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WEREWOLF ROMANCE: Forgotten Flower (Paranormal BBW Menage Romance)

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by kindledromance

  © Copyright 2015 by Rebecca Blanc - All rights reserved.

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  Are you listening to me?

  Really listening?

  I have a secret to share with you.

  But I need to make sure that you’re going to be the one I can share it with.

  Can you keep a secret?

  Well I’ve been dead over 1,000 years and only now starting to remember what really happened on that fateful day when I read my very last romance book.

  Only now am I starting to piece together the events that led to my unforgettable death and the story that shook a nation.

  Be aware that this story too may contain scenes of revenge, intimacy, heartbreak and struggle.

  Be aware not to fall into the trap as I did.

  You are about to embark on a journey!

  You can CHOOSE to get caught up in these stories or not.

  Don’t make the same mistake that I did and get trapped in the story. Otherwise you might end up being a “ghost-writer” too!

  Life is really simple I believe and I hope you remember that too. In your own life and in the lives of the characters you are about to embark on.

  Please remember to check in with me at the end of the book and leave a review on Amazon, letting me know how I can continue to serve you and that beautiful imagination of yours!

  Happy Reading!

  Werewolf Romance

  Forgotten Flower

  Secret Shades of the Alpha Blood Series Book 1/3

  Rebecca Blanc

  Werewolf Romance: Forgotten Flower

  Chapter One

  I couldn’t believe I was here. Of course, Rayne dragged me here, and I know that it was only going to get worse with time. I wasn’t really the clubbing type. I was more of the sitting around and chilling out with friends type. It was certainly something. I didn’t feel like being here, but of course I was doing it for my best friend and fellow student Rayne Grants. I did a lot of things for her, including sitting in places like this. I mean, she was into the club and everything, and most of the time I was hanging around with her and making sure that she was okay. But this wasn’t my scene, and I felt like I needed something new. Tonight I really wished that I had someone, because if I did see someone tonight who piqued my interest I would be happy as a clam. Little did I know that the person I was looking for would show up tonight, and my life would change for the better.

  I didn’t feel interested in the lights and flashy sounds of this. Rather, I felt bored to death. But of course, she was gone from the moment we walked in, telling me that I would be fine on my own. Yeah, whatever.

  I stood in the corner, watching everything that was happening. I didn’t like this at all, and it bothered me that I was dragged here on a school night with my best friend. Of course Rayne barely cared about her grades. She was more interested in who she could bang than anything else. I loved the woman to death, but she needed to get her damn priorities straight.

  The thumping of the music was bothering me. This wasn’t what I wanted, and it certainly wasn’t what I wanted to engage in tonight. I looked around the club as well, surveying the scene and the people around here. Of course, they all seemed to be pretty chill, but none were my type. All of them seemed to be here for one thing and one thing only, which was sex. I mean, I loved sex and all, but I didn’t want to come to the club to just pick up some dude that I would probably never see ever again.

  There was a presence behind me though, and it was one that made me feel strange. I turned around, my wispy dark hair almost getting caught in my face. I also knew that most guys weren’t into me because I wasn’t one of the typical basic white girls either. I was an ethnic beauty, and although I was treated a bit differently, I didn’t care I was wearing a tear tank top and tight black jeans with kitten heels. However, the hunk in front of me immediately made me wonder if it was okay to find love like this in the club. I mean, I certainly thought so.

  He was attractive, that’s for sure. He was about six feet tall, with a muscular build that I knew girls would envy him for. He also had soft brown hair, blue eyes, and a nice façade. He was so out of place here, because instead of being some guy that was waiting for a girl to come to him, he was just standing there looking like he didn’t care whether or not a girl did grace his presence. And in a way I kind of liked that. I felt like we were in the same boat.

  “Hello there,” I said.

  “Hello to you too as well. You look mad,” the man said.

  I blushed at his words. It wasn’t that I was mad per se, it was more of the fact that I would rather eat dirt than be at a place like this. I don’t do the seedy club scene that looks like something out of a mafia movie. Not my thing.

  “Well I am pretty bored. I’m not really the clubbing type,” I mused.

  “I see. I guess we’re two birds of a feather then,” he said.

  “I guess. I mean, I don’t even know you but if you don’t like this place I guess we’re similar,” I replied.

  The man smiled at me, and when I saw that smile, I felt like my whole body had melted. He was super cute, definitely something that I enjoyed looking at. Plus, he didn’t seem to only be here for sex, but rather he was as out of place as I was.

  “Well I guess you don’t want to be here either,” he mused.

  “Not really. A friend dragged me here. She’s the redhead in the corner,” I said.

  “Well I guess he met my friend Walton. That bastard is too busy chasing tail and brings me along for the ride. Even though the guy knows that I hate clubs more than anything,” he said.

  “Join the club. Pun not intended. I don’t think I could ever get together with someone in a club. I mean, the person may be nice and shit, but it feels wrong, and honestly kind of dirty. I would love to get to know a person better outside of a space like this. It’s really not an ideal place to be picking up dudes or chicks,” I said.

  “I completely agree. See, I wish more people were like you. But then again, I don’t want that because then I wouldn’t be able to talk to you like this,” he said.

  I laughed. “I get that. I’m Casey by the way. Casey Jackson,” I said.

  “Hello there. I’m Dexter,” he replied.

  “That’s kind of an ironic name for you,” I mused. I mean, I always expect guys named Dexter to be really nerdy and dorky. Well, he did have that soft nerd vibe to him, but he was also insanely attractive.

  “Well I hope I can live up to your standards my dear,” he cooed.

  “You’re definitely fine right now,” I said.

  “So what brings you here? I mean to the area, not the friend,” he asked.

  “Well I’m a student at the college nearby. What about you? You seem to be too well-dressed for this place,” I asked.

  “Well I actually work in the area. I’m a business owner. You know that little law office nearby? Yeah, I own that and som
e of the other real estate in the area. I’m a man who runs a real estate business, and I make sure I keep what’s mine,” he replied.

  I nodded. “Wow, that’s pretty cool,” I said.

  “I guess. It has its ups and downs. I have another job as well, but I would rather…not go into it,” he said.

  What was he hiding? This seemed strange, at least to me. I mean, I am all for having a mysterious past and shit, but there was something about this guy that made me wonder.

  “Can you tell me about it?” I asked.

  “Not at the moment. It’s a bit complicated so to speak. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea,” he explained.

  Oh, so he’s one of those. I mean, I guess once we get closer and become better friends, maybe he’ll talk to me about it.

  “Fine. So do you want to get the hell out of here?” I asked.

  “That would be delightful. I was thinking we could head down to the boardwalk. At least there we can talk about things and not have to be disturbed by that dreadful music,” he said.

  I laughed at that. “You think the music is trashy too?” I asked.

  “Very trashy. I mean, I like some music that is techno, but that was just bad. Like I could probably go up there and bust my own beats and create better music,” he replied.

  I laughed at that. The image of him doing that sort of thing was kind of silly, that’s for sure.

  “Well I guess we should get the fuck out of here then,” I said.

  “I think that’s a lovely idea,” he replied.

  The two of us went out the door, and I could tell that Rayne would be there until the end of the night. She would probably get someone to drive her home, which made my life all the more easier. I mean, that meant that I didn’t have to take care of her and shit. I loved her, but she was like an adult child in every sense of the word at times, and it annoyed the living shit out of me. But it was nice actually meeting someone at the club for once who wasn’t a scumbag. Dexter was pretty cute, but he was also a good man and a great friend, which added to the charm.

  The two of us made it down the boardwalk until we got to a small vendor that was selling ice cream. He turned to me, smiling.

  “I’ll buy you a treat if that’s okay,” he said.

  “Sure. Thanks,” I replied.

  He bought me some ice cream, sitting down across from me. We didn’t really say much at first due to the ice cream, but eventually I did like it.

  “This is good,” I said.

  “Sure is. Glad I could make you happy. When I first saw you, you seemed pissed about something,” he mused.

  “Yeah, more like annoyed that I was getting dragged here yet again. I love my best friend, but goddamn she’s dense. I don’t have the heart to tell her that her hobbies suck and I don’t want to be a part of them, but it’s very hard to do that. I mean, I’ve been friends with her for a long time, and it just makes the whole debacle that much more awkward,” I said.

  “I get that. I mean, that’s how my friend is. We’re like brothers, and I wanted to talk with him about something important, but I wasn’t able to. Of course, he’ll get an earful of it tomorrow,” he explained.

  I wondered what Dexter was talking about. He seemed worried about something, but the question was, what the hell was he thinking about.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to tell me what’s going on?” I asked.

  “Positive. I just want to have a good night with you. I don’t want my little problems to be the turn-off of the night. I mean, it’s nothing. Just don’t worry about it,” he said.

  I nodded, trying to tell myself that it was nothing. But I had a hunch that there was something else there. I know he said snot to worry, but dammit I was worrying at this point. But I know that he meant well, he’s just bad with explaining shit.

  “So now what?” I asked.

  “I guess now we can talk about other shit. So what made you want to do schooling here?” he asked.

  “Well, they have a great nursing program, and I want to help other people out,” I replied. I mean, I am the type who is a glutton for helping others. It’s kind of in my blood, and it’s the sole reason for living at times.

  “That’s pretty amazing. I love it when someone feels happy and satisfied that they can help others. It’s a good thing, and I admire it greatly. I try to help others as well, but I’m the type who likes to be in control,” he said.

  “Oh, so a dominant type,” I teased.

  “Yes. You’re correct my dear,” he said with a dark tone of voice. God it was hot, I had to admit.

  “Well I like the strong types like that. It certainly makes things...interesting that’s for sure. I mean, I don’t want to freak you out or anything, but it does,” I explained.

  “Oh I know. I can already tell that you’re trying your best to idea what you’re really thinking,” he mused.

  Did he know that I liked him? Damn, I was trying to be subtle about it, but I was failing miserably.

  “Was it that obvious?” I asked.

  “Oh quite. But I don’t want you to do anything with me just yet. I feel like it’s more fitting to get to know one another first before diving into that whole mess. I mean, there is more here than you think, and I’m not just the type of guy who thinks that it’s nothing, I know the truth and I’m scared to tell you,” he said.

  I nodded, confused by that. What was he talking about? What was the truth of the situation at hand? It was kind of scary to think about it, but I guess there is something here that he would rather not talk with me about just yet. I can respect that, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not interested in it.

  “Well if you ever feel the urge to want to Tellme, you can,” I said.

  “As do you. But I’ll definitely be there for you. You’ve caught my attention, and I want to befriend you,” he said.

  “Same. I don’t know, you’re kind of a breath of fresh air to be honest. I’ve been hanging around people that only care about the debauchery of the situation than anything else, and the fact that you seem pretty cool overall makes things better,” I said.

  “Well thank you. You’re pretty amazing yourself. I feel a connection with you that I don’t feel with anything else,” he said.

  I blushed. I mean, I didn’t want to fall too fast, but damn it was getting harder and harder to deal with. I felt like he was trying to get me to do something with him, but it was sure that we would wait for the right moment.

  “Well it was pretty amazing to talk to you,” I said.

  “It was great talking to you as well. I want to do this again. But as friends. I’m a bit worried about going too fast with this,” he said.

  “I agree,” I replied.

  I’m really bad with the concept of actually being with someone. I mean, I’m bad with flirting and awkward as balls, so I guess it’s best if I don’t tread too deep into those waters yet. It’s for the best.

  “Well let me give you my number. We can talk again real soon,” he chirped.

  We exchanged numbers and then parted ways, with me going one way and him another. I only turned around for a second to look at him, but the only thing I could hear was the sound of multiple footsteps. It was strange, but it was like he disappeared off the face of the earth.

  “That was strange,” I mused. I never thought that sort of thing would happen to me, but I guess it’s what happens when you meet someone strange. I mean, I guess he’ll explain to me what’s going on later, but for now I was happy.

  I made my way back to the club, and I told Rayne I was heading home. She did her usual routine, stating that I was chicken shit and a total pussy for not staying here, and that I needed a man, but honestly I didn’t give a flying fuck what she thought. Right now, I had another thing on my mind, or in this case a person, and I wanted to get to know him better. I was curious about this man, and I would stop at nothing to get to know him better. Maybe I did like him, maybe it was just a friendship, but there was something that intrigued me regarding D
exter, and there was something that made me want to get to know him even more.

  Chapter Two

  Dexter and I texted each other almost all the time, talking about everything. He was very easy to talk to over text, and it was nice in a way. But there was always that sort of awkward moment that we had with one another, the kind that made us want to force the other to spit out the truth. I was trying to hide that I really liked him, but I don’t know what he was hiding. Was there something he was refusing to tell me? Something that I would be better off not knowing? I honestly didn’t know because I felt like thee was a wall up, and it bothered me a little bit.

  After class one day, I waited for Rayne, who was hung over and needed me to talk her to the dorm. It was silly, I know, and a part of me wanted to leave Rayne to the side, but I felt bad. She was my best friend, and although she was a handful at times, I did love her to death.

  I took her to her dorm, and she looked at me with a weak smile.

  “Thanks Casey. You deal with my shit all the time,” she mumbled.

  “That’s because you’re my best friend,” I replied.

  “Well thanks. I couldn’t have done it without you. By the way, who was that guy you were talking to last week at the club? I saw the two of you get up and walk away so I assumed it was some hunk that you met, but I had no idea who it was,” she asked.

  I blushed. It was a bit harder to explain to her who he was than I expected, but I knew that it would be best to tell her.

  “He was a guy that I met. Name’s Dexter,” I said.


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