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Never Lost (The Dirty Heroes Collection Book 5)

Page 9

by Tl Mayhew

  So far so good, I think to myself as I make it to the first platform. The rest of the way is flimsy stairs and they shake, creak, and rattle as I skip over ever other tread and make it to the next landing.

  This is the third floor, but each escape only spans one apartment, which means I have six on this side and I suspect six on the other. I have a good feeling this is the right side. Peering in the first apartment window, I see children playing with blocks on a living room floor. She’s a virgin, which means this is clearly not hers. The parents sitting lovingly next to one another also confirm that thought.

  There’s no way I’ll be able to go all the way down and back up again to check each one. I’ll have to climb across. Luckily the distance between each is not far, and I’m able to lean over grab the rungs from above and swing to the opposite side.

  I don’t land gracefully by any means, and I hold my breath as the whole escape shakes from top to bottom. My heartbeat is erratic and coursing adrenaline through my veins. This is no different than the stunts I’ve done in movies, and at this moment I’m thankful for the training I’ve had.

  There’s no time to stop and praise myself though. I peer in the next window. This time it’s more difficult to tell. It’s dark inside but not too dark to see. It could be Rook took her, which means the apartment would be empty.

  In the case of this one the platform I’m on extends across to another room. A bedroom. There’s a low light on and two people in bed. Clearly they’re not asleep. My blood boils when the thought it could be Rook and Winsley enters my mind. These two appear to be in a very intimate relationship. She’s on top and grinding against him.

  My little virgin girl wouldn’t be that adventurous. Not at first anyway.

  I linger longer than I should. My dick is doing the thinking at this very moment. “Fuck, Preston, focus!” What was supposed to be an internal conversation is said on a shout and draws the attention of the sexy couple. Just when I think they’re going to call the cops, they both turn and smile, eventually going on about their business.

  Whatever apartment that is, I need to remember, because they seem like a couple I could bring home once Winsley has more experience. Not too much though. Innocence and fear can make for hot sex.

  Once I’m back to the original escape and onto the next my adrenaline builds, this is the one it has to be. My instincts are confirmed when there through the window, pacing back and forth in the living area is Tinka.

  I burst through the window. Glass and all.

  It’s not something she’s ready for and she freezes mid-step. Not wasting any time, I catch her off guard, gripping her arms. “Where is she?”

  “Preston, please. You don’t need her. I’ll do whatever you want, even that…stuff. We can leave here now and I can show you,” she says, placing her hands on my waist and pleading with her eyes.

  “Tink, you dug your grave in our relationship. Whatever was between us is over. Now tell me where Winsley is.” I squeeze harder.

  Tears tease the corners of her eyes and she lets out a shaky breath. “She’s in there, probably getting fucked by Rook.”

  Those words set me on fire and I shove her aside, headed for the bedroom door. It’s the last inanimate object separating us. Grabbing my hands together, I don’t bother with the knob; instead I go at the door full force with my shoulder. It pops off the hinges with ease.

  Rushing in, I could’ve never prepared myself for what I’m seeing.

  She’s on her stomach and bound at the wrist and ankles, both of which are fastened to the bed with longer rope. Her dress lies in puddles on either side, and her face is blindfolded while she’s screaming into a gag as Rook is pounding her from behind.

  The sight sends enough rage flowing through me that I could light the entire city of LA with a touch of my finger. I run full force at him, knocking him off her, and we tumble out of the bedroom window landing in a pile on the fire escape.

  It creaks from our weight and fists flying.

  I shouldn’t be out here. I should be tending to Winsley and not leaving her to… “Tinka, fuck.” They’re the last words I say before deciding to end this for good.

  Rook makes another move, trying to sweep my feet from under me but I stand, and instead stomp on his semi-hard dick.

  He screams, holding himself and rolling from side to side.

  The escape creaks louder and begins pulling away from the building, noticeable by the dust falling from above.

  It’s going down and if I don’t do something quick, I’ll surely be going down with it. Rook can rot in hell for all I care. I leap for the window, capturing enough of the edge to get a good grip. The sudden movement pulls the bolts from the brick building and the escape falls the three stories, landing with a loud crash and a cloud of dust. Pieces of broken glass cut into my fingers but it’s better than the alternative.

  Rooks broken body lies motionless atop all the metal below.

  Once I find the windowsill, I grip onto the trim, and pull myself up, climbing back into the room. I’ll never complain about daily chin-ups again. With no time for catching my breath, I drop to my knees beside the bed and fumble with the ends of the rope until she’s free.

  Next comes the blindfold, soaked with her tears, and the gag leaving streams of saliva when I remove it from her mouth. Blinking rapidly her eyes slowly adjust to the dim light. Once she recognizes who I am, she wraps her arms around my neck, and I pull her body against me. Her earlier tears now a flood wetting my shoulder.

  If I thought seeing her in such a physically emotional state was hard, hearing her weak voice mutter over and over about how much it hurts rips my heart straight in half.

  How will she ever recover from her innocence taken from her so forcefully and by a man with such evil inside? The only thing I can do is offer words of comfort while smoothing her hair. “I promise, when you’re ready, the next time will be the highest pleasure you’d never think you could ever experience. Winsley, I want to make you fly.”

  Still in tremendous pain, she repositions herself; managing to take a breath and slow her tears long enough to tell me, “He did it in my ass, Preston.” More tears fall. “It was like I was being ripped in two.”

  Where he did it shouldn’t matter, and it doesn’t to me, other than what he put her through. I would’ve made soft love to her whether it was her first time or only her first time with me.

  There are very few words that will comfort her now, but there are things that need to be said. “I’m so sorry he did this to you. I should’ve seen it coming. I should’ve been here for you.”

  She cups the side of my face, sniffling. “It’s not your fault.”

  “Some of it is, but, sweetheart, I’m here for you now and hopefully in the future, if you’ll have me. But first we need to get you to the hospital.”

  No sooner than the words leave my mouth, the police stalk into the room with guns drawn. When they’ve determined it’s only the two of us in the bedroom, they holster their weapons and come check on Winsley.

  “The cavalry is here,” I tell her then glance up at the officers. “She’ll need an ambulance.”

  One of them nods and is quick to radio it in via his walkie, while the other kneels down beside us and we fill him in on what happened.

  The scene that played out here is like a real-life version of a movie but not a role I’d planned on taking with her. I’m ready for where things take us next.

  Once everything has been explained to the police, with Winsley in my arms, we take an elevator ride down three stories and then exit the building. Looking at the scene there are fire trucks, an ambulance, and more than four police cars, one of which Tinka currently sits in the back of.

  She was there and she didn’t try to stop him, it makes me think she played a big role in what went down. I’ll get the detail from Garret later, right now Winsley needs medical attention. Just as I’m preparing to hand her off to the EMTs, a young woman rushes over to us.

  Her fa
ce is flushed with panic and her bags of what look to be groceries crash to the ground. “Winsley? Oh my God, what happened to you?” she asks, about to place her hands on my woman when I turn away from her.

  “And you are?” I ask sternly.

  “I’m Jennifer, her best friend,” she spits back.

  I glance from the stranger and back to Winsley. She nods and more tears escape.

  Turning back to who I now know as Jennifer, I tell her, “It’s a long story, one we don’t have time for right now. The ambulance is taking her to the hospital. If you want, you can ride with my agent, Garret.” I nod behind her. “He’s headed there now and we can fill you in once this one is stable.

  “You got it, boss. This way, Miss Jennifer.”

  “Thank you,” she says, before turning back to us and placing a hand on Winsley’s arm. “We’ll be right there, hon..”

  Winsley offers her friend a tired nod then adjusts herself in my arms and leans her head against my chest.

  Once she’s in the ambulance, settled in the gurney, and I’m by her side; she turns to me and the last words out of her mouth before they cover her face with an oxygen mask make my heart swell.

  “Preston, I was going to tell you tomorrow but then all this happened.” She takes my hand in hers. “I’ve made my decision, and my answer is I want you. All of you.”


  Six months later…

  The doctor said six months would be enough time for my infection to clear up and the tears on my ass to heal.

  It was tough going there for a time because not only did the infection get so bad it settled in my body, but it had taken almost a month of being hooked up on an IV filled with antibiotics that ultimately saved my life.

  Preston couldn’t say enough kind things about the doctors and nurses who treated me. They were on par and the kindest people the entire time he’d said. I was being treated like his queen.

  “You know that today is?” I ask, giving him my best sultry eyes and a little more cleavage than normal.

  “Yes,” he says nonchalantly, his indifference at my blatant hints driving me crazy.

  “I’m ready, Preston,” I plead.

  “I don’t know, Winsley. Isn’t it a day before your six months is up?” He’s teasing me and I’m not finding it humorous. I am ready for him to fuck me hard and fast and then do it again, slowly and torturously.

  We’ve played around before but have always been gentle and cautious of my injuries. Never quite bringing me to orgasm, which means I’ll probably explode as soon as he touches me down there.

  “Preston…” I say, pushing his newspaper down, trying to get his attention.

  “Yes,” he says, ignoring my pleas and lifting his paper back up

  “Come on, you promised.” I give him my best puppy eyes, knowing they’re the ones he can’t resist.

  Without warning, he turns over in the bed and quickly takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger before giving me a warning. “Don’t play games with me, Winsley.”

  I brush his hand away and laugh. “You know that doesn’t work on me anymore, right?”

  He does know. But he also knows how to win a battle. He drops his lips to mine. Teasing me at first, then taking me to a peak where the only release would be an orgasm. Something I’m ready for now more than I have ever been.

  His gaze is eating up every inch of my body like I'm the last meal on earth. The only one for him.

  Tucking a wisp of hair behind my ear, he leans in, pressing his lips to mine. If heaven were a place on earth, it would be the softness of those very lips.

  Returning the intensity he gives so easily, and a deep growl permeates from his chest. Here we meld seamlessly. Our lips, the emotion and need pouring from the other. It’s an ache I've never experienced before.

  "Winsley...Stay with me," he says, his soft tone filled with control.

  We’re both naked, he’d made that a rule as soon as I’d come to live with him. Neither of us wear clothes in the bedroom. There’s no point, they’re just getting pulled off anyway.

  “There is one thing I’m changing about tonight. You start playing with your clit. I need to grab something,” he warns.

  “Oh really?” With his preferences it could be anything and my nerves suddenly stand on edge, sending chill bumps over my skin. Nevertheless, I slide my fingers over myself just as he’d asked.

  When he’s almost to the bed, he tosses my cat with the Christmas hat T-shirt at my face. “Don’t get spoiled with this. I’m only allowing you the opportunity to wear this shirt one night because I promised myself that’s what I’d do.”

  I’m ecstatic about the shirt, but he doesn’t give me much time slip it on because he’s kneading my breasts and pinching at my nipples, making me groan.

  “Hmm, I could taste this beautiful body forever," he says, placing his lips to my neck and running his tongue over her skin. His tongue is like licks of fire and he’s burning my skin with each and every touch. It’s only a short time before he’s made his way to my collarbone and further south, eventually suckling on one of her nipples.

  His hands grip my waist.

  This is a new experience for me. And I'm loving EVERY FUCKING MINUTE of it.

  My belly is now being assaulted by his tongue, toying with my belly button. It makes me giggle and I squirm.

  "Shhh,” he says. “No squirming. If I have to tell you not to move again, it will come with a punishment."

  His commanding tone sets my blood on fire, making me wetter than I already am. In my fantasies I've always wanted a man in control. Especially one who is a good teacher and teaches me the way he likes things.

  Slowly he drags his tongue from my belly to my pelvic bone, positioning himself between my legs and I stiffen my knees. What if he doesn't like what he sees? What if I'm not as pretty as Tinka...down there? He might change his mind and leave.

  Oh God, he can’t leave.

  "Winsley," his tone demands. "Open your legs for me. I want to see how beautiful you are everywhere."

  I hesitate.

  "Come on, sweetheart, open yourself to me. I want to take in every inch of you. I want to taste you."

  My knees spread barely.

  "That’s right, a little more. I’m not going to force you. I want you to do it for me, and for yourself." He’s quickly melting my psyche.

  I relax, allowing my thighs to drop on the soft cloud, which is his bed beneath.

  “Beautiful” he says, leaning closer. His warm breath heats parts of me I’ve never exposed to another. It’s a rush of him being so close, and the anticipation of his touch. But nothing could’ve prepared me for what he does next.

  With one swipe of his tongue, I'm lost. It’s magical a mix of heat and chills over my skin, forcing an ache to build that could explode any minute. Preston is everything I thought he would be: kind, gentle, and a lot controlling.

  There's no way I can keep from arching my back. I'm so close to letting it all go, I want it to last longer, but he's taking me so high I feel like I could be flying right along with the very white puffs my mind is drifting to.

  When I said slow and torturous, I never thought it would be like this. “Preston, please I want you to make me come.”

  He's still for the longest time, as though he's considering my plea but doesn't say as much. After a beat he lowers his tone. "Are you sure you’re ready?”

  “Yes. Please. What if tomorrow I die and I never get the opportunity of having Preston Pace inside of me?” I say on a long breath. I face away from him, unsure what might be going through his mind, and not wanting to know if I’ll be rejected. But the next words out of his mouth are like a godsend.

  “Lie back.”

  I do as he asks.

  “Close your eyes.”

  The softness in his tone is slowly lulling me into a headspace where it’s only him.

  “I’m going to slip my finger inside. Focus your mind on how my touch feels,” he rumbles.

/>   His finger doesn’t go far and even though I try, I’m having a hard time getting past thoughts of the barrier keeping him from me. It’s not until the he begins a rhythmic pace that I’m able to push out all the thoughts in my head except for what he’s doing.

  Now is when I realize I want him—all of him. I moan.

  “Shhh, quiet. Think about the sensation, the need building in your pussy and expanding to every nerve. Can you feel it, Winsley, the mountain I’m building?”

  “Yes, I feel it.”

  Repositioning himself between my legs, he takes my hand and places my own fingers on my pussy while he aligns his dick with my entrance and leans in close. “You know what’s on the other side of a mountain, Winsley?”

  “Yes.” I respond breathily, my fingers working faster.

  “You’re at the top, sweetheart. Take us over that cliff.” With that I shout out and he forces himself inside.

  My innocence is lost but my love for this man will never be.


  The Curse Behind The Mask - Sneak Peek

  I'm no Prince Charming. I’m your worst nightmare.

  Tonight, at the erotic masquerade ball, I get to choose a girl to play with. She'll endure my deepest, darkest, erotic pleasures.

  I'll ruin her for any other man, push her limits.

  I finally see her, a beautiful brunette, her body made for me. She must play my game, submit to my demands under the watchful eye of the evil queen, if she wants to survive.

  Chapter 1


  I stood with my hands on the balcony overlooking the foyer, I stare down and stalk the women as they entered the house to attend tonight’s Erotic Masquerade Ball. The men were dressed in tuxedos and the ladies in glamorous dresses, all aware of the sick adventures they were about to enjoy. You had to be crazy to attend these parties, and I, for one loved to torment and defile a woman as much as anyone else. I’m a prince, after all, bad behaviour was a given. I was not made to adhere to the stuck up, clean cut arsehole persona that was expected. That was not me.


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