Hard: A Sexy Sports Romance Boxed Set

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Hard: A Sexy Sports Romance Boxed Set Page 7

by Adele Hart

  “Do you, Julia Helen Rutherford, take Ryder Graham West to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to honor him, love him, and cherish him in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, forsaking all others, until death do you part?”

  “I do.” Her voice comes out strong and clear even though her eyes are filling with tears.

  I think about how she’s already loved me during worse and sicker. She’s been through hell and back with me in our short time of knowing each other. Three weeks in the hospital. Four months of physical therapy. Quitting her job to look after me and be by my side through it all. Giving up her life and moving to Montana for me. I get a lump in my throat as I smile down at her.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the preacher announces. “Ryder you may—”

  I don’t wait for him to finish. I don’t need anyone’s permission to kiss my wife. I lift my hands to her face and give her a kiss worthy of the occasion. It says this is forever. It says I’ll be here for her no matter what. It says I’m going to be wanting kids right away.

  Our family and friends stand and clap. When we pull apart, we face them and hold up our joined hands together in victory. I take a second to look around at the view before we run down a carpet of rose petals that cover the grass.

  We’re in a grassy field that sits at the top of our ranch, just below the mountains. We’ve been given the perfect early summer day to start our new life together, with a warm sun and just the slightest breeze to keep the men from sweating in our suits.

  As we make our way down the aisle, I think about how lucky I am to be alive and to be healing so well. I think about how lucky I am to have a million bucks in the bank so I can spoil my bride. I think about how lucky I am that I found the perfect woman to spend my life with. I think about the wedding night and how I can’t wait to get the guests out of here.

  “We did it!” she says, turning to me with a huge smile.

  I swoop her up in my arms. “We sure did.”

  It’s after eleven in the evening when the last of our guests pull out of the driveway. She stands in front of me, her body pressed against mine as we wave goodbye. “Thank God. I thought they’d never leave,” she says, turning to me.

  I pick her up under her knees and carry her toward the door.

  “Ryder, are you sure—”

  “I’m fine, darlin’. You don’t have to keep asking.”

  “Okay. I’ll stop.”

  I push the door open with my foot, then cross the threshold with her in my arms, right where she should be. Kicking the door shut behind me, I take her straight to our bedroom. She gasps when she sees my surprise for her. I’ve lit candles around the room, sprinkled rose petals, and replaced the old bedding with brand new crisp white linens that cost me a small fortune. But, the look on her face makes it all worth it.

  “My husband is so romantic.”

  I gently set her down on the floor. “He’s also horny as all hell. How do I get you out of this dress?”

  She turns and points over her shoulder to what looks like a thousand tiny cloth buttons. “That’s how.”

  I get straight to work. After a few minutes, I ask her if she couldn’t have found one with a zipper instead.

  “I could have, but I needed to get you back.”

  “For what?”

  “For pretending you didn’t know who I was.” She looks over her shoulder at me with a grin.

  “In the hospital?”


  “That was six months ago.” I laugh. “You’re not going to hold all your grudges this long, are you?”


  “On what?” I ask, getting down to the last few buttons.

  “On whether you manage to make me forget what I was mad about in the first place.”

  “And exactly how do I do that?”

  “You’ll figure it out,” she says, as I finally get to the last button. I reach up and slide the lace dress off her shoulders and onto the floor.

  Spinning her to me, I kiss her hard on the mouth. She parts her lips, letting me slide my tongue inside. Grabbing her ass with both hands, I pull her to me, pressing her against me. As soon as she lets out that little moan, I pull back. “This is how, isn’t it?”

  “This is how to what?”

  “To make you forget you’re mad.”

  “Well, I forgot what we were talking about, so I’d say you may be on to something.”

  It doesn’t take long before we’re both naked. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist, locking her feet behind my back. Our kisses become urgent and I can feel how wet she is for me already. I position her so my cock can find it’s way inside her tight pussy, then in one long, hard thrust, we’re joined together as man and wife.

  I lift and lower her over me, filling her and feeling her tighten her muscles around my thick cock. She starts to pant and I know she’s close to coming, but I’m not going to let her yet. I stop moving and hold her still. “Not yet. I’m going to take my time tonight.”

  Wiggling her hips in frustration, she gives me a little pouty look.

  I chuckle as I set her down on the bed. Lowering myself onto my knees, I spread her legs wide and kiss my way up her thighs. “I’m going to make you come at least three times tonight.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  “Yes, Mrs. West. It’s a promise.” I lower my mouth to her sweet, little pussy and tease her with my tongue. “Now, lay back and enjoy the show.”



  One Year Later

  “I got him, sweetheart. You go back to sleep.” Ryder says, sliding out of bed.

  “What if he’s hungry?”

  “He can’t be hungry. He just ate. He’s probably just lonely is all.” He kisses me on the forehead and strides out of the room.

  I watch him go with a smile on my face. The perfect man, the perfect father. I watch on the baby monitor’s screen.

  “Hey, little man. Were you feeling lonely? Dad’s got you.” He picks up our three-month-old son, Wyatt, and cuddles him to his bare chest. Immediately, the baby stops crying and snuggles into him. Ryder crosses the room to the rocking chair and sits down. “You were probably missing your mom more than me, weren’t you? It’s okay. You can tell me the truth. I’d understand. I miss her, too, when she’s not around. She’s the most amazing, beautiful woman of all time, so it won’t hurt my feelings if you prefer her over me. Plus, she’s soft in all the right places. She also has those nice big breasts that you seem so fond of. You can have them for now, but I get ‘em back eventually.”

  I giggle as he goes on. “She’s a little nosy though. Don’t look now, but I bet she’s watching us right now through the monitor.”

  He grins at me, then says. “Go to sleep, Julia. The baby’s fine.”

  I laugh loud enough that I know he can hear me. Then I hear Ryder start up a soothing lullaby, his voice low and quiet. I close my eyes and let the sound bring me closer to sleep myself. I’ve never been so happy or so tired in my life. If Ryder had his way, we’d be working on number two already. He’s such a proud dad. But, I’m going to need a while before I’m ready again. At least until Wyatt is sleeping more than three hours at a time.

  I turn over and press my cheek to my pillow, thinking about how wonderful my life has turned out. It’s the surprises that have made me happiest. Ryder coming into my life. Me finding success as a blogger. Us getting pregnant pretty much on our wedding night. None of these were things I expected, but they’ve all made my life richer than I thought possible.

  Ten Years Later

  “Are they finally asleep?”

  “Yup,” Ryder says, climbing into bed.

  “Four boys, one girl, all down for the count.” He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. “So, what should we do now?”

  “I don’t know. Do you have any ideas?”

  “I thought maybe you’d like to ride a former bull rider

  “Why, yes, Mr. West, I believe I would like to do just that.” I climb on top of him and press myself against his already hard cock, rubbing along the fabric of his boxer briefs. “We’ll have to do away with these.” Shimmying my body down, I tug at his underwear and pull them off. I work my way back up, stopping to lick and suck on his cock until he pulls me up to him.

  “Now, you said you wanted a ride. If you keep that up, it’ll be over too quickly.”

  “Then I better stop. I want my money’s worth.” I straddle him and sit up tall, then tug my nightie over my head, leaving me naked.

  Ryder smiles as his eyes rake over my body. He gives me a low whistle. “How is it that after five kids and over a decade of marriage, you still have a body like that?”

  “Regular sexercise.”

  “Well, we’ll have to keep it up then, won’t we?”

  “Honey, you always keep it up.”

  I lower my head to his and kiss him while I shimmy my hips, bringing him deep inside. Even after all these years, we can’t keep our hands off each other. He’s it for me and I’m it for him. Nothing will ever tear us apart. We make love late into the night, then collapse together, falling asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, knowing that a new day will be here before we’re quite ready. But, it won’t matter if we’re tired when the kids wake us up because we’ll face the day together like we do every day. And tomorrow night, we’ll be right back here, tangled up and in love.

  Because where he goes, I go.

  Also by Adele Hart

  Alphas and Virgins Titles

  Thrill Me

  Tempt Me

  Take Me

  Choose Me

  Kiss Me

  Devour Me

  Make Me Titles

  Make Me Yours

  Make Me Crazy

  Make Me Wet

  Make Me Wild

  Make Me Happy

  Make Me Love You

  High Stakes and Hot Heroes Titles

  My Toy Boy

  My Cocky Cowboy

  My Naughty Professor

  Bad Boys and Good Girls

  Slow, Hard Puck

  Fast, Hard Ride


  Alphas and Virgins - 3 Hot Reads

  Alphas and Virgins - 3 Sexy Stories

  Make Me - 3 Hot Reads

  Make Me - 3 Sexy Stories

  Deliciously Dirty

  Guilty Pleasures

  Copyright © 2017 by Adele Hart

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Also by Adele Hart

  Thrill Me

  Take Me

  Tempt Me

  Choose Me

  Kiss Me

  Devour Me

  Alphas and Virgins Volume One

  Alphas and Virgins Volume Two

  Make Me Wet

  Make Me Crazy

  Make Me Yours

  Make Me Wild

  Make Me Happy

  My Toy Boy

  Make Me Volume One


  Hey Girl,

  I don’t know about you, but I LOVE watching the Olympics. Love it. Summer or winter. So much that I wanted to write a story about it. I mean, what’s not to like? The passion, the glory, the human body achieving what most can only dream of. Plus, all those freaking hot men. I mean, seriously, those are some hard bodies. All those muscly muscles covered with more muscles…mmm. Muscles. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m actually salivating a little.

  Anyway, with the 2018 Winter Games coming up, I hope this will get you in the mood to cheer on the world’s best athletes as they ski or skate or play hockey with all those rock-hard muscles.

  Okay, anyway, I hope you enjoy this story. It’s about a cocky hockey player and a cute, little figure skater who doesn’t want to want him...

  Enjoy the happy ending (wink wink),




  “I’ll be fine, Mom.” Fighting a big sigh, I try to hold my patience. I’m on a shuttle bus with the rest of the figure skating team and I speak quietly so the other teammates won’t hear. “See you in two weeks.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come? I could change my flights and meet you there in a day or two. I’m sure my boss will give me the extra time off if you need me.”

  “I need to do this on my own. It’ll be all right, I promise. The whole team will be with me. Besides, I’m not a teenager anymore.”

  “But you’ll always be my baby, no matter how old you get.” Her voice goes up two octaves and I know her bottom lip is quivering. “I’m just so proud of you, Dani. I don’t want to miss a minute of your time in Korea.”

  I roll my eyes at my best friend and fellow figure skater, Tasha, who just got off a similar call with her mother. We’re on our way from the rink to the airport. Even though all of our parents dropped us off less than half an hour ago, we’re all getting the same call from panicky parents who want to change their plans and come now. Our coach, Pierre Rondeau made it very clear that no family members are to come until the start of the Winter Games. He needs us to concentrate on nutrition, discipline, and perfection for the next fourteen days. He needs us to get away from the tiger moms and the doting dads who think they know better than the coach himself. In my case, I hope that this will be the difference I need to finally achieve my life’s goal of being the best figure skater in the world. Every competition I come so close, but never make it onto the podium which is hugely frustrating. I have all the parts needed to make it, but somehow, I never quite manage to pull it all together to win the gold.

  My dad’s voice comes on the line. “Pumpkin, it’s me. Your mom and I just want you to know that if you need us, we’ll be there in a heartbeat.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it, but I’ll be okay.”

  “All right. Now, you remember what we told you about Athlete’s Village. It’s full of young men with bad intentions.”

  Oh, God. Not this again. “Relax, okay? I’m not going to end up in some orgy or something. I’m there to win gold, not let some idiot jock distract me.”

  “Good, because we’ve all worked so hard to get to this moment. I’d hate to see you waste this opportunity.”

  My shoulders drop under the weight of his words. We’ve all worked so hard. My parents aren’t like the other skating families. We don’t pull into the parking lot of the rink in a shiny new Lexus, my mom hasn’t had a nip and tuck, my dad didn’t retire early so he could play more golf. Instead, he’s still pulling double shifts at the water treatment plant to pay for my extra ice time, coaching, physiotherapy, massage therapy, sport psychologists, skates, and costumes. “I won’t let you down, Dad. I promise.”

  “I know, Pumpkin. It’s just that everything’s going to be completely new to you and there will be about a million distractions to throw you off your game.”

  “I’ll stay focused. I know what to do.”

  “Good girl. Just remember, we believe in you. We always have.”

  “I know. Thanks. We’re just pulling up at the airport.”

  “Okay, have a safe trip. Text us as soon as you land.”

  “I will. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”



  “Wake up, you dumbass. I refuse to let you make me late for another flight.” My teammate and roommate, Hunter, flicks on my bedroom light.

  “Fuck off,” I groan, lifting my pillow and tucking my head under it. “You just killed a very fun moment I was having with a hot stewardess.”

  “Well, if you get your lazy ass out of bed, you might just meet a real hot stewardess in the flesh.” He kicks the foot of my bed. “Twenty minutes. Do not make me late for the fucking Winter Games.”

>   I yawn loudly. “Is that today?” I ask, knowing it’ll get a rise out of him to pretend I forgot.

  “Are you fucking serious? Of course it’s…oh, you asshole. You knew all along, didn’t you?”

  “Now that you mention it, it rings a bell. I should probably start packing, right?” I scratch my two-day old whiskers on my jaw and try to fight a smile.

  Hunter, who has been packed for over a week now makes a grunting noise then walks out into the hallway muttering, “Prick.”

  I chuckle to myself as I drag my ass out of bed. There’s nothing easier than upsetting a goalie. They’re all fucking nuts to begin with. Hunter’s the worst of them all. A total control freak, type-A, needs to line up his fork and knife when he sets the table, kind of guy. I, however, am the complete opposite. First off, I don’t set the table. I eat on the sofa while balancing my plate on my lap and surfing through the sports channels. Second, I play center, which means I jump in and go wherever the moment takes me. In my case, it’s taken me to the pros at the tender age of seventeen and now, at the ripe old age of twenty-three, it’s taking me to the Winter Games for my second attempt at a gold medal. That fucker Sydney Crosby is not going to beat me this time. Canada is going down.

  When we arrive at the airport, we’re greeted by a throng of girls who have come to see us off. Hunter gives them a quick smile and a wave and keeps walking toward the security check-in, but I stop to say hello and pose for some pics. By the time I work my way through the crowd, I hear my name being called over the loud speaker, “Clint Sullivan, report to gate G-52 immediately for boarding.”


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