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Broken Melody (Luna's Children)

Page 7

by Melissa Kay Clarke

  Cayson hesitated slightly then gave his father the barest hint of a nod. Sitting again on the seat he kept his eyes trained on Simon's. After several awkward moments, Simon looked away then sat back in his chair.

  Jeff pretended to not see his son stare down the alpha. “As I was saying, the girl had been living with us for several months until last night. We've tracked her to the highway into town where her trail disappeared. I figure that she's probably hitched a ride with someone. We're scouring the area but it's pretty obvious she's gone.”

  Simon's glare burned a hole through Jeff. “You let her get away,” he snarled.

  Jeff stood slowly, the ire barely contained. He silently counted to ten as he rubbed his neck. Letting his hand fall he glared at Simon. “We didn't let her do anything. She is a member of our pack, a valued member, and can do as she likes. Speaking of, if we find her, she will be given all the support she needs – pack takes care of pack.” He took a step towards him. Simon jumped up as Jeff pushed his finger into other’s chest. “That includes the fact that we won't be turning her over to you.” Jeff finished. “When she was found here last year, she nearly died. Something tells me that you know precisely why.”

  Simon snarled then got himself under control. “If you fail to turn her over to me, I'll have you brought up on charges with the Council for interfering with an alpha’s authority over his pack members.”

  “You mean the same council that you failed to tell that you had a rogue or a human who is killing wolves? An action that could have brought danger to our pack had Zandria been dangerous? Which, I'm sure, she is not.” Chase finished. “Not to mention, she was a member of your pack but now she is a member of ours. Your jurisdiction ended last year.”

  Simon fought to get his beast under control. They were in another pack's territory, but the insult that these men were throwing at him chaffed them both. “I think this conversation is over,” he growled.

  Jeff stood and agreed. “One other thing, you should be more careful about the words you use. Don't call Zandria a killer again - she hasn't been proven guilty. If there's a question about her innocence, she'll be taken before the council and not left to you to dish out whatever justice you feel is correct. I’ll see to that, rest assured.”

  The three walked to the door and left without another word. Riding the elevator in silence, it was only broken when they got to the lobby. Jeff stopped and questioned the others. “Well, what do you think?”

  Chase looked at the elevator then back to his alpha. “I think he's allowing his emotions to get in the way and cloud his reasoning. I don’t like that he bypassed the council and human authorities and is bent on meting out his own justice. It’s obvious he already has her condemned and ready for execution. I still don't think she intentionally killed anyone.”

  Jeff nodded. “Neither do I. What about you, Cay? Aside from your personal feelings about her, what did you pick up from him?”

  Cayson let go of the careful control he had on his animal after admonishing him to be quiet. “Zan is innocent; of course, I know she didn't hurt anyone. As for him, he's angry, Father. His emotions are thick with it. He's hurt, revengeful and resilient and perhaps he thinks he is doing what's best for his pack, but he’s really more concerned with his own sense of justice. If he gets his hands on her…” His face clouded over with rage. “Luna help him if he ever lays a finger on her.” It took several moments before he was able to again gain dominance over his animal. Absently he rubbed his palms on his jeans as if wiping something utterly disgusting from them. "He's filth," Cay finished and tightened his hands into fists.

  Jeff slapped his son on the shoulder. “I'm proud of you, son, you showed a remarkable amount of restraint in there. I don't know many who would be able to be so calm while someone berated their mate.”

  “Oh, don't get me wrong. I wanted to tear him apart and if I had given my wolf even an inch of room, he would have taken over and done that, but anger accomplishes nothing here. I will tell you this much, though, when he said he persuaded her, I about lost it. His emotions were black and full of spite. I noticed he still didn't tell us where the Rogers are, and I think he definitely had something to do with Zandria's condition when we found her.” He took a ragged breath and got himself under control. “Thank you, by the way, for not telling him Zandria is my mate or that she's a wolf. I'm not ready to let him know that much about her just yet.”

  Jeff nodded and started walking towards the door. “It wouldn't have served any purpose except making Winstead question our motives even more than he already does. It's better that he just think she is a weak human living in a wolf pack. He doesn't believe she has an animal, nor does he believe in her abilities.” He stopped and put his hand on the door knob and looked over his shoulder. “I'll tell you this much, though. I think if he does manage to get his hands on her, you may not have a chance at him Cay. I have a feeling he’ll quickly become a believer in our Zandria.”


  ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♬ ♪♩ ♪•*¨*•.¸¸

  “So how was your date last night with Doc Jim?” Carson wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and pointed to the chair on her porch.

  Rachel dropped into it gratefully and threw her foot up on the porch railing. “It went good. He's got a wicked sense of humor and is afraid of nothing. We went rollerblading at two in the morning through Roanoke then watched the sun come up this morning. Of course, there can't be anything serious between us since he's human and all, but we enjoy each others' company.” She grinned and tipped her head back, letting her long red hair spill over the back of the chair. “How are things here?” She closed her eyes and relaxed her petite frame in the chair. "Heard anything?"

  “You mean have we heard anything about Zandria?” She shook her head sadly. “Two days now since she left and not a peep. Chase, Poppa and Cay went to talk to that visiting alpha, but they haven't gotten back yet. You want some juice?”

  Rachel wrinkled her nose. “Not unless it comes with two fingers of gin, but we both know better than that; your warden won't let anything even remotely unhealthy go through those lips.” She turned her head and peeked at Carson through one eye. “Please tell me you at least have sweet tea?”

  Carson laughed and nodded. “Of course I do, let me get you a glass.” She got up and went inside, returning a few minutes later with a glass of the cold brew. Handing it to her friend she sat in the rocker again. “Better?”

  Rachel took a drink and nodded, “Perfect!” She wiped the bottom of the glass across her forehead and sighed happily. She picked at the frayed edges of her cutoff shorts, pulling strings free and sending them sailing over the railing.

  The two of them sat quietly, listening to the sounds of the forest around them. Nearby, a new family of wrens made their home in a tree. It was serene and peaceful.

  “How's Cay?”

  Carson startled, not realizing she had drifted off; Luna curse those pregnancy hormones! She yawned then stretched. “Shockingly, he's doing really well; he hasn't gone off the deep end and has been relatively calm. He was pissed when she first went missing and now he's worried but otherwise, he seems okay. I don't know if he's learning to control his emotions better or he's just found some way to not think about it. Either way, it's almost surreal how calm he is through all this.” She yawned again. “Sorry about that. I can’t seem to stop.”

  “Hey, Chica, you want to get a nap?” Rachel leaned forward and clasped her hands together, her eyes face full of concern. “I hear it takes a lot of energy to bake a kiddo. “ She reached over and petted Carson's stomach gently. “And we want this one to be well done.”

  Carson shook her head. “Actually, what I would like to do is go for a run. I've been doing little more than sleep lately. What do you say about a trip to the lake and back?”

  “Hmmm, I dunno. Can you shift while pregnant? I thought that was one of the no-no's.”

  “It's ok. Chase said I could safely shift for a couple more months yet. He said t
he strain in the final two months may cause an early labor, but for now it's actually healthy. The baby is learning how to do it from me on an instinctual level.” Carson crossed her hands over her belly lovingly.

  Rachel nodded, “Sounds great. But if Dr. Studly gets all huffy about you being in the woods, I'm totally screaming kidnapping.” She wiggled her eyebrows at her best friend and stood up. Removing the tight black shorts, boots and red tee, she threw them on the chair. Relaxing, she coaxed her wolf up and gave in to the change. Lush deep red fur sprouted over every inch of her lean body. Bones cracked and reformed as ligaments realigned and covered newly configured muscles. Her elfin face elongated and stretched becoming a muzzle as long canines burst through her gums. Her beautiful deep blue eyes glowed until they became golden honey. Tufted ears replaced human ones and a long bushy tail curled around her fur covered thigh. When the change was over, she looked over at her friend and saw Carson's dappled gray waiting patiently. Show off. So it took Rachel a little longer to shift, so what? Perfection takes a little time, after all.

  Carson flicked her head towards the woods and took off at a bound. Behind her, Rachel leaped forward and gave chase. As was normal, the moment that Carson entered the woods proper, all sounds stopped; it was as if the world held its collective breath. Carson was used to it, but it still freaked Rachel out. Her wolf shrunk down and ran harder.

  The two of them stretched their muscles and surrendered to their wilder sides. The wind whistled past their ears, ruffling fur as various scents tickled their noses. Rachel threw her head back howling, then snapped at a squirrel that jumped in front of her. The wolf wanted to give chase, but her human knew she had to keep Carson in view. The dappled gray beast was barely visible ahead of her as they raced through the mottled shadows of the silent forest. Rachel pushed her animal to the limit just to keep her in sight, but her friend was one of the best runners in their pack. Rachel strained to keep up, but fell further and further behind. She growled in annoyance with her friend leaving her sight. After the fiasco last fall when Carson disappeared while waiting for her mating ceremony, Chase had almost lost his mind. Rachel was on watch that evening, earning herself a concussion for her trouble but losing her best friend for two days to a psychopath. Mentally she shivered. That will never happen again. With a burst of energy, she leapt forward and renewed her efforts until Carson's shaggy rump finally came into view.

  They continued their run through the lands until the trees broke onto a sandy beach. The beautiful deep blue waters of Sapphire Lake, the namesake for their pack, spread out before them shimmering in the early evening sunlight. Without hesitation, Carson sprinted forward, jumped up on a large boulder and dove into the water followed by Rachel. They surfaced together as naked humans gasping and panting for breath.

  They swam and splashed for most of an hour, until finally they pulled themselves out on the beach. Laying back in the warm sand, they soaked in the sunshine that bathed their bodies. Suddenly, Carson rose up on one elbow and cocked her head to the side for a moment. “They're home. We should be getting back.” She grinned at Rachel and got up, dusting the sand from her olive skin.

  Rachel followed suit and splashed water on her own body to dislodge sand. “Pathetic. That magical link you have with him is totally pa...” She stopped. “Wait, Carson? Have you tried to dream to Zan? You know, to find out where she is?”

  Carson's face fell. “Of course I did, that was the first thing I tried. I could get a little of her getting a ride in a car but not any more than that.“

  Rachel chewed her lip. “Ok, you told me once that it's hard to dream someone you don't have a link to. What about Cay? Could you use him as a link to her, like a conduit? He has the mating marks with her. It's not the full blood bond but maybe it would be enough?”

  Carson's jaw dropped then closed slowly. “I... I don't know. Maybe. If I can catch his stream when he and her first joined - they are the strongest images. I have been in her stream from when I dreamed her in the clearing. It.. maybe?” She chewed her lip and nodded. “It can't hurt. Come on, the guys are at the pack house. Let’s go give it a try.”

  Rachel chortled. “Maybe stop at your place first? I mean, I don't mind showing all this off but it may get awkward shifting into naked human with your mate, father, and brother all there.”

  Carson chortled. “Yeah, I don't think they can handle Rachel au natural.”

  They shifted and ran quickly back to Carson and Chase's cabin then returned to human form and got dressed. Five minutes later they arrived at the pack house, breathless where Jeff filled them in on the meeting with Simon.

  “I’m going to go look for her,” Cayson said. “There’s no way I’m going to sit here and wait for that maniac to find her and maybe even kill her.” He looked at his father. “Don’t try to stop me, she’s my mate. You’d do the same if it were Mother.”

  Jeff nodded, “Of course, son, I understand, but you have no idea where to even start to look for her.”

  Carson cleared her throat. “I’d like to try something.” She then told them Rachel's idea.

  “Do you think it will work?” Jeff rubbed his chin.

  “It can't hurt to try.” Carson answered. “It should be pretty easy...”

  “I don't like the idea of you trying something new in your condition,” Chase interrupted.

  “I'm fine, beloved. It's just dreaming like I normally do, except I'm just using Cay as a conduit to Zandria. It may not work, but if it does, then he’ll know where to look for her.”

  Cayson nodded. “Let's do it. I have to find her, before he does. What do I need to do?”

  Carson pointed to the porch. “Sit down and relax. When I touch your mark, I want you to think about when you two first created your mate bond. That would be the strongest place to start. I'll try to hook into that stream and maybe be able to see a bit of where she is. Cay, don’t get your hopes up. As far as I know, nobody has ever tried to use a mate as a conduit so it probably won’t work.”

  “We have to try,” he mumbled, then did as she asked.

  She sat beside her twin and waited for him to close his eyes. Once he was relaxed, she slid her hand into the neck of his shirt and pressed her palm against his mating mark, closing her eyes. Immediately she slipped into his stream and looked around.

  Cay's life stretched out before her - past, present and future, and she wasn't sure exactly where she was just yet. Images flowed by and around her looking like a river made of pictures, hence the term 'stream' when speaking of a person's life. She caught glimpses of monumental moments in his life – birthday parties they had shared, a kiss with Amanda Thistle, the night they both received their gifts, but she ignored them all. Carson concentrated on a particularly bright one that was rushing towards her. It slowed, expanded and she fell into it.

  It took just a moment to recognize the pack commons, but the angle was wrong; she was much too low. She looked down and saw that she was sitting on the hard packed earth cradling Zandria's form in her arms. She felt the heated thump of their new mating mark on her chest and concentrated on the new emotions that were swarming in her head. Cay's empathic gift swallowed the new connection, strengthening it. She felt him gently push love, devotion and security through the bond and into his mate. She was awed. His power was so much greater than even she had been aware of, and she instantly obtained a deeper understanding of exactly what he did. Carson, the dreamer, could only observe the stream, whereas Cayson, the empath, could touch and emphasize specific portions that dealt with emotions. She was able to see into a person's past and possible future, but he could actually interact with a person's now. She was stunned. Shaking herself a moment, she remembered why she was there and plunged into the bridge moving into Zandria's stream.

  Something was wrong.

  She expected to see Zandria's stream flowing around her, but what she saw confused her for a moment. She was looking up at Cayson's smiling face as he crooned softly to her. Her body was worn out, exhausted
and she just wanted to sleep. “So tired.” She heard Zandria say. “Please, it takes too much out of me to do that for such a long distance. Please, we'll talk about this later.” She felt his legs under her, his arms around her and the new mating bond throbbing hotly on her chest. She sighed when she realized it was the same moment just from a different prospective. Dejectedly she searched for Cayson's bridge to jump back into his stream, but it was not there. It took only a moment for the truth to dawn on her. The bridge she had traveled between them was made through Cayson's empathic powers flowing into Zandria. It was one way only and there was none flowing out back into Cayson.

  She was trapped.

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  Simon slapped his suitcase closed and wretched the door open, marched out into the worn hallway and slammed the door closed behind him. Stabbing the elevator button with his finger, he waited impatiently for the car to arrive, then rudely pushed his way past a family when the doors opened. His steely eyes watched the numbers as they descended until a tone announced his arrival on the ground floor. With single minded focus, he made his way over to the desk, flipped the key to the attendant and growled “Put it on my card”, before stalking out the door and to his car parked in the lot. He opened the trunk and tossed his luggage inside then unlocked the vehicle. Getting in, he sat there a moment then banged his fist against the steering wheel. She had been so close! He had been in the same village as her, maybe less than ten feet away and didn't even know it. Damn that cur for not having an inner beast and therefore not having a discernible scent and damn that arrogant alpha for not telling him!


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