Book Read Free

Then & Now

Page 8

by Kimberly Lowe

  “Where in the hell were you last night? Did you know that Nathan Cook was arrested last night? Apparently he was trying to break into Sharp Industries. Rumor has it that he wanted to get back at Mr. Sharp for firing him. He had a gun and everything!” Taking a quick breath Heidi gave Amelia a once over before asking. “Are you sick? You’re all flush, and you look as though you didn’t sleep a wink.”

  Shaking off her friend’s question, she held up her hands. “What do you mean he wanted to get back at Bryant?” “Sorry, Amelia. I just want to be heard.” Nathan’s words echoed through her head. She visualized the 9mm handgun that had been fisted tight in Nathan’s hand as she remembered his next words “Shh, sweetheart. This isn’t for you.”

  “According to the grapevine, Nathan had caught his wife in bed with their neighbor the day before Mr. Sharp fired him.” Heidi paused for a moment to rummage through her purse. “He even attacked some poor woman trying to get in.”

  Obviously Heidi had no idea that Amelia was the “poor woman” he had attacked. And what was even more evident was that Amelia had just been at the wrong place at the wrong time. Which probably saved Bryant’s life. If he had been waiting for Bryant with that loaded gun, Bry wouldn’t have had a chance.

  “How did you find this out?” Amelia asked suddenly anxious.

  “When you weren’t here I thought maybe you were still at the office, I got there just as everything was getting cleaned up. The officer on sight told me the gist of it. I even got his number.” Heidi smiled clearly proud of herself. “Oh, Amelia! You should have seen this guy. He was so cute in his uniform.” She gushed.

  Amelia shrugged, “Sorry. I was umm…a little busy.”

  “Busy?” Her friend scoffed. “Really?” Glancing around the apartment, then back Heidi shook her head. “Please don’t tell me that you went to that bakery on the corner and spent an hour picking out cakes and then came back here and watched old movies! Oh, Millie! You did, didn’t you?” She groaned, letting her shoulder bag fall onto the floor.

  “No! Not exactly.” How much should she tell her friend? He was both of their boss. This could complicate things, especially with what happened last night. By Monday morning everyone will know what happen, some will even be fabricated. Bryant would probably want to keep their relationship quiet until everything settled.

  “Not exactly?” Her friend repeated unconvinced.

  “Amelia?” Bryant’s deep voice boomed from her bedroom, causing them both to turn in that direction. “Baby, your bath is waiting for you.”

  Heidi’s mouth fell open. “Who’s that? It sounds like Mr. Sharp.” She whispered, her face still showing signs of shock and approval.

  “Err…umm…” Twisting her hands nervously, she franticly thought of what to say and do.

  “Amelia? Sweetheart, where are you?” His sexy drawl came louder that time, sending a wild image of him appearing at her bedroom door wearing nothing but his birthday suit.

  “Hold on, Bry! I’ll be there in a minute!” She called to him anxiously. There was no way Heidi was getting that view. Grabbing Heidi’s bag, she began to push her friend towards the door.

  “Oh-my-God! Millie! Holly crap, your screwing the boss!” Heidi squealed under her breath. Holding on to the door frame, to stop any further exit, she demanded, “How did this happen? You have to tell me everything!”

  “Not now!” She growled, pushing her friend harder out the door.

  “You better call me!” Was Heidi’s last order before the door shut cutting off the conversation.

  “Was that Ms. Davis?” Bryant’s voice came from right behind her, startling her.

  Spinning around, she found him in his slacks and nothing else. Letting her eyes wonder downward she took him in. He was so beautiful she forgot his question entirely. She nibbled on her bottom lip as he came closer.

  Taking her into his arms, he slipped his hands into the folds of her robe. “I take it that she knows.”

  “Who knows what?” She asked completely incomprehensive. His hands were doing madding things to her sides and breast.

  He laughed joyfully. “Your friend, she knows what we’ve been up to.” He stated with a delicious hum deep into her ear.

  “Yeah…Oh, that feels sooo good.” She whimpered at the feel of his tongue bathing her neck.

  “Wait until I get you into the bath.” He chuckled.

  “Oh, yeah you ran a bath for us.” She recalled delighted. Just as she was about to grab him and run to her bathroom, her and Heidi’s discussion came screaming back. She pulled back abruptly causing his handsome features to constrict into confusion.

  “What?” He asked, taking her face into hands. Concern hugged his breath-taking eyes. “What’s the matter, baby? You look upset.”

  “He wasn’t there for me last night.” She let out in a rush.


  “Nathan! He wanted to get to you. The gun was brought to get back at you for firing him.” Running her hands over his powerfully built chest, she tried to chase away the unwanted images of what could have happened the night before. “If I hadn’t been there to…distract him, who knows what he would’ve done.” Tears sprung to her eyes at the thought.

  “Shh, sweetheart.” He soothed as he folded her into his strong arms. “I would have gladly taken a bullet over what he attempted to do to you.”

  Shaking her head she wiped that possibility out of her mind. “He said that he just wanted to be heard. He even told me that the gun wasn’t for me. God, why didn’t I see it?”

  Pulling her back far enough to look at her, he made his face stern. “Listen to me, Amelia. He was drunk and stupid. You couldn’t have known what he wanted. Hell, he probably wasn’t completely sure of what his plan was.”

  “Still, the thought of it.” She shuttered. “By Monday everyone will know.”


  “Heidi won’t say anything if I tell her not to.”

  “You mean about us?” His question was laced with something she couldn’t identify. “You don’t want anyone to know about us?”

  “I assumed you didn’t.” Pushing some of her unruly hair back she gave his expression a long look. Was it her or did he look offended?

  “Why would you assume that?” No he was definitely offended.

  “Jacob. I know he doesn’t approve—”

  “Do I look like someone who needs approval?” Okay now he was angry.

  “Umm, well no.” She really shouldn’t fine this funny, but he was extremely sexy when he was upset.

  “Damn right no.” Folding his arms in front of him, he reminded her of a child throwing a tantrum. “Are you laughing?”

  “No.” She lied unsuccessfully.

  “Yes you are.” His anger fading.

  “No, I’m not.” She giggled.

  Nodding nonchalantly, he glanced away briefly before lunching himself at her. Startled only at first, she realized that he allowed her landing to be soft and perfectly safe. Falling onto the couch his playful growl at the hollow of her ear had her laughing harder than she had in years.

  “Now, let’s get something straight, Ms. Steele.” His tone was stern, yet his eyes held genuine humor. “I let no one sway me. Particularly when it comes to something I want. And I want you.”

  “Really?” She couldn’t ignore the way her heart seemed to double in rhythm.

  “I didn’t make clear enough last night?” He asked with a cocked eyebrow.

  “Yes. But, everyone—”

  “I really don’t care about everyone. There’s only one person I’m concentrating on, and she’s making this a little difficult.” He simplified.

  What did he mean by that? Squirming out from underneath him, she sat up completely. “Who?”

  He let out a boyish laugh. “You! It’s you.” Pulling her back into his arms, he gently pushed some of her tasseled hair away from her face. “What am I going to do with you?” He exhaled noisily.

  “Well…” Everything she h
ad dreamed of was right before her, and all she could do was giggle. “Do you think the bath is still warm?”

  “Let’s find out.” Getting up he pulled her with him.

  As he led her to the bath she felt her future. And it felt wonderful.


  Sophia Rhodes sat quietly on the drive back to her house. It was another typical date with her longtime boyfriend John Hunter. Dinner and a movie that ended with a night cap at her house or his. Usually nothing new, same restaurant, same action movie or comedy depending. Same ending of every night, him satisfied, her not so much.

  Unsatisfied in bed and in their relationship. She had been with John for most of her young adult life. He had been all she knew. First crush, first kiss, first love, and hell she even lost her virginity to the man. At first it all seemed so romantic. Like all those romance novels, they meet, fell in love and were each other’s everything.

  Unfortunately, that was only one sided. Truthfully, she had no idea where John stood in their relationship. Even though she loved John, she found herself wondering if she wasted some of those firsts. It seemed as though he was getting board. He would get snappy with her whenever she suggested change, even in the simplest of offers.

  Watching her friends love lives surpass her own caused the jealousy monster to rise up in her. Seeing the love they all have for their new men, only reminded her of how absent John and hers was becoming.

  If there was a way to bring their relationship back to where it was six years ago, she was completely lost on how to do so. It saddened her to think that she might not want to bring it back. She wanted to go forward to marriage and children. Although she didn’t think that’s were John was headed.

  “Well…” John sighed as he pulled up in front of her home.

  “Well…” She echoed back wondering if she should just call it a night, to avoid another unfulfilled night.

  “So, I was talking to my mother.” John started as he turned off the car.

  “Oh, really? And…”

  “She thinks we should get married.” He said flatly.

  All she did was nod. Emily Hunter had been hearing wedding bells in their future for a while now.

  “I think she’s right.”

  Turning suddenly to him she felt her jaw drop. “What? What are you saying?”

  “We should get married.” He shrugged.

  Saying nothing, Sophia sat in shock. This was not how she imagined this day at all. Flowers, some candles, moonlight, hell anything would be better than this.

  “So….What do you think?” He asked turning more toward her.

  “I—” think this proposal sucks! “Okay, sure. Why not?” She heard herself mutter.

  “Okay. Cool.” He smiled. “How about a year from now? A fall wedding was what you and my mom talked about once. And by then hopefully I’ll be in good with the owner of my work and making way more money.”

  She began to nod, not sure if it was anywhere near convincing. She waited in complete silence as the shock slowly subsided. This could not be happening to her. Out of everything that could have went wrong this was one she hadn’t seen coming. Taking in a deep breath she tried to focus on her sudden fiancé. Unfortunately nothing he said made sense. It was as if he had started speaking in a different language.

  This just wasn’t what she wanted at all. She wasn’t even sure if she could make it to her door. Hell, even if she made it to her door, to her room and into bed, she wasn’t so sure she would be able to sleep tonight.

  “Are you okay?” John asked sounding truly concerned.

  She continued to nod without any perceptive of what was really happening.

  “What’s wrong? Are you going to faint or something?” He wondered with a worried look on his face. “Don’t okay? I don’t want to make a big deal out of this or anything.”

  Still nodding like some kind of bobble head, Sophia glanced out the window. Here she was finally getting her answers of where he stood. She had been trying so hard to find this out. Refusing to give in, and cutting corners to keep him happy. None the less, it wasn’t enough. She found herself wondering if this was really what she wanted, if being married to John was where she wanted her story to end.

  “Sophia!” John called to her. “Stop nodding!”

  “Sorry. This is just so sudden. I’m okay. Fall will be great.” She smiled with false sincerity.

  Giving her a questionable look John smiled back. “Okay, then.”

  “Great! Just perfect!” She couldn’t help think that those just could be her famous last words.

  Tristan Macklin sat behind the desk in one of his smaller stores completely irate. Although he owned multiple stores, this was his first. It was where it had all started. The birthplace of his multimillion dollar company. And now it was smack dab in the middle of an embezzling scheme. His own auditor had stolen over six hundred thousand dollars right out from under his nose.

  Coming from Stirling, Scotland to better his education in Environmental Science and Botany Tristan became more interested in the equipment that was used and the vehicles that transported them from one area to the other. Which started his sports equipment store, ranging in everything from 4-wheelers to GPS systems.

  The store’s business took off from underneath him. Before he knew it he was opening Macklin’s Motor Sports all over the western United States. He found himself opening a few stores in Scotland as well. The money started rolling in by the millions and he could’ve cared less.

  Which now he found to be where he went wrong. He should’ve cared. He should’ve been more careful, more aware. His father always told him he was far too trusting and he had been too right about that. Too busy playing with all the new toys that came in, Tristan didn’t give an ounce of notice to the business and now he was paying for it.

  “Mr. Anderson could be anywhere by now, Mr. Macklin.” An officer who was assigned to the case was saying. “But we will find him.”

  Releasing a heavy sigh, Tristan scratched his brow. “No, I donna think ye will. He has been plan’ this for over a year. He’s probably in Jamaica by now sipping Sangria.”

  “Do they drink Sangria in Jamaica?” His best-friend Kyle Douglas asked half mindedly.

  Shooting his friend a look, he got up from the desk and walk to the window overlooking the store.

  “Sorry, stupid question.” Kyle whispered. Although Kyle was a good man, he was a bit of a Neanderthal. Tristan just assumed it was from all of his bike blunders. No one can roll, flip, or obliterate a machine better then Kyle.

  The officer took a few more notes before he gave one more hopeful appeal, but Tristan knew otherwise. Mr. Anderson was long gone.

  He waved to the officer before closing the office door and regaining his seat behind the desk. “I think I’m going to have to take this one as a life lesson.” He said mostly to himself.

  Nodding his friend started playing with a toy version of the new 4-wheelers that had arrived. “So are you going to move someone up in the company or hire out?”

  “In. Anderson was out. I need someone who has worked for me for a while and knows the company.” He answered honestly. “I just donna know who.”

  While Kyle rattled off a few names, Tristan eye caught something just outside the window. Not something, someone. A perfect someone. She wandered aimlessly through the store as if uninterested in the surroundings.

  Jumping up from the desk, he watched her through the window. Her ebony hair fell in a waterfall of ringlets down her slender back. Soft curves and long legs were barely covered by nice fitting shorts and a tight T-shirt that gave a tiny peek at a slender tummy. He stifled a grown as he watched her weave around the floor models.

  Although she seemed out of her element, she took her time looking at each dirt-bike. Bending over to get a better look at the newest model, Tristan was able to get a lovely glimpse of her beautiful bottom.

  “Excuse me. I think there’s a customer who might need my help.” He announced as he rushed pa
st Kyle and out of the office. Finding her quickly, he kept his eye on her gorgeous little behind while he came up next to her.

  “Can I help ye with something?” He asked hoping his accent might score him some points.

  She turned and nearly brought him to his knees with her amazing green eyes. They reminded him of the hills of Scotland. So deep and earthy he couldn’t speak at first. Then she smiled making the problem worse.

  “No. I’m waiting to pick someone up.” She said in the most angelic voice.

  “Oh? Anyone in particular, or will a Scot work for you?” He asked with a wicked grin.

  She blushed and turned away, causing him to stuff his hands into his pockets to hide his unyielding desire for this unknown beauty. When she glanced back at him the blush had yet to fade.

  “Do you work here? I haven’t seen you before.” She asked with a voice slightly lower than before.

  “Kind of.”

  Dipping her perfect eyebrows she repeated. “Kind of?”

  He smiled, but said nothing further. It wasn’t because he wanted to be mysterious or because he didn’t want her to know that he was the owner. He said nothing because she was so adorable with her face scrunched up in confusion. Heaven help him, he couldn’t resist; he had to know this woman.

  Regrettably, there was one major obstacle about to get in his way.

  Sophia bit down on her lower lip trying not to giggle like an idiot. He had to be one of the most gorgeous men she had ever seen, and it didn’t hurt that he had an accent. Maybe it is his sexy rolled r’s or his smile, whatever it was it had the power to make her contradict everything she believe in relationships. Even though her fiancé was somewhere in the store, all she could think about was what the man before her looked like naked.

  Turning from him once again, she hoped he didn’t notice the red creeping up her cheeks. She needed to get away from this devilishly handsome Scot and find the man she should be thinking about with such erotic force. Surprisingly she couldn’t find the strength to do so.


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