Book Read Free

Girl on the Platform

Page 3

by Josephine Cox

  She went quietly away. ‘So, you’re the one, are you? My brother was right…you do seem like a bit of a handful.’

  She quickened her step, her eyes alight with mischief. ‘I think I should teach you a lesson for talking about me like that,’ she murmured, ‘…one you will not forget in a hurry.’

  Chapter Four

  Some time later, Pete and Mark climbed into a taxi. Showered and shaved, they looked ready for anything.

  ‘I hope the show is as good as everyone says.’

  ‘Stop moaning!’ Pete gave him a dig in the ribs. ‘It’ll be an experience if nothing else.’

  Arriving at the Adelphi Theatre, they clambered out of the taxi. Mark was still grumbling as Pete paid the driver.

  ‘If it gets boring, I’m off to the clubs!’ Mark mumbled as they went inside.

  ‘Give it a rest!’ Pete strode on ahead. ‘I hope you don’t intend grumbling and moaning all night!’

  ‘I’m just saying, that’s all!’

  ‘Well, you’ve had your say, so now shut up and enjoy.’

  As it turned out, they enjoyed the show from beginning to end, and afterwards it was all they could talk about. ‘That was amazing!’ The two of them chatted excitedly about the great night they were having.

  They hailed a passing taxi, and the greyhaired driver pulled his cab into the side of the kerb. ‘Where to, mate?’ he shouted through the open window.

  For the first time, Mark and Pete realised they knew nothing about London clubs. They had no idea where to go, or which one might be the best. ‘We’re looking for a good club,’ Mark told him hopefully.

  ‘And not too expensive, because we’re a bit short of cash,’ Pete cut in.

  The driver scratched his head. ‘Get in, and we’ll see what we can find, how’s that?’

  Half an hour later, they were driving through Soho. One by one they dismissed the clubs; one was too scruffy; one had a group of thugs hanging about outside; one was too quiet and now they were beginning to lose heart. ‘Look, we’re not so short of money that we can only afford the worst dive in London!’ Mark groaned. ‘Surely you’ve an idea where there’s a small lively club with something going on?’

  ‘Maybe!’ The driver went to the top of the street and turned right. Half a mile further on, he stopped at a side street. ‘There y’ go…Andy’s Place…cheap and popular, with the best music in town.’

  ‘So why didn’t you bring us here first?’ Pete asked.

  ‘Well, sometimes you might find one or two unsavoury characters lurking about and looking for trouble. Now and again a street woman might pop in looking for business if you know what I mean?…But as a rule, they’re sent packing. So as long as you don’t encourage them, you’ve nothing to worry about.’

  Jumping out of the cab, they paid the driver and sauntered up to the front door. ‘So far, this has been a great night out,’ Mark laughed. ‘I wouldn’t mind coming back to see another show.’

  Once they were inside the club however, all Mark could talk about was his chance of pulling a great-looking girl.

  Having got himself and Pete a beer, Mark glanced about. ‘This place is full of pretty girls.’

  Clutching his pint, he turned towards the dance floor, where swarms of clubbers were writhing to the throb of the music in a weird kind of frenzy.

  Eyes bright, Mark took a long, leisurely sip of his beer. ‘You know what, Pete?’

  ‘What now?’

  ‘I reckon our luck’s in tonight.’ Mark peered hopefully across the dance floor. ‘It looks to me, like most of the girls are on their own, or having a girls’ night out with their mates.’

  Pete wiped his finger up the side of his glass to collect the leaking froth and glanced about. ‘You could be right.’ Licking his finger, he then put his glass to his mouth, and took a long, deep drink.

  ‘If I had a voice like that Lee bloke from the musical, I’d have the girls falling at my feet,’ Mark boasted.

  Pete laughed. ‘D’you reckon?’

  Mark nodded. ‘Too right!’

  ‘See that girl over there?’ He pointed to a blonde in skimpy white shorts and a low-cut pink top.

  Pete nodded. ‘You can hardly miss her.’

  ‘Well, she’s mine. So hands off!’

  ‘She’s got a bloke with her…’ Pete pointed to the guy at the other end of the bar. ‘He’s only left her to get himself a pint.’

  ‘No. You’ve got it wrong. He’s not with that girl. He’s with the blonde, who I think might be his sister?’

  Mark shook his head. ‘I don’t think so.

  ‘Just don’t go pushing in where you’re not wanted.’

  Ignoring Pete’s warning, Mark pointed to the man again. ‘Look! He’s back with the darkhaired one.’

  Pete nodded, ‘Okay, but like I said, make sure of your ground before you make a move.’

  Mark gave him a friendly shove. ‘Stop worrying! I know what I’m doing. I’m not an absolute prat!’

  Pete laughed. ‘You could have fooled me!’

  Pete went silent.

  Mark thought he knew why Pete had gone quiet. ‘You’re still thinking about that girl on the platform, aren’t you?’

  ‘I might be.’

  ‘You are!’

  ‘Okay, so I am.’

  Mark could not understand it. ‘What’s wrong with you? You’ve only seen her the once, and even that was from a distance! A couple of times I talked to you at the show, and you were miles away. It’s like she’s imprinted on your mind.’

  He had never seen Pete so preoccupied. ‘Either it really is love at first sight, or she’s a witch, and she’s put you under her spell.’ Waving his fingers, he made a ghostly sound.

  Pete warned him off. ‘Don’t talk rubbish!’

  But Mark was worried. ‘Think about it, mate. She could be married anyway. Or she might be a nasty piece of work no one would touch with a barge pole.’

  Pete had already considered all these things. ‘All right. You’ve made your point. Now change the subject, will you?’

  ‘I’m sorry, mate,’ Mark apologised. ‘I was only thinking of you. I mean…you don’t know that girl from Adam.’

  ‘I thought I asked you to change the subject?’

  ‘Okay, keep your hair on.’ Mark knew when to stop, and he did.

  ‘Fancy another drink?’ Slapping a fiver into Mark’s hand, Pete asked, ‘Get me a lager, will you?’

  Downing his pint, Mark brought two more. ‘We’ll finish these and wait a few minutes. Then I’m thinking I should make a move on the blonde girl.’

  Pete went along with the idea. ‘Right! You go for her, and I’ll chat up the other one.’

  ‘Like I said…it’s our lucky night.’

  ‘Okay, okay!’ Pete gestured towards the dance-floor. ‘The bloke’s back!’

  Mark was curious. ‘Look there! He’s brought the dark-haired one back with him.’ Now all three were dancing together.

  ‘Best leave them to it then, eh?’ Pete said. ‘We don’t want to start world war three.’

  While Mark was watching the three of them, a young auburn-haired girl was watching him. After a while she caught his eye and smiled at him.

  ‘Hey, Pete!’ Mark couldn’t help grinning. ‘Did you see that? I pulled without even trying!’

  While Mark danced with the auburn-haired girl, Pete was content to stay on the sidelines and watch. He was fascinated by the other three. One minute the bloke was dancing with the blonde, and the next he was dancing with the dark-haired girl.

  Wandering to the far end of the bar, he sat on the stool, lost in thoughts of that lonely girl seated on the platform bench. He could not understand why he was so smitten with her. She hadn’t even looked at him. But something had drawn him to her, and now he couldn’t think about anything else.

  ‘Maybe Mark is right,’ he thought aloud, ‘maybe she really is a witch.’

  ‘I hope you’re not talking about me?’ A soft voice invaded his though

  Startled, he swung round to see a pretty face looking up at him. Tall and willowy, she was wearing white jeans and a dark, fitted top that followed her every curve. ‘I’m sorry…’ he smiled down at her, ‘I was just thinking aloud.’

  The girl moved closer. ‘So, who’s this witch you were talking about?’

  Pete felt foolish. ‘Oh, it’s just some girl.’

  ‘Not a witch then?’ Her eyes seemed to melt right into his.

  He gave a soft, nervous laugh. ‘I hope not.’

  ‘Who is she then?’

  Pete shrugged. ‘Like I said…she’s just a girl.’

  ‘Is she your girl?’

  ‘No.’ But oh, how he wished she was.

  Encouraged, she closed in on him. ‘Do you have a girlfriend?’

  Pete shook his head. ‘Not at the minute, no.’

  ‘Are you looking for someone?’

  He gazed down at the pretty face and wondered if she was just playing games with him. ‘I might be. Why? Are you offering?’

  She smiled. ‘You never know.’

  ‘Would you like a drink?’

  ‘Thank you, no.’ She leaned towards him. ‘You can ask me if I need a friend though.’

  ‘Well, do you…need a friend, I mean?’

  ‘Why?’ She had a definite look in her eye. ‘Do you want to be my friend?’

  Pete shrugged. ‘That depends.’

  ‘On what?’

  ‘On whether you’re using me to make a boyfriend jealous. Are you?’

  She laughed out loud. ‘Aren’t you the cagey one?’

  ‘You still haven’t answered my question.’

  She shifted nearer. ‘Look…’ Laying her hand on his arm, she told him quietly but firmly, ‘I do not have a boyfriend. Nor am I the kind of girl who would use one man, to get at another.’

  She took hold of his hand and drew him off the stool. Without a word, she led him across the room, and through the door on the far side.

  Pete went with her willingly. He could feel the warmth of her hand in his; but it was the other girl who filled his thoughts.

  From across the dance floor Mark was surprised to see them leave. ‘Where’s he off to?’

  ‘Who?’ The auburn-haired girl followed Mark’s gaze, in time to see Pete and the girl leaving.

  ‘That’s my mate,’ Mark explained. ‘I just wondered where he was going with that girl’

  ‘Her name is Maggie,’ she told him with a giggle. ‘She’s the landlord’s daughter, and that door leads to their private quarters.’ Snuggling up to him, she whispered, ‘I hope your friend knows what he’s doing, because I hear Maggie has a huge appetite…if you know what I mean?’

  Mark laughed. ‘In that case, she’ll probably take his mind off that other woman.’

  ‘What other woman’

  ‘A woman he hasn’t even met yet.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  Mark smiled at her. ‘Never you mind.’

  They enjoyed the music and the dancing, and when Mark commented on Pete being gone for so long, she laughed. ‘I told you Maggie had a huge appetite.’

  ‘What about you?’ he asked. ‘What’s your appetite like?’

  ‘Good enough, I expect.’

  ‘So, do you fancy going through that door?’


  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because my boyfriend’s just arrived, and I’d hate for him to beat the pulp out of you.’ With that, she ran over to where the guy was already making a beeline for Mark, an ominous expression on his face and his fists clenched tight.

  Mark might have squared up to him, but one look told him to back off. ‘Oh, God!’ Over six feet tall with bulging muscles, the ‘boyfriend’ was baying for blood. ‘Time to go!’

  He began a hasty exit towards the main door, but the guy beat him to it. ‘In a hurry are we?’

  ‘Leave him alone!’ The auburn-haired girl got between the two of them. ‘He’s no threat to you,’ she yelled, ‘…he’s gay.’

  ‘Like hell he is!’ The blond guy with the two girls pushed his way through. ‘I’ve been watching this creep! He’s not gay. He’s been eyeing my girls all night. I’ll teach him a lesson he’ll never forget!’

  Before he could get to Mark, an almighty noise erupted from overhead. There was the sound of a woman’s voice screaming, and what seemed like furniture being thrown about. ‘That’s Maggie!’ The barman set off at a run towards the private quarters. ‘Quick, she’s at it again!’

  Pandemonium followed, with everyone running up the stairs with Mark in front. ‘Run for it, Pete!’ he kept on shouting. ‘Run for it!’ Then somebody clapped him round the ear and deafened him.

  Upstairs, the barman put his shoulder to the door and burst into the room. There was Maggie, with Pete at her mercy.

  Handcuffed to the bed, his shirt torn to shreds and his trousers round his ankles, Pete looked terrified. ‘Get her off me!’ he screamed, ‘she’s a bloody maniac!’

  There was an outburst of laughter as the barman wrenched them apart. ‘I’ve told you before…’ he warned Maggie, ‘…some men don’t enjoy the things you do. Now unlock the handcuffs and behave yourself.’ Pete lurched off the bed and the barman threw him across the room. When Pete’s trousers tripped him up, the bloke with the two girls dragged him to his feet and slung him head-first onto the landing.

  ‘Take your poncy friend and don’t ever show your faces here again!’ Grabbing Pete and Mark by the scruff of the neck, the bloke sent them crashing down the stairs. They landed in a heap at the bottom, and the bloke called a warning. ‘If I do see you again, we’ll lock you both inside and let Maggie loose on you.’

  As the pair fled down the street, with Pete tripping and falling as he tried to pull up his trousers, the sound of hearty laughter echoed after them.

  ‘Taxi!’ The B&B was close enough to walk to, but they needed a quick getaway. By the time Mark hailed a taxi, Pete had managed to pull up his trousers. ‘Leila’s guest house, and hurry please.’ Mark dragged Pete into the taxi. ‘My mate here is feeling a little worse for wear.’ He laughed out loud.

  The driver grinned to himself. He recognised the signs—hair standing on end; the bewildered look and the trousers at half-mast. He glanced at Pete through his driving mirror. ‘Looks to me like you’ve had a tussle with our Maggie.’

  ‘You could say that,’ Pete zipped up his trousers, ‘how did you guess?’

  ‘Let’s just say, we’ve all been there.’

  Frantically running his hands through his hair, Pete played it cool. ‘I don’t want to talk about it,’ he said. ‘Just get me away from here.’

  ‘That’s enough!’ While Mark fell about laughing, Pete was not amused. ‘Just shut it! Get me back to the B&B.’

  The landlady was waiting at the door. ‘You look like you had a good night!’ she taunted as Pete hobbled in. ‘Ooh! You didn’t meet Mad Maggie by any chance, did you?’

  When Mark slyly nodded, she gave Pete a wicked smile. ‘Oh, dear! I could have warned you about her. That one has a bad reputation, for bringing the men down to size…so to speak.’

  ‘I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.’ Pete gave her a shrivelling glance as he headed for the stairs. ‘I know nothing about any Mad Maggie!’

  ‘Goodnight,’ she said cheerily, ‘sleep well.’

  Mark hung about, looking at her with sheep’s eyes, wanting to say something, but lacking the courage.

  After locking the door behind them, she gave Mark a little wink and was quickly gone.

  ‘Did you see that?’ Mark said, catching Pete up on the stairs.

  ‘See what?’ Pete was in no mood for conversation.

  ‘She winked at me!’

  ‘Don’t be daft!’ Pete tripped up the step. ‘She probably had a speck of dirt in her eye.’

  ‘No! You’re wrong. She really fancies me.’

  Pete continued to crawl up the stairs. ‘Rather you than me! I’m finished with w
omen from now on.’

  ‘What about that girl on the platform then?’

  Pete shrugged. In fact, thinking about the girl on the platform was the only way he had kept sane while Maggie was taking him apart.

  ‘Will you be all right?’ Mark wondered, as he escorted Pete to his room. ‘Do you need me to stay in with you tonight?’

  Pete leapt to his feet. ‘Do I hell! The last thing I need is to wake up with a bloke!’

  ‘Don’t you start!’ Mark’s feelings were hurt. ‘You ungrateful sod! I’m only looking out for you.’

  ‘Sorry. I really am grateful, but I’m okay. Once I’m in that bed, I’ll be out like a light.’

  ‘Right, well, if you feel ill in the night, come and get me.’

  ‘There’ll be no need for that.’ Wincing, Pete gingerly touched his ribcage. ‘Though to tell you the truth, I reckon she might have broken a few bones.’

  ‘Shouldn’t we go to hospital…get you checked out?’

  ‘What, and have them question me? I don’t think so!’

  ‘Goodnight then…or should I say Good morning.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘It’s half past midnight.’

  ‘This business about Mad Maggie, and all that…’

  Mark grinned. ‘What about it?’

  ‘I want you to promise that you’ll never talk about it to anyone back home.’

  ‘If that’s what you want.’ Mark chuckled.

  ‘I want you to promise!’

  ‘I’ve already said, haven’t I?’

  ‘Not properly. I want you to promise!’

  Mark groaned. ‘Give it a rest!’

  Terrified, Pete grabbed him by the lapels. ‘You’re not to say anything. Promise me, dammit!’

  ‘Okay, okay! If that’s what you want.’

  ‘It is.’

  ‘Then I promise.’ Mark shook himself free and started chuckling again. ‘It was funny though. You should have seen your face—handcuffed to the bed like that…’ When he saw the menacing look on Pete’s face he stood back. ‘All right, all right! I won’t tell a soul!’

  Pete nodded. ‘Thanks, mate.’

  ‘What for?’

  ‘For getting me back, and giving me your word, and all that.’


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