Hard: A Sexy Sports Romance Boxed Set

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Hard: A Sexy Sports Romance Boxed Set Page 8

by Adele Hart

  “Sorry, ladies, that’s me. Make sure you cheer loud enough so I can hear you in Korea. And meet me back here when we get home. I’ll be the guy with a gold medal around his neck.” I wink at an especially hot brunette and the look on her face tells me she’ll be waiting.



  So, we’ve been sitting on the plane waiting for one fartknocker who has clearly decided he’s more important than the rest of the people flying today. One of the flight attendants picks up the phone, then after a minute hangs up, then turns to her colleague. “Tell the captain that our straggler has just passed security. He’ll be here in two minutes.”

  I slide on my neck pillow and position my Hello Kitty eye mask on top of my head so I can go to sleep as soon as the security briefing is done. I’ve decided to get on Korea Standard Time right away and it’s already night time there. I tap my foot, getting ready to glare at whoever it is that is making us late. I have a Grade A glare. I perfected it in middle school and now I’m glad I’m at the front of the plane so I can use it.

  I turn to complain to Tasha but she’s engrossed in a conversation with the hottie sitting beside her. He got the window seat and she’s taking full advantage of having a captive audience for the next twelve plus hours. The way she’s fawning all over him, I’m pretty sure they’re going to join the mile-high club by the time we land.

  “Hi, there.” A deep voice sounds from the door of the plane, and even though I can’t see who the voice belongs to, I know by the flight attendant’s reaction that he’s hot as sin.

  She blushes and says, “Welcome aboard Mr. Sullivan. I’m a big fan of yours.”

  “That makes me a lucky guy…” He pauses and she fills in the blank for him.


  “Ginny, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Giggling like a school girl, Ginny says, “I’ll show you to your seat.”


  She turns and starts down the aisle, letting him come into view. And holy heck! It’s like the entire plane stops and has to catch their breath at how freaking gorgeous this man is. He’s what would happen if Thor and Wonder Woman had a baby then raised him on nothing but protein.

  I’m ready with my glare though because I do not tolerate a disrespectful jerk, no matter what he looks like. His eyes land on me and an amused look crosses his face. “Well, hello, Kitty. Let me know if you need some help getting to sleep later. I have a technique that works every time.”

  I fold my arms across my chest. “Oh, is it making people wait for you to show up? Because that was a little boring…”

  “Oh, you’re a feisty kitty. Nice.” He winks at me and my mouth drops open in shock as he follows the giggly flight attendant.

  Tasha, who has temporarily forgotten seatmate hottie in favor of late guy hottie, grips my arm with her hand.

  I turn to her and say, “What an ass, right?”

  “I can’t see from this vantage point, but I’m guessing you’re right.”

  Seatmate hottie, who turns out to be a sports reporter, leans across Tasha and says, “That’s Clint Sullivan, captain of the US hockey team. Don’t get sucked in by him. He goes through women like they’re paper napkins.”

  “Oh, I have no intention of going anywhere near him.” I purse my lips. “Believe me.”

  My plan to sleep is ruined by the fact that, apparently, I’m on the party airbus. As soon as the seatbelt sign is turned off, people all over the plane get up and gather in groups wherever they can. Pretty soon, it’s more like a cocktail party than a flight. I sigh, tugging off my mask and giving up.

  Tasha looks over at me. “Giving in to the fun?”

  “This is insane. The pheromones are so thick on this plane, it’s a wonder you can see out the windows.”

  Tasha laughs. “Relax, sweetie, when we land, we’ll have two weeks until the opening ceremonies. How about taking a break from being perfect for a few hours?”

  “I’m not—”

  “Sure, you are. There is not one person on this plane with a tighter…schedule than you. Now, why don’t you let yourself take a dip in all the man candy we’re swimming in? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and no matter whether you win gold or silver, you’ll always regret not taking advantage of this moment,” she says, standing up and climbing over my legs to get to the aisle. “Which is exactly what I’m going to do. The ski team guys are at the back of the plane and I have got to meet them. You coming?”

  “No, thank you.” I bend at the waist and shove my eye mask and pillow into my carry-on, then pull out my Sudoku puzzles. They always manage to relax me, no matter how stressed I am.

  “Suit yourself, Grandma,” Tasha says before she disappears.

  I take a moment to move over to the window seat for more privacy now that both my seatmates are gone. I flip to my page and get started on the first puzzle.

  “Sudoku, huh? I figured you for a National Enquirer sort of girl.”

  I freeze at the sound of his voice, the timber of it vibrating straight to my lady bits. My eyes rake over him hungrily and I order them to stop that before they make their way to his chiseled face.

  When my gaze finally meets his, he’s grinning down at me. “Couldn’t sleep? Don’t forget my offer, kitty.”

  “I’m not really sure you’d have all that much to offer.” I glance down at his crotch and wrinkle my nose a bit, trying to force my eyes not to go wide at the bulge he’s sporting in those jeans. Good lord, that’s quite the intimidating package.

  Late guy hottie laughs and holds out his hand. “Clint Sullivan.”

  “Feisty kitty.” My hand shoots out without my permission to shake his hand and when we touch, my knees go weak. Thank goodness I’m sitting down.

  “Pleasure to meet you, kitty.” He doesn’t let go of my hand right away and I can’t help but notice the electrical charge going through me. “Let me buy you a drink.”

  I let go of his hand and try to unscramble my brain. What was I doing again? Oh, yeah, my math puzzles. “No, thanks. I don’t drink and Sudoku.”

  Clint laughs at my little joke, and the sound he makes is deeply satisfying, as I’m sure he would be. No! Stop that, Danika. Keep your eye on the prize.

  He flags down the flight attendant and orders a beer and a glass of champagne, then sits his very fine ass next to me. The middle seat, too. Not the aisle seat which would be preferable because it would feel a whole heck of a lot safer if my arm weren’t touching his. I seriously need to get rid of this guy right now. If I don’t, I have a terrible feeling that I’m about to kiss my dreams goodbye along with those of my hard-working parents.

  “I hear you’re quite the talent on the blades.”

  My cheeks heat up with the complement as well as the thought of him asking around about me. I force a bored look onto my face. The flight attendant appears with our drinks, saving me from trying to think up a clever response. Clint takes them, flashing her what I’m sure is his trademark smile before handing me a flute of champagne.

  He holds his beer up to me and says, “To new friends.”

  I clink my glass to his beer can and laugh reluctantly.

  “I’d say these drinks are a good metaphor for the two of us. You’re fine wines and crystal glasses and I am Bud all the way.”

  My chest tightens with shame at my wrong side of the tracks background. “You also figured me for a National Enquirer girl.” I tap my Sudoku book with one finger to make my point.

  Clint nods his head. “Is that your way of trying to tell me you didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in your mouth?”

  I take a sip of champagne, feeling the bubbles on my tongue as I stall on giving him an answer. He’s not exactly the type of guy I’d ever feel comfortable exposing myself to—and I don’t mean getting naked. I mean making myself emotionally vulnerable. The look on my face must say more than I intended to because Clint’s sharp features soften for a moment.

  “I get it, Kitty. I hav
e a feeling we both grew up on the same side of the tracks.” He takes a long swig of his beer and when he pulls the can away from his mouth he smiles a little. “You’ve probably got a lot more riding on this trip than most of the people on this plane.”

  I stare into his eyes a lot longer than is advisable because something about the expression on his face makes me give him my name. “I’m Danika.”

  “I know, I asked around about you, remember?” He bumps his shoulder to mine. “But I think I’m going to have to call you Kitty anyway.” His gaze drops to my lips for a brief second and my entire body warms at the thought of him kissing me.

  I’ve only had two boyfriends before. One was in high school and I didn’t let him get past second base even though we were together for most of junior year. The second one was a Russian skater who came to train with our club in Santa Monica. Things were more serious with Sergei and I right up till I found out he had a wife waiting back home. Thinking of Sergei causes my stomach to clench a little and reminds me why men are a terrible idea for a girl like me.

  “Clint, there you are you dog.” A beefy blond guy reaches down and punches Clint on the bicep. “The guys are pissed. We’ve been waiting for you to start the poker game at the back.” He looks me up and down and then grins. “But I can see you’ve got a better game going on up here.”

  I clear my throat and sit up straight. “No, there’s no game here.”

  Clint gives me a long look and then lowers his voice. “You sure? I’m pretty good at math puzzles. I could help you finish that page you’re on.”

  “I don’t need any help,” I shake my head.

  Shrugging, Clint stands and then points to the puzzle I was just working on. “Sure you do. That should be a nine.”



  By the time Hunter and I settle into our tiny apartment in Athletes’ Village, I’m wiped. It’s been close to twenty-six hours since I woke up and in that time, I’ve been drunk, sober, drunk, and now sober again. As I lay my head down on my pillow in my apartment and close my eyes, it’s her face that fills my brain. Even though we didn’t talk again during the entire rest of the flight, I couldn’t get her off my mind the whole time. Not when I was beating the rest of the guys at poker, not when I was watching Ocean’s Eleven through Thirteen on my iPad, not when I was waiting at the carousel for my bags. I went up to the front of the plane as casually as I could no less than three times, but that girl can sleep. She somehow managed to block out all that noise and slept for at least ten hours.

  At one point when I walked by, I couldn’t help but stare at her for a bit. Her angel blond hair had fallen across her face and my fingers ached to reach out and brush it off her cheek. But I had to stop myself in case one of the guys saw. They’d never let me live that down.

  I should be exhausted, but I can’t sleep. There is an energy coursing through my veins that I’ve never felt before, and I know it has everything to do with her. My feisty little kitty. My dick gets hard as images of her flash through my brain. I think about all the ways I want to be with her. When I first laid eyes on her scowling, beautiful face, I was overcome by the urge to throw her over my shoulder and make my way to the bathroom so I could have my way with her on the counter. When I sat next to her in the seats, it was all I could do not to pull her onto my lap and slide my hand into those yoga pants she was wearing.

  My hand glides down under my sheets and I tug my boxer briefs out of my way. There’s no way I’m going to fall asleep until I work out a bit of this tension she caused. I rub and tug on my cock, wishing it were her mouth instead of my hand. Thoughts of her full lips sucking me deep and pulling me in till I hit the back of her throat fill my brain. I can picture her tight, toned little figure and I know she must be incredibly bendy. Precum seeps out of the head of my cock and I feel that throbbing and pulsing all the way through my body. I work my dick hard now and rough thinking of Danika until I blow my wad, forcing myself to stay silent. I get myself cleaned up using some tissues on the night stand, then lay back staring at the ceiling.

  As I finally drift off to sleep, something deep inside me tells me I’m going to see her again and that I’m gonna make her mine. It’s that same voice that told me I was going to make the pros. The same voice that knew I was going to score the game-winner in the Stanley Cup two years ago. I roll onto my side and fall into a deep sleep, filled with longing and excitement.


  Danika - Two Days Later

  My heart picks up its pace as I step inside the Ice Pavilion, built specifically for the Winter Games. It’s a huge, beautifully constructed place meant to impress. This is really happening. A kaleidoscope of butterflies flutter around in my stomach as I grip the handle of my leather skate bag.

  Tasha slaps me on the arm. “Can you freaking believe this? We’re really freaking here at the mother freaking Winter Games!”

  “I know, right?” There is nothing on this planet that could wipe the smile off my face right now. Except maybe Brooke Donovan, who happens to be making a beeline for us at the moment.

  She gives us each that patented Brooke once over complete with a tiny wrinkling of her nose, then says, “Hey, girls. I see you finally made it to Korea.”

  This is her little way of telling us she got here two weeks ago on her parents’ private jet, along with her coach and physiotherapist. Brooke’s family has all but bought her way to the games. Like mine, I suppose, except without the double mortgage.

  She grins down at us. “I guess neither of you heard either.”

  “Heard what?” Tasha asks.

  Brooke rolls her eyes. “We’ve been bumped by an hour. The men’s hockey team stole our ice time.”

  “What? Why?” I craned my neck to look past Brooke but it’s no use. She’s almost six feet tall to my 5’1.

  “I guess they’re more important than us. ESPN wants to film them and get some interviews on ice for tonight’s news back home. Apparently, the rivalry between our guys and the Canadians heated up last night. There was a bit of a brawl in the gym.”

  “Seriously? I thought Canadians were supposed to be so nice.” For some crazy reason, I find myself concerned about Clint. “Did anyone get hurt?”

  “One guy from the Canadian team has a busted jaw!” Brooke says, slapping her thigh with one hand as she snort laughs.

  “A broken jaw? That’s awful,” Tasha says. “I hope it isn’t Jared. I was really hoping to give that part of his body a good workout.”

  She wanders off in the direction of the rink and I hurry to follow her. When I step inside the arena, I find Tasha standing on the steps about half way down the stands. Brooke stays with me, in spite of the ‘go away’ vibe I’m trying to give off.

  The space smells of fresh paint and a hint of sweaty male. The white surface of the ice gleams under the new lights. I freeze and watch as the players take turns whipping slap shots at the goalie, my eyes scanning for Clint the entire time. Then I see him, standing with a small woman in a blue dress. She’s holding a microphone and talking into a camera while Clint leans on his stick and grins down at her.

  “He is hot with a capital H,” Brooke sighs.

  “Who?” I ask, pretending that I wasn’t just drooling over him.

  Brooke gives me a skeptical look, then says, “Clint Sullivan. Did you not see the spread of him in People’s Hottest Athletes Going to the Games last month?”

  “Must have missed it.”

  “Oh, that’s a shame, Danika, because…” She finishes the thought by biting the side of her finger. “Too bad he’s engaged.”

  “He’s what?”

  “Yeah. To some Victoria’s Closet model. My mom is good friends with Victoria so she told her at a garden party in the Hamptons on Labor Day weekend.” Brooke holds a hand up to me. “But you can’t say anything to anyone because, like, nobody knows about it and she’s still in the middle of divorcing some Greek shipping mogul so it would really mess up her life if anyone found out.”
br />   My heart sinks to my feet. That makes sense. Of course he’s with an underwear model. “Whatever, I met him on the plane. He’s pretty full of himself.”

  “When you look like him and play like him, you can afford to be full of yourself.” Brooke shakes her head and stares at him some more.

  Tasha and I make our way down to the dressing room, managing to ditch Brooke when a few more of the girls came into the arena and she needed to rush over to tell them the big news. I manage to put Clint Sullivan out of my head and get back to remembering why I’m here. Tasha and I sit in silence on the long wooden bench and grin at each other.

  I whisper to her, “We made it.”

  “We sure as shit did, hun.”

  I lean back against the smooth wall behind me and close my eyes. As soon as I do, Clint’s face pops into my mind, just as it’s done every time I’ve closed my eyes since the flight two days ago. I sit up straight and open my eyes, willing myself to just forget him and his dream girl in her tiny panties and D cups.

  “You okay?” Tasha asks.

  “Yup. Great. Never better.”

  “You sure? Because you’ve been pretty distracted since we got here.”

  “Of course I’m distracted. We’re at the freaking Winter Games.”

  “I’m thinking it might have more to do with a certain hockey player who couldn’t stop walking past your seat while you slept the entire flight.”

  My cheeks burn hot. “He did not. And even if he did, I would never go for a guy like him. He’s a big meathead.”

  She shrugs. “Haven’t you ever heard that opposites attract?”


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