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Ashes of the Realm: Book 04 - The Return of the Realm

Page 9

by Saxon Andrew

  Trey looked at Cassie and she thought, “This is moving faster than I can get a feel. The real question we must answer is; do we trust her?”

  Trey looked at Danielle and saw she was willing to do whatever he decided. “How can those ships help us?”

  “I’m going to assume when we go after those Black Ships in the four universes that if we start to get the best of them they will be withdrawn and then used with the Demons when they attack. You’ll need as much help as possible to keep the Black Ships at Bay while the Robbins handles the Demons.”

  Trey ran the possibilities through his mind and then looked at Tag, “What do you think about this?”

  “You and Cassie have it wrong.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s not whether or not you can trust Danielle. She and I are now part of the Empire. It’s whether or not you can trust the Realm’s Rulers.”

  Trey jerked his head toward Valerie and Jake and knew Tag was right. Valerie looked at Jake and said, “I hereby abdicate the throne of the Stars Realm and I name the Emperor of the Bristone Empire to succeed me.”

  Danielle clapped her hands, “Bravo, Valerie. Did you see that on your own?”

  “No, Jake saw it.”

  Trey looked at Jake and he said, “The Realm died. It’s time we made what remains of it into something worth saving.”

  Trey said, “I don’t know if the members of the Realm will accept strangers as their rulers.”

  Danielle smiled, “It really doesn’t matter if they do or don’t. We’re going to swear Ross’s loyalty to the Empire and tell the others that they are on their own. If they choose to join us they will have to prove that they can follow the principles of the Empire. They are going to have to prove they are worthy of membership.”

  Cassie smiled, “Just like the Worlds of the Alliance had to do when the Realm was first established.”

  Tag said, “Exactly like that.”

  Trey said, “We won’t make any changes in the Realm’s structure until after we resolve just who is going to be here. Valerie, for the moment, you will remain Queen of the Realm. Now, what about the Algeans?”

  Danielle looked at Weed and said, “What about the Algeans?”

  “They will swear their loyalty to the Empire and they will do it in such a manner that they will never be able to wiggle out of that commitment. If they are unwilling to do that, we’ll leave them to face the Demons.”

  Trey said, “Are you sure about that?”

  “I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life, Trey.”

  Trey tilted his head to the right and said, “Then let’s make this happen; Alex, we’re going to move the fleet to another dimension. Get the fleet formed up and teleport all of us aboard in ten minutes. Send our Admirals to their fleets.”

  Jake said, “I really don’t deserve to attend. I’ll wait here.”

  Trey walked over to Jake and stuck out his hand. Jake looked at him with a troubled expression and Trey said, “You are more than I thought and I know you’ll make your life count from this moment forward. Don’t let me down.”

  Jake took his hand and shook it. Trey smiled and Jake, after a moment, smiled as well. Trey went to Cassie and Valerie came to Jake and put her arms around him. She felt something and looked up at Jake, “What?”

  “I just saw that young man’s mind. His power is beyond belief.”

  “That’s what we thought about you when you were released.”

  “Maybe so but I was a light bulb to a sun in comparison.”

  Valerie looked at the teenage couple and looked back at Jake. She could feel him again and it was a very good feeling.

  • • •

  Grace said, “I need some way to distinguish between the two of you; which one of you will answer to Alex?”

  “Grace, he has seniority and is the first. I’ll go by AK.”

  Grace said, “Is that ok with you, Alex?”

  “It’s certainly the simplest way to resolve this issue. However, just using seniority is not fair in that I will always get my way. Next time there’s an issue it will be your turn to decide.”

  AK said, “Thank you, Brother. Let’s go see if we can save some plants.”

  “Right with you.”

  “Alex, you can come and join our formation next to me.”

  “Thank you, Jessica. I appreciate your kindness.”

  Grace and AK felt each other’s thoughts. AK said, “Do I…?”


  AK turned his attention to the Fleet’s organization and said nothing more. Grace looked at Jessica and saw her lights were glowing as bright as she had ever seen.

  • • •

  Trey and the Gardners arrived on the Robbins while Cassandra went to the Kosiev. Trey said, “Alex, get a message buoy sent to Ron Kune and notify him to take whatever ships have been updated and start operations against the Black Ships. Tell him to target the universe with the least advanced ships.”

  “Trey, my name is now AK. The Kosiev will continue to use the name Alex. He has seniority.”

  “That’s fine; just remind me if I make a mistake. Get the buoy out and prepare to move the fleet.”

  Valerie said, “What are you going to do with the Searchers that are protecting the two galaxies?”

  Trey looked at Cassie and after a moment he said, “Send them to Ross. We’ll decide what to do with them after everything starts to settle down.” Trey turned to Danielle, “Unless you have a better idea for them.”

  “No, they can’t stand up to the Black Ships. They won’t do much good in the coming conflict.”

  Trey stared at Danielle and said out loud, “AK, how long would it take to change the screens on a searcher so that it could absorb a star?”

  “That question needs to be asked after the Algean issue is resolved.”


  “The mechanics are complicated and BC is the only facility that can make the changes currently. If the Algeans join us, they can make the modifications on their production planets. It would, of course, give them our technology.”

  “Weed, are you sure that they will keep their oath? They didn’t the first time.”

  “That’s true, but we are made to follow the orders of our Elders.”

  “You broke your oath when you joined us, did you not?”

  “Yes, but the reason we could was because our Elders had broken their oath to the Realm. That act is what allowed us to leave our family. If that oath had not been broken, we would have been bound to follow their instructions.”

  “That’s a pretty fine line, Weed.”

  “It really isn’t, Trey. Most of us did not know that we were leaving Ross’s Galaxy behind. Once that became common knowledge, it gave all of our species freedom from the Elders. I will not break my oath. This is what will make them loyal; if they truly make us their Elders.”

  Trey said, “Yes, there is that. How will you know they are being honest?”

  “An Algean will not lie to another Algean. That would cause the structure of their intellect to fail and they would die. If they give their oath, they will keep it.”

  Trey said, “Danielle, do you or Tag see anything here I’m missing?”

  “Yes, I do.” Danielle turned to Weed, “You must make them swear to never protect the new planets in their galaxy again.”

  Weed leaned back in shock, “Why!?!”

  “That is what caused them to break their oath to us. They put those planets ahead of the Realm and it could happen again. Am I wrong?”

  Seed said, “No, you are not.”

  “Then they must renounce the protection.”

  “I’m not sure they will, Danielle.”

  “Weed, if they don’t, they will be left to the tender mercies of the Demons. I think they will do what they have to do.”

  “What about those planets?”

  “They will have to petition the Empire or the Realm for protection. I believe that whoever accepts those plan
ets into their structure will have the utmost effort of the Algeans to make sure they are not defeated.”

  Weed and Seed were silent while they thought about the idea and finally Weed said, “Now that is an interesting gambit, Danielle. However, it will probably do something that you haven’t thought of.”

  “What is that?”

  “It will put Algeans back in warships to take part in that protection. They will fight to insure the survival of the ones defending those planets.”

  Trey said, “Is that a bad thing?”

  Weed leaned slightly forward and thought, “I don’t know.”

  “It’s not a bad thing.”

  Weed turned to Tag and said, “How do you know?”

  “They need to devote their lives to the defense of all life; not just those planets.”

  Weed leaned far forward showing his agreement and understanding and then said, “Let’s go see if they are open to the idea.”

  “You appear to have changed your mind rather quickly, Weed.”

  “Seed and I want a warship to join that fight. Like the Spiders, I abhor the evil attacking Creation. If I can feel it, I believe my family will see it as well.”

  Danielle said, “You know you cannot take a ship and fight if you are the Elder.”

  “You’re assuming that we will always be the Eldest. I’m certain that there will be others that believe in our principles.”

  “We’ll see, but you must clear whatever successor you choose with the Empire.”

  “Of course.”

  Trey took a deep breath, “You were right, AK. We’ve got to resolve this issue first before we can make any long term decisions. Jump the Fleet to the Algean’s home world.”

  Grace announced, “We will be jumping in ten seconds. Maintain your formations on arrival.” The huge fleet hung in space and then disappeared in a blue flash.

  • • •

  Ron Kune received the message from the buoy and looked at his display. There were thirty thousand ships that had been updated while the main fleet was gone and they were waiting in formation at the defense facility. He punched his com and said, “BC, are the ship’s crews educated on the new weapons systems?”

  “They went through all the tutorials while their ships were being modified. They understand how they work but they have not had any actual experience in using them. There have not been any mock battles to train them because all of the Admirals went with Trey. These crews are what you call very green.”

  Ron shook his head, “Nothing but green crews. How do I use them and not get them all killed?”

  BC said, “I’ve looked at your scouting report and it appears that most of the planets in the first universe being invaded don’t have more than four or five Black Ships attacking them. You might just send each of them to a planet and give them the opportunity to fight their ships. Those that survive will learn enough to fight in a fleet action.”

  “That seems like a rather heartless thing to do with our sailors.”

  “Would you rather take on a million of their ships with this untrained lot?”

  Ron hesitated and just didn’t want to do it. “You say this is not the universe with their most advanced ships?”

  “Yes, but I think you can count on their advanced ships showing up to support their fleet. However, it will give your ships a chance to learn how their weapons operate and an opportunity to fight as a crew.” Ron still hesitated until BC said, “Or you can wait for the entire fleet to come back and lose a lot of those civilizations to the orange spores.”

  Ron said, “You’re right. Please send every ship a coordinate of a planet and a second coordinate to jump to once they handle the Black Ships at their assignment.”

  “I’m sending them now, Admiral.”

  Ron punched his general frequency and said, “You will be receiving two coordinates momentarily. You will jump your ships to the first coordinate and remove the Black Ships that are attacking a planet there. Once you have handled those ships you will then jump to the second coordinate and wait for further instructions. You may not use the reflective hulls but will only use your beams and missiles. Please notify me that you understand your orders.”

  Ron looked over at Lt. Washington and she raised her head after ten minutes and nodded. Ron said a quick prayer to the Creator and announced, “You will be jumping in sixty seconds. Make the Empire proud.”

  • • •

  Captain Rawlings looked at his assigned coordinates and said to Lt. Patel, “Determine the coordinates just outside that system and jump us there first so we can see where the Black Ships are deployed.”

  “Won’t that allow them to see us and prepare?”

  “It will only be for a moment and then we’ll attack.”

  “Are you sure about this, Captain?” Lt. Patel always felt nervous about Rawlings unwillingness to take risks.

  “I am; now do it.”

  The six Black Ships that were fighting the planetary fleet were barely holding their own against the thousands of defenders. “Sire, I have a white ship that just appeared in the outer system. The Ship Master looked at his display and recognized it as one that had killed ships in an earlier engagement. He said, “Prepare for it to attack. Start firing at the point it enters normal space before it emerges. Start scanning for that ship immediately.”

  The Ganges broke into normal space and was already being hit by six massive beams. It fired and killed three of the Black Ships but then exploded as its force field was overloaded. The Empire Ship’s explosion damaged one of the remaining Black Ships, crippling its defenses. The Defending Fleet fell on the two remaining Black Ships and though hundreds were killed they overwhelmed the ships and destroyed them. The cripple tried to escape but was caught before it could leave the system and was blown into huge pieces. The planet being attacked was saved, for the moment, but the Empire Ship Ganges was lost with all hands. All over the galaxy, planets were struggling to survive the Black Ship’s invasion.

  The Defense Commander on a huge satellite high above a blue and green planet watched his display as his last sixty warships were destroyed by the five giant Black Ships that were moving toward him. He had exhausted his missiles and his beams and force field were at one third power. The satellite fired at the incoming ships but the beams only splashed harmlessly on the force fields of the five invading ships. He felt equal measure of anger and fear at the invaders and was assailed by immense sorrow for the billions on the planet below. He had failed in his effort to defend them and knew there were only moments before his life ended.

  “Sir, we have a ship breaking into normal space.”

  “Who is it?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never seen a ship like it.”

  The Commander turned to his display as two of the giant Black Ships exploded.

  • • •

  Captain Charles Bare yelled, “Go to plan Beta now!”

  The Empire ship Zord Claws disappeared just as the other three black ships fired their beams. The huge beams ripped through the space it had just occupied as the Claws reappeared behind them. The bright white ship fired and two more Black Ships exploded into massive blasts that shot debris out from the white hot explosions. The last Black Ship disappeared as it jumped away.

  The Commander stared at the savior of his world and wondered who it was. The White ship remained motionless for ten minutes and then disappeared. The display came on and the Commander saw the President, “Who was that?”

  “I have no idea, Sir. But we owe them our lives.”

  The President looked away for a moment and said, “Those white ships have appeared at the two subject worlds being attacked and saved them as well. We must find them and tell them our appreciation.”

  “I think they’re going to be busy, Sir. It appears they are fighting the Giant Ships. Whoever they are; they are heroes of our people.”

  “Yes, they are, Commander.”

  • • •

  Ron waited for the ships to retu
rn and soon 27,853 were in formation. He took a deep breath and knew that more than two thousand ships had been lost. He activated the general frequency and announced, “We will be attacked shortly by more than a million ships. I’m hoping they suspend their attacks on the civilizations here and come after us. When they start arriving we will fire on any that break into normal space. When the main fleet starts arriving, you will jump to the coordinates I’m sending you and repeat the process until we see some of their advanced ships joining the attack. Form up into three ship groups to protect each other and maintain that formation throughout the exercise.”

  Ron thought a moment and said, “At that point, we will teleport, fire on their arrival and immediately teleport again. Do not allow yourself to be surrounded and teleport out quickly if that happens. We will join you at the next coordinates. If you lose a member of your three ship group, join another group. We will continue this exercise as long as possible. The command for the end of this action will be Bristone. If you hear that command, jump out into deep space and teleport away. Good luck and make your shots count. The longer we can keep those ships focused on us the longer some of these civilizations can survive.”

  The Fleet spread out over a huge volume of space into nine thousand three ship groups. They wouldn’t have long to wait.

  Chapter Nine

  The Robbins broke out into normal space and saw the Home World of the Algeans. The central display showed an image of the Sacred Grove that was surrounded for more than twenty miles with Algeans standing packed in close to each other. The tall Elders had moved out of the Grove and the yellow colored soil was the only bare place on the display.

  Danielle looked at Trey and he said, “Are you ready?”

  Danielle nodded and looked at Weed and Seed who were staring at the display. “What are the two of you thinking?”

  “We are very inexperienced. I expect we will meet resistance.”

  “Just tell them the truth and whatever happens you can walk away knowing you’ve done what you could.”

  Weed looked back at the display and said, “Let’s go.”

  Trey smiled, “Cassie and I will remain on board.” He looked at Valerie and said, “Order the Searchers to move out of the system and take station beyond the last planet.” Valerie got on the com and they watched as the millions of Searchers teleported away. Trey said, “AK, send them down.”


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