Then & Now

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Then & Now Page 7

by Kimberly Lowe

  He took her with as much passion as she took him. With one arm wrapped tightly around her waist, and a hand nestled at the base of her neck she knew he wanted this as badly as she did.

  Exhilarated by it she rubbed her tongue against his. The taste of him brought out a primitive side that she didn’t know that she possessed. She took his lip between her teeth, lightly nibbling and teasing him playfully. He let out a deep throated moan that had her realizing that she was affecting him erotically. The realization spread a wicked smile across her face.

  Wanting to explore this more, she lightly licked his bottom lip. He jumped, but didn’t move away. The only thing consuming her thoughts was Bryant’s incredible mouth. She drove her hands into his jet-black hair, just like she had always wanted to do. Allowing the soft strands to caress her fingers, she sank them deeper. This was all she ever wanted, virtually needed.

  Breaking away abruptly he asked breathless. “Wow! Where did you learn to kiss like that?”

  Smiling she sighed, “I don’t know. I have never kissed anyone like that before.”

  “Ditto.” He smiled back. Snuggling her closer, he chuckled softly. “I have never been more fascinated with anyone, than I have been with you.”


  “Yes, really. I’ve watched you around the office.” He cocked one of his eyebrows, and she felt a sudden prick of fear.

  She had known that he had seen her on a few occasions. A little wink or smile in her direction to allow her the acknowledgement. “Oh?” She asked on a shaky breath.

  He nodded, as he stood straighter, bringing him a head taller than her. “I kept waiting for you to approach me. But you never did. In fact the few times I thought that maybe I should come to you, you would get this panicked look on your face and take off.” He sighed and shook his head. “You know you can give a guy a complex that way.”

  She had to laugh at that. Giving a man like Bryant Sharp a complex wasn’t in her power. “Oh, I can?”

  “Yeah, you can.” He said on a mock sincerity. “But, honestly I can’t do this.”

  Putting substantial space between them, his smile turned more polite than sexual.

  Oh, no. No. No. No! How did this go bad? She just knew she would flub this up. Trying to hide the sudden moister in her eyes she cleared her throat and banished the thought of rejection. Maybe she just came on too strong. “Alright.”

  A strange expression crossed over his face as he studied her. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I understand why you don’t want to stay.” Folding her arms protectively in front of her, she dropped her gaze to the floor. Oh, man come Monday this will be awkward. Maybe she’ll call in.

  So fast that she wasn’t sure how it came about he closed the space between them. His muscular hands held her gently by her shoulders. “Amelia, I want to stay. I want to so bad it’s killing me. In fact, making love to you is all I’ve thought about since….”

  She watched his Adam’s apple bob as he took a moment to swallow. “Since…” She coaxed, the suspense; torture.

  “Since the day you started at Sharp Industries.” He confessed in a rush. “But this can’t happen tonight. Not after what—”

  “And if I want you to stay? Regardless.” She interrupted meekly, all too aware of how close they were to fulfilling her most desired fantasy. It took every ounce of self-control not to attack him like she had earlier.

  Taking her face into his hands, he made her look at him. “If that’s really what you want. But if this is something that you might regret in the morning, then I won’t stay.”

  Regret making love to Bryant Sharp? The man she was thoroughly infatuated with? The star of her lustful, nightly cravings? Impossible. “I’m not acting on impulse because of some high, from surviving an attack. You can’t possibly say that you weren’t aware of my crush on you.”

  “You had a crush on me?” He playfully dropped his mouth in fake shock.

  Pocking him in the ribs, she continued. “I want you here with me, Bryant. I’ve wanted you here for a long time. And if you’ve wanted me for just as long, then what are we waiting for?”

  His eyes darkened as a wild blue flame sparked within the depths of them. “You’re sure?”


  “Then I’m all yours.”

  With that, she reached up and kissed him as hard as she could. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity. Their lips were swollen from the passion that was firing up between them. Neither one seemed to care that they weren’t breaking for air.

  “I want to feel you, Amelia.” He growled in a primitive way that made her body flare.

  “Where?” She asked on a heavy breath as his hands slid down, awaking every inch he touched.

  He chuckled low and deep into her ear. “Anywhere…Everywhere.”

  “Oh?” Everywhere? Her heart doubled in rhythm. “Oh!” She started, as he slowly pulled her skirt up her thy. Holding her breath, she awaited his next move.

  Pulling back slowly he skimmed her jaw with his lips. In that one movement he replaced Nathan’s disturbing motion with his scintillating one. Erotic warmth polled at the base of her making her panties wet and her nipples harden.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” He asked ever so calmly, with his lips brushing hers with every other word.

  She kissed him twice before his question sunk in. “Over there. It’s the door right behind you.”

  Sweeping her up into his arms, he carried her towards the door she had pointed to. He lowered her quivering body down onto her queen-sized bed. He hovered for a moment, just standing there looking at her. Not down at her, but over her. Her entire body causing heat, so thick and overpowering it sweep through her.

  Just then he gently lowered himself on top of her. “I want to go slow. But I don’t know if I can. You’re so beautiful.” He nuzzled her neck, causing a squeal of pleasure to escape from her throat. Kissing the spot under the hallow of her ear tenderly, he moaned himself.

  “You taste so sweet.” He whispered as his kisses moved lower.

  “Bryant!” She gasped and held that last bit of air as he kissed her breast through her, much too thick sweater. She continued to hold that last breath, as she watched him push the fabric out of the way.

  “Very nice.” He smiled, as he looked upon the thin lace of her bra.

  “You like what you see?” To his and her own surprise, her question came out husky. The sound was like a purr, and his reaction to it had her smiling as well.

  His eyes became dark with pure desire, “Yes. Oh, God yes.” Bathing her nipple through the lace, his hand began its decent downward.

  Cupping the back of his head she held him there for as long as she could. Although his hand had accomplished its goal and was now on her bare thy, she wanted the sensation on her breast to last.

  He seemed to figure it out, for his other hand slipped her nipple out from under its barrier and nibbled lightly. Pulling one erect nub into his mouth he suckled until she cried out. He gave one triumphant grin before devouring the other nipple, leaving neither neglected.

  She ran her hands over his wide shoulders. Realizing he still had his suit on, she loosened his tie. He didn’t make this easy. Leaving his mouth on her she had to maneuver around him in order to get what she wanted. Once this little task was finally accomplished she started on the buttons on his dress shirt. This was a far more complicated mission, she was only able to get two buttons unfastened before he let out a deep chuckle and sat up.

  Kneeling in front of her, with his legs between hers, she watched utterly astonished as he moved. Graceful and yet powerful in his actions. His jacket seemed to glide off of his body in one elegant movement. Tossing the jacket onto the chair in the corner, he began on the buttons she couldn’t get to. As each portion of skin was exposed she became more impatient.

  She couldn’t move as she laid there watching while he removed his shirt and threw it somewhere behind him. He was so beautiful she could scarcely
breathe. Hard and powerful in his stance, his toned muscles formed his chest, arms, and continued to flow evenly down his lean body, past the six sculptured abs and joining the juncture of his magnificent man hood. She had been right to compare him to a god.

  Sitting up she lightly traced each one of his abs with her finger, loving the feel of his smooth skin. Though it wasn’t enough. She wanted so much more. Dropping her hand to the button of his dress pants, she wanted him to get completely undressed. She bit her lip when the perspective truly hit her.

  Her eyes shot up to his when she heard a hiss escape him. Leaving her gaze up at his, she continued to unsnap the silver button and lowered the zipper. It wasn’t long before he was totally undressed and she had to cover her mouth from gasping out loud. Her eyes could not lift themselves from the sight that jutted out before her. Which stood proud and erect, almost demanding in its thick, long form. It was too awe inspiring. He was quite a bit larger than any other man she had been with. Her body trembled as she attentively reached out and grasped him.

  “Oh, sweet heaven, Amelia!” He ground out.

  “Shh….” She breathed, running her fingers frivolously over the incredibly soft tip of his penis. “Let me please you.” Her voice was low and husky as she stroked his length. Bunching the skin at the head then pulling it back to his scrotum she was rewarded by a deep moan that let her know that this is what he wanted.

  She did this for only a short time, before she lined her mouth up with his cock. He reached out and gently grabbed the back of her head. Knowing his intention, she let out a small whimper and then timidly took him into her mouth. She wanted to pleasure him while she tasted his need. Which he did not fail to give her, in small salty drops.

  Without releasing him she glanced up at his handsome face. His quick in takes of breath and his intense facial features, allowed her to see the effect she was having erotically on him.

  “Amelia!” He groaned barely coherent to his surroundings. “Oh, my sweet baby!”

  Closing her eyes she listened to his cries of ecstasy. The sheer sound of it had her shivering almost violently.

  In a moment’s choice, Bryant carefully pushed her away from his ready shaft.

  Shock and dismay had her almost panicked. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Oh, no, Baby doll! Not at all…In fact it was incredible!” He smiled, as he leaned down and kissed her tenderly.

  “Then why did you stop me? I was enjoying it.” She stated bluntly in a thick throated voice.

  He laughed slightly. “Because if you would’ve kept going I would have lost it entirely!”

  Confused she asked. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  “No. I want you to come first.” He whispered over her tingling lips. Removing the oversized sweater, he lowered straps of her bra until he had her breasts totally expose to his view. “Mmm…You have the most beautiful breast.” Not waiting for a response he took her nipple with vigor.

  Lying back onto the bed she took him with her. Although he didn’t continue to pleaser her breast. Instead he kissed lower, past her ribs, over her stomach, and even lower still taking her skirt with it.

  “Matching panties?” He rumbled, his breath searing the skin of her inner thy. “I knew you would be full of surprises.” Quickly he pulled the lace to the side, revealing her most privet flesh for his view. “You’re so wet.” His whispered words caressed her female folds.

  “Bry—ant!” She nearly screamed when his tongue hit her clit dead on. Closing her eyes she moaned in excitement while he intensified the movement with his clever mouth. Grabbing the blankets that surrounded her, she rode wave after wave of outstanding pleasure.

  “Perfect.” He grinned as he sat up.


  “You. Everything about you.” He stated as he removed her panties completely.

  She found herself blushing. “Me?”

  He laughed, “Yes you. The way you smell, taste…sound.”His last word came deep as his eyes burned into her.

  Laying there ready for his next move, she became slightly embarrassed. All he was doing was kneeling in front of her just staring. Trying to close her trembling legs, he stopped her.

  “No,” He shook his head. “Let me look at you.”

  Her embarrassment vanished when she saw the look of admiration in his brilliant eyes. Feeling a little daring she began to touch herself. His reaction to her movements sparked a curious and sexy desire to keep the exquisitely, agonizing teasing to her fevered flesh.

  She shuddered as a myriad of consuming emotions bounced around within her, while she watched him watch her. Allowing her fingers to play along her opening, feeling the slick velvet, folds of her arousal. Practically coming apart when she felt his fingers press against hers gently, causing her to be more intimate with her own body.

  “Tell me how you feel.” He whispered, with a slight tremble to his demand.

  Licking her suddenly dry lips, she replied with her own unsteady voice. “Soft, wet…really wet!”

  He brought his lips back to hers once more, causing her breath to catch somewhere between her lungs and her throat. She could feel his length against her opening. Her swollen bud reacted with shock waves throughout her entire body, while his tip pumped along it. A moan so ravenous shot out of her vocal cords, causing a more wicked response from Bryant.

  Brining her knees up and over each shoulder, he nearly flooded her in half. He angled his hips with her own while his hands claimed her bottom. Those incredible eyes locked with hers.


  “Shh, I’ve got you…” He smiled. Then ever so slowly he pushed his way into her.

  “Oooh!” She cried, at first surprised. But as he stopped at her yelp, she cried in a whole nether way. “No! Don’t stop! Please don’t s-stop!”

  He did as she commanded and she almost came apart when he began to thrust himself inside her. Using her bottom to stable her and gain more momentum, he rammed her harder. Her body trembled visibly and a tightening in her gut made her light-head.

  “You’re sooo tight!” He exclaimed between breaths. Pulling out of her until the head of his glorious penis nearly left her wet welcome then reentered taking her fully. He continued at this wickedly. His body tremble violently as his drive become stronger.

  “Oh, Bryant!” She sang as the world spun out around her. A wild cry, whether his or her own, seemed to echo off the walls of her bedroom.

  She slowly came out of her euphoric fog, to the feel of Bryant’s radiant weight blanketing her. Her heart still racing in her chest, she snapped this moment away hoping to never lose it.

  “That was unbelievable.” His lips were still buried in the side of her neck, from where he had resided shortly after his release, which made his words somewhat muffled.

  She giggled softly, hoping he wouldn’t move. “I thought so.”

  Lifting his head his eyes collided with hers, making her hypnotized. She swallowed as she searched his eyes. His fingers were lightly brushing the sides of her face and head. The emotions she saw in those oceans of pure blue, was enough for her to reach up and kiss him as hard as she could.

  With a deep growl he rolled them over until she laid, sprawled out over him. “I want you on top this time. I want to watch.” He insisted with a sexy grin.

  Feeling vibrant she slowly sat up. Removing the hair ban, that was barely hanging on after their incredible love making, she shook out her curls. “As you wish.” She purred rubbing her still wet opening along his growing shaft.

  A groan from deep within his chest seemed to shake the entire bed. “Baby, I really hope you’re not tired. Because the way you’re working me we’re going to do this all night.”

  “Promise? Or are you teasing me?” She playfully pouted, as she slid down onto him.

  Suddenly serious he brought his mouth to hers, “I never tease about this.” Grabbing her hips he guided her in the direction they both preferred. He took her mouth with such passion she knew not to que
stion him.

  Amelia awoke to the ruthless ray of light that spilled from her slightly opened drapes. Reaching for her alarm clock she realized that she had only been a sleep for a few hours. Bryant had made love to her until dawn, and the delicious feel of him still lingered in spots.

  Setting the clock back onto her nightstand she felt his strong arm pull her tighter against his chest. She tried to wipe the childish smile from her face before turning to him. It didn’t work.

  “Hello, smiley.” He chuckled as he nuzzled the crook of her neck.

  “I can say the same to you.” She smiled even wider while tracing the grin on his beautiful mouth.

  “Umm…I’m sure you can.” Kissing her lightly, his lips seemed to consume her.

  Pulling him as close as she could, Amelia savored the feel of his warm body pressed into hers. Although she had actually lost count on how many times they had done it in the past seven hours, she wanted him inside her desperately.

  “Do you want to take a shower with me?” He asked between kisses.

  “No. I want a bath. My garden tub should fit both of us.” She giggled as he nibbled on her earlobe.

  “I’ll go start the water.” With that he bounced off the bed.

  She laughed at his eagerness. This all still felt like a dream. In fact she almost didn’t want to fall asleep earlier this morning in fear that he wouldn’t be there when she awoke. If it hadn’t been for the exertion, she would have forced herself not to sleep.

  Though hearing the water run and feeling the delightful throbbing between her beast and thighs she knew that it was all very real.

  Not wanting to wait for the bath to fill, she also bounced off the bed. Excitement raced through her as she thought about what to make him for breakfast. Unfortunately her thoughts were silenced by a loud pounding on her front door. She would have ignored it if she hadn’t recognized Heidi’s voice. Unluckily she wouldn’t go away and she had a key.

  Throwing on her robe she prayed she could get her out of there before Bryant heard her. She raced to the door only to get almost knocked over by her impatient friend.


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