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Mine Would Be You: A Bad Boy Rancher Love Story (The Dawson Brothers Book 3)

Page 64

by Ali Parker

  “Chrissy,” I whispered, giving him permission to use the nickname he had given me.

  His words set me on fire. He brushed his fingers over my hips and caressed the top of my rear before holding me in place and shifting his hips. The thickness of his erection rubbed against my stomach and I thought I might fucking melt right there.

  "Chrissy," he said, running his nose up neck and pulling back as he looked down at me. He moved his hands to cup my face again, leaning down and brushing his lips across mine.

  I needed to step back. This was going too fast and I barely knew him. The guy I grew up with was bi-polar. How could he be any different now? I pulled back and walked a few paces away, turning to look up at the sky.

  "Look at all those shooting stars." I pointed at the meteor shower that was now in full effect. "You're missing a lot of chances to make wishes."

  Jeremy laughed. "Why bother?

  He moved behind me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me flush against his thick chest. "My greatest wish just came true."

  I blushed and relaxed in his arms, leaning my head back against his shoulder and wondering how the hell this happened. Did wishes really come true?

  We watched the meteors streak through the sky in silence until he walked me home, his grasp on my hand comfortable, but almost too tight.

  I laid in my bed that night, alone in my room. I couldn’t sleep for anything. I kept replaying his kiss, hearing his words and those soft little groans…. Fuck those groans. Every part of me ached to get up and go find him.

  I slid my hand down my stomach and into my panties, my fingers quickly dipping into the slickest wetness I had ever produced. I jerked my hand back up like I had been scalded. I didn’t need this. It was bad, right? I would bend down and worship this boy if I wasn’t careful and like he did four year ago, he would leave at the end of the summer and rip my heart from my chest.

  It felt so good to finally receive the wish I’d prayed to get at every birthday party or during every shooting star. The man of my dreams kissing me, wanting me, hot for me.

  Still, some worry dug into me. Something that wanted to warn me about the path I was on. It kept whispering the same thing over and over.

  Be careful what you wish for.


  Dinner the following night was awkward at best. I felt like Jeremy's kisses were branded all over me. Would everyone notice?

  Things seemed to go as usual. A long day's work in the field meant hearty appetites, so talk was at a standstill until everyone had finished their first portions.

  When conversation did began, it revolved around football. Jeremy was starting his senior year at Texas State in San Marcos. He was a running back for the Bobcats, and they were expected to go far this year.

  Jeremy was surprisingly modest, despite her father's loud proclaiming of his impressive statistics. His eyes were on me while daddy outlined his personal opinions on the team's strategy and prospects.

  It was as if everything else fell away when he stared at me. I couldn’t help but once again be swallowed up in his deep blue eyes. The smile that played along his lips caused my heart to flutter.

  When dinner was over and the chores were finished, he nudged me outside and took my hand, walking with me toward the lake again. A light blue blanket lay across his arm and he chatted about his brothers, filling me in on everything I didn’t know. I swear I didn’t hear a damn word he said. All I kept thinking about was being on a blanket – laying down – with Jeremy Thompson. Was this shit for real?

  He laid the blanket out under the large oak tree beside the lake and patted the space beside him. “Come here. Come sit with me, beautiful.”

  I worked on being graceful as I lowered myself to the spot beside him. I had no sooner touched the ground before he reached over and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side. He smelled faintly of some cologne, the deep hint of the woods teasing my senses. He must have taken a shower and tried to smell nice, which surprisingly meant a lot to her.

  "Do you like college?" I figured it was a safe topic to start off with. He'd been at Texas State for three years, he must have some insight into the experience.

  Jeremy rested his back against the tree trunk and looked up into the sky. After a moment he answered. "I like playing football, and some of the classes are decent."

  "Which classes?"

  "Functional biology was cool," he said, "but the tests were murder. I liked Agricultural Engineering. I hated the lit class I had to take."

  "Agricultural Engineering? Is Agriculture your major?"

  He nodded much to her surprise. The Thompsons had had a small plot of land when they'd lived down the road, but they'd never done much with it. After they'd moved to San Marcos, I’d figured they were out of the farming business.

  Apparently I figured wrong.

  "What about you? You got your courses all mapped out, I bet. What's your major gonna be?"

  I smiled. I liked how much he knew about me without having to ask. I guess he was paying attention all those years, or maybe his brothers were. Bastards were hoping to catch a glimpse of my panties…

  "I'm going to major in biochemistry as a part of the pre-med program."

  "Pre-med huh? You wanna be a doctor?"

  I nodded. It made as much sense as anything else. I had potential, or so everyone kept telling me. Becoming a doctor would make the best use of that potential. It sure made her parents happy. Hopefully it worked out.

  "Must be nice to know what you want already. It took me a while to figure out I wanted to get into agriculture. Most people seem to be getting out of the business. Still I always enjoyed working the land. Especially here on your farm. It's a summer vacation and an internship all rolled into one."

  He took my hand and winked at me. "You're the best part of the vacation, by the way. Farming is fun, but you're in another league entirely. I wasn’t sure if you were going to let me within a few miles of you though."

  I smirked. "I'm glad that I rate better than stacking hay and milking cows, and you are lucky. I wasn’t going to let you close at all. Not sure how you got around that one."

  "Funny," he said, tweaking my nose softly. "You always had spirit, Chrissy."

  I frowned, turning away as the nickname bothered me somehow. I guess not being lost in the midst of a hot kiss changed my feelings on it.

  He took my chin in his grasp and turned me back to face him. "What's wrong?"

  "That name. You and your brothers used to call me "Pissy Chrissy, remember?"

  Jeremy nodded. "Yeah. But I stopped doing that after that first summer. I just called you 'Chrissy.' Do you remember?"

  I thought back, trying to remember. That first summer, I remembered all five brothers circling around me, taunting me with that damn name. After that, I stopped paying attention to what the brothers had said altogether.

  That's not right, her inner voice corrected. You remember the way he said your name when he'd set about destroying your dreams when you were thirteen. There hadn't been a "pissy" involved.

  "You're right. I’m remembering wrong." I relaxed against him, hating that I had to admit I was wrong. I seldomly did it, but it seemed in appropriate not to.

  Jeremy gave a low chuckle. "So you do have a soft side. I'm glad you're letting it show."

  I punched him in the gut playfully.

  "Ow.” He turned and pulled me closer, tugging me beneath him and running his fingers along my side.

  I swatted at him through my laugher, my mind stuck on the need to get him off of me and his attack over.

  He slowed his attack and hovered over me, his hard body pressed to the top of me. “Oh God,” I whispered, closing my eyes.

  “What? You want me to get up?” He brushed my hair back.

  “No. I’ve wanted to know how this might feel for so damn long.”

  "Me too, baby." He leaned down and claimed my lips as he used his hips to open my legs. I wrapped them around him and tightened my h
old around his strong shoulders. The kiss was scorching, one I was unprepared for. His mouth ravaged mine, his need far greater than anything I had experienced myself. I pressed up into it until I struggled to breathe.

  The deep press of his hips caused his erection to rub against the softest parts of me, my body tingling and so sloppy wet.

  I pulled back, gasping for air as the world around me spun. I was lightheaded, but amazed. The kiss had been like nothing I had ever experienced. Nothing I would experience again. It was too good.

  Jeremy pressed soft kisses to my cheeks and brushed his lips once more by mine before moving to sit up. He pulled me up with him, urging me to sit between his outstretched legs. He put both arms around me and slid his hand along my arms until he held my hands in his.

  "Do you have a boyfriend?" he whispered against my ear, causing my body to scream for relief. I could see why Margie wanted to have sex again and again. I wanted to kiss the boy behind me until I ran out of breath over and over again.

  I shook my head, snuggling against him. I loved knowing how turned on he was. He didn’t seem too shy to try and hide it either.

  "A gorgeous girl like you, and no boyfriend? I find that hard to believe."

  "Believe it," I whispered and turned a little, rubbing the tip of my nose along his jaw.

  "Must be my lucky night. How about you try me on for size?"

  "As my boyfriend?"

  "You don't have to sound so shocked." He pulled me in tighter and moved his hand up to my face, forcing me to look back at him. The position was almost uncomfortable, but it felt so damn good. Like he was in control and we were going to do exactly what he wanted us to.

  My head was spinning. Jeremy Thompson, the boy I had been in love with since I was twelve finally wanted to be my man. It couldn’t be happening. I was going to wake up any minute.

  "You're heading to Austin in a couple of months, I know," he said, putting a damper on the high I seemed to be riding on. "Why not enjoy ourselves over the summer? A summer fling, you know. Fun but not too serious."

  I tried not to stiffen. So it was that kind of boyfriend, was it? Sounded more like friends with benefits. I wasn’t so sure I could do that. My body was sold on the idea, but my heart wasn’t having any of it.

  Jealousy reared its ugly head as the conversation with Margie came to life in my head. I wanted to lose my virginity like she had. If I could choose anyone to give it to, it would be the sexy guy behind me.

  It would be nice to go away to college prepared, to know a thing or two before I started dating college boys. Here was one, volunteering to let me practice on him. Could I handle it? Keep my heart tucked away? I didn’t know. This wasn’t just any guy, but Jeremy.

  He's hot, he's sexy, and he kisses like the Devil himself. Why not keep him as your summer boyfriend? Then when August rolls around, you leave, no messy goodbyes. You each know where you stand.

  It was tempting, so tempting.

  Then why did a huge part of me scream, “NO!”

  "Okay. I want to try."

  "Good. See I told you I didn’t need those stars the other night. I got all I need right here.” He pulled me back and pressed his lips to mine, the sweetness of the moment promising to brand my soul and rip me in half in two months when it was over.

  Why could nothing good last?


  Time marched forward. Mow the hay. Stack the hay. Rake the hay. Repeat.

  Still, the activity made my body ache in a good way at the end of a hard day. What was good was how badly I ached for Jeremy. He was still staying in the other room and the end of the summer was drawing near. We hadn’t done much more than kiss and touch all over each other. Certainly a man in college – a senior in college – wanted more. It must have been me. He was holding back because he saw me as a girl still. Someone to adore, but protect.

  Our time together had been sweet thought. There were stolen moments behind the barn and evenings up by the lake. My cousins had realized that something was up between us, but despite the never-ending teasing I received, no one had mentioned anything to my folks, nor would they. I would turn their ass in for the havoc they caused last year.

  Later that week, my dad discovered that Jeremy was sleeping on the floor in the spare room. It was an accident and I was honestly grateful for it. Poor Jeremy groaned when he'd bent over to stack some hay and my father had noticed. I didn’t have the nerve to bring him back into my room. I would look too needy.

  That night daddy made sure Jeremy got settled into the trundle in my room, leaving the door open and the hall light on for good measure. My father trusted the boy beyond measure simply due to proving his character over the summer so many times.

  I stayed awake after they'd turned in for the evening, unable to fall asleep knowing the object of my deepest desires was asleep in the bed next to mine. I turned away from him, hoping it would help. The soft sound of his breathing caused my heart to swell. I wanted him in my bed, yes, but I realized that without a doubt… I loved him.

  "Can't sleep, baby?" He broke the silence, causing me to jump.

  I rolled over and curled up, pulling my blanket up to my chin. “No. My mind’s racing.”

  “Me too.” The sound of him moving off his bed almost caused my heart to stop. He tugged at my covers and leaned over. “Scoot over.”

  I shifted over in the bed and waited until he reached for me to cuddle up against his side. He brushed his fingers through my hair as I rested my cheek on his shoulder. He didn’t have on a shirt and his boxers were unbelievably thin. It was hot in the house and being close to him seemed to only accentuate the heat.

  "You don't know how many times I imagined myself sneaking into your room, climbing into your bed." He pressed his lips to my head.

  His words ignited a fire inside me and I entwined my legs around his, moving closer. “I’ve had the same thoughts.”

  "It got to be so uncomfortable on that floor that I couldn't sleep on my stomach. Not while I was thinking of you. Otherwise I'd injure myself."

  I snorted and chuckled softly, glancing up at him. He was beyond beautiful. Everything I wanted in my life. “I don’t want you to go.”

  “I don’t either, baby.” He slid his hand deeper into my hair and brushed his lips across mine, licking softly at my mouth.

  His hand slid down from my shoulder and cupped my breast over my nightshirt. I groaned softly against his mouth as he pulled back. “Sit up and take your shirt off for me. I want to feel your skin on mine.”

  I didn’t question his directives, only followed them. I wanted to be shy or embarrassed, but this moment was so far past due for me, and it was fleeting. I only had a little more time with him.

  I laid back down and he moved, lifting up on his elbow and smiling down at me. “Beautiful.”

  His fingers brushed by my nipples softly before rolling one of them between his fingers. I closed my eyes and let out another soft sigh. It felt so good to be close to him, his strong hands on me. I needed him everywhere.

  "You're so perfect," he whispered and moved above me, replacing his hands with his mouth. A soft lick and suck combo over both of my breasts. I tried not to make too loud of a noise. I didn’t want to wake my parents.

  I needed to feel him, wanting to touch him but I wasn’t sure if he would be offended. I slid my hand down his side and curved in, rubbing just above his hip. He sucked one of my nipples deep into his mouth and tugged my hand to his cock, stroking himself with it once.

  That was it. I thought my whole body might explode.

  “Under the underwear. Touch me, Chrissy. Hard baby.” He moved up and pressed his lips to me as I tightened my grip on him, pulling at the soft flesh of his cock as he groaned over and over against my mouth.

  His heart beat so hard against my chest as he panted softly. My own followed in tandem and I growled as he pulled my hand from him.

  “No more. I’m gonna come if you keep it up, sexy girl.” He licked the long column of m
y neck and urged my legs open. He pressed his hips forward, dragging his thick erection along the wet center of me. My panties moved just a little, his skin brushing by mine and sending shock waves down my spine. I arched and hissed as he looked up.

  "Feel how hard my heart is beating," he said. "This is what you do to me. Feel how hard my cock is? You do that shit all the time too, baby girl."

  “So fucking hot,” I whispered against his mouth, my body aching for the sex that was most certainly our next steps. “I want you.”

  "I want you too, but I don’t want to go too fast. We’re already past where I wanted to take us. You just drive me crazy.” He pressed his hips forward again, his cock pushing my panties to the side as he slid over the swollen flesh of my lips. “So wet.”

  I reached up and pulled him down for a long kiss. I teased his tongue into my mouth and sucked softly as he rubbed himself against me again. The deep burn in the pit of my stomach only seemed to get worse. I was almost ready to roll him over and impale myself on his arousal. He pulled back.

  “Let's not move so fast. I want it to be incredibly special for us. I’ve waited too long not to enjoy every second with you.” He kissed me again softly, taking his time. “Sweet dream, baby. Know that I want you more than I’ve ever wanted another woman.”

  I stifled a groan as he slid out of the bed and climbed back into the trundle.

  "Good night, gorgeous," he said with a big yawn. "Sleep well."

  There was no sleeping. I laid there, staring at the ceiling as my chest lifted up and down. I couldn’t seem to catch my breath and I wasn’t sure if the tears burning my eyes were at the realization that he was leaving soon or if it was more about needing him to fuck me and not getting my way.

  I wouldn’t be getting much sleep at all that night, not with my body on fire like it was. Occasionally I had felt like this before, never this intensely. I needed to touch myself, to bring relief to the center of me where the flames were the worst. I couldn’t though. My parents would hear me or worse… Jeremy would.


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