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Mine Would Be You: A Bad Boy Rancher Love Story (The Dawson Brothers Book 3)

Page 16

by Ali Parker

  I smiled down at her. “I’m glad to hear that,” I said. Then, I couldn’t hold back any longer. I leaned down slowly, giving her time to pull away. But instead, she leaned up into my kiss, standing on her tiptoes and pressing herself against me.

  Pulling her closer and angling her face to the side, I wasted no time in pushing my tongue into her mouth. She moaned in response, the sound shooting straight to my eager prick. Her fingers slid up under my shirt, lightly tracing over my abs. Then, she pulled away, looking embarrassed.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, not letting her get too far away.

  Abi giggled a little and shook her head. “I have to take Nana to an appointment.”

  “Mm,” I murmured, trailing my lips up the curve of her ear. “What time do you have to leave?”

  “I have to help her get ready in, like, ten minutes?” I could both feel and hear the way her breath caught as I tugged her earlobe between my teeth.

  “Ten minutes is a long time,” I told her.

  “I don’t want to rush things,” Abi protested.

  “So we won’t,” I told her. I walked backwards, drawing her along with me, until we fell backwards onto the bed, Abi on top of me.

  She blinked down at me, looking surprised. I couldn’t help grinning at her, even as my lips chased hers. We made out sloppily for a few minutes. I let my fingers wander along her curves, clutching at her round ass to pull her closer to me, then teasing my fingers under her shirt. She shivered as my touches reached her lower back, tracing the smooth skin there.

  Then, she pulled away, laughing. “Come on, I really need to get going,” she said.

  “Just one more minute,” I said, still refusing to release her.

  She shook her head, amusement in her eyes. Then, she slyly started undoing the buttons on my shirt. I raised an eyebrow at her and lay back, folding my hands behind my head and just watching as she kissed her way down my chest towards my jeans. I couldn’t deny how turned on I was, my jeans tight around my hard member.

  Abi placed a light kiss against the tented fabric of my pants and then quickly pushed back off the bed and onto her feet. “I really have to go,” she told me, looking apologetic.

  Laughing, I shook my head. There was something incredibly sexy about having to wait for it with her. “Come back tonight?” I asked. “I know it’s your night off.”

  “What if I have other plans?” she asked teasingly.

  “Cancel them,” I said seriously, but I couldn’t help the amused smirk that crossed my face.

  Abi came back and gave me one final, chaste kiss. “I’ll see you later,” she promised. Then, she slipped out.

  I collapsed back against the bed, absently palming myself through my jeans. That woman—if she only knew what she did to me. I smiled to myself and shook my head. Might as well be productive while she was gone. I could head back to the Dew Drop Inn and get my things.

  Sitting up, I looked around the cozy apartment. I was still upset about everything with my family, but I had to admit, I liked the way things were turning out.

  Chapter 26


  When I got back with Nana from her appointment, I wanted to go find Mason immediately. But I knew there were other things that needed to get taken care of first, like dinner. I hummed to myself as I moved around the kitchen, putting together a simple stew for the night. I had picked up a nice loaf of brown bread on the way back through town that would go nicely with it.

  Once dinner was bubbling away and I had finished another couple of chores around the house, I finally took a deep breath and headed out to see Mason.

  I was antsy with anticipation and a little nervous. I had known exactly where things were heading earlier, and I knew we’d probably pick up right where we’d left off. Even though we’d already done it the other night, it still was strange and new and exciting and—just a whole range of emotions inside me, making me feel totally off-balance. But in a good way.

  I trusted Mason. He had shown me that he was a good guy. I could tell that he cared about me.

  Knocking on the door to the apartment above the barn, I shifted nervously from foot to foot while I waited for Mason to answer. It took him a minute, and I wondered if maybe he’d disappeared into town for something. I felt a surge of disappointment go through me. But then he opened the door.

  “Hey,” he said, beaming at me.

  “Hey,” I said, my voice slightly strangled as I took in his appearance. He was shirtless, with a fine gleam of sweat over his chest. He was an absolute Adonis, the textbook definition of manhood. I swallowed hard and forced my eyes up to meet his.

  He leaned casually against the doorframe, smirking, giving me plenty of time to finish looking. “Did you want something?”

  I blushed. He was going to make me work for it, was he? I glanced back over my shoulder, unable to help it. If Jeff saw me now, like this, I didn’t know what I would do. Was it obvious how disheveled I felt? Mason hadn’t even done anything to me yet, and already I felt ten seconds away from flying apart into a million pieces.

  Mason grinned knowingly and caught my hands in his, tugging me inside and toeing the door closed behind us. “I did a little cleaning,” he said, and I blinked around the now dust-free apartment.

  I frowned. “I told you, we would have done that,” I said. “You’re a guest here.”

  Mason shrugged. “I like keeping busy,” he told me. He laughed self-consciously. “Actually, I don’t really know how to relax.”

  “Oh,” I said.

  “How was Nana’s appointment?”

  “Routine,” I said, sighing as we sat down on the bed. “The doctor confirmed that her memory is getting worse, but he still doesn’t think it’s anything to worry about. He thinks it’s normal for her age.”

  Mason squeezed my hand lightly. “I’m sure he knows what he’s talking about,” he said.

  “I know,” I said. “I just can’t help worrying.” I looked around the room and smiled. “I haven’t been up here in ages.”

  “No reason to, I guess,” Mason said.

  “No,” I agreed. “And I haven’t been back to the farm really at all since I was a kid.” I laughed. “This is embarrassing, but I used to play house up here, actually. I’d imagine that I had a boyfriend.” I frowned. “I actually scribbled my crush’s name on the wall once.”

  “Now you have to show me,” Mason said, sounding amused.

  I laughed and led him over to the dresser. When I pushed it just a little to the side, there it was, ‘Abi + Michael,’ with a big heart around it.

  Mason snorted, his fingers tracing my name. “How old were you?” he asked. “And do I have to find this Michael and fight for your affections now?”

  I giggled. “I was seven,” I told him. “Michael shared his crayons with me, and I guess I got it in my head that sharing crayons was the mark of a perfect man.”

  “But of course,” Mason said, chuckling. “Seven years old, and you were boy crazy already?”

  “Not really,” I said, shaking my head. “But I guess you were already girl crazy then.”

  Mason shrugged, looking unrepentant. “I definitely didn’t go around carving their names in the walls,” he teased.

  “What, you mean I’m not going to find ‘Mason + Ella’ engraved somewhere on your family’s ranch?” I asked, just teasing.

  Mason looked serious when he shook his head, though. “No,” he said, “I was never crazy about Ella. That was David.” He frowned. “I’m honestly still a little surprised that he and Ella didn’t end up together. But I’m glad. Sarah’s a much better fit for him.”

  I was quiet for a moment. Mason gave himself a little shake, drawing himself out of his thoughts. He cupped my cheek in his hand. “You’re the only girl I’ve ever been crazy for,” he said.

  Blushing, I ducked my head shyly as I smiled.

  Mason bent down and kissed me, and even though I’d been expecting the move, I still felt peculiarly surprised by it. The forc
e, the depth of feeling, it was all new to me. But I liked it.

  He tangled his fingers in mine and led me back to the bed, pushing me down and covering my body with his. He ground down against me, and I gasped, automatically spreading my legs a little wider to accommodate him. I was even more turned on than I had been the other night, and I wasn’t sure if it was because my body knew exactly what was coming or because anticipation had been building for it since early that afternoon. The anticipation was killing me.

  Mason grinned down at me like he knew exactly what I was feeling. He tugged my clothes off with quick, efficient movements, his hands leaving trails of goosebumps on my skin. He kissed my pretty pink panties, which I had put on specifically for him. Those panties were already damp with the force of my need, and as Mason trailed his finger over them, I knew he could feel it.

  He stripped down to his boxers and ground against me again. I whimpered, feeling his member press up against my opening through our two flimsy layers of clothes that remained.

  Mason’s hand crept down into my panties, his fingers sliding easily into my cleft, stroking hot lines of fire and sent them flickering through my awareness. I pressed down onto them, needing more, and Mason made a noise of appreciation. I looped my heels behind his back, pulling him closer against me, and he laughed. But he got the picture, noted my impatience, and the next thing I knew, he had stripped us both bare.

  I let my eyes roam over his body for a moment, taking in each hard plane of muscle. It had been too dark to see him the other night, so even though I’d been able to feel every inch of him, I hadn’t gotten a chance to fully appreciate him visually.

  He was even more attractive than I’d realized.

  I moaned, unable to help myself. From the way Mason’s eyes were studying my body, I could tell that he was feeling the same way. He smiled crookedly at me and then leaned down to kiss me.

  This kiss was slower, sweeter. His lips moved tenderly over mine, soothing something inside of me that I hadn’t realized needed any soothing. He continued to ply his fingers inside of me even as his tongue slipped into my mouth, and all the points of contact were just too much for me.

  I came with a sob, clinging to him, my whole body shaking as pleasure coursed through me. Mason’s movements slowed, letting me catch my breath. He trailed kisses from my mouth along my jawline to the pulse point at my neck. I felt my breath catch, my pulse fluttering a little.

  When I had come back into myself slightly, blinking my eyes open, Mason was looking at me with a question in his eyes. I nodded, not even conscious of what I was responding to. But as Mason ripped open a condom, pulling it on quickly and then plunging inside of me, I could tell we were on exactly the same wavelength.

  He opted for a slow, easy rhythm, letting me feel just how thick he was, how well he completed me. I shivered with each new thrust, and my mind fogged over with bliss. I couldn’t even tell if I was building towards another orgasm or just perpetually spilling over in ecstasy at this point. If the other night had seemed like we were trapped in some endless, timeless moment, tonight felt even more so.

  “God, you’re perfect,” Mason groaned, as he continued to rock into me. I smiled up at him, letting him use me however he wanted, my entire body and soul completely open to him in this intimate display of feeling, the like of which I had never experienced before.

  I could tell he was getting close to spilling as well, his body tensing beneath my fingertips. I cupped my hands around his firm behind, urging him onwards, and his thrusts sped up until they were just this side of too much. I gasped, my own body tensing for a moment before I felt lax against the sheets, coming again and again in wave after wave.

  Mason groaned, his hips stuttering against mine as he chased the rhythm. Suddenly, his hips stilled, his fingers tightly gripping my waist to keep me in place as he climaxed, my name on his lips. He fell off to the side, his fingers still resting against my navel, a possessive and soothing gesture.

  I finally caught my breath, my heartbeat fading to a dull rhythm. I smiled up at the ceiling, stretching in a lazy, catlike manner. I felt loose and limber, relaxed in a way that I’d never known. Mason chuckled as he watched me. “You like that?” he asked, turning on his side towards me, resting his head against his arm.

  “Oh yes,” I said decisively.

  He chuckled again, his eyes crinkling. “Come here,” he murmured, tugging me over towards him. I pillowed my head on his chest, closing my eyes and breathing in his scent.

  “Does it get better every time?” I asked sleepily.

  Mason laughed. “If it does, I think it might kill us,” he said.

  I giggled as well. “I might be all right with that,” I said, seriously.

  Mason hummed in response, his arms tightening around me. “For the record,” he said suddenly, his voice a warm rumble beneath my ear as I lay against his chest, “I’d share my crayons with you any time.”

  I giggled and nestled closer against him, feeling utterly content.

  Chapter 27


  When I woke up on Tuesday morning, I was more comfortable than I had felt in a long time. It took me a moment to piece together where I was. The lofted ceiling above my head was unfamiliar, as was the blanket I was nestled under.

  But the soft curves beside me were rapidly becoming familiar to me.

  I smiled at Abi’s sleeping form, leaning over to lightly kiss her shoulder. She stirred, scrunching up her nose cutely as she woke up. She blinked over at me and then stretched broadly, the blanket falling away from her breasts.

  “Morning,” I whispered.

  Abi frowned. “Morning?” she asked. “What time is it?”

  I reached over her to get my phone off the bedside table. “8 a.m.”

  Abi’s eyes widened, and then she giggled. “I can’t believe we fell asleep, and slept through the whole night!” she said in disbelief. She shook her head. “I just hope Jeff was smart enough to take the stew off the heat and feed everyone dinner.”

  “I’m sure he was,” I said, grinning at her. Teasingly, I added, “I guess sex like that was bound to take it out of us.”

  I watched the blush spread over Abi’s skin, starting in her face and rapidly spreading down her chest. I reached over to tweak one of her nipples with my fingertips, making it stand out against her soft skin. I wanted to roll her over and climb on top of her again. But she was already disentangling herself from the sheets.

  “I’m already late getting breakfast ready,” she said. She grimaced. “I hope no one checked my room. Or up here.”

  I frowned at her. “They’re going to know eventually,” I pointed out.

  “Yeah, I know,” Abi said, but I could tell that she was embarrassed.

  I felt bad. I knew this was all new to her, and I’d meant to take things slower. I was glad that she had spent the night, even if it wasn’t our intention. It had been nice waking up with her though, and I hoped we could have that again and again.

  Watching as she located all her clothes, which I’d thrown haphazardly on the floor the previous night. “What, you think you could do better?” I asked teasingly.

  Abi froze, staring over at me in shock. “What do you mean?” she asked.

  I put a hand over my heart, pretending that she had hurt me. “From the way you’re rushing off, I can only assume that Michael still has your heart,” I said, gravely.

  Abi burst out laughing. “Of course not!” she said.

  “Maybe I really will have to find him and challenge him to a fight to win your love,” I said, just as seriously.

  Abi snorted, shaking her head. “I don’t even remember his last name!” she admitted. “I haven’t seen him since fourth grade, and I don’t even know if he lives here anymore.”

  “But you’ve thought about him, haven’t you?” I asked, pleased at the way she was giggling. She was always so serious, and I liked that I was able to get her to relax a little. “You were probably thinking about him while we wer
e making love, weren’t you?”

  Abi was beside herself with laughter at this point. “No!” she said. She came back to the bed, snuggling into my side and pressing a kiss to me. “Trust me,” she said, dragging her fingers down my side, “I wasn’t thinking of anyone other than you.” She gave me a shy smile. “You’re the first guy I’ve ever spent the night with.”

  “I suppose that counts for something,” I said gravely, making her grin again.

  Abi tucked her head beneath my chin, her departure put aside for a moment. She sighed heavily. “I’m going to miss you when I leave,” she said quietly. “Will you come to North Carolina to visit me?”

  I froze in surprise, remembering our conversation from before. I’d thought she was getting closer and closer to the point where she might decide to stay. I’d already started picturing it in my head, the two of us in a cozy little house together, waking up with her every morning, listening to her putter about in the kitchen making breakfast, working out on the farm all day, and coming home to her every evening.

  I swallowed hard. “I thought you were thinking about staying,” I said quietly, trying not to let my feelings spill over into my tone. I couldn’t help feeling somehow betrayed by her insistence that she was still going to leave.

  “I am thinking about staying,” Abi confessed. “But I’m also thinking practically. I can’t work in Kinsey’s for the rest of my life. And if I’ve proven anything this year, it’s that I’m not cut out to be a farmer. I just don’t know enough about what I’m meant to do. The harvest festival might bring in enough to pay off our back debts, but that’s just a one-off plan. Like putting a bandage on things. Buying a little time.”

  “Are you saying that even if we manage to save the farm, you’re still going to leave?” I asked, feeling a chill go through me. I’d thought things were going well between us, but now it seemed like she was saying things were doomed no matter what we did.


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