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Hard: A Sexy Sports Romance Boxed Set

Page 20

by Adele Hart

  “I know you are.” He pulls me to him and wraps his arms around me. “When I saw you today, I just wanted to rush to you and hold you. After you left, I promised myself I’d find you and see if we could have a chance together.”


  "And the way I feel about you hasn't changed, Jess. The second I saw you, I knew. I'm still in love with you, and nothing's going to change that." “Not even—”

  "Nothing. I came here to get you and take you home with me, and now I get to take home two people to love forever." He smiles and lowers his mouth to mine, kissing me hard on the mouth.

  I kiss him back through my tears, happiness pouring out of me. I’m immediately transported back to our first kiss—the taste of him, the smell of him, the feeling of his mouth on mine. After a few minutes of passionate making out, Ethan lifts me in his arms and carries me back toward the bedrooms. “Which door is yours?”

  "Second one on the left," I say, nuzzling his neck. "We're going to have to be very quiet."

  “I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep.”

  “But, you’ll try?”

  “Really, really hard.” He grins at me as he shuts the door behind us with his foot.

  Setting me down on the floor, he lifts my t-shirt over my head. My bra is next, then, overcome by need, we both strip down as fast as we can and fall onto the bed together. Ethan flips me onto my back and works his way down my body, kissing every inch of my skin until he reaches my thighs. Spreading my legs with his hands, he takes his time exploring my pussy, carefully, so slowly that I can hardly stand it. When he finally thrusts his tongue in deep, my hips buck and I press myself against his mouth, greedy for more. He runs his tongue over my clit, causing my entire body to shudder with pleasure and I'm overcome by the need to have him inside me again.

  I reach down and touch the back of his shoulders. “Come here. I want us to come together.”

  Making his way back up my body, he plants more kisses, awakening every inch of flesh. When he’s finally positioned over top of me, he smiles down at me. “I never stopped loving you Jess, no matter how hard I tried.”

  "Me too. I've dreamed of this moment a million times since you left. And now it's really happening." Tears of happiness fill my eyes, and when they roll down my cheeks, he kisses them away.

  "It's okay. I'm here, and I'm not letting you go ever again." He kisses me tenderly on the mouth, then lets his tongue run along my top lip, igniting a fiery passion in me again. "I don't have a condom."

  "Well, since the last one was so effective, we might as well skip it," I say with a little laugh.

  Ethan chuckles, then says, “It would be kind of perfect if we managed to make another baby our first time back together. That is, as long as you want another baby so soon.”

  I nod my head and kiss him hard. “Will could use a little brother to play with.”

  “Or a little sister to spoil.”

  We kiss some more while I run my hands up his hard abs and chest then around to his perfect backside. The thrill of feeling his body over mine again is almost too much—I’m so overcome with happiness that I don’t ever want this moment to end.

  He enters me with one long, hard thrust, and the feeling of his smooth, bare skin inside me is perfection. I feel him stretching me and hitting me in all the right places as he pumps himself into me with the skill and grace of an athlete. I lift my legs higher, so they're close to his shoulders, allowing him in even deeper and he picks up the pace, pumping his hips into me harder with each thrust. Our breathing finds the same rhythm, and I lift my head so I can kiss him some more. "Oh, yes, Ethan, yes."

  Faster now. Harder. Again and again.

  “I’m going to come, Ethan. Come with me,” I whisper.

  And that moment is our undoing. We both come so hard, riding the waves of an orgasm that has been two years in the making. My toes curl up and my entire body tenses and spasms as I feel him releasing hot liquid into me over and over.

  I bite down on my lip to stop myself from crying out while Ethan’s breath catches and he lets out a low groan of pure ecstasy before collapsing onto me. He rolls onto his side so he won’t crush me and we lay together, a sweaty heap of happiness, kissing and cuddling until we’re ready to do it again.

  The next morning, I wake to the sound of Will’s voice calling for me. I get up and quickly throw on my bathrobe.

  Ethan wakes and smiles at me. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Good morning.” My entire body is raw and satisfied. “I’ll go get him.”

  “I’ll throw on some clothes.”

  “Oh, that seems like a waste,” I say over my shoulder.

  A few minutes later, I return to the bedroom with our freshly-diapered son. Ethan is sitting up in bed, wearing his T-shirt, with his legs under the covers. He smiles at Will, and it nearly breaks my heart that we're all together.

  “Hi, Will,” he says, holding his hands out. “I’m your dad.”

  I walk to my side of the bed and sit down next to Ethan. Will crawls off my lap to go examine the man next to me. He touches Ethan's nose, and Ethan makes a little beeping sound which makes Will laughs like crazy, and they do it again.

  “Oh, I think he found his new favorite toy,” I say.

  After playing for a long time, Ethan picks up his phone and says, “I think we need a photo of this moment.”

  He props Will between us, then holds the phone up. Ethan and I lean in so our heads are touching and he snaps a couple of pics. Then he turns to me, with the camera still poised above his head and kisses me hard on the mouth.

  When he lowers his hand, we both look at the pictures he took. “There,” he says. “We’ve got a nice little family started.”

  “Yes, we do. Maybe not in the right order, but…”

  "But, who cares? We're in love. We found each other again, and if we can make more like this little guy, we're going to have a houseful of love forever."

  An hour later, Ethan leaves for the hotel to collect his things. He called his coach to tell him what happened and say that he wasn’t going back to Arizona today but would be there as soon as he could get us packed up. His coach wasn’t thrilled with the news, but since Ethan is their star player, he had to allow it.

  My Aunt Karen brings up some empty boxes from the basement while I pack Will’s clothes into a big suitcase she lent us.

  She puts the boxes down and kisses me on the head. "I'm so happy for you, sweetie."

  "Me, too. I'm in shock still. I can't believe this is actually happening." I give her a big hug. "I'm going to miss you so much. You should come live with us."

  “No, you and Ethan and Will need time to get to know each other. But I hear Arizona’s nice in the winter. Maybe I’ll rent a condo there for a couple of months.”

  “Oh, would you? That would make everything so much better. Will and I need you.”

  “You won’t need me anymore, but I want to stay part of your lives anyway.”

  We give each other a long hug, then a knock at the door interrupts us.

  Will runs to the door with me, and when I open it, Ethan is standing there, looking happy and handsome. Will rushes to him and Ethan picks him up and swoops him into his arms.

  “Will, that’s your dad. Can you say dad?” I ask.

  Will puts his little hands on Ethan’s face and says, “Dadadadad.”

  Ethan's face lights up, and he pulls our son in for a hug. "That's right, buddy. I'm your dad."



  When we pull up in front of Ethan's house, my jaw drops. It's a mansion in a southwest style with a red clay roof and rounded, tall double doors at the front. A gate slowly slides open after Ethan punches in a passcode. He turns to me and grins. "The passcode is J-E-S-S."


  “Yes. It’s always been you, Jessica.” He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. “Welcome home.”

  We park out front and walk in through the front door, Ethan ca
rrying Will in one arm. Will wiggles his way down and starts to explore and we follow him. The house is enormous but somehow homey, with eight bedrooms, nine bathrooms, and an enormous swimming pool in the backyard. The second Will sees the pool, he starts to laugh and clap. "Swim. I swim!"

  An hour later, the two of them are still in the pool. I spend the time wandering around the house, then make some lemonade and go outside to be with them.

  Ethan lifts Will onto the deck and then climbs out himself. They both have a long drink while I warn Will it’s almost naptime.

  “Mmm, naptime. I like the sound of that,” Ethan says, kissing me on the neck. “Do we get naptime, too?”

  “Oh, yeah. We’re going to nap at least twice this afternoon.”

  “And then at least three times tonight?” He asks, nuzzling my neck.

  “At least.”

  He pulls me into his wet arms, and I scream a little at the shock of the cold on me, then I laugh.

  “Welcome home, baby.”


  Ethan - Three Months Later

  I stand under an arch of flowers in our backyard waiting for my bride. She’s been a little under the weather with morning sickness, so I hope she can make it through today. Will stands in front of me with the rings tied to a pillow. Before me are our family and friends, as well as most of my teammates and the coaching staff.

  A string quartet plays while Jess walks up the aisle, a white carpet runner that we placed over the grass. Flower pots overflow all around the yard, and it's a perfect sunny day—not too hot for our guests.

  Jess's mother is sitting in the front row, looking shell-shocked, which pleases me more than it should probably. Her eyes have been the size of saucers since she saw where her daughter lives now. She's been sucking up to both of us, and I think it's good for Jess to have her mom treat her decently for once, even if it is because she wants a handout. I'll gladly give her one if it gets her out of here.

  My parents grin up at me, then turn to watch Jess. They've had a few months to get over the shock of finding out they have a grandson. They've been wonderful about the whole thing, very supportive of both Jess and I. They rushed to Arizona immediately to meet their grandson and have been spoiling him rotten ever since. They even offered to stay with him while we go on our honeymoon, but we're holding off until football season is over and Jess is feeling better. It's enough for now that we're making it official.

  When she gets to the front of the aisle, I reach out with both hands and pull her in for a kiss. The minister chuckles and says, “We haven’t gotten to that part yet, Ethan. Although you two don’t seem to do things in order anyway.”

  The crowd laughs, and we join them, then I press my forehead to hers and whisper, "You look beautiful. Are you ready for this?"

  “I’ve been ready since the day I met you.”

  “Good, because I’m never going to let you go. This is the start of our forever,” I say, keeping my voice low so only she can hear.

  She smiles up at me. “Then let’s get started.”


  Jess - Five Years Later

  “Okay, guys, we made it!” I turn to the back rows of the rental SUV and smile at our three children. Will, who turned six last month, Henry, who’s five, and Becca, who is just about two.

  The kids cheer, happy to be back in Cape Williams, where we spend the summers. We don't have to rent a cottage because we bought one a few years ago—a five-bedroom clapboard right on the ocean. Ethan's parents and brother meet us here every summer, and we see my family as well. Carla got married to a nice fireman named Joel, and they had two more boys, so Ben has two little brothers to play with. My mom finally met Mr. Right, as well, a widower who moved to town two years ago. He's certainly done something to her because she's a changed woman. She even apologized for being so harsh all those years.

  Ethan reaches over and takes my hand and pulls it to his lips. “You happy to be home, Jess?”

  “My home is wherever you and those three monkeys are,” I say, smiling up at him.

  He puts my hand on his lap as we slowly pass through the town. It’s a hot, early summer day, and I can see the entire place is coming to life again. A new beginning filled with excitement.

  That evening, after we've unpacked and gotten the kids to bed, we're snuggled up on our round outdoor daybed which sits on the covered veranda. We sip wine, listen to the surf come in, and talk about life, about the kids, about nothing and everything. We're still so in love, and I know that there's so much more to come for us. There will be some storms, yes, but we'll weather them together.

  “Oh, Carla said she’d take the kids for a sleepover tomorrow night,” I say, setting down my empty wine glass on the side table.

  "Carla's my favorite sister-in-law," Ethan says, nuzzling my ear.

  "She's your only sister-in-law. Well, until Teddy and Andrea get married."

  “She’ll still be my favorite. She likes having our kids over.”

  I laugh a little, then say, “Oh! We should take a walk to the secret park tomorrow night.”

  Ethan raises one eyebrow. “And what exactly would you want to do if we went there?”

  “Oh, you know, fool around a little.”

  “I don’t know. I think you’re going to have to show me what you had in mind.”

  I grin at him, then lift my T-shirt over my head and toss it onto the deck. “Something like this…”

  Ethan sits up, then takes me by the waist and pulls me so I’m laying flat on my back. Then he undoes my jeans and strips them off, taking my panties with them.

  “No fair. You need to be naked, too.”

  “You’re not naked. You still have your bra on.”

  “And it’s staying on until you’re naked.” I clamp my hands over my breasts so has no choice.

  “You drive a hard bargain, Mrs. Harris.” He says, then he peels off his clothes, revealing his sculpted body.

  "Here, you can help me with my bra," I say, as I turn over onto my stomach so he can undo the clasp.

  He gives me a light slap on the ass, then unhooks my bra and runs his hand down my back and between my thighs. Then he plants kisses along my spine while he rubs my already-wet pussy with his strong hands. I let out a low moan of pleasure and let him work his magic right here, outside by the light of the moon.

  And I know tonight will be perfect, just like it always is with us. Each time we love each other, it's like it'll be the last time. We've never forgotten what it was like to long for each other for two years and, since we've been back together, we're still making up for lost time.

  He flips me over onto my back and hovers over me for a second, just staring into my eyes. “I love you, Jess. I always will.”

  “I love you, too, Ethan.”

  And we make love for a long time, disappearing into our own world, knowing that this love is forever.


  Slow, Hard Puck Sneak Peek



  “I’ll be fine, Mom.” Fighting a big sigh, I try to hold my patience. I’m on a shuttle bus with the rest of the figure skating team and I speak quietly so the other teammates won’t hear. “See you in two weeks.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come? I could change my flights and meet you there in a day or two. I’m sure my boss will give me the extra time off if you need me.”

  “I need to do this on my own. It’ll be all right, I promise. The whole team will be with me. Besides, I’m not a teenager anymore.”

  “But you’ll always be my baby, no matter how old you get.” Her voice goes up two octaves and I know her bottom lip is quivering. “I’m just so proud of you, Dani. I don’t want to miss a minute of your time in Korea.”

  I roll my eyes at my best friend and fellow figure skater, Tasha, who just got off a similar call with her mother. We’re on our way from the rink to the airport. Even though all of our parents dropped us off less than half an hour ago, we’re all getting th
e same call from panicky parents who want to change their plans and come now. Our coach, Pierre Rondeau made it very clear that no family members are to come until the start of the Winter Games. He needs us to concentrate on nutrition, discipline, and perfection for the next fourteen days. He needs us to get away from the tiger moms and the doting dads who think they know better than the coach himself. In my case, I hope that this will be the difference I need to finally achieve my life’s goal of being the best figure skater in the world. Every competition I come so close, but never make it onto the podium which is hugely frustrating. I have all the parts needed to make it, but somehow, I never quite manage to pull it all together to win the gold.

  My dad’s voice comes on the line. “Pumpkin, it’s me. Your mom and I just want you to know that if you need us, we’ll be there in a heartbeat.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it, but I’ll be okay.”

  “All right. Now, you remember what we told you about Athlete’s Village. It’s full of young men with bad intentions.”

  Oh, God. Not this again. “Relax, okay? I’m not going to end up in some orgy or something. I’m there to win gold, not let some idiot jock distract me.”

  “Good, because we’ve all worked so hard to get to this moment. I’d hate to see you waste this opportunity.”

  My shoulders drop under the weight of his words. We’ve all worked so hard. My parents aren’t like the other skating families. We don’t pull into the parking lot of the rink in a shiny new Lexus, my mom hasn’t had a nip and tuck, my dad didn’t retire early so he could play more golf. Instead, he’s still pulling double shifts at the water treatment plant to pay for my extra ice time, coaching, physiotherapy, massage therapy, sport psychologists, skates, and costumes. “I won’t let you down, Dad. I promise.”

  “I know, Pumpkin. It’s just that everything’s going to be completely new to you and there will be about a million distractions to throw you off your game.”


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