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My Broken Heart: The Complete Collection

Page 8

by Dani Hoots

  I smiled. “Thank you, I’m looking forward to this job.” I took a sip of my coffee and almost spat it out. “But not looking forward to crappy coffee.”

  We both laughed and went over what to expect in Brussels. I had never gone on a work trip before, meeting with other company officials from all over the world. There would be presentations on how shares, finances, strategies, and changes were going in each branch, then there would be workshops, meetings, and some training for us to do. It was going to be an intense few days, I knew, but at least it would be well worth it, and I got to spend it with someone I didn’t get to see all that often.

  I knew I shouldn’t have been thinking about him like that when we were going to be spending the next couple of days together, sharing the same room. But I really couldn’t help myself, it wasn’t like these feelings all of a sudden manifested, I had been dealing with them for quite a long while. I would never act on it though, it was just something that I needed to get through and over time the feelings would disappear. At least I hoped.

  The train ride was just short of four hours and we would be arriving there just before lunch. The meeting would begin after lunch and go on until just before dinner time. I hoped that later tonight I would be able to walk around the city, as I had never been to Brussels before. It wasn’t necessarily to sightsee, but I wanted to be able to walk around the city and get a feel for what it was like. That was my favorite part about traveling.

  I wondered what exactly I would be doing while we were in Brussels. I got the outline of it from Christoph, but I still wasn’t completely sure. I wished that Jonathan and Charles were able to come as well, then I would have been able to be more relaxed. But they weren’t and I would have to deal with this new experience on my own.

  We arrived to Brussels with no delay, which I was thankful for. I had heard that there had been many construction delays recently on the line we had taken and I didn’t want the travel time to be any longer.

  Christoph took us to the hotel that we would be staying at and we dropped our luggage off as the room wouldn’t be ready until later that afternoon. Christoph showed me to one of his favorite lunch spots after, a little cafe called Delish. They had many grilled sandwiches and salads to choose from, but I gave in to having the quiche of the day, which was broccoli and cheese. I also ordered some coffee because I had a feeling I would need it and I wanted some coffee that actually tasted good.

  We grabbed our number and sat down at a small table in the corner.

  “So,” Christoph began. “What do you think of this place?”

  I glanced around. “Seems like a pretty good gem. Also really interesting to see the different cultures in Belgium all be represented throughout the city. Crazy how a country can have three official languages and be split up how it is. I’ve actually never been to Belgium yet. It was on my list of places to see. I’ve mostly just gone to East European countries and France.”

  “Well, in my opinion, Brussels isn’t the greatest place to see Belgium for what it’s worth. I much prefer the countryside and the smaller villages that seem to remain untouched since medieval times. The architecture is quite exquisite.”

  I smiled and nodded. “I agree, that is why I like East Europe, the Gothic architecture is extraordinary, I especially like Prague.”

  “Have you been outside Europe?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “No, not yet. I would like to go to Russia and maybe over to Japan.”

  “You should go, Japan is a lot of fun. Especially to the hot springs, there’s nothing like the natural waters over there, and being able to relax in them.”

  I tried not to think about Christoph relaxing in the hot bath, knowing that if I thought about it any longer I would start to blush and I didn’t particularly want him to wonder why I was blushing.

  “Yeah, that is definitely something I want to try.”

  “Sometimes the company will send us there, but it usually is in strange circumstances since we aren’t the central business branch. But it could happen.”

  “Well hopefully we will get that chance, it would be the perfect excuse to go. I’m always looking at the cost and talking myself out of such a trip. Going with others may be a lot more enjoyable as well, usually I do a lot of trips on my own. There’s a lot of freedom in taking a trip on your own, but sometimes companionship is a lot better.”

  The waitress brought us our meal and drinks and went off to help the next customer in line. The quiche looked fantastic.

  “Yeah, you are right. Sometimes companionship is better.” Christoph smiled and took a bite of his sandwich.

  After lunch we headed towards the building where the meetings would take place. The building compared to the one in Frankfurt was large, as it was the company’s headquarters. In Frankfurt, we had about two floors of the building, but here it was the entire top five floors. I knew we had a large company, but I never imagined how large it was.

  I followed Christoph up the elevator, which was packed full of workers after their lunch break. I tried to stay out of the way, feeling as if I was an intruder to the building, that I didn’t really belong and that I was way over my head with thinking that I could handle the position. But I had Christoph with me, so I knew it would be alright. Or I would be fired because my boss would witness first-hand how unprepared I was. Could go either way, really.

  We reached the seventeenth floor, the floor of which was full of meeting rooms. There were people from all over the world. It was strange to think that I worked in the same company as all these people. There were so many, and each represented a branch back where they were from with many more workers. It wasn’t as if I didn’t know that, but seeing it in person was much different.

  Christoph must have noticed my overwhelmed-self and placed his hand on my back. “Don’t worry, you will be fine. I’m here, after all. Any questions you have, you can just ask me.”

  I nodded. “Thanks.”

  That was a complete lie, really, because the moment we got into the hallway, managers and assistant managers got separated. I was to attend workshop meetings and lectures on my new position while Christoph went and talked about the company with the other managers. I was kind of frustrated that he didn’t tell me that would happen, but acted like we would be a team the entire time. It didn’t matter, in the end, but I wished I was a bit more prepared on what would be happening. Everything was happening so fast that I felt like the world was spinning a bit out of control. I would make it through, though, I always did.

  The presentations went by and I took notes. It brought back college classes, except in a lot more informal setting where discussion was key and there, gladly, were no tests or quizzes. There was sort of some homework, as in we had to keep these things in mind when we got to our branch.

  The rest of the afternoon went by and we were finally done with everything. I found Christoph waiting for me in the lobby, talking to other managers from the company. He waved me over when he saw me come out of the elevator.

  “Heinrich, over here,” he said as if I couldn’t see him. “We are a going to a pub just down the road, what says you?”

  I nodded, as if I had a choice. “Yeah, that sounds good to me.”

  We headed down the street and thankfully in the same way as the hotel. The restaurant wasn’t that far off from where we would be staying, which I was glad. I didn’t want to get turned around in the city and not be able to find my way back after the pub. If the rumors were true, I had heard Christoph was quite a drinker, but then again, he never drank out with any of the employees so I didn’t know for a fact.

  I, on the other hand, wasn’t much of a drinker, or a social person whatsoever. The only two people I ever were social with were Charles and Jonathan, and they kind of just drag me to things even though I don’t want to go. And, yeah, I have some fun, but I just was never the one who would go out and be social. It could have something to do with my upbringing, being completely thrown out of my family. I didn’t particularly wa
nt it to happen again. I didn’t want that kind of hatred thrusted upon me again.

  So, therefore, I stayed away from people.

  Probably a stupid idea, in the end, but I liked the feeling of independence, and I had made great friends with Jonathan and Charles. I should tell them the truth, but I wasn’t ready for that. I needed a bit longer.

  We got to the pub and everyone ordered a drink, and I ended up ordering one as well. It was a quaint pub, and a bit themed like a circus. It was quite creepy actually, but I didn’t say anything. Christoph talked to the others about problems in the workplace, the stress they have been facing, and so on. I just sat there, not quite sure what to say, and kept my mouth shut. I would probably just say something stupid anyway, I usually found myself doing that more often than not.

  The night went on and most of the other managers went back to their hotels, leaving just me and Christoph. He laughed as he set down his newly acquired beer.

  “Well you were quiet this evening,” he smiled.

  I shrugged. “Just not that social.”

  “Yeah, I recall Christmas and New Year’s parties, you didn’t seem to be enjoying it as much as others in the office.”

  “I enjoy those parties, I’m just not as outgoing as others about it.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, I suppose not.” He took another swig of his drink. “I never have fun at those parties. As everyone’s boss, I’m not supposed to drink or be relaxed.”

  “Oh, really?”

  He nodded. “But here, I’m the same rank as everyone else. Here I can enjoy myself. I love it.”

  “Yeah, you seem to be enjoying yourself. How many of those have you drank?”

  He shrugged. “Not quite sure. How many have you drunk?”


  Christoph raised an eyebrow. “Wow, you really don’t enjoy yourself, do you?”

  “No, I just—“I began, but it was too late. Christoph stumbled up and went to the bar. After a moment he brought back a beer and set it in front of me.

  “Here. Drink. It’s on me.”

  I just stared at the drink. “What is it?”

  “The same beer you ordered when you got here.”

  “Oh.” I blushed a bit, surprised that he remembered such a thing, especially after so many drinks.

  “Now drink up, you have to lighten up a little.”

  “Are you even going to be able to walk back to the hotel?”

  “Sure I am, but only after you drink the rest of that drink right now.”

  I sighed and tried to down as much as I could right then and there, get this night over with.

  Christoph laughed. “Good! I knew you had it in you. Now finish it off and we can head back.”

  I did as I was told, and felt a little foolish at the same time. The guy I liked was trying to get me to drink more to lighten up, but he had no idea the reason I was being shy was because I didn’t want to appear as a fool in front of him. It was a twisted fate, I could see, and there was nothing I could do about it.

  As I finished my drink, Christoph downed the rest of his. I sighed as I could tell from his reddened face he was getting tired. It was apparent he didn’t get to relax much and on these trips he finally got to settle down a bit. He didn’t have to worry about the people under him, they were back in Frankfurt. As for him, he was finally on his own just having to report what the branch was doing, and we were always doing well.

  “Do you need help up?” I asked as I stood up and he did not.

  He shook his head. “No, I’m fine—“he started to slightly fall. I put my arm around him to help support him. “That isn’t necessary.”

  “Yes it is, let’s get back to the hotel.”

  Christoph laughed. “You aren’t going to take advantage of me are you?”

  My heart felt as if it stopped. “What?”

  More laughing. “I’m just kidding. Learn to take a joke why don’t you?”

  “I’ll try.”

  I helped him across the street to where the hotel was. It was an interesting experience trying to get Christoph to talk the reception into letting us have the keys to our room where our luggage was already waiting. Luckily this hotel was quite big and had a working elevator, I didn’t want to try and take him up any stairs.

  We finally made it to the room and I was able to get Christoph to lay on his bed. As he lay there, mumbling to himself, I decided to get ready for bed. I quickly changed into my pajamas and used the toilet and brushed my teeth. When I came back into the room with the beds, Christoph was still where I left him. I sighed.

  “You probably want to at least change into some pajamas. You don’t want your suit to get wrinkled,” I said.

  He moaned as he sat up and took off his jacket and tie and started to unbutton his shirt.

  “Err, don’t you want to change in the bathroom.”

  “Not particularly. I don’t think I will make it, besides.” He tried to pull his not-all-the-way-unbuttoned shirt over his head. “I can’t quite get this shirt off. It’s stuck in my hair.”

  If I didn’t know better, he made it so his hair would get stuck and would leave me uncomfortable. “Fine. Hold on, let me help you.”

  I fumbled with the shirt, careful not to pull his hair. I got it out in a brief second. When I took the shirt away, he was smiling.

  “What?” I asked.

  He laughed. “You’re cute when you’re annoyed. I should annoy you more.”

  I could feel my face blush. “You should go to bed. You are going to have one large headache in the morning.”

  “I suppose…” He pulled his pants off and just wore his underwear. At least he didn’t ask me to take those off for him.

  “Don’t suppose you will come over and keep me warm throughout the night,” Christoph joked.

  “No, I’m turning the light off now. Do you need anything else?”

  I glanced over at him. He was already fast asleep. I sighed as I turned the light off.

  The next morning Christoph was completely fine. I couldn’t believe it. If I had drank as much as he did I wouldn’t have been able to move in the morning, let alone last night. He just appeared to be his normal self, and I found it oddly charming he could do that.

  I sat on the bed, waiting for him to get out of the shower. I had already taken a shower earlier and was all suited up for the next day of meetings and workshops.

  Christoph stepped out of the bathroom, just in his towel. I quickly turned away even though I really didn’t want to.

  “Uh,” I began. “Forgot your clothes?”

  “Yup. Still a little groggy. Hopefully won’t forget anything else today.”

  I could hear him slip off the towel and change into his clothes as I looked away. “Yeah, that would be bad.”

  He finished changing and as he straightened his tie in the mirror, he turned to me. “Right, well are you ready for another day of fun.”

  “Oh, looking forward to it.”

  Christoph laughed. “Some reason, I don’t quite believe that.”

  The day was a lot like the first day, the assistant managers being stuck in meetings away from the managers. After lunch, according to Christoph, we would have some meetings with both the managers and the assistant managers. I would feel a bit more comfortable once I was with him, not because I needed someone there, but more because I just got this position and everything was so new. I felt better if someone who knew more about our branch was around to help with any questions that might be asked.

  The morning session came to a close and lunch time was now here. A couple of the assistant managers asked if I would join them for lunch. I, of course, said sure, not wanting to seem rude. I quickly told Christoph where I would be going and he didn’t seem to care, which I figured. I just wanted to make sure he didn’t think I would be eating lunch with him and wait for me.

  We went over to a little shop called Cafe Gudule. I ordered a ham sandwich and some coffee to get 7through the rest of the day. I sat down with th
e other three assistant managers who decided to go to this cafe for lunch.

  “So, if I remember correctly,” Thomas, another German, began. “You are from Frankfurt?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, been working there for three years.”

  The other three looked at each other and kind of laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “We just can’t believe someone could work under Christoph for that long,” Thomas said.

  Ellen, an assistant manager from London who spoke pretty good German, added. “Not to mention a womanizer. He’s probably bought drinks for every woman assistant manager he’s ever met.”


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