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Hard: A Sexy Sports Romance Boxed Set

Page 6

by Adele Hart

  I loosen my grip and let her push her body down all the way until I’m in to the hilt. My eyes roll back and I shut them. Nothing has ever felt this good, this tight, this perfect. She moves in slow circles over me, driving me wild while she adjusts to the size of my huge cock. I can feel that I’m stretching her tight pussy and I’m glad she’s on top so I don’t hurt her for our first time.

  Water sloshes onto the floor as she starts moving faster now. I take hold of her ass and set the pace, slowing her down so I can last for her. She leans her head back and arches her upper body, giving me access to her breasts. I lick and suck on her hard, pink nipples, then take a mouthful of her flesh and suck until she lets out a loud moan.

  I feel her body buck and jolt over me as she comes, squeezing my cock as she lets go. I fight like hell to stop myself from coming with her, biting down on my lip until it opens up again from where she slapped me.

  When she’s done, I stand, holding her up with her legs wrapped around my waist. I step out of the tub and take her to the bed where I can make her mine. The lights from the city let me see her as I lay her down on her back. She smiles at me—a seductive smile that I hope will only be for me from now on. I run my hands up and down her wet body, then lower myself to my knees. I’m as hard as a rock, but I want to make her come again before I do. “I want to taste your sweet pussy.”

  I spread her legs with my hands and move in so I can lick her. She tastes like sex and honey and I almost come as I slide my tongue into her pussy. Working in long, slow drags, I bring her to the edge, then I flick my tongue over her clit, moving quickly back and forth, then side to side over it. She bucks her hips and screams as I thrust two fingers inside her while I keep rubbing her nub. “Oh, Ryder, yes! Just like that!”

  My cock aches to fuck her now, but I wait until she rides every last wave of her orgasm. She pants and twists against my mouth then collapses when she’s done. I stand and move over her, laying on top of her and propping myself up onto one elbow so I don’t crush her tiny body. She grabs the back of my neck, pulling me to her so we can kiss some more.

  I stop after a minute and look down at her. “You’re so beautiful, I can hardly look at you.” I kiss her again. “If we do this, there will be no walking away.”

  “I don’t want to walk away. I want you.” The intensity in her words and in her eyes tells me that she wants what I want. Forever.

  I thrust myself inside her and her breath catches as I stretch her. I pump myself into her over and over, rolling my hips in circles, then using long, hard thrusts to get as deep as I can. She claws at my back with her nails and lifts her head off the pillow to kiss my neck as I move over her, making her mine with each thrust, each moan. When I can’t wait any longer, I let go, my body tensing and releasing as I fill her with long spurts of hot come. I come so hard and for so long that I almost black out with the force of it. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…”

  I feel her coming with me, her entire body curling up as she cries out with pleasure. I feel her pussy tightening and it makes me come even harder.

  When it’s over, I roll her on top of me, with me still buried inside her, and lay down on my back. We pant and recover together, wearing matching satisfied grins. I tuck her close to my chest and kiss her forehead, running my hand over her back and down to her very grabbable ass. We lay together like this, our hearts beating to the same beat, our breathing slowing at the same pace. We’re perfect together. Perfectly in sync. Perfectly satisfied. Perfectly matched.

  After a few minutes, we’re both ready again, needing each other once more. We fall asleep an hour later, tangled together, naked in the sheets. As I drift off to sleep, I pray that this will be forever.



  The next morning when I wake, I’m raw in places I have never been before. I’m already smiling before I open my eyes. I can feel his skin against mine. I can smell his delicious scent. I watch him sleep for a minute, then turn my body around and wiggle against him, so I can feel his cock against my ass. He’s already hard, and I’m already slick from just sleeping in the same bed as him.

  His arm tightens around me and he finds my breasts with his hand. I arch my back and find his enormous cock with my pussy, then wiggle until he’s inside me again. Letting out a moan of pleasure, I tilt my hips and rub myself up and down against him, feeling his cock press against my clit. He takes over, running his hand down my tummy and pressing his palm against my pussy while he fucks me from behind. Rolling us so he’s on top and I’m facedown on the bed, he moves over me with skill, managing to fill me and give me earth-shattering pleasure without it being too much. I turn my head and lay my cheek on the pillow, close my eyes and bite my bottom lip. He’s in control again and last night I learned that letting him take over is the quickest way to coming. He pumps himself into me over and over, harder and harder, faster and faster, until I go over the edge and take him with me.

  When it’s over, he rolls us back onto our sides and says, “Good morning, beautiful girl.”

  I turn my cheek and smile. “Good morning.”

  “That’s how I want to be woken up every day from now on.” His voice is deep but holds a smile.

  I laugh a little. “Me too.”

  “As much as I’d like to stay in this bed with you for the rest of my life, I have a bull-riding championship to win.”

  “Oh, right. I forgot about that. Why don’t you quit now and we’ll tell everyone I’ve taken up professional bull-rider riding.”

  He laughs, then kisses my shoulder. “Can’t quit now. I need to earn myself a million dollars so I can take care of this gorgeous blonde that I fell for recently.”

  His smile fades, leaving an expression of pure adoration and love. I feel my entire body warm and I reach up and trace the stubble on his jaw. I suddenly realize how much it would hurt if I lose him and I’m terrified.

  Ryder narrows his eyes at me. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Everything is perfect.” I try to force a smile.


  “It’s just that I’ve never had someone to lose before.”

  “You won’t lose me. I’ll be right back in your bed tonight. I promise.” He lowers his mouth over mine and gives me a slow, sweet kiss.

  The kiss turns into more and this time, it’s careful and gentle. It’s his way of showing me that everything will be all right. And it’s my way of telling him how desperate I am for him to survive the next two days. When it’s over, we shower together and he hurries off to his hotel to change while I do my hair and makeup. He insists that I wait for him to come back so he can walk me to the stadium, even though it’s daylight. When we walk into the massive building, this time, we’re holding hands.

  He kisses me long and deep, not caring who sees it before he has to go get ready. “Good luck,” I whisper.

  “I don’t need luck. I have you.”

  “Yes, you do.” I place my hand on his chest. “I’ll be right here when you’re done.” I try to smile but I know I have fear in my eyes.

  “Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.”

  “You sure do.” I’m referring to all that hot sex and he smiles, catching my meaning immediately.

  “Nothing on this earth could keep me from you—certainly not some rank bull.”

  The rest of the day is a blur of activity. I try to keep my mind focused on work, but since my work today is all about bull riding, it’s not like I can put my fear too far out of my mind. So much can go wrong, but I have to believe that he’ll be fine. When it’s Ryder’s turn, I can barely watch. I hold my breath for the entire eight seconds and for the time it takes him to scramble out of the arena. Tears of relief fill my eyes as I jump up and down, cheering. I don’t even care what he scores. Only that he’s in on piece.

  I run to him and jump into his arms, knocking his hat off his head and kissing him wildly. He holds me tight and kisses me while his scores are announced—94.6. He beat his score from yesterday. I c
an feel his smile as we kiss. “Told you I’d be fine.”

  I hug him tightly, happy that I’ll have one more night with him.

  “Stay the night with me,” I say.

  “Just try to stop me.” He gives me a lingering kiss, then when he pulls back, he says, “I’ll make you a deal. From now on, where you go, I go.”

  Nodding, I give him another kiss. “Deal. Where you go, I go.”

  We stop at Ryder’s hotel and he checks out, then we go straight to my room so we can replay the night before. Room service and wild sex. He’s a little quiet and I know he’s thinking about what’s at stake tomorrow.

  I turn to him as we lay next to each other in bed. “Are you okay?”

  “To be honest, I’ve never been happier. I’m in the finals tomorrow and I finally found the woman of my dreams.” He traces my lips with his fingertips.

  “Are you nervous?”

  “Hell, yeah, I’m nervous. Tomorrow is the difference between us being comfortable and me having to figure out how to support you.”

  I lean in and kiss him. “You don’t have to support me. I do all right as far as money is concerned.”

  “But, I don’t ever want you to want for anything. You deserve the best of everything.”

  “If I have you, it’ll be enough for me. I promise.”

  I kiss him and it turns into so much more.

  We stare into each other’s eyes while he lays over me, filling me, and kissing me, and loving me the way I’ve always wanted to be loved. The way he looks at me melts my heart and brands me as his forever. I fight my fear of losing him tomorrow and make the most of the time we have right now. As we drift off to sleep, I hear him whisper. “I’m going to love you forever.”

  I don’t answer him because I know he isn’t ready for me to hear it. But I fall asleep with a smile in my heart, nonetheless.



  The sound of the crowd fades as the gate swings open. The only thing standing between me and the perfect life with Julia is eight tiny seconds. My heart leaps to my throat as the bull under me twists in a circle, then lifts his hind end as high as he can. I hold strong, knowing that that little move just scored me some serious points. He twists his body and snorts, wanting to get me the hell off of him, but there’s no fucking way I’m giving up now.

  Just as the buzzer sounds, he slams into the fence and starts to run along it, pinning my leg between the metal and his body. Pain shoots through my foot and travels up my side. The sound of bones crunching makes my stomach churn. As soon as he turns from the fence, I take my chance and leap down, knowing that when I hit the ground, it better be running, which will be hard as hell with a broken foot.

  I land on my knees and try to get up but the bastard is on me too fast. I see his hooves coming down on me before I can get clear of him. Then everything goes black.



  I’m in the back of the ambulance with Ryder. I lied and told them I’m his fiancée. I hold his hand while the paramedic hooks up an IV to his limp hand. He’s so pale that he hardly looks like the man that carried me to the shower this morning and held me up against the wall while we made love. His foot is twisted at such an odd angle that it makes my knees weak. His face is so bloody I don’t know where he’s injured.

  I watch in silence, glancing at the paramedic’s face every now and then for a clue as to what’s happening. She looks at me and offers me a reassuring smile, but there’s nothing convincing about it. Tears slide down my cheeks, but I don’t bother to wipe them away.

  We reach the hospital in what seems like two minutes. Or is it two hours? I have no clue right now. All I know is that I found the perfect love and after only three days, I might lose him.

  The back doors swing open and a team of doctors and nurses wait, their expressions grim and urgent. I hear words like ‘surgery’ and ‘brain bleed,’ and it’s all I can do not to throw up. Two of the doctors climb into the back of the ambulance and help the paramedic roll the bed out and into the building.

  I sit, completely numb and not knowing what to do. Somehow, I end up in a hallway on a soft chair. The buzzing from the fluorescent lights is the only sound. I watch the sky outside the window grow dark as I pray that he’ll come back to me. That he’ll be all right. That we’ll have our happily ever after.

  I wake to the feeling of someone shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes to see an older woman in scrubs crouched down in front of me. A mask hangs down around her neck, splattered with blood. “You’re waiting for Ryder West, right?”

  I nod, then rub my eyes, my stomach lurching. I search her face for some clue, but she doesn’t give anything away.

  “I’m Dr. Parker. I was one of the neurosurgeons that worked on him. He survived the surgery, but I’m afraid he’s not out of the woods yet. We have him in an induced coma while we monitor the swelling in his brain. He’s in recovery right now, but we’ll be moving him to intensive care in a couple of hours.”

  I try to make sense of what she’s saying, but I’m so groggy and scared, I can hardly understand her. “Will he…”

  “It’s too early to tell. We did everything we could and we’re going to be watching him closely in case he needs another surgery.”

  “Okay,” I answer, even though none of this is even remotely all right about this.

  “Why don’t you go get some sleep. You could come back in the morning when he’s in the ICU. I’ll let you sit with him then.”

  Shaking my head, I say, “He and I have a deal. I go where he goes.”

  She nods and pats my leg. “I thought as much.” She stands. “He’s a fighter, that one. He should be dead but he isn’t, and in my experience men like him with something to live for tend to beat the odds.”

  It’s almost twelve hours before I’m allowed to see him. When I open the door to the room, it’s the beeping from the machines I notice first. Then it’s his bruised and swollen face, the bandages wrapped around his head, the IV poking out of his arm and hand. His leg is in a cast that goes down to his toes, which are exposed.

  Something about the sight of his toes breaks me. They’re bruised and they look so cold to me. My eyes fill with tears and I wipe them away. Crying won’t do any good. Right now, he needs to hear my voice. He needs to know I’m here waiting and that he’s going to be just fine. I walk over to him and put my hand on his toes as gently as I can. They’re not cold to the touch but instead are hot to the touch. I move up to his side and put my hand on his left arm. It seems like the only place on his body that isn’t bandaged, bruised or stitched up.

  I take a deep breath, then find my voice. “Well, that was some ride. I thought you were a professional.” My joke gets caught in my throat and I break down, sitting on the chair next to his bed. “Ryder, please don’t leave me. I’m going to love you for the rest of my life and you better damn well be here for it.”

  He stirs just the tiniest bit. Or maybe it’s wishful thinking because he doesn’t open his eyes. He doesn’t smile. He doesn’t say my name. And I’m terrified he never will again. I climb into the bed next to him and snuggle into his side.

  When I speak, it’s in a whisper. “You better not die on me. We have a deal, remember? Where I go, you go.”



  My entire body aches as I start to come to. I’m not sure where I am at first. This doesn’t feel like a dirt floor under me. I hear a beeping sound that I wish someone would just turn off because I have the worst headache of my life.

  My eyelids are so dry they stick to my eyeballs as I force them open. The first thing I see is a dark ceiling. Then, managing to turn my head a bit, I see her curled up in a chair, fast asleep. My girl is here. And if she’s sleeping, I must have been out for a while.

  “Hey,” I say, but my voice only croaks.

  It’s enough to wake her though. She sits, then stands quickly. “Ryder? Are you really awake?”

  I try for a smile, but
it hurts too damn much.

  She bursts into tears and starts smiling and shaking. “You’re awake! You’re really awake! You can’t imagine how many times I thought you were finally coming to but it was my imagination. Are you okay? Can you talk? Do you need anything?” She laughs and shakes her head. “You’re alive.”

  Then her face falls. “Wait. Do you remember me?”

  I know I shouldn’t, but a moment like this really only comes once in a guy’s life. I nod my head a little. “Sure, I do. You’re the sexy nurse the guys hired to cheer me up.”

  When tears fill her eyes, I know I’ve gone too far. “Julia, of course I know who you are. You’re the girl I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.”

  Julia gives me an exasperated look. “That’s not funny!” she says, but she laughs anyway. “I’d slap you if you had any part of you that wasn’t broken.”

  “How about you kiss me, instead?”

  She leans down and gives me a long, sweet kiss, her tears falling on my cheeks. When she pulls back, I say, “One question though. Who am I?”


  “That’s a strange name. Did my parents not like me very much?”

  “They may have, but I’m not sure if I do.” She grins.

  “One more question. Did I win?”

  Six Months Later

  “Do you, Ryder Graham West, take Julia Helen Rutherford to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to honor her, love her, and cherish her in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, forsaking all others, until death do you part?” The preacher asks.

  “I do.” I smile down at her in her white lace dress, as the gentle breeze blows a piece of her hair in front of her eyes. Reaching up, I tuck the curl behind her ear so nothing’s in my way when it’s time to kiss her. She’s absolutely breathtaking in the late day sun, and I know that I’m the happiest man on the planet. Because she’s mine and she always will be.


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