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The Dungeons of Torgar

Page 16

by Joe Dever

  Drakkarim Garrison: COMBAT SKILL 26 ENDURANCE 39

  If you win the combat, turn to 332.


  Your Kai senses save you from the sniper's shaft: it whistles past harmlessly as you dive for cover. As you rise to your feet you spot your would-be assassin hastily reloading his bow.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 36.

  If you choose to evade the sniper by running along an alley to your left, turn to 155.


  The advancing Death Knights skid to a halt when they see you emerge from the shadows. ‘Ruzzar!’ bellows their leader, and quickly they unsheathe their swords and attack.

  Élite Death Knights: COMBAT SKILL 42 ENDURANCE 48

  If you win this combat, turn to 162.


  A trumpet announces the arrival of Prince Graygor's men as they swarm around the west side of the square. Baron Shinzar screams in anger and lifts his axe on high, daring them all to step forward and feel its lethal caress. His offer is met by a dozen arrows, loosed by Eruan archers from the houses bordering the square, but the shafts are drawn to the blade of the sorcerous axe where they disintegrate in a sizzling splash of glowing splinters. With an evil laugh, the Baron mounts his charger and gallops through the soldiers, cutting down those brave enough to stand in his way. But as he leaves the town he finds his escape blocked by a new and formidable enemy.

  Turn to 110.


  Swiftly you dive beneath the bridge and wait with bated breath as the horsemen approach. They thunder across the bridge, and when you can no longer hear their hoofbeats pounding the rocky road, you climb out of your hiding place and continue northwards.

  Turn to 179.


  Again a crackling bolt of blue-white fire lances from the hilltop ruins and strikes with lethal accuracy. Screams of terror rend the air as the unslain soldiers fall apart in a desperate, panic-stricken flight to escape the fate that has befallen their slain comrades. Your Kai senses draw your eyes away from this carnage to focus on a figure clad in silver mail and a gold-spiked helmet. He is crouching on the highest point of the dilapidated temple wall and you sense that his magical power is the source of the deadly blasts. Quickly you inform the Prince of what you have sensed and seen at the temple.

  Turn to 42.


  Using your powers of telescopic vision you focus on the ruined log huts and scan them for signs of life. A dull glint of sunlight on tarnished steel and a glimpse of a scarlet-clad figure moving behind an open doorway warn you that the settlement is occupied. You cast your eyes along the river for an alternative place to cross. But it is only here that the deep, fast-flowing waters of the River Brol are shallow enough to cross on horseback.

  If you wish to gallop towards the ford, despite the risk of an ambush, turn to 8.

  If you choose to avoid the ford and try to cross the river further downstream instead, turn to 224.


  Carefully you cross the raging river, leaping from one boulder to the next. The sun warms your body but you feel an unexpected chill as soon as you set foot on the opposite bank. Instinctively you know that this is the Isle of Ghosts Prince Graygor spoke of so fearfully.

  A stony trail leads into the heart of the mist-enshrouded trees. It is partially overgrown with saw-briar, which tears mercilessly at your boots and leggings. Undaunted, you press on until forced to stop at the edge of a narrow chasm that bisects the trail. A tangle of yellowed bones lie at the bottom and a damp unwholesome smell rises from a number of tiny caves which riddle its sheer walls.

  If you wish to attempt to jump across this narrow chasm, turn to 123.

  If you wish to look for a way round it, turn to 62.


  You snatch the amulet from Roark's lifeless hand and then turn to confront Tagazin. You sense an energy flowing between Roark's amulet and the amulet that hangs around the Demonlord's neck, and you use this power-bridge to ward off the creature.

  Tagazin shudders as your psychic commands rob him of his supernatural strength. His body becomes pale, almost transparent, and wisps of smoke curl from his skin as though his body were evaporating slowly. He retreats towards the centre of the temple and leaps onto the marble block. There is a chilling howl and suddenly the shadowy chamber is flooded with a blinding light. Thunder booms and the walls shake. Terrified, Roark's followers flee the temple and scramble up the stairs. Crackling bolts of white lightning leap from the marble block to tear great chunks of rock from the walls, and the air seethes with a cloying stench that threatens to suffocate you. With terror in your heart you bound up the steps and escape as the defeated spirit of the Demonlord vents its spite on the chamber below.

  Turn to 341.


  You return to consciousness with a throbbing headache. A circle of bristle-bearded faces swim in and out of focus, staring down at you as if you were a fish in a bowl. You try to rise but are discouraged from doing so by the point of a sword that hovers above your heart. As your vision slowly clears you realize that you are no longer in the gorge, and the faces you see belong to a company of crimson-clad partisans.

  ‘It was careless of you to wander into Lacaress Gorge, Pathfinder,’ says a tall, lantern-jawed sergeant. ‘What were you hoping to find there save a good night's sleep?’

  ‘I came with Prince Graygor's leave,’ you say, showing your signet ring as proof. ‘I am here on a secret mission of great urgency. I must speak with your leader, Sebb Jarel.’

  The sergeant inspects your ring carefully. ‘Very well,’ he says, and sheathes his sword. ‘We shall take you to Sebb, but you must agree to be blindfolded.’ You nod your assent and a yard of cloth is wound about your eyes. Guided by the sergeant, you are helped onto your horse and the reins given into the hands of one of his men. After two hours in the saddle, you reach your destination and the blindfold is removed.

  Turn to 25.


  You focus your Kai skill on the detent, willing it to move aside. It clicks back and the door opens on to a passage lined with torches. Halfway along there is another door — a solid slab of iron broken only by a small, barred window. Silently you approach this door and peer in through the grille.

  If you have visited the Danarg in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 260.

  If you have not, turn to 114.


  Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you scramble to your feet and reach to your weapons. ‘Stand back to back,’ whispers Jarel, his keen eyes peeled for a sign of the beast among the densely packed trees. You remember hearing tales of the Taintor wolves during your travels through Eru, of their cruelty, speed, and savage cunning. At the time you thought the stories were greatly exaggerated, but now you are not so sure.

  ‘There, over there!’ hisses Jarel, pointing to a knot of pines with the tip of his sword. A scream rises from the darkness, which becomes a howl, high-pitched and horrible. The dark foliage rustles, and then a massive wolf-like creature bursts into view and runs towards you, its eyes rolling and its long, yellow fangs gaping wide.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 70.

  If not, turn to 187.


  When he opens his fist you see that the coin shows ‘tails’. ‘Fate has chosen you for this heroic task, Kai Lord,’ he says, and hands you the leather satchel containing the crystal explosive. ‘My men will cover you with their crossbows when you make your run. Place the device so that the shard faces the door and remember, you have only ten seconds to get back once it is activated.’

  You shoulder the satchel and, as Adamas gives the order to his men to fire, you scramble over the rampart and sprint towards the great iron door.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you have completed the Lore-circle of Solaris, add a further 2.

  If your total is now 0–1, turn to 243. />
  If it is 2–7, turn to 99.

  If it is 8 or more, turn to 184.


  ‘I see you wear the Prince's mark,’ he says, pointing at your signet ring with the tip of his blade. ‘Be you running an errand on his behalf?’

  ‘Aye,’ you answer, mimicking the Eruan accent to perfection with the help of your Magnakai Discipline. ‘An errand of great urgency. Do you know where I might find Sebb Jarel?’

  The man laughs and slaps his thigh. ‘Aye, that I do,’ he says, jovially. ‘He's my brother. You'll find him encamped at the foot o' Hawkridge Mountain. Stay on the trail to Pirsi until you reach the old mining settlement of Kaig. Then take the track that follows the stream. Just keep on ridin' and you'll find ol' Sebb soon enough.’

  You thank him for his help and hospitality and turn to leave. As you reach the doorway he calls out: ‘Be watchful when you enter the forest. There's a pack o' Akataz on the loose. If they catch scent o' your horse they'll be down on you quicker than lightning.’

  Turn to 75.


  The surviving Drakkarim scatter into the surrounding alleys and you are able to advance towards the centre of Torgar unopposed. The Palmyrions meet up with their regiment and you continue alone along the dingy thoroughfare. It leads to an open square where a conical tower of iron points accusingly at the sky. Here the flagstones vibrate to a continuous throbbing that beats like a gigantic pulse somewhere deep in the bowels of the city. The battle has drawn most of the Drakkarim away from this square and you have no difficulty in reaching the tower and entering it via an open archway. A corridor of steel lies beyond, empty save for the constant din that assails your ears. Countless passages lead off from the main corridor, all sloping downwards, and many occupied by Drakkarim warriors. The passages are poorly lit and it is easy to avoid your enemies until you reach a vast stairway bathed in a bright orange glow that radiates from a level below.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have completed the Lore-circle of Solaris, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 0–6, turn to 348.

  If it is 7 or more, turn to 47.


  With one swipe of his huge white paw, he hooks his claws into your tunic and flings you across the temple. Shocked by his speed and ferocity, you scramble to your feet and fumble for a hand weapon as he stalks after you like a cat teasing a frightened mouse. His face is set in a ghastly sneer as he enjoys the novelty of his mortal form.

  Around his neck, on a chain of black iron, hangs an amulet forged in the shape of a fiery, five-pointed star. You notice that Roark possesses a similar amulet which he clutches to his chest as if his very life depended on it. He and his followers are huddled in a corner of the temple, watching you and their master fearfully.

  If you wish to attack the Demonlord with your weapon, turn to 210.

  If you wish to try to cut the amulet from his neck, turn to 128.

  If you wish to attack Roark and take the amulet he is holding, turn to 41.


  Seconds after leaving the ditch, another hail of deadly arrows whistles down and you are forced to dive for cover to avoid being hit. When you rise once more it is to the sight of your horse rearing up on his hind legs and scrabbling the air frantically with his forehooves. An arrow has pierced his skull and you watch with sorrow as he topples and crashes lifelessly into the mud.

  All the other riderless horses are either dead or have fled the field in panic. Left with no choice, you scramble out of the mud and set off after the Prince on foot.

  Turn to 115.


  Swiftly you cross the rocky causeway, taking care to tread on only those stones that rise above the foaming white torrent, and you enter the Moggador Forest as quickly as the dense trees will allow. The ground rises steeply and it is dusk before your climb ends at the crest of a ridge overlooking the Isle of Ghosts. In less than an hour it will be dark, so you decide to camp here on the ridge and continue at first light (you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points).

  You are preparing to settle down on a bed of leaf mould when the howl of a timber wolf prompts you to abandon your soft mattress and spend the night in the bough of a tree.

  Turn to 125.


  Your Arrow creases the creature's skull and disappears into the darkness beyond. It howls at the sudden pain but does not cease its attack. The wolf is now upon you and there is no time to draw a hand weapon to ward off the first snap of its great yellow fangs.

  Taintor Wolf: COMBAT SKILL 26 ENDURANCE 46

  You must fight the first round of combat unarmed. At the start of the second round you may draw a weapon (if you possess one) and fight the beast as normal.

  If you win and the fight lasts four rounds or less, turn to 202.

  If the fight lasts longer than four rounds, do not continue but turn instead to 234.


  ‘What manner of deceit is this?’ he growls accusingly. ‘Know you this, your tricks and your tortures will never break my spirit, for I am of the Vakeros and we are slave to no man!’

  Your Kai senses tell you that he is speaking the truth — he is a Vakeros warrior-magician of Dessi. Certain now of his truthfulness, you decide to reveal to him your real identity.

  Turn to 69.


  The Death Knight warrior appears, his huge black form silhouetted in the archway. You grip your weapon tightly and prepare to strike him a fatal blow should he see you hiding in the shadows, but you do not need to attack. He snatches up the spear in his mailed fist, turns, and hauls himself out of the ditch, grunting and cursing his carelessness as he struggles in his heavy armour.

  You wait twenty minutes before leaving the bridge and working your way slowly along the ditch.

  Turn to 124.


  The officer looks at you as if you are insane. ‘The crazy fool thinks he's a Kai Lord,’ he says scornfully to his men as he climbs back into his saddle. ‘The foul air of this wilderness has addled his brains. Let us ride on; we've wasted too much time here already.’

  He spurs his horse forward and you are forced to dive aside as the riders surge across the bridge and disappear along the road that leads to the Moggador Forest.

  Turn to 179.


  With your heart pounding fit to burst, you gulp a lungful of air and leap into the gorge. For a few seconds you lose your orientation as you tumble in the air then you hit the river with a stunning crash: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

  You soon surface but the current is very strong and you cannot resist being swept along. For over a mile you ride the icy white water until your feet touch some smooth rocks as they speed past below. By kicking out against these boulders you are able to propel yourself towards the bank. Cold and exhausted, you eventually claw your way out of the water and collapse on the rocky shore.

  The jump and your river ride have taken their toll on your possessions. Delete the items you have listed second, third, fifth, and seventh in the Backpack section of your Action Chart. Also, delete half the contents of your Belt Pouch and one Special Item of your choice.

  Turn to 294.


  Dust clogs your throat and the roar of falling stone is deafening as you race towards the surface. When you reach the ramp that leads to the crystal doors you find it split wide open. A web of cracks zigzags across the two halves and a growing mound of rubble threaten to seal off the exit. Desperately you claw your way across this jagged debris, passing the bodies of some of Roark's followers, and diving through the shrinking exit just before the ceiling collapses with a tremendous crash.

  Outside the situation is remarkably calm; only a slight ground tremor and a sound like distant thunder hint at the incredible destruction taking place inside the temple. The clearing is deserted and you are beginning to think you are the only one to have escaped, when you hear horses galloping away and glimpse three riders disappearing
along a track that heads off to the east. It is nearly dark and they are soon swallowed by the shadows of the forest.

  If you wish to follow them, turn to 181.

  If you choose to ignore them and spend the night in the clearing, turn to 19.


  As you approach the partisans you hold up your right hand to display your signet ring. It is enough to convince them that you speak the truth.

  ‘Very well,’ says their sergeant, a tall lantern-jawed man with iron-grey hair. ‘We shall take you to our leader. But you must agree to wear a blindfold. It is for your own good as well as ours. The Drakkarim torture their prisoners: should you fall into their hands you'll not be able to tell them where we are encamped.’ He pulls a length of cloth from his saddlebag and wraps it tightly around your eyes. Then another takes hold of your reins and leads you away from the gorge. After two hours in the saddle you finally reach your destination and the blindfold is removed.

  Turn to 25.


  A creeping numbness paralyses your limbs and, as your fingers lose their strength, you cannot prevent yourself from falling into the bore-hole after the Black Yua that injected you with its deadly venom.


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