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Holding Out for a Hero

Page 17

by Codi Gary

  She tugged her hands away from his and embraced him, snuggling as close as she could get as she lost herself in Blake.

  One of his hands came up and cradled the back of her neck, tugging gently at the strands of her hair. Their lips broke briefly, and Blake whispered her name, his breath caressing her wet, swollen lips, and a quiver between her legs made her squeeze them together.

  He pulled back, his gaze devouring her face. She wanted to bring him back to her, afraid reality would set in and he’d walk away from her again.

  “God, Hannah, you taste so fucking good.”

  And this time when his lips came down on hers, they were desperate, powerful. He slid his hands down, gripping her ass through the poof of her dress, and she didn’t protest or tell him to keep it above the equator. She wanted Blake to touch her, hold her . . .

  Love her.

  Chapter Twenty

  BLAKE WASN’T THINKING of anything else but Hannah as he kissed her, memorizing the contours of her lips. He’d been halfway across the room when that little douche bag had tried to kiss her, and when he’d seen her use the move he’d taught her, he’d wanted to whoop in celebration.

  Having Hannah in his arms felt so good, so right. He wanted to strip her slowly out of her incredibly poofy gown and kiss every surface of her body until she came, slipping into her when she was still warm and throbbing from her release.

  God, just thinking about it was getting him close.

  Slow, remember? What the hell happened to slow? Fucking Hannah in the storeroom is the opposite of slow . . .

  Which meant he needed to put some distance between them before he forgot all about his good intentions.

  Pulling back from the kiss, he pressed his lips to each of her cheeks, her nose, the spot on her neck just below her jawline. She sighed, and he felt it against his mouth as it vibrated in her throat.

  “Blake . . . ”

  It was so hard to break away from her, but he did, leaning his forehead against hers, taking deep shuddering breaths to calm his libido.

  “I don’t want to stop.”

  “Then don’t.”

  Her answer surprised him, and as he gazed down into her dreamy hazel eyes, he almost did it. Almost pushed it all aside and took what he needed so desperately. What Hannah was offering.

  But he wasn’t that guy. He wasn’t going to hook up for the first time with a woman he liked in a storeroom. Hell, he’d rented an expensive hotel for Jenny the first time they’d . . .

  Blake closed his eyes, pushing that thought away.

  No, you aren’t going to think about that. Not now.

  Smoothing his hands up her body and over her hair, careful not to mush it, he said, “I am this close to pulling your dress up and making you come against the wall.”

  “Oh.” Her mouth opened in a little O of surprise, and then her hand came up and she ran her thumb across his lips. Unconsciously, he flicked his tongue out against the pad, and the look on her face was almost his undoing.

  “Okay, I’m going to step away from you, because if I don’t, all my good intentions are going out the window.”

  She let him go, and he turned away, needing to adjust himself as his cock strained painfully against the front of his pants.

  “I thought . . . ” Her voice trailed off, and he turned, the sight of her leaning against the wall, her breaths still coming fast and deep, giving him a whole new understanding of the term heaving bosom.

  “You thought what?”

  A shadow fell over her expression, and she seemed to be thinking about what she was going to say.

  “Was the other night a date?”

  Blake’s jaw dropped. Okay, maybe it hadn’t exactly started date-like, but by the end, he had thought it was clear . . .

  “Yeah, it was a date.”

  “But you said you weren’t ready for anything serious.”

  “I know I did, but I—”

  Her gaze narrowed, and she took a step toward him. “You said you weren’t over your wife’s death and you just wanted to be friends.”

  “But then—”

  “No. No but then. You said those things, and then you ask me for coffee, and I’m trying so hard not to think about the way you smell or your hand on my back, and now you’re telling me that you took me out and I didn’t even know about it?”

  Blake ran his hands through his hair, clearing his throat. “Are you going to let me get a word in?”

  “Possibly, but it better be a good one.”

  Blake waited a moment, just to be sure she wasn’t going to interrupt, and said, “I am still figuring things out, but I do know that I missed you. I like seeing you, and if you’re okay with it, I would like to take things slow and see where we end up.”

  Hannah watched him, her expression pensive, as if she was searching his face for some catch. “What does that mean? ‘Where we end up’?”

  Not yet ready to have that discussion, he held out his hand to her.

  “Mostly, that I would love to dance with you. And after that, we’ll see how the night goes.”

  Hannah took his hand, and he led her out of the storage room, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Best caught his eye as he passed them carrying a tray of drinks, giving him a sly wink. The music was a slow Rascal Flats song, and as soon as they reached the dance floor, he pulled Hannah into his arms. She laid her cheek against his chest, and the two of them swayed to the melody. His fingers played with the curls of her hair and grazed the bare skin of her shoulders while his other arm wound around her waist, holding her close to his body.

  “I imagined this moment a thousand times this week.”

  He smiled, kissing the top of her head. One of the things he liked about Hannah was how open and honest she was. She would blurt out her emotions as if she just couldn’t help herself.

  Jenny hadn’t been like that. She would hold in her anger or irritation with him until it exploded, and they’d get into a big fight. He could tell when Hannah was upset with him; it was all over her face.

  I need to stop comparing everything to the way it was with Jenny.

  Trying to pull himself back into the moment, he kissed the top of her head, breathing in the sweet, floral scent. “How is this measuring up?”

  “Better. Much better.”

  He brushed her hair back and dropped his mouth to the top of her shoulders, pressing sweet kisses up her neck until his lips reached the shell of her ear.

  “I think so, too.”

  As they turned, he saw his friends standing in the corner, watching him. They all held their hands up and clapped like a bunch of idiots, and Blake wanted to walk over and lay all three of them out.

  Hannah, as if sensing his tension, pulled away and looked up at him with those gorgeous amber-flecked eyes.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked.

  Ignoring his friends, he smoothed her hair back and smiled. “Nope. Everything is perfect.”

  “OH GOD, MY feet are killing me,” Hannah groaned as they finally left the dance floor just after midnight. The last three hours had been a whirlwind of dancing, laughter, and joy, as she’d never been far from Blake’s arms. All the anger she’d felt at the beginning of the night had melted after he’d told her he wanted to be with her.

  To see how things go. I still need to know exactly what we are and what slow means. Are we exclusive?

  Determined to just enjoy tonight and worry about the rest tomorrow, she kicked off her shoes with a sigh. “That’s better.”

  “Does that mean you’re ready to go?” he asked.

  She paused, studying him and trying to decipher what he was asking. “Nicki ordered a limo that is supposed to take us all back to where we left our cars.”

  “I can drop you at your car.”

  Hannah’s heart fluttered. “I actually rode with Nicki, so I need a ride back to my apartment.”

  His lips brushed over hers, and she shivered.

  “Even better. I can make sure you get
inside your place safely.”

  Hannah liked the sound of that, especially since there was no way she could dance another second, but she wasn’t ready to say good night to Blake, either.

  “I just have to let Nicki know, and then I’ll be good to go.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait right here.”

  Hannah limped back out to the dance floor, where she found Nicki dirty dancing with another guy.

  “Hey, Blake is going to take me home,” Hannah said.

  “The jerk? I thought we were over him.” Nicki never broke rhythm.

  “No, we are not. Are you going to be okay?”

  Nicki laughed as the guy did something to her neck. “Oh, yeah, I’m good. You go and have fun. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Hannah turned and hobbled back to Blake, the strap of her clutch over her shoulder and her shoes in her hand.

  “Did you check your raffle ticket?” Blake asked.

  “No, I never win anything.”

  “Where is it?”

  She opened her purse and handed it to him. Blake walked over to the winner’s board with her raffle ticket and he whooped. “Check it out, oh ye of little faith. You’re a winner.”

  Hannah couldn’t believe it. She hadn’t even bought any extras.

  “What did I win?”

  “Let’s go see.” He took her free hand and led her over to the table, where a pretty blonde and a red-haired woman sat talking, bags stacked behind them.

  “Hey, Violet, Dani,” Blake said warmly. “We have a winner.”

  The redhead smiled warmly at her, and then her gaze dropped to Blake’s hand clasped with hers, and her eyes widened.

  “Blake, what’s our winner’s name?”


  The redhead turned, checking bag numbers, and when she found what she was looking for, handed it to Blake, since Hannah’s hands were full. “Here you go. The guys at the next table will give you your goody bag. Thank you for coming.”

  “Thank you,” Hannah said.

  Blake led her away from the curious stares of the two women, and they stopped off where Blake’s friends Tyler and Oliver had been assigned.

  “Give her the gift bag so we can get the hell out of here,” Blake said.

  “Hello, again, Hannah. You look beautiful,” Tyler said.

  “Thank you. Can I have my bag please”—she dropped her voice to a playful stage whisper—“before my ride gets too impatient?”

  Oliver laughed. “He can wait.”

  “It’s not too late to screw up that pretty face of yours, Martinez.” Blake’s voice didn’t hold any real bite, and when Hannah gave him a stern look, he was grinning.

  Hannah squeezed his hand. “Be nice.”

  “Yeah, Kline, be nice.” Tyler handed her a pink glittery bag and grinned. “Enjoy, and have a good night.”

  Blake pulled her away before she could say thanks again, and she winced at the pain in her feet.

  “Blake, I can’t walk that fast. I think I have blisters.”

  He stopped and knelt, dropping her prizes next to him. He lifted the hem of her skirt up and examined her feet. Whatever he saw, it wasn’t good, if his curse was any indication.

  Before she could blink, he was on his feet and picked her up in his arms, bags, shoes, and all, and carried her through the lobby of the hotel.

  “Put me down! I just need to walk slower, that’s all.”

  “It’s easier if I carry you. Then you’ll have no pain at all.”

  “Except the pain in your back. I’m too heavy for you to carry.”

  He paused long enough to give her a hard kiss on the lips that would have had her toes curling if they didn’t hurt so bad.

  When he pulled away, he scoffed, “Please, I can curl two of you. Now, shut up, lay your head on my shoulder, and just enjoy the ride.”

  She did as he ordered with a small smile. “If you trip and drop me, I’ll sue.”

  “I’m petrified.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  BLAKE PULLED INTO her apartment complex twenty minutes later and put his car in park. The drive from the Hilton to her place had taken just under twenty minutes, and he could tell by the expression on her face that she was tired.

  He hopped out and went around to her side to open her door. She already had her feet out and on the ground when he growled at her.

  “There might be glass on the ground. Just hang tight.”

  Gathering her up, he carried her up the walkway toward her apartment, waiting patiently for her to unlock it.

  He didn’t ask to come in, just strode over the threshold and sat her on the couch.

  “Where’s your first-aid kit?” he asked.

  “Why?” she asked.

  He gave her a sardonic look. “Because I am going to doctor up those feet before I take off.”

  “You don’t have to do that—”

  “I know, but I want to. So where?”

  She sighed, settling back on the couch. “Under the bathroom sink. Around the corner on the right.”

  Blake made his way down the hallway, taking in the simple, homey feel to her apartment. The furniture was well worn and comfortable looking; maybe something that had been handed down or that she’d picked up at a thrift store. Pictures covered the walls, and three large bookshelves crossed the opposite wall.

  He walked into the bathroom and grabbed the first-aid kit. Her towels were hung over the bar neatly, except for one that had been dropped right outside the shower.

  For some reason, that out-of-place towel made him smile.

  He came back out into the living room and sat down next to her. “Where’s your puppy?”

  “He’s with my parents for the night. I’m still potty training him, and I hate to leave him alone too long.”

  “That’s nice of them to watch him. Are you close?”

  “Very. Nicki says we’re freaks because we get along so well.”

  Blake opened the first-aid kit and pulled out alcohol wipes, Neosporin, and Band-Aids. “That’s a weird thing to say. My parents died when I was twenty, and we were very close.”

  Hannah’s hand covered his as he opened up one of the wipes, and he met her kind eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

  Blake’s heart squeezed as he thought about his tall, dark-haired mom and goofball of a dad. “It’s okay, it’s been almost nine years, but I still miss them.”

  He picked up her right foot and brought it up to his chest. “This is going to sting, but I promise to make it all better.”

  She smiled a little at his teasing, but he watched that smile disappear as he started to clean the three blisters that had busted open on her foot. He blew on each one softly and then applied the ointment and bandages.

  When the right foot was done, he hissed as he saw the big open, bloody blister on the back of her left ankle.

  “Why would you wear such uncomfortable shoes?”

  “Because they were perfect with the dress?”

  He shook his head, and when he finished the other side, he set both her feet on his lap and gave her a level, serious look. “I am going to burn those shoes.”

  “But I just broke them in!” she protested.

  “You women are crazy. You would rather tear up your feet and be in pain than wear comfortable shoes.”

  “It’s just because they’re new. Once I wear them a few times, no more blisters.”


  Silence spread over the room as he realized he was stroking the tops of her feet gently.

  “I should probably get going. It’s pretty late.”

  “Yeah, it is. Do you want some coffee?” she asked.

  “Nah, I’ll never get to sleep if I have some now.”

  “Okay.” She moved her feet off his lap and cleared her throat. “Do you mind, before you go, loosening the back of my dress? I can’t do it on my own.”

  Blake tried to be casual, but his heart was tapping a heavy tempo against his breastbone. “Sure
, turn around.”

  She did as he asked, moving her hair out of the way, and his fingers went to the tie, undoing the ribbon slowly. As he loosened one loop at a time, he couldn’t resist brushing her bare shoulder with his lips.

  Hannah turned, looking up at him, and he kissed her. Her mouth opened under his, welcoming his tongue as he continued working her stays loose. She twisted and wrapped her arm around his neck, and he touched the straps of her dress, pushing them down her arms slowly.

  She pulled away abruptly, grabbing at her straps. “I’m sorry.”

  Blake almost groaned but bit it back. “No, I’m sorry. I’ll go.”

  “You don’t have to—”

  “Yeah, I kind of do. But if it’s okay with you, I’d like to take you out tomorrow night.”

  Hannah’s smile was brighter than the sun. “I would love that.”

  “Good. Can I pick you up about seven?”


  His hand cupped her jawline, his thumb playing across her lips before he gave her a soft peck. “Good night.”

  Standing up, he headed toward the door; he heard Hannah’s soft “good night” just before the door shut.

  He climbed into his car and took a deep, shaky breath, ignoring the hard-on he’d been sporting most of the night.

  Whatever happened from then on out, it was too late to turn back now. Not that he really wanted to, but to start a new life, he needed to believe Jenny would be happy for him.

  Blake turned on his phone before pulling out of the parking lot, and it erupted with notifications, mostly texts from his friends, asking about Hannah, but there was also a voicemail from Charles about the house.

  “Blake, this is Charles. I’ve thought your offer over, and if you can give me cash, no payments, I’ll accept.”

  Blake sat at the edge of Hannah’s parking lot, staring at his phone.

  He’d gotten the house. He was finally going to have a real home in California.

  And he couldn’t wait to tell her.

  HANNAH GOT UP and locked the door behind Blake before shimmying out of the dress. Picking it up and laying it over her arm, she hummed as she danced her way back to her bedroom.


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