Book Read Free

Then & Now

Page 21

by Kimberly Lowe

  “So, was I out of line sending you this bouquet?” He asked the question as if he had already known the answer.

  “No, of course not!” She answered a little too quickly. God, why did she have to act like such a dupe around him?

  Taking another step toward her he leaned into her space. “You know you’re not as apathetic as you like to make everyone think you are.” He stated simply.

  Crossing her arms in front of her she eyed him carefully. “And what makes you believe that?”

  He chuckled softly. “Your eyes. Anyone paying attention can see how sweet you are. How caring you are.” His voice dropped to almost a whisper as he took another step, which brought him right up close to her. “Because you’re far too sassy to be apathetic.”

  She swallowed almost afraid to say anything. He was so close she could smell his toothpaste. All she had to do was lean slightly and she would be able to taste the mint that tickled her nose.

  Feeling light-headed she backed up slowly. “Sassy. That’s me.” She giggled.


  “Sexy?” She asked stopping her escape. “Did you say sexy?”

  “I’ve been with you for several years, Leya. And I shouldn’t….professionally…” As he rambled she saw what he wanted and it made her dizzy.

  Without thinking she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. When she realized that he wasn’t kissing back she released him and backed away completely mortified.

  “I’m sorry. That was out of line.” She mumbled wanting to run into her closet and never come out. “I thought you were talking about—”

  Before she could finish his mouth was back on hers. Hot and eager he took her with such vigorous passion she clung to him. His tongue caressed hers in ways she had never felt before. Sure she had good kissers in the past but never like this.

  A moan so ravenous thundered from somewhere deep inside her. Wrapping her arms tightly around him she held on wanting more, so much more.

  “Leya, I want you.” He growled over her sensitive lips. “But if you want to take this slow, I will understand.”

  “Screw slow. I’ve been waiting for this for way too long.” She confessed with enthusiasm that had her fearing it might have turned him off.

  Before she knew it she was sprawled out on her bed while he shut and locked her bedroom door. He was back at her side in a matter of seconds removing her cloths carefully, minding her head and ankle.

  Once she was completely naked, his fingers began to touch, stroke, linger in the soft curves of her overly responsive body. Her heart was beating so fiercely in echoed off of her eardrums. She had pictured this so many times in the past. Though anticipating this moment hadn’t been enough to prepare her for thrill of his intense touch to zing through every nerve ending.

  Jasper was nothing like the other men she had been with. He was so much stronger physically as well as emotionally. Even his looks held a more pronounced beauty than any model she had dared bring this far. This change from the predictable male she was used to sharing her bed with, to this unexpected electric desire had her shaking with need.

  Finally his hand reached her famine folds. Her back immediately arched as his thick fingers did all sorts of wonderful things to her tender flesh. She cried out as he toyed with the nub that was more hypersensitive than ever before. Small circles had her climaxing in explosives waves.

  “God, you’re so responsive.” His husky whisper barely made it through her exhilarated fog. “Let’s see what happens when I do this.” He mused replacing his finger with his hot mouth.

  “Oooh!” She moaned with delight. Trying to get a better view she lifted her head. She wanted to watch what he was doing to her, unfortunately the sensations racing throughout her body made it difficult to do nothing more than cry out once again.

  She had never been so orgasmic in her life. Worrying that she might not endure her own excitement much longer she squeezed her eyes closed as he continued bathing her with his tongue.

  Nowhere near an inexperienced woman she found herself acting more like a hesitant virgin then a skilled lover. With Jasper she always imagined herself this way, and yet finally having him here she felt as if being submissive wasn’t an option. She wanted to give as much as she wanted to receive, if not more.

  Inching out from underneath his amazing mouth, she came up on her knees. She shook her head when she realized that he was still fully clothed. “This isn’t fair.” Allowing her voice to slither low and seductively soft she bent on all fours, crawling toward him.

  He stayed in his crutched position, which she realized kept him at perfect view of her swaying breast. She smiled while she came right up on him. Grabbing two fists full of his shirt she arched her brow waiting for his reaction as she ripped it open popping buttons off in result.

  She knew he would be built, though his washboard abs, highly sculpted pecks, and well toned biceps stole her breath. Using her fingertips she gently caressed his bronze skin. The pure perfection of his body resembled a beautiful marble sculpture, yet the soft, warm texture of his skin proved that he was very real.

  As he stood up slowly she came up with him. Kneeling in front of him on her bed she kept herself level with his magnificent structure. Ever so lightly she ran her lips over his hot skin trailing her eager fingers. He tasted better than she ever thought possible.

  “Oh, Leya.” He groaned cupping her head while she continued to devour his flesh. Pulling her back softly he took her mouth with his. His kiss was incredible. It fogged her brain to the point that she hadn’t realized she was laying back down until she felt his weight on top of her.

  Nudging her legs apart he smoothly placed himself against her center. His jeans rubbed crudely long her wet opening while his mouth still hungrily took hers. In a matter of moments she was coming apart for the third time.

  Jasper watched her beautiful face contort into uncontained pleasure as she came for him yet again. Her screams of ecstasy had him nearly joining her. Sitting up he removed his pants and boxers at the same time while he watched her glorious body tremble with exhilaration.

  Smiling down at her he reached for the condom in his back pocket. She sat up quickly taking his hand with the latex. Softly she whispered up to him. “Not yet. I want to taste you.”

  Before he could react her wonderful mouth was on him. Sucking lightly on the tip her hand fastened around his base. She moved her sweet mouth down his ready shaft working him with her wicked tongue and delicate hand to bring him pleasure.

  Afraid that he wouldn’t last much longer he placed his hands on her shoulders trying halfheartedly to push her back. She ignored him and continued on with the brilliant torture.

  When her movements became more frantic and her moans became more alive, he knew that they were both done with the foreplay. Cupping her face he moved her back until she reached the pillows. He ripped the foil packet open with his teeth and then made quick work of sheathing himself with the latex.

  Climbing slowly over her he watched as she dampened her lips with her little pink tongue. His erection was now painful as he took those moistened lips with his. Kissing her delicately, he placed both arms on either side of her head. He gently stroked her hair while he dined on her perfect mouth.

  He leisurely moved himself into position. Never taking his mouth off of hers he dipped the head of his hard member a few millimeters then withdrew. He chuckled at her whimper of protest. Repeating the process once again, he waited until she was ready then surged forward until he claimed her fully.

  Her back arched up pressing her gorgeous breast right into his chest. Slipping down until he reached one taught nipple. He took the precious peak into his mouth and sucked while he pulled out and instantly pushing all the way back to her hilt.

  She climaxed immediately. Her tight release squeezed him deep inside. He held still while she exploded around, holding on to his last reserve. As he began to move again he watched as she trembled with his every stroke.

Oh, Jasper. What are you doing to me?” She whispered between quivers.

  “I’m loving you, sweetheart.” He replied slightly incoherent. She felt better than he had ever imagined. She looked angelic underneath him, almost myth like. Her long legs held him to her while her mouth reclaimed his. With her body responding so fiercely his brain switched into high gear.

  Raising up onto his hands he repositioned himself for better access. He thrust his hips forward and got a cry of pleasure in response. Pulling out slowly he caught his breath. Thrusting again he came instantaneously as she too milked him with a wild orgasm.

  For several moments after they stayed like that, with him draped over her, while she shook violently beneath him. As his mind began to clear he realized two things at once; he was crushing her, and she was crying.

  Rolling onto his side he took her deep into his arms. Kissing every inch of her face he whispered. “Are you okay? Was I too forceful?”

  She giggled up at him. “No. Not at all. In fact that was more beautiful than I ever thought possible.”

  He had to agree. Never in his life did he feel something so perfect, then Leya in his arms. The past few years had been torture. His nights never seemed to end with thoughts of what her gorgeous body would feel like under his hands. He had been right to be in agony. If he would’ve known just how amazing she really felt, he wouldn’t have made it.

  Tilting her head up to meet his he gently pushed lose strands of hair away from her face. She was soft everywhere. From hair to toe he couldn’t keep his hands from caressing each and every inch. Lowering his mouth to hers he teased her lips until she fell asleep in his arms.

  His brain was still slightly fogged over when a familiar sound rang though his head. He blinked a few times trying to figure out what exactly the noise was. Taking in a better view of Leya’s room he realized instantly that it was later in the day. He must have fallen asleep.

  The sound chimed again and he glanced over the side of the large bed to where his pants lay. It was his cell. Lifting his body he heard a small whimper of protest from the angelic creature snuggled against him.

  “Don’t answer it.” Leya purred as she pressed her still naked body against his.

  Groaning, he rolled over and took her deep into his arms. His lips sought out hers receiving adorable moans while he did. Making love to her until they were too weak to move became his only goal as he pulled her on top of him.

  Nearly two hours later he was waken by the thrill of his phone once again. He rubbed a tired hand over his face then snuck a quick look at the digital clock on the nightstand. It was only eight-thirty in the evening and yet it seemed so much later.

  The relentless phone stopped only for a few moments before it started to scream once more making him realize that the call must be urgent. Gently he pulled away from Leya’s peaceful form, wishing he didn’t have to. Slightly irritated he grabbed his pants and removed his cell. Before he left to the bathroom he turned to give her a once over smiling like an idiot as he did.

  Closing the thick door behind him, he flipped open his phone to find that he had missed several calls. A few from a number he didn’t recognize, a few from the home line, and the rest from Victor’s personal line from the guest house.

  A small tremor of unease had him on alert. The intense feeling was old but familiar. Although it had been years since his training, every instinct became charged. Something was wrong he could feel it.

  Dialing Victor’s number he waited one ring before his friend answered. “Where are you?”

  “I’m in the house.” He answered keeping it as low-key as possible.

  “With Leya?”


  “Is she with anyone?”

  “No.” The tension in the older man’s voice pushed Jasper over the edge. “Victor what is it?” He asked fearing that he already knew the answer.

  “He’s out. The hospital called to warn us.” Victor said gravely.

  Pinching the bridge of his nose, Jasper tried to make sense of his friend’s statement. “What do you mean ‘he’s out’?”

  “Apparently he had one of the nurses helping him. She got him out only to be strangled and left for dead.” Victor informed sounding disoriented. “He’s coming here, Jasper. He wants her.”

  Opening the bathroom door he gave the room a quick look. This was why he had been hired. Why Leya’s mother begged from him to stay, to be her guard. To guard her from him.

  Grabbing his pants from the floor, Jasper balanced the phone between his ear and shoulder. “Are you sure?” He asked not wanting to hear the truth.

  “They found letters that he had left behind. They even found some of the other letters that were thrown out.” Victor took a breath before saying. “Jasper, it gets pretty cryptic on the details of what will happen when he gets her back.”

  Every nerve ending tensed at his words. “Get her back?”

  “Yes. The letter’s talk about how although she was beautiful she still held the untrue and toxic beauty that her mother had.” He paused as if reading from the actual letters. “He talks about her losing her beauty will change her for the better so he will cut her face so that she won’t be corrupt by the physical.”

  Cut her face? What in hell? “Victor, do you have one of the letters with you now?” Jasper asked as he fastened his pants.

  “I’m sorry…” The older man whispered over the line. “I didn’t want her to see them.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “They came a few days ago. I thought he sent them from the hospital…he’s done it before. But then I realized they had no postage.” Victor’s grim answer had Jasper opening her bedroom door and down the hall to his own room in a matter of seconds.

  Pulling out his semi-automatic pistol he checked the clip before returning back to Leya’s room. He gave Victor quick instructions to pack light and grab one of her many cars and meet them in the front, before he signed off. Turning on the overhead light he moved to her side of the bed.

  She blinked awake looking well loved and slightly confused. “Jasper? What’s wrong?”

  He ignored the husky sound of her beautiful voice. “We have to leave, baby.”

  “Leave?” She giggled. “Where?”

  “To somewhere I think you’ll really like. Hurry and pack, okay? We’re leaving in ten minutes.” Kissing her forehead he moved quickly around the room.

  “Why are we leaving so soon?” Her question followed him to the door.

  Turning to see that angelic face twisted up into concern he winked to help ease her. “I’ll explain everything on the way. Alright? Just hurry, baby girl.”

  He rushed down the hall to pack his own bag knowing that it wasn’t his place to say anything. He would let Victor tell her. Then he would be there to hold her when she realized that everyone had lied to her.

  Just hurry, baby girl. Shaking her head Leya slowly climbed out of bed. Where in the world did he plan to take her? And why was he in such a hurry? Maybe he was taking her away for the weekend.

  Excitement raced through her while she hurried into her closet. Pulling on a close fitted sweeter and jeans she wondered where he was going to take her. He did say that she would like it. Every inch of her body ached in the most wonderful ways. If he felt the need to sweep her away to some exotic location just to make her ached all over again, then fine by her.

  Grabbing only her most sexy clothing she couldn’t contain the smile that took over. Alone with Jasper for the whole weekend doing nothing but keeping each other satisfied had her on cloud nine.

  The smell of something burning suddenly caught her attention. Leaving the room she headed down the stairs to the long hallway to the kitchen. The stench of smoke had her moving a little faster. As she came into the vast kitchen she noticed the back sliding door along with the screen, stood open with the long certain following slightly in the late evening breeze.

  “Victor?” She called out when she saw eggs sitting on a red burner without a pan
as if dropped unexpectedly. While a coffee cup lay on its side spilling its contents down the countertop.

  A hand suddenly snake around her waist and mouth. “Victor isn’t here.” The deep male voice hummed into the shell of her ear.

  She knew without turning to see who had her that it wasn’t Jasper. Fear seized her lungs when the scene before her rapidly sunk in. She took slow breaths through her nose as she eyed the sizzling eggs only a few feet away.

  “Walk with me to the door, little sis. I have something for you to see.” The man behind her said happily.

  Little sis? She wanted to ask him why he called her that, but unfortunately her mouth was still covered. Without any effort on his part her captor had her out the door and into the woods behind her house before he let her go.

  She spun to see his face only to be caught off guard by his boyish good looks. In the rose colored night fall he looked like a fashion model or actor. Her brain raced to think if she had dated him in the past. It would make sense for him to be so disgruntled. She had a knack of pissing off many men his kind.

  “Hello, Leya. It’s been awhile.” He smiled as he handed her a flashlight.

  Nothing sparked to mind. No. No, she had never dated this man before. Maybe he was one of several that she had turned down.

  “You don’t remember me do you?” He asked with an eerie chuckle. “Didn’t think so. But that’s not your fault. I blame Victor and that big boy friend of yours. They have been keeping you from me. Just like mom and dad.”

  Jumping back she flipped the switch of the small flashlight. Aiming the beam at his face she saw her father’s eyes staring back at her. “W-what?”

  “It’s okay, little sis. I doubt you were told much about me. Apparently I’m crazy.” He laughed as he lifted his hands to the sides of his face wiggling his fingers. “They locked me up and everything. Truth was that mom wanted that perfect child and dad let her decide that you were more perfect then me.”

  “Wait….No. You’re not…” But as she tried to deny it the reality hit her hard.


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