancing over on occasion to make sure she hadn’t started crying again. He had insisted on taking her home after the police threw that crapbag into the cruiser and towed her car to the nearest tire store. Unfortunately they couldn’t get to her car until the morning, which was bogus. The woman had been through enough tonight.

  The image of her pressed against her car, with tears streaming down her face and the creep’s hands…. Then as if she needed to prove, what he had already known about her, she fought off the sick little prick. He couldn’t even move for a moment, watching her fight with such valor had him honestly believing that he was going to commit murder.

  The thought of killing Cook screamed through his head the instant he saw the desperation on her beautiful face. Jeopardizing the company and his future in order to save her didn’t even cross his mind. The only thing that brought him out of that moment of insanity was knowing that murdering him in front of her would’ve made it more terrorizing for her.

  He always knew that Nathan Cook was worthless, but rape? The notion had his hands itching to get back around his throat. Maybe he shouldn’t have killed him, but turning him into a quadriplegic, so he could never harm again, might have been justifiable.

  “You really didn’t need to take me home. After what you’ve done for me…I could’ve had someone else come get me.” Her hushed voice scarcely carried through the cab.

  He gave her a quick, simple smile. “Nonsense. What I did for you I would do again in a heartbeat. Besides, I honestly didn’t think you wanted to wait any longer in that parking garage than necessary.”

  “Well, thank you.” She smiled shyly back. “Turn here.”

  “Here?” His question was skeptical. The street she pointed to he knew quite well. Calling the neighborhood the “Slums” would have been a step up for this part of town. Anyone who grew up in this district knew not to visit this area unless you were looking for trouble.

  “Yes. My building is that small white one.” She said almost defensively.

  Pulling into the torn up parking lot, that lined the front of the three story building, Bryant gave the shabby complex a long look. Without the new windowpanes, and the solid oak front door the place looked like it should be condemned.

  He glanced at the neighboring buildings on either side of her tiny home. They were by far less promising. Even through the well-insulated car and over his still running engine he could hear a woman yelling and police sirens.

  “This is where you live?” Wasn’t he paying her enough? He would definitely look into that Monday morning.

  She nodded. “I know it looks small but really it’s quite charming. Gorge and Gladis have remodeled every apartment. Mike, who lives right above me, has helped with the flooring. And Teresa, she lives across from me, put in the new widows. I have also helped with the rewiring of some of the old cables.” Raising her chin she met his eyes boldly.

  He had to smile at that. “You know how to rewired old cables?”

  “My father did it professionally. He had since I was little. I picked some of it up.” The pride behind her words, about her father and herself, seemed to glow from her eyes.

  Dropping his voice to a seductive hum, he leaned forward. “I see.” The quite ones never failed to surprise him.

  A deep blush painted her cheeks while she noted his flirtatious retort. “Maybe you should see my work. I think you would be quite impressed.” Her voice was sultry, smooth as she tilted her body closer to his.

  He raised both eyebrows. She was flirting back? “Quite impressed.” Mimicking her words, he rolled them back for a different meaning.

  She was about to say something, which he could tell was aimed in the same direction he was headed, unfortunately a car back fired and she nearly jumped right out of her skin.

  The reality of it had him disgusted with himself. She had just been insulted by an intoxicated bastard, and now here he was hitting on her. “If you don’t mind I would like to walk you to your door.”

  “Oh, no. That’s alright. My door is right there.” Although she tried to smile, her shaking hands gave her away.

  Ignoring the comment he shut off his car.

  Amelia watched as Bryant walked around the front of his sixty-nine, Corvette. She would’ve been ecstatic to ride in this classic on any other day, regrettably this wasn’t that day. The car had lost its appeal when it came to its owner. And she was all too aware of the man behind the wheel. Her hero.

  Had he actually been flirting with her? Did she actually flirt back? If that car hadn’t scared the living daylights out of her she would’ve….nothing. She would’ve done nothing. He was engaged for crying out loud! How did she forget that little tidbit she really couldn’t say.

  He opened her door and held out his hand like a true gentleman. She took it timidly knowing that her pathetic heart would jump at the feel of him. And she was right. It damn near leapt right out of her chest.

  “How long have you lived here?” He asked without letting go of her hand.

  Turning to face him, her eyes stayed on their joined hands. “Umm…Th-three years.” Her voice shook as she suddenly became flustered.

  “Three? You have a lot of pride in this place.” His voice was so gentle and kind, that she risked looking up into his beautiful eyes.

  “Yes, we all have put a lot of time into it.” She replied quietly. “This building is over eighty years old and we all hate to see it go down with the rest of this street.”

  He let out a short sigh. “Of course you would. After all you have done to keep it up.”

  She was still all too aware of his hand still holding hers. Fighting for her cheeks to not to flush again, she glanced over at her home, then back. “It would be like losing part of my heart. I think we all feel that way.” Tugging her hand free she stepped back.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to….It was just that you’re still shaking.” He explained shoving his hands into his pockets so she wouldn’t feel threatened.

  “Oh. Thanks.” She really didn’t know why she had yanked her hand form his. No, that was a lie. She knew exactly why. The feel of his warm hand was doing a number on her.

  “You’re going to be okay. He can’t hurt you anymore. You know that, right?” He asked, while bending at his knees to get better contact with her eyes. “If you like I can call someone to stay with you.”

  The deep concern behind his words and in those eyes almost brought her to her knees. He was truly worried about her. “Oh, no. That wouldn’t….I’ll be alright.”

  “Hey, Millie!” Teresa called from the porch.

  “Hi, Teresa.” She waved. “What are you doing home on a Friday night?”

  Teresa held up a bag of trash. “I got talked into doing the windows in Stan’s apartment. Gorge pulled a quick one on me. No rent for this month. He knew I wouldn’t say no.” She stopped at the end of the sidewalk. Dumping the trash into one of the bins, she turned and faced them.

  Amelia didn’t miss the way Teresa’s eyes flared with attraction when they landed on Bryant. “Teresa this is Bryant Sharp. Mr. Sharp this is my neighbor Teresa Fugal.”

  “Hello.” The six-foot-all-legs-supermodel beamed. Her unrealistically, beautiful auburn hair was in cute little waves around her, unrealistically, beautiful face.

  “Good evening.” Bryant greeted politely.

  Her e
yes shifted back and forth between them. She seemed pleased at their body langue. It was quiet obvious that they weren’t together. “So what are you two up to tonight?” She asked with an enticing smile. It almost wasn’t fair. The world full of idealistically gorgeous women and here she was, the mouse in the middle of it all.

  “Umm, well its—” Amelia started.

  “Oh, were you waiting for Heidi? Because she has already stopped by. She said she was going to the Vortex.” Giving her attention completely over to Bryant, she purred. “Have you ever been there?”

  “No, can’t say that I have.” Bryant’s reply seemed a little stiff as he glanced at Amelia bemused. “You were going clubbing?” The expression on his face was genuinely captivated.

  “It was Heidi’s idea.” She replied meekly.

  “It’s really a lot of fun.” Teresa’s giggled. “You should go sometime.”

  Amelia very nearly laughed out loud at the sound of it. The image of Bryant dancing in the middle of club in his suit and tie, flashed wildly on the screen of her far too active imagination. She was about to excuse herself when the most bewildering words came so casually out of Bryant’s mouth. “I think that would be fun, if Amelia was there to accompany me.”

  Her eyes shot to his. He winked then aimed a very sexy smile her way. She blinked twice bewildered. Was this really happening or had her imagination completely taken off with her?

  “Yeah, you two would have a great time.” Teresa involuntarily agreed. “Well, Millie I’ll catch up with you later. Maybe I can still salvage my Friday night.” Turning on her heel she sashayed away not looking back once.

  Amelia had to admit that watching someone like Teresa getting rejected on a possible come on was quiet amusing. Although she didn’t think she would be the reason behind it. Why was she behind it?

  “Do you usually go clubbing on the weekends?” His question was laced with skepticism.

  The question bothered her. What did he think she just sat home watching old movies and crocheting? Sadly he would be half right, although she wouldn’t let him know that. “Sometimes.” It wasn’t a total lie.

  Raising both hands in mock surrender he grinned. “Sorry. You just don’t look like the-”

  “Like what? Like the type that wouldn’t have fun.” Folding her arms defensively in front of her, she awaited his reply. What she got wasn’t what she had expected.

  “You know, you’re adorable when you’re angry.” He commended, with a wickedly stunning smile.

  “Oh…err, thanks. Umm…” Unexpectedly nervous, she tucked a lose curl behind her ear. For some reason she could not remember why she was so uptight. His breathtaking eyes were fixed on her making her insides all warm and mushy. “I guess I shouldn’t take up any more of your night.” She backed up slowly hoping that she wouldn’t say something ridiculous, like ‘want to come upstairs and tuck me in?’

  He took her hand once more, restricting her from any further escape. “Why shouldn’t you?”

  Her eyes shot back down to their hands. Although they were the only two around, she could not help but be shocked at his blunt openness. “You probably want to get home to your fiancée.”

  “What!” He flinched back as if she had hit him. “Fiancée? I don’t have a fiancée.”

  “You don’t?”

  “No. Why on earth would you think that?” Tilting his head to the side he quirked one eyebrow.

  “Jacob Masson. He said that he wanted to be invited to your wedding.” Did Heidi hear him wrong? She didn’t like the way her heart jumped at the possible misunderstanding.

  A strange expression past over his features before he said. “That’s all you heard.”

  She didn’t miss the way he hadn’t put it into a question. “I didn’t hear it. Heidi did.”

  Relief past over the other expression on his handsome face. “Now I know how rumors are started.” He chuckled lightly. “Amelia, I’m not getting married. Jake was teasing me.”

  Wrapping her arms around her middle to avoid any more contact, she took in long breath of the night air grabbing some of his scent with it. “Why would he tease you about that? I mean it sounds—”

  “I’ve wanted to ask you out. I’ve been wanting to for a while. Jake thinks it’s quite humorous that I’ve waited so long to do so.” He informed casually.

  “Oh!” Calm down heart! She coached herself. The girlish side of her nearly came apart with glee. The woman side of her did the same damn thing. “You want to come in?”

  His eyes widened. “Are you sure? I mean after what happened tonight…”

  “It could have went a lot worse.” She stated mindfully. Truthfully she hadn’t thought much about it since he offered her a ride home. There should be a break here. Time to get over what happened. Only she didn’t want it. She wanted him. All of him. And if now was it she would take it.

  Stepping towards her apartment she tilted her head faintly. “If you can get impressed over some rewiring, you should see what else I’m capable of.” Turning quickly to the door she hid her surprised reaction at the sexy way she played her own words. Where did that come from?

  She unlocked the large oak door, that all the residents pitched in and gave to Gorge and Gladis for Christmas last year, and turned back just in time to catch Bryant admiring her bottom. She smiled bluntly back. “So, can I take that as a ‘yes’ to my invitation?”

  “You can take it as a hell yes.” He affirmed coming up close to her. Hitting the alarm on his car, he reached around her and opened the door.

  The smell of his cologne as he leaned past her made her light headed. Bending forward she took in a deeper breath. Lord help her, he smelt so good she wanted to sink her lips into the tiny spot of skin between the collar of his suit and his chin.

  “We can stand here or we could go to your apartment. I do suggest the apartment though. Because if you keep rubbing against me I might lose it on the gentleman part and I don’t think your neighbors want us going at it on the porch.” His voice was ruggedly hot against her ear.

  “O-okay.” She breathed, as she tried to calm the squeezing sensation between her legs.

  When he pulled back his eyes were dark as they met hers. Amusement tugged at the corners of those brilliant lips. “Which one is yours?”

  “What?” His question wouldn’t register. “What one is mine?”

  He chuckled as he leaned back towards her. “Which apartment is yours?”

  “Oh, umm….It’s on the second floor. The first floor is Gorge and Gladis’s.” She explained without taking her eyes off of his incredible mouth. “We’ll have to take the stairs. There is no elevator.”

  He glanced at the stairs then back. Sweeping his hand out in front of them, he gestured for her to go first.

  There was very little talk on the way up, only small comments on the floor and walls. Once at her door she opened it a little too anxiously. She was a little too excited to have him there. Only after he entered did she become utterly apprehensive. At that moment she realized that she didn’t really know what she was doing. She had never invited a man in, less they had been dating for a while. Seeing that she had only crushed on this God-like man, it seemed all the more complicated.

  Her actions down stairs came at whim. She really didn’t know if it will come back or if she would totally flub it up. He did say that he had wanted to ask her out. But would she keep him interested or have him running out the door?

  “Would you like some coff—” She stopped herself. The last time she brought the man coffee she practically drown him with it. “Wine. Would you like some wine.”

  “Wine would be great, thanks.” He smiled.

  Rushing to her kitchen she scurried around not wanting him to wait too long for her. Thankfully she had a bottle chilling in the fridge, and two glasses cleaned. She normally had wine with her dinner it always relaxed her after a long day.

  Hurrying around the short wall that separated the kitchen from living room, she found herself coming
to a halt. The mere essence of him seemed to overwhelm her tiny living room. She nearly dropped both glasses at the sight of his strong shoulders as they remained straight while he bent to get a better look at a photo on the wall. She had dreamed of Bryant Sharp being here in her home, she just never thought it would actually happen.

  She must have made some kind of noise because he turned and aimed a heart-stopping smile at her. “Is this of you and your parents?”

  Nodding, she took small steps in his direction, hopping that she wouldn’t spill on him. “That was taken a few days before they moved to France.”

  “France?” He asked taking the goblet gently.

  Did he purposely allow his fingers to linger on hers? “Yeah, after my father retired they both decided they needed a little adventure. Which I’m thankful for. I mean I’m the only child and they get a little over protective.”

  He took a generous sip of wine, before he stated nonchalantly. “I can’t blame them. If you were mine I would be protective as well.”

  Swallowing a large gulp of wine, she brought her eyes straight up to his. The look on his face stated quite bluntly that his attention was just that. To make her his. Her hands quivered around the cold goblet, causing the wine to vibrate giving her away. “Why did it take you so long to ask me out? You work with many unrealistically beautiful women. Why the mouse?”

  “Don’t call yourself that.” He scolded as he set his glass aside. “In the short time I’ve spent with you tonight, you’ve established that you might come across as a mouse, though you are anything but.” Removing the glass from her still trembling hands he set it next to his. “Besides you answered your own question. The women we work with are unrealistic. I’m not impressed with unrealistic.”

  “What are you impressed with?” She exhaled while she forced herself to remain still as he leaned closer to her. Every inch of her wanted to through her arms around him and finally find out what he tasted like.

  Brining his lips dangerously close to hers, he whispered across her bottom lip. “I think you know.”

  That did it. She couldn’t control herself any longer. Practically lunching herself forward, she took his mouth with zeal. She really didn’t know what shocked her more; her own candor or his.


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